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Establishment of arbuscular mycorrhizal interactions involves plant recognition of diffusible signals from the fungus, including lipochitooligosaccharides (LCOs) and chitooligosaccharides (COs). Nitrogen-fixing rhizobial bacteria that associate with leguminous plants also signal to their hosts via LCOs, the so-called Nod factors. Here, we have assessed the induction of symbiotic signaling by the arbuscular mycorrhizal (Myc) fungal-produced LCOs and COs in legumes and rice (Oryza sativa). We show that Myc-LCOs and tetra-acetyl chitotetraose (CO4) activate the common symbiosis signaling pathway, with resultant calcium oscillations in root epidermal cells of Medicago truncatula and Lotus japonicus. The nature of the calcium oscillations is similar for LCOs produced by rhizobial bacteria and by mycorrhizal fungi; however, Myc-LCOs activate distinct gene expression. Calcium oscillations were activated in rice atrichoblasts by CO4, but not the Myc-LCOs, whereas a mix of CO4 and Myc-LCOs activated calcium oscillations in rice trichoblasts. In contrast, stimulation of lateral root emergence occurred following treatment with Myc-LCOs, but not CO4, in M. truncatula, whereas both Myc-LCOs and CO4 were active in rice. Our work indicates that legumes and non-legumes differ in their perception of Myc-LCO and CO signals, suggesting that different plant species respond to different components in the mix of signals produced by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.  相似文献   
Benthic Prorocentrum species can produce toxins that adversely affect animals and human health. They are known to co‐occur with other bloom‐forming, potentially toxic, benthic dinoflagellates of the genera Ostreopsis, Coolia, and Gambierdiscus. In this study, we report on the presence of P. elegans M.Faust and P. levis M.A.Faust, Kibler, Vandersea, P.A. Tester & Litaker from the southeastern Bay of Biscay. Sampling was carried out in the Summer‐Autumn 2010–2012 along the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula, but these two species were only found in the northeastern part of the Peninsula. Strains were isolated from macroalgae collected from rocky‐shore areas bordering accessible beaches. Morphological traits of isolated strains were analyzed by LM and SEM, whereas molecular analyses were performed using the LSU and internal transcribed spacer (ITS)1‐5.8S‐ITS2 regions of the rDNA. A bioassay with Artemia fransciscana and liquid chromatography–high‐resolution mass spectrometry analyses were used to check the toxicity of the species, whose results were negative. The strains mostly corresponded to their species original morphological characterization, which is supported by the phylogenetic analyses in the case of P. levis, whereas for P. elegans, this is the first known molecular characterization. This is also the second known report of P. elegans.  相似文献   
Glioblastoma is a highly heterogeneous aggressive primary brain tumor, with the glioma stem‐like cells (GSC) being more sensitive to cytotoxic lymphocyte‐mediated killing than glioma differentiated cells (GDC). However, the mechanism behind this higher sensitivity is unclear. Here, we found that the mitochondrial morphology of GSCs modulates the ER–mitochondria contacts that regulate the surface expression of sialylated glycans and their recognition by cytotoxic T lymphocytes and natural killer cells. GSCs displayed diminished ER–mitochondria contacts compared to GDCs. Forced ER–mitochondria contacts in GSCs increased their cell surface expression of sialylated glycans and reduced their susceptibility to cytotoxic lymphocytes. Therefore, mitochondrial morphology and dynamism dictate the ER–mitochondria contacts in order to regulate the surface expression of certain glycans and thus play a role in GSC recognition and elimination by immune effector cells. Targeting the mitochondrial morphology, dynamism, and contacts with the ER could be an innovative strategy to deplete the cancer stem cell compartment to successfully treat glioblastoma.  相似文献   
Thiosemicarbazones have become one of the promising compounds as new clinical candidates due to their wide spectrum of pharmaceutical activities. The wide range of their biological activities depends generally on their related aldehyde or ketone groups. Here, we report the pharmacological activities of some thiosemicarbazones synthesized in this work. Benzophenone and derivatives were used with N(4)-phenyl-3-thiosemicarbazide to synthesize corresponding five thiosemicarbazones (1–5). Their structures were characterized by spectrometrical methods analysis IR, NMR 1H & 13C and MS. The compounds were then screened in vitro for their antiparasitic activity and toxicity on Trypanosoma brucei brucei and Artemia salina Leach respectively. The selectivity index of each compound was also determined. Four thiosemicarbazones such as 4, 2, 3 and 1 reveal interesting trypanocidal activities with their half inhibitory concentration (IC50) equal to 2.76, 2.83, 3.86 and 8.48 μM respectively, while compound 5 (IC50 = 12.16 μM) showed a moderate anti-trypanosomal activity on parasite. In toxicity test, except compound 1, which showed a half lethal concentration LC50 >281 μM, the others exerted toxic effect on larvae with LC50 of 5.56, 13.62, 14.55 and 42.50 μM respectively for thiosemicarbazones 4, 5, 3 and 2. In agreement to their selectivity index, which is greater than 1 (SI >1), these compounds clearly displayed significant selective pharmaceutical activities on the parasite tested. The thiosemicarbazones 2–5 that displayed significant anti-trypanosomal and cytoxicity activities are suggested to have anti-neoplastic and anti-cancer activities.  相似文献   
Keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) is a member of the heparin-binding fibroblast growth factor family (FGF-7) with a distinctive pattern of target-cell specificity. Studies performed in cell culture suggested that KGF was mitogenically active only on epithelial cells, albeit from a variety of tissues. In contrast, KGF was produced solely by cells of mesenchymal origin, leading to the hypothesis that it might function as a paracrine mediator of mesenchymal-epithelial communication. Biochemical analysis and molecular cloning established that the KGF receptor (KGFR) was a tyrosine kinase isoform encoded by the fgfr-2 gene. Many detailed investigations of KGF and KGFR expression in whole tissue and cell lines largely substantiated the pattern initially perceived in vitro of mesenchymal and epithelial distribution, respectively. Moreover, functional assays in organ culture and in vivo and studies of KGF regulation by sex sterorid hormones reinforced the idea that KGF acts predominantly on epithelial cells to elicit a variety of responses including proliferation, migration and morphogenesis.  相似文献   
The spatial scale of non‐breeding areas used by long‐distance migrant animals can vary from specific, relatively small non‐breeding areas for each independent breeding population (high connectivity) to a distribution over a large non‐breeding area with mixing of breeding populations (low connectivity). Measuring variation in the degree of connectivity and how it arises is crucial to predict how migratory animals can respond to global habitat and climate change because low connectivity is likely to be an adaptation to environmental uncertainty. Here, we assess whether use of non‐breeding areas in a long‐distance migrant may be stochastic by measuring the degree of connectivity, and whether it is annually variable. Twenty‐nine wintering Whinchats tagged with geolocators over 2 years within 40 km2 in central Nigeria were found to be breeding over 2.55 million km2 (26% of the land area of Europe), without an asymptote being approached in the relationship between area and sample size. Ranges differed in size between years by 1.51 million km2 and only 15% of the total breeding range across both years overlapped (8% overlap between years when only first‐year birds were considered), well above the range size difference and below the proportion of overlap that would be predicted from two equivalent groups breeding at random locations within the observed range. Mean distance between breeding locations (i.e. migratory spread) differed significantly between years (604 ± 18 km in 2013 and 869 ± 33 km in 2014). The results showed very low and variable connectivity that was reasonably robust to the errors and assumptions inherent in the use of geolocators, but with the caveat of having only ranges of 2 years to compare, and the sensitivity of range to the breeding locations of a small number of individuals. However, if representative, the results suggest the scope for between‐year variation (cohort effects) to determine migrant distribution on a large scale. Furthermore, for species with similarly low connectivity, we would predict breeding population trends to reflect average conditions across large non‐breeding areas: thus, as large areas of Africa become subject to habitat loss, migrant populations throughout Europe will decline.  相似文献   
A whole-genome scan for obstructive sleep apnea and obesity   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common, chronic, complex disease associated with serious cardiovascular and neuropsychological sequelae and with substantial social and economic costs. Along with male gender, obesity is the most characteristic feature of OSA in adults. To identify susceptibility loci for OSA, we undertook a 9-cM genome scan in 66 white pedigrees (n=349 subjects) ascertained on the basis of either an affected individual with laboratory-confirmed OSA or a proband who was a neighborhood control individual. Multipoint variance-component linkage analysis was performed for the OSA-associated quantitative phenotypes apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) and body mass index (BMI). Candidate regions on chromosomes 1p (LOD score 1.39), 2p (LOD score 1.64), 12p (LOD score 1.43), and 19p (LOD score 1.40) gave the most evidence for linkage to AHI. BMI was also linked to multiple regions, most significantly to markers on chromosomes 2p (LOD score 3.08), 7p (LOD score 2.53), and 12p (LOD score 3.41). Extended modeling indicated that the evidence for linkage to AHI was effectively removed after adjustment for BMI, with the exception of the candidate regions on chromosomes 2p (adjusted LOD score 1.33) and 19p (adjusted LOD score 1.45). After adjustment for AHI, the primary linkages to BMI remained suggestive but were roughly halved. Our results suggest that there are both shared and unshared genetic factors underlying susceptibility to OSA and obesity and that the interrelationship of OSA and obesity in white individuals may be partially explained by a common causal pathway involving one or more genes regulating both AHI and BMI levels.  相似文献   
Hyphae and vesicles of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) were found within the decomposing leaves of Myrica parvifolia, M. pubescens and Paepalanthus sp. at three montane sites in Colombia. Hyphae, vesicles, and arbuscule-like structures were also found within scale-like leaves of the rhizomes of Paepalanthus sp. The litter found in the vicinity of the roots was divided into three decomposition layers. The highest AMF colonization occurred in the most decomposed leaves, which were in close association with roots. In contrast, there were no differences in AMF colonization of roots present in the different decomposition layers. Colonization of decomposing leaves by AMF did not differ between the two closely related species M. parvifolia and M. pubescens, nor between two sites (Guatavita and Zipacón, Colombia) differing in soil fertility. Occurrence of vesicles in decomposing leaves was correlated with abundant AMF extraradical hyphae among the leaves. We propose that AMF enter decomposing leaves mechanically through vascular tissue. As a consequence, AMF are well positioned to obtain and efficiently recycle mineral nutrients released by decomposer microorganisms before their loss by leaching or immobilization in soil.  相似文献   
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