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The acquisition of inorganic carbon by four red macroalgae   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Photosynthesis was studied in four species of red marine macroalgae: Palmaria palmata, Laurencia pinnatifida, Lomentaria articulata and Delesseria sanguinea. The rate of O2 evolution for submersed photosynthesis was measured as a function of incident photon flux density at normal pH and inorganic carbon concentration (pH 8.0, 2 mol m–3), and as a function of inorganic carbon concentration at pH 8.0 at saturating and at limiting photon flux density. The rate of CO2 uptake was measured for emersed photosynthesis as a function of CO2 partial pressure at saturating photon flux density. Previous pH-drift results suggest that Palmaria and Laurencia are able to use HCO inf3 sup– as well as CO2 whereas Lomentaria and Delesseria are restricted to CO2. None of the algae are saturated by 2 mol m–3 inorganic carbon at high light (400 mol m–2 s–1) but are saturated at low light (35 mol m–2 s–1). The inorganic C concentration at which half the light-saturated rate of O2 evolution is achieved is higher for Palmaria and Laurencia (1.51 and 1.85 mol m–3) than for Lomentaria and Delesseria (0.772 and 0.841 mol m–3). The lower values for the latter two species could reflect their putative restriction to CO2. If expressed in terms of CO2, the half-saturation values yield 7.2 and 7.8 mmol m–3 respectively, which are very similar to values obtained previously during pH-drift experiments but at lower concentrations of HCO inf3 sup– , consistent with restriction to CO2. The photosynthetic conductance (m s–1), calculated from the initial slope for photosynthesis at low concentrations of inorganic carbon, correlates with the suggested ability to extract inorganic carbon based on pH-drift results. Calculations made assuming that CO2 is the only species diffusing across the boundary layer are consistent with boundary layer thicknesses of 20 and 19 m for Lomentaria and Delesseria respectively, which is feasible given the rapid water movement in the experiments. For Laurencia however, an unreasonably small boundary layer thickness of 6 m is necessary to explain the flux, which indicates co-diffusion by HCO inf3 sup– . In the apparent absence of external carbonic anhydrase, direct uptake of HCO inf3 sup– , rather than external conversion to CO2 is indicated in this species. In air, the CO2 concentration at which photosynthesis is half-maximal increases in the same order as the ability to raise pH in drift experiments. At 21 kPa the CO2 compensation partial pressures for Palmaria and Laurencia at 0.56 and 1.3 Pa are low enough to suggest a carbon-concentrating mechanism is operating, while those of Lomentaria at 1.8 Pa and particularly that of Delesseria at 4.5 Pa could be explained without a carbon-concentrating mechanism. The algae tested (all except Delesseria) showed more O2 evolution than could be accounted for with a photosynthetic quotient of 1.0 and uncatalysed conversion of HCO inf3 sup– to CO2 outside the cell in high light at pH 8.0 when high algal fresh weight per unit medium was used. These results are concordant with other data suggesting use of HCO inf3 sup– by Palmaria and Laurencia, but discordant with the rest of the available information in indicating use of HCO inf3 sup– by Lomentaria. The reason for this is unclear. The lightsaturated rate of O2 evolution on an algal area basis and the photon flux density needed to saturate photosynthesis were related partly to the habitat from which the seaweeds were collected, but more strongly to the ability to use HCO inf3 sup– . Values for the two users of HCO inf3 sup– , Palmaria (population used was intertidal; also occurs subtidally) and Laurencia (intertidal/shaded intertidal), were greater than for Lomentaria (shaded intertidal), which was greater than Delesseria (subtidal), both of which are believed to be restricted to CO2. In accordance with earlier 13C data and, for Delesseria, estimates of the achieved growth rates in situ, carbon is likely to be saturating and use of HCO inf3 sup– is unlikely to occur in the normal low-light habitats of Lomentaria and Delesseria. Analysis of N-use efficiencies show that they are closer to the low-CO2-affinity Laminariales than the high-CO2-affinity Fucaceae.  相似文献   
