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The raphe nuclei [which contain serotonin (5-HT) cell bodies] are also known to contain axons that store substance P, met-enkephalin, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). We have previously shown that GABA has a tonic inhibitory action on 5-HT turnover. To examine other possible interactions of these neuronal systems, we assessed the effect on 5-HT turnover of injecting substance P and 2-D-ala-met-enkephalin into the median raphe nucleus, and the effects of substance P on GABA turnover. Serotonin turnover was increased by 30% in the hippocampus after the injection of substance P (4 micrograms) into the median raphe, indicating an excitatory effect of substance P on the raphe-hippocampal system. Local injection of the metabolically stable metenkephalin analog 2-D-ala-met-enkephalin amide (10 micrograms) increased the hippocampal steady state content of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) by 60%. The data suggest an excitatory effect of met-enkephalin within the raphe nucleus. We attempted to estimate GABA turnover from the rate of disappearance of GABA after inhibition of glutamic acid decarboxylase by isoniazid and by the rate of accumulation of GABA after inhibition of GABA transaminase by gabaculine. Isoniazid, which is a competitive inhibitor, had too short and incomplete an action to be of use when injected intranuclearly. Gabaculine, which is an irreversible inhibitor, induced a rapid-onset increase in GABA content. This accumulation was linear up to 90 min. The injection fo gabaculine (80 ng) into the raphe increased GABA content by five times the control values, but hippocampal 5-HT and 5-HIAA contents were not significantly changed. Substance P injection increased the GABA turnover by 30%. Gabaculine seems a promising tool for detecting changes in GABA turnover.  相似文献   
Summary Two new forms of the plasma membrane ATP-ase ofMicrococcus lysodeikticus NCTC 2665 were isolated from a sub-strain of the microorganism by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. One of them had a mol.wt of 368,000 and a very low specific activity (0.80 µ mol.min–1.mg protein–1) that could not be stimulated by trypsin. This form has been called BI (strain B, inactive). If the electrophoresis was carried out in the presence of reducing agents (i.e., dithiothreitol) and the pH of the effluent maintained at a value of 8.5 another form of the enzyme was obtained. This had a mol.wt of 385,000 and a specific activity of 2.5–5.0 µ mol.min–1.mg protein–1 that could be stimulated by trypsin to 5–10 µ mol.min–1.mg protein–1. This preparation of the ATPase has been called form BA (strain B, enzyme active). The subunit composition of both forms has been studied by sodium dodecyl sulphate and urea gel electrophoresis and compared to that of the enzyme previously purified from the original strain (form A). The three forms of the enzyme had similar and subunits, with mol.wt of about 50,000 and 30,000 dalton, respectively. They also had in common the component(s) of relative mobility 1.0, whose status as true subunit(s) of the enzyme remains yet to be established. However, subunit, that had a mol.wt of about a 52,500 in form A (Andreu et al. Eur. J. Biochem. (1973) 37, 505–515), had a mol.wt similar to in form BI and about 60,000 in form BA. Furthermore BA usually showed two types of this subunit ( and) and an additional peptide chain () with a mol.wt of about 25,000 dalton. This latter subunit seemed to account for the stimulation by trypsin of form BA.Forms BA could be converted to BI by storage and freezing and thawing. Conventional protease activity could not be detected in any of the purified ATPase forms and addition of protease inhibitors to form BA failed to prevent its conversion to form BI. The low activity form (BI) was more stable than the active forms of the enzyme and also differed in its circular dichroism. These results show thatM. lysodeikticus ATPase can be isolated in several forms. Although these variations may be artifacts caused by the purification procedures, they provide model systems for understanding the structural and functional relationships of the enzyme and for drawing some speculations about its functionin vivo.  相似文献   
Summary The water diffusional permeability, its activation energy and the lipid composition were studied in urinary bladders from toads adapted to different temperatures. It was observed that the unidirectional water flux greatly depends on the temperature at which the experiments are performed. This dependence is greater in the animals adapted to higher temperatures. Toads adapted to cold show strong reduction in the activation energy for water diffusion permeability (from 11.4±1.9 kcal·mol–1 to 4.4±1.1 kcal·mol–1) and an increase of 30% in the amount of total lipids from bladder epithelial cells. There were no significant changes in the phospholipid/cholesterol ratio, composition of the paraffinic chains or protein concentration between toads adapted to both temperatures. The possibility that water translocates through the mucosal border of the toad bladder by partitioning in the polar zone and diffusioning between the hydrocarbon chains of the membrane lipids and that cold adaptation would induce a stronger packing of lipids in the membrane is discussed.  相似文献   
