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To explore mechanisms underlying reduced fixation of eyes in autism, children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and typically developing children were tested in five visual search experiments: simple color feature; color-shape conjunction; face in non-face objects; mouth region; and eye region. No group differences were found for reaction time profile shapes in any of the five experiments, suggesting intact basic search mechanics in children with ASD. Contrary to early reports in the literature, but consistent with other more recent findings, we observed no superiority for conjunction search in children with ASD. Importantly, children with ASD did show reduced accuracy for eye region search (p = .005), suggesting that eyes contribute less to high-level face representations in ASD or that there is an eye region-specific disruption to attentional processes engaged by search in ASD.  相似文献   

Biotically-mediated weathering helps to shape Earth’s surface. For example, plants expend carbon (C) to mobilize nutrients in forms whose relative abundances vary with depth. It thus is likely that trees’ nutrient acquisition strategies—their investment in rooting systems and exudates—may function differently following disturbance-induced changes in depth of rooting zones and soil nutrient stocks. These changes may persist across centuries. We test the hypothesis that plant C allocation for nutrient acquisition is depth dependent as a function of rooting system development and relative abundances of organic vs. mineral nutrient stocks. We further posit that patterns of belowground C allocation to nutrient acquisition reveal anthropogenic signatures through many decades of forest regeneration. To test this idea, we examined fine root abundances and rooting system C in organic acid exudates and exo-enzymes in tandem with depth distributions of organically- and mineral-bound P stocks. Our design permitted us to estimate C tradeoffs between organic vs. mineral nutrient benefits in paired forests with many similar aboveground traits but different ages: post-agricultural mixed-pine forests and older reference hardwoods. Fine roots were more abundant throughout the upper 2 m in reference forest soils than in regenerating stands. Rooting systems in all forests exhibited depth-dependent C allocations to nutrient acquisition reflecting relative abundances of organic vs. mineral bound P stocks. Further, organic vs. mineral stocks underwent redistribution with historic land use, producing distinct ecosystem nutritional economies. In reference forests, rooting systems are allocating C to relatively deep fine roots and low-C exudation strategies that can increase mobility of mineral-bound P stocks. Regenerating forests exhibit relatively shallower fine root distributions and more diverse exudation strategies reflecting more variable nutrient stocks. We observed these disparities in rooting systems’ depth and nutritional mechanisms even though the regenerating forests have attained aboveground biomass stocks similar to those in reference hardwood forests. These distinctions offer plausible belowground mechanisms for observations of continued C sink strength in relatively old forests, and have implications for soil C fates and soil development on timescales relevant to human lifetimes. As such, depth-dependent nutrient returns on plant C investments represent a subtle but consequential signal of the Anthropocene.

Molecular Biology Reports - Treatment options for pancreatic cancer (PC) are severely limited due to late diagnosis, early metastasis and the inadequacy of chemotherapy and radiotherapy to combat...  相似文献   
Mutualism between microbes and insects is common and alignment of the reproductive interests of microbial symbionts with this lifestyle typically involves clonal reproduction and vertical transmission by insect partners. Here the Amylostereum fungus–Sirex woodwasp mutualism was used to consider whether their prolonged association and predominance of asexuality have affected the mating system of the fungal partner. Nucleotide information for the pheromone receptor gene rab1, as well as the translation elongation factor 1α gene and ribosomal RNA internal transcribed spacer region were utilized. The identification of rab1 alleles in Amylostereum chailletii and Amylostereum areolatum populations revealed that this gene is more polymorphic than the other two regions, although the diversity of all three regions was lower than what has been observed in free-living Agaricomycetes. Our data suggest that suppressed recombination might be implicated in the diversification of rab1, while no evidence of balancing selection was detected. We also detected positive selection at only two codons, suggesting that purifying selection is important for the evolution of rab1. The symbiotic relationship with their insect partners has therefore influenced the diversity of this gene and influenced the manner in which selection drives and maintains this diversity in A. areolatum and A. chailletii.  相似文献   
Adolescence is a period of life characterised by changes in learning and decision-making. Learning and decision-making do not rely on a unitary system, but instead require the coordination of different cognitive processes that can be mathematically formalised as dissociable computational modules. Here, we aimed to trace the developmental time-course of the computational modules responsible for learning from reward or punishment, and learning from counterfactual feedback. Adolescents and adults carried out a novel reinforcement learning paradigm in which participants learned the association between cues and probabilistic outcomes, where the outcomes differed in valence (reward versus punishment) and feedback was either partial or complete (either the outcome of the chosen option only, or the outcomes of both the chosen and unchosen option, were displayed). Computational strategies changed during development: whereas adolescents’ behaviour was better explained by a basic reinforcement learning algorithm, adults’ behaviour integrated increasingly complex computational features, namely a counterfactual learning module (enabling enhanced performance in the presence of complete feedback) and a value contextualisation module (enabling symmetrical reward and punishment learning). Unlike adults, adolescent performance did not benefit from counterfactual (complete) feedback. In addition, while adults learned symmetrically from both reward and punishment, adolescents learned from reward but were less likely to learn from punishment. This tendency to rely on rewards and not to consider alternative consequences of actions might contribute to our understanding of decision-making in adolescence.  相似文献   