Discrimination between12C and13C by marine plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The natural abundance13C/12C ratios (as δ13C) of organic matter of marine macroalgae from Fife and Angus (East Scotland) were measured for comparison with the species' ability to use CO2 and HCO 3 - for photosynthesis, as deduced from previously published pH-drift measurements. There was a clear difference in δ13C values for species able or unable to use HCO 3 - . Six species of Chlorophyta, 12 species of Phaeophyta and 8 species of Rhodophyta that the pH-drift data suggested could use HCO 3 - had δ13C values in the range -8.81‰ to -22.55‰. A further 6 species of Rhodophyta which the pH-drift data suggested could only use CO2 had δ13C values in the range -29.90‰ to-34.51‰. One of these six species (Lomentaria articulata) is intertidal; the other five are subtidal and so have no access to atmospheric CO2 to complicate the analysis. For these species, calculations based on the measured δ13C of the algae, the δ13C of CO2 in seawater, and the known13C/12C discrimination of CO2 diffusion and RUBISCO carboxylation suggest that only 15–21% of the limitation to photosynthesisin situ results from CO2 diffusion from the bulk medium to the plastids; the remaining 79–85% is associated with carboxylation reactions (and, via feedback effects, down-stream processes). This analysis has been extended for one of these five species,Delesseria sanguinea, by incorporating data onin situ specific growth rates, respiratory rates measured in the laboratory, and applying Fick's law of diffusion to calculate a boundary layer thickness of 17–24 μm. This value is reasonable for aDelesseria sanguinea frondin situ. For HCO 3 - -using marine macroalgae the range of δ13C values measured can be accommodated by a CO2 efflux from algal cells which range from 0.306 of the gross HCO 3 - influx forEnteromorpha intestinalis13C=-8.81‰) in a rockpool to 0.787 forChondrus crispus13C=-22.55‰). The relatively high computed CO2 efflux for those HCO 3 - -users with the more negative δ13C values implies a relatively high photon cost of C assimilation; the observed photon costs can be accommodated by assuming coupled, energy-independent inorganic carbon influx and efflux. The observed δ13C values are also interpreted in terms of water movement regimes and obtaining CO2 from the atmosphere. Published δ13C values for freshwater macrophytes were compared with the ability of the species to use CO2 and HCO 3 - and again there was an apparent separation in δ13C values for these two groups. δ13C values obtained for marine macroalgae for which no pH-drift data are available permit predictions, as yet untested, as to whether they use predominantly CO2 or HCO 3 -  相似文献   
The effect of X rays on brain weight of guinea pig pups at birth was studied in 21-day-old embryos exposed in utero to doses of 75 and 100 mGy. When compared to controls and when corrected for body weight, gestation time, litter size, sex, and examiner differences, the brains of irradiated pups weighed approximately 46 mg less than those of controls (P < 0.001) for the 75-mGy group and about 55 mg less for the 100-mGy group. Brains of females weighed 51 mg less than those of males of the same body weight. Dam weight and caging conditions had no observed effect on brain weight.  相似文献   
The function of rac, a ras-related GTP-binding protein, was investigated in fibroblasts by microinjection. In confluent serum-starved Swiss 3T3 cells, rac1 rapidly stimulated actin filament accumulation at the plasma membrane, forming membrane ruffles. Several growth factors and activated H-ras also induced membrane ruffling, and this response was prevented by a dominant inhibitory mutant rac protein, N17rac1. This suggests that endogenous rac proteins are required for growth factor-induced membrane ruffling. In addition to membrane ruffling, a later response to both rac1 microinjection and some growth factors was the formation of actin stress fibers, a process requiring endogenous rho proteins. Using N17rac1 we have shown that these growth factors act through rac to stimulate this rho-dependent response. We propose that rac and rho are essential components of signal transduction pathways linking growth factors to the organization of polymerized actin.  相似文献   
Porcine pancreatic lipase immobilized on celite particles has been employed as a catalyst for the esterification of dodecanol and decanoic acid in a predominantly organic system. Solvent influence on the equilibrium position and on the catalyst activity has been studied using 20 solvents, including aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, ethers, ketones, nitro- and halogenated hydrocarbons, and esters. The equilibrium constant for esterification correlates well with the solubility of water in the organic solvent, which in turn shows a good relationship with a function of Guttman's donor number and the electron pair acceptance index number of the solvent. This may be rationalized in terms of the requirements for solvation of water and of the reactants. The catalyst activity, measured as the initial rate of the esterification reaction, is best correlated as a function of both n-octanol-water partition coefficient (log P) and either the electron pair acceptance index or the polarizability.  相似文献   