A preparation of ATPase from the membranes of Micrococcus lysodeikticus, solubilized and more than 95 %. pure, showed two main bands in analytical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. They did not correspond to isoenzymes because one band could be converted into the other by exposure to a mildly alkaline pH value. The conversion was paralleled by changes in molecular weight, circular dichroism and catalytic properties. Denaturation by pH at 25 °C was followed by means of circular dichroism, ultracentrifugation and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A large conformational transition took place in the acid range with midpoints at about pH = 3.6 (I = 10?4 M), 4.3 (I = 0.03 M) and 5.3 (I = 0.1 M). The transition was irreversible. Strong aggregation of the protein occurred in this range of pH. The final product was largely random coil, but even at pH 1.5 dissociation into individual subunits was not complete. However, partial dissociation took place at pH 5 (I = 0.028 M). At this pH value the enzyme was inactive, but 20–30 % of the activity could be recovered when the pH was returned to 7.5.In the alkaline region the midpoint of the transition occurred near pH = 11 (I = 0.028 M). The pK of most of the tyrosine residues of the protein was about 10.9. The unfolding was irreversible and the protein was soon converted into peptide species with molecular weights lower than those determined for the subunits by gel clectrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate. Conventional proteolysis did not account for the transformation.  相似文献   
Basal and trypsin-stimulated adenosine triphosphatase activities of Escherichia coli K 12 have been characterized at pH 7.5 in the membrane-bound state and in a soluble form of the enzyme. The saturation curve for Mg2+/ATP = 1/2 was hyperbolic with the membrane-bound enzyme and sigmoidal with the soluble enzyme. Trypsin did not modify the shape of the curves. The kinetic parameters were for the membrane-bound ATPase: apparent Km = 2.5 mM, Vmax (minus trypsin) = 1.6 mumol-min-1-mg protein-1, Vmax (plus trypsin) = 2.44 mumol-min-1-mg protein-1; for the soluble ATPase: [S0.5] = 1.2 mM, Vmax (-trypsin) = 4 mumol-min-1-mg protein-1; Vmax (+ trypsin) = 6.6 mumol-min-1-mg protein-1. Hill plot analysis showed a single slope for the membrane-bound ATPase (n = 0.92) but two slopes were obtained for the soluble enzyme (n = 0.98 and 1.87). It may suggest the existence of an initial positive cooperativity at low substrate concentrations followed by a lack of cooperativity at high ATP concentrations. Excess of free ATP and Mg2+ inhibited the ATPase but excess of Mg/ATP (1/2) did not. Saturation for ATP at constant Mg2+ concentration (4 mM) showed two sites (groups) with different Kms: at low ATP the values were 0.38 and 1.4 mM for the membrane-bound and soluble enzyme; at high ATP concentrations they were 17 and 20 mM, respectively. Mg2+ saturation at constant ATP (8 mM) revealed michealian kinetics for the membrane-bound ATPase and sigmoid one for the protein in soluble state. When the ATPase was assayed in presence of trypsin we obtained higher Km values for Mg2+. These results might suggest that trypsin stimulates E. coli ATPase by acting on some site(s) involved in Mg2+ binding. Adenosine diphosphate and inorganic phosphate (Pi) act as competitive inhibitors of Escherichia coli ATPase. The Ki values for Pi were 1.6 +/- 0.1 mM for the membrane-bound ATPase and 1.3 +/- 0.1 mM for the enzyme in soluble form, the Ki values for ADP being 1.7 mM and 0.75 mM for the membrane-bound and soluble ATPase, respectively. Hill plots of the activity of the soluble enzyme in presence of ADP showed that ADP decreased the interaction coefficient at ATP concentrations below its Km value. Trypsin did not modify the mechanism of inhibition or the inhibition constants. Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (0.4 mM) inhibited the membrane-bound enzyme by 60-70% but concentrations 100 times higher did not affect the residual activity nor the soluble ATPase. This inhibition was independent of trypsin. Sodium azide (20 muM) inhibited both states of E. coli ATPase by 50%. Concentrations 25-fold higher were required for complete inhibition. Ouabain, atebrin and oligomycin did not affect the bacterial ATPase.  相似文献   