An expansive movement comprised of UN Millennium Development Goals, international banks, and hundreds of programs worldwide promotes access to the arts as a creative means of social change. Often grounded in cognitive science and inspired by the model of youth orchestras in Venezuela known as El Sistema, this movement contends that arts training—which can foster empathy, collaboration, academic achievement, and self-esteem—helps alleviate poverty and combat inequality. In contrast to the majority of the literature on public arts programs—impact studies that often assume arts engagement creates social change through universal mechanisms—this study examines the influence of political economy on the implementation of public arts programs. Through a comparative study of youth orchestras with social inclusion goals in Venezuela (1974–2015) and Chile (1964–2015), the scope and intensity of government control, social welfare policy, and competition for public funds are found to shape public arts programs' social goals, daily operations, definitions of success, and impact study procedures. Therefore, scholars, practitioners, and policy makers must reexamine their understanding of arts programs as a development model. Future global efforts to combat inequality should avoid over-standardization. This article offers a new Arts for Social Change Context Framework that places input variables at the center of analysis, with policy implications.  相似文献   
The occurrence and morphology of the potentially toxic dinoflagellate species Alexandrium minutum found for the first time in Jamaica, were examined and described by light and scanning electron microscopy. Classical morphological examinations of whole cells, the thecal plate pattern of intact cells and more importantly the structure of individual thecal plates of squashed cells, were conducted in an attempt to positively identify the species. Characteristics such as a tear-drop shaped apical pore plate with a comma-shaped apical pore and no anterior attachment pore; a narrow sixth precingular plate; a narrow anterior sulcal plate longer than or approximately as long as it is wide; and a posterior sulcal plate wider than long, confirmed the Jamaican species as A. minutum. This dinoflagellate which produces potent neurotoxins responsible for paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) in humans in many parts of the World, as well as mass mortality of various marine flora and fauna, was identified in water samples collected during an extensive bloom of the species in the brackish to saline water body of Hunts Bay, an estuarine arm of Kingston Harbour, Jamaica in August 1994. The highest cell concentration was 4.6 × 105 cells l−1, a concentration which far exceeds acceptable concentrations (<103 cells l−1) of PSP-toxin producing A. minutum in several countries including: Spain and Denmark. No PSP human symptoms were reported during the bloom; however it was accompanied by a large kill of small pelagic fish extending across a third of the bay. Since then, smaller blooms of A. minutum have occurred with the most recent in February and April 2004. Hunts Bay is an important fishing, shrimping and to some extent oyster/mussel collection area and provides an important source of livelihood and food for many fishermen in nearby fishing communities as well as an important source of food for members of other communities. Although there are no known records of human illness due to PSP in Jamaica, the occurrence and blooming in Jamaican waters of this potentially toxic dinoflagellate, is great cause for concern.  相似文献   
A defining character of adaptive radiations is the evolution of a diversity of morphological forms that are associated with the use of different habitats, following the invasion of vacant niches. Island adaptive radiations have been thoroughly investigated but continental scale radiations are more poorly understood. Here, we use 52 species of Australian agamid lizards and their Asian relatives as a model group, and employ three‐dimensional geometric morphometrics to characterize cranial morphology and investigate whether variation in cranial shape reflects patterns expected from the ecological process of adaptive radiation. Phylogenetic affinity, evolutionary allometry, and ecological life habit all play major roles in the evolution of cranial shape in the sampled lizards. We find a significant association between cranial shapes and life habit. Our results are in line with the expectations of an adaptive radiation, and this is the first time detailed geometric morphometric analyses have been used to understand the selective forces that drove an adaptive radiation at a continental scale.  相似文献   
The spatial extent of animal movement is a key consideration when designing conservation measures, such as marine protected areas. Methods to assess territory size in the marine environment, however, are labour intensive and/or expensive. Here, we explore a novel method to investigate the spatial ecology of territorial fishes by examining their reactions to an artificial light stimulus. During benthic towed video surveys conducted in Lyme Bay, southwest England, several species of wrasse (Labridae) have frequently been observed pursuing a laser projected onto the seabed. While the motivation behind ‘laser‐chasing’ is unclear, we quantified the spatial aspects of this behaviour by comparing chase distance and chase likelihood between and within species, to determine the potential utility of this method for investigating space use and aggression in wild fishes. Cuckoo wrasse (Labrus mixtus) were significantly more likely to display agonistic behaviour towards the laser than Goldsinny wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris). Goldsinny wrasse displayed a positive relationship between total length and chase‐distance, but not Cuckoo wrasse. The observed species differences may relate to behavioural factors affecting the motivation behind ‘laser‐chasing’, which is discussed. Chases by the cuckoo wrasse were significantly longer than those by Goldsinny wrasse, and these chase distances were used to estimate theoretical territory sizes for each species. To our knowledge, this is the first study to explore the spatial aspects of the reactions to an artificial stimulus by wild fishes. The potential to develop the method to directly investigate aspects of territoriality and aggression in wild fishes is discussed, including necessary further refinements and testing. Wild wrasses are increasingly exploited in Europe to provide cleaner fish for salmonid aquaculture, and we encourage the development of methods to inform spatial conservation measures for these ubiquitous and iconic species.  相似文献   
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