1. The distribution of several neuropeptides (vasoactive intestinal peptide, substance P, somatostatin and neurotensin) was assessed in ocular tissues from the cow, sheep, rabbit and rat. 2. Vasoactive intestinal peptide was most abundant in the choroid and sclera in all species except the rat. Substance P was most abundant in the retina of cow and rat and in the iris/ciliary body of sheep and rabbit. Somatostatin and neurotensin were most abundant in the retina of all species examined. 3. Regulatory peptides thus display distinct regional distributions within the ocular tissues of a single species of mammal and, in addition, exhibit interspecific variation.  相似文献   
Nasal and temporal retinal neurites were confronted in culture with glial cells from the rostral and caudal parts of the optic tectum and with glial cells from the diencephalon. Twenty of each of the six classes of encounter between individual growth cones and isolated glial cells were analysed by time-lapse videorecording. The results show that growth cones from the temporal retina collapse when they contact glial cells from the caudal tectum, but do not collapse when they contact glia from other areas. Growth cones of nasal retinal fibres do not collapse on contact with any of the glial types examined. This suggests that the inhibitory phenomena described by others are in part due to the cell surface characteristics of glial cells, and that there are differences between glia from the front and back of the optic tectum.  相似文献   
Extracellular polygalacturonase (PG) and two pectate lyase isoenzymes (PLI and PLII) produced by a 48 h culture of Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica in pectate-based medium were purified 2027, 2036 and 2374-fold respectively to homogeneity with corresponding 59%, 61% and 32% recovery. This was achieved first by ion exchange chromatography on a S-Sepharose fast flow column with 20 mmol/1 Tris at pH 8.0 followed by elution of bound proteins with a 1 mol/1 NaCl gradient which separated PG from PL. The two enzymes were then further purified to homogeneity (assessed by SDS-PAGE) by selective adsorption chromatography on a hydroxyapatite column equilibrated with distilled water; PG was eluted with a 3 mol/1 KCl gradient and PLI with a 3 mol/1 KCl gradient followed by a 1.2 mol/1 PO4 buffer pH 6.5 gradient to elute PLII. The Mr of the three enzymes determined by SDS-PAGE was 39 kDa and the pI values for PG, PLI and PII were 10.3, 10.3 and 10.0 respectively as determined by isoelectric focusing (IEF)-gel electrophoresis followed by activity staining.  相似文献   
The effect on subsequent larval survival of infesting sheep repeatedly with larvae of Lucilia cuprina was assayed in vivo and in vitro. One in vivo assay technique, in which implanted larvae were grown to third instar, indicated a significant reduction in larval survival; another in vivo technique, in which larvae were allowed to develop to second instar in small aluminium rings attached to the sheep, indicated no reduction in larval growth or survival. Larvae of Lucilia cuprina grown in vitro on media containing sera from previously infested sheep were significantly retarded in growth after 20 h compared with controls; no difference was detected when larvae were allowed to develop to pupation on two changes of the same media. No significant differences in survival of larvae either to 20 h or to pupation were obtained between the two treatments. ELISA antibody levels against crude soluble larval material were significantly higher for sera from infested sheep than for control sera, and the regression of antibody level on mean larval weight obtained after 20 h growth in vitro was significant. The immunoglobulin fraction isolated from sera of infested sheep significantly retarded larval growth when incorporated with normal serum in growth media. These results are consistent with an effect of specific anti-larval antibody produced by sheep in response to infestation.  相似文献   
Adult rat cardiac endothelin-1 (ET-1) receptors were solubilized with 0.5% digitonin and then characterized. The receptors retained binding activity after solubilization. Binding was saturable (KD of 0.065 +/- 0.004 nM, Bmax of 94.6 +/- 4.5 fmol/mg protein; Hill coefficient of 0.987 +/- 0.017 n = 6) and pH dependent, with the binding increasing as the pH was decreased from 10 to 4, but decreasing dramatically as pH dropped to 2. Specifically bound [125I]-ET-1 was not dissociated by 2 x 10(-7) M unlabelled ET-1, but was dissociated by pH 10 and 2. Returning the pH to 7.4 restored the binding activity of the receptors. Unlabelled ET-1 (10(-12) - 10(-7) M) and sarafotoxin S6b(10(-12) - 10(-7) M) competed with [125I]-ET-1 for binding to the receptors.  相似文献   
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