Feather mites are arthropods that live on or in the feathers of birds, and are among the commonest avian ectosymbionts. However, the nature of the ecological interaction between feather mites and birds remains unclear, some studies reporting negative effects of feather mites on their hosts and others reporting positive or no effects. Here we use a large dataset comprising 20 189 measurements taken from 83 species of birds collected during 22 yr in 151 localities from seven countries in Europe and North Africa to explore the correlation between feather mite abundance and body condition of their hosts. We predicted that, if wing‐dwelling feather mites are parasites, a negative correlation with host body condition should be found, while a mutualistic interaction should yield positive correlation. Although negative relationships between feather mite abundance and host body condition were found in a few species of birds, the sign of the correlation was positive in most bird species (69%). The overall effect size was only slightly positive (r =0.066). The effect of feather mite abundance explained <10% of variance in body condition in most species (87%). Results suggest that feather mites are not parasites of birds, but rather that they hold a commensalistic relationship where feather mites may benefit from feeding on uropygial gland secretions of their hosts and birds do not seem to obtain a great benefit from the presence of feather mites.  相似文献   
Methylphenidate is commonly used for the treatment of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. There are still few works regarding the effects of methylphenidate on brain energy metabolism. Thus, in the present study we evaluated the effect of chronic administration of methylphenidate on the activities of mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes I and III in the brain of young rats. The effect of acute administration of methylphenidate on mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes I, II, III and IV in the brain of young rats was also investigated. For acute administration, a single injection of methylphenidate was given to rats on postnatal day 25. For chronic administration, methylphenidate injections were given starting at postnatal day 25 once daily for 28 days. Our results showed that complexes I and III were not affected by chronic administration of methylphenidate. Moreover, the acute administration of methylphenidate decreased complex I activity in cerebellum and prefrontal cortex, whereas complexes II, III and IV were not altered.  相似文献   
The morphology and development of the larval oral apparatus of Rana dalmatina, Bombina variegata, Bufo bufo, and Bufo viridis are described and compared using scanning electron microscopy. The species show different arrangements of the mouthparts. The small oral apparatus of R. dalmatina larvae has three labial tooth rows on the upper labium, while there are four tooth rows on the lower labium with a medial gap in row proximal to the mouth. The margins of the oral apparatus are defined by papillae that encircle the lower labium. B. variegata tadpoles have two upper labial tooth rows and three lower labial tooth rows that are uninterrupted, unlike the ones of R. dalmatina. The mouth is encircled by papillae that are larger than those of R. dalmatina. The oral discs of tadpoles of both B. bufo and B. viridis are similar. They are defined by two upper labial tooth rows (the second of which is interrupted by a medial gap) and by three lower tooth rows that differ in lengths in the two Bufo species. Both species develop papillae on the mouth angles and in two rows on the upper labium. Some morphological differences among the oral discs of R. dalmatina, B. variegata, B. bufo, and B. viridis tadpoles can be attributed to phylogenetic differences, but most can be related to their varying feeding habits and/or to their dietary specializations.  相似文献   
Drylands encompass over 40% of terrestrial ecosystems and face significant anthropogenic degradation causing a loss of ecosystem integrity, services, and deterioration of social‐ecological systems. To combat this degradation, some dryland restoration efforts have focused on the use of biological soil crusts (biocrusts): complex communities of cyanobacteria, algae, lichens, bryophytes, and other organisms living in association with the top millimeters of soil. Biocrusts are common in many ecosystems and especially drylands. They perform a suite of ecosystem functions: stabilizing soil surfaces to prevent erosion, contributing carbon through photosynthesis, fixing nitrogen, and mediating the hydrological cycle in drylands. Biocrusts have emerged as a potential tool in restoration; developing methods to implement effective biocrust restoration has the potential to return many ecosystem functions and services. Although culture‐based approaches have allowed researchers to learn about the biology, physiology, and cultivation of biocrusts, transferring this knowledge to field implementation has been more challenging. A large amount of research has amassed to improve our understanding of biocrust restoration, leaving us at an opportune time to learn from one another and to join approaches for maximum efficacy. The articles in this special issue improve the state of our current knowledge in biocrust restoration, highlighting efforts to effectively restore biocrusts through a variety of different ecosystems, across scales and utilizing a variety of lab and field methods. This collective work provides a useful resource for the scientific community as well as land managers.  相似文献   
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