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Viroids are noncoding circular single-stranded RNAs that are propagated systemically in plants. VirP1 is a protein from tomato, which is an excellent host for potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd), and it has been isolated by virtue of its specific in vitro binding to PSTVd RNA. We report on the specific in vivo interaction of VirP1 with full-length viroid RNA as well as with subfragments in the three-hybrid system. The terminal right domain (TR) of PSTVd was identified as a strong interacting partner for VirP1. A weaker partner is provided by a right-hand subfragment of hop stunt viroid (HSVd), a viroid that infects tomato poorly. We present a sequence and structural motif of the VirP1-interacting subfragments. The motif is disturbed in the replicative but nonspreading R+ mutant of the TR. According to our in vivo and in vitro binding assays, the interaction of this mutant with VirP1 is compromised. We propose that the AGG/CCUUC motif bolsters recognition of the TR by VirP1 to achieve access of the viroid to pathways that propagate endogenous RNA systemic signals in plants. Systemic trafficking has been suggested for miRNA precursors, of which the TR, as a stable bulged hairpin 71 nt long, is quite reminiscent.  相似文献   
Cardiac hypertrophy is an adaptive response to a variety of mechanical and hormonal stimuli, and represents an early event in the clinical course leading to heart failure. By gene inactivation, we demonstrate here a crucial role of melusin, a muscle-specific protein that interacts with the integrin beta1 cytoplasmic domain, in the hypertrophic response to mechanical overload. Melusin-null mice showed normal cardiac structure and function in physiological conditions, but when subjected to pressure overload--a condition that induces a hypertrophic response in wild-type controls--they developed an abnormal cardiac remodeling that evolved into dilated cardiomyopathy and contractile dysfunction. In contrast, the hypertrophic response was identical in wild-type and melusin-null mice after chronic administration of angiotensin II or phenylephrine at doses that do not increase blood pressure--that is, in the absence of cardiac biomechanical stress. Analysis of intracellular signaling events induced by pressure overload indicated that phosphorylation of glycogen synthase kinase-3beta (GSK-3beta) was specifically blunted in melusin-null hearts. Thus, melusin prevents cardiac dilation during chronic pressure overload by specifically sensing mechanical stress.  相似文献   
Recent studies combining psychophysical and neurophysiological experiments in behaving monkeys have provided new insights into how several cortical areas integrate efforts to solve a vibrotactile discrimination task. In particular, these studies have addressed how neural codes are related to perception, working memory and decision making in this model. The primary somatosensory cortex drives higher cortical areas where past and current sensory information are combined, such that a comparison of the two evolves into a behavioural decision. These and other observations in visual tasks indicate that decisions emerge from highly-distributed processes in which the details of a scheduled motor plan are gradually specified by sensory information.  相似文献   
Transposition of the pyridyl nitrogen from the P(3) substituent to the P(1)' substituent in HIV-1 protease inhibitors (PI) affords compounds such as 3 with an improved inhibitory profile against multiple P450 isoforms. These compounds also displayed increased potency, with 3 inhibiting viral spread (CIC(95)) at <8 nM for every strain of PI-resistant HIV-1 tested. The poor to modest bioavailability of these compounds may correlate in part to their aqueous solubility.  相似文献   
Summary Laying data and clutch size of Great Tits were studied in four different habitats in eastern Spain: two holm oak(Quercus ilex) forests, at 500 and 900–950 m a.s.l., a zeen oak(Quercus faginea) forest, at 900–1100 m a.s.l., a pine(Pinus sylvestris) forest, at 1000–1050 m a.s.l., and orange(Citrus aurantium) plantations, at 30 m a.s.l. All sites were placed at about the same latitude (39–41°N), and all were studied during the same years (1992–95). Our results show that (1) laying date did not differ between the natural habitats at the same altitude (range of the means of yearly means 4–8 May); (2) within the same habitat type (holm oak forest) laying date was earlier at low altitude (30 Aprilvs. 8 May); (3) laying date was earlier in the orange plantations (21 April) than in natural habitats; (4) among natural habitats at the same altitude, clutch size decreased from zeen oak (mean of yearly means 7.3 eggs) to holm oak (7.0 eggs) to pine forests (6.4 eggs), though only the difference between zeen oak and pine forests was significant; (5) within the same habitat type (holm oak forest), the clutch size tended to be larger at high altitude (7.0vs. 5.9 eggs); and (6) clutch size in orange plantations (7.7 eggs) did not differ significantly from that of the zeen oak forest, but was larger than in the holm oak and pine forests. We discuss the effect of the habitat type on laying date and clutch size of Great Tits.
Legedatum und Gelegegröße der Kohlmeise(Parus major) in mediterranen Gebieten: Ein Vergleich zwischen vier verschiedenen Biotopen
Zusammenfassung Legedatum und Gelegegröße der Kohlmeise wurden in vier unterschiedlichen Biotopen in Ostspanien untersucht: zwei Steineichenwälder(Quercus ilex) in 500 m und 900–950 mNN, ein Bergeichenwald(Quercus faginea) in 900–1100 mNN, ein Kiefernwald(Pinus sylvestris) in 1000–1050 mNN und eine Orangenpflanzung(Citrus aurantium) in 30 mNN. Alle fünf Gebiete lagen auf etwa demselben Breitengrad (39–41°N) und wurden 1992–1995 parallel untersucht.(1) Auf gleicher Meereshöhe unterscheidet sich der Legebeginn nicht zwischen den verschiedenen Waldbiotopen (im Mittel 4.–8. Mai). (2) Innerhalb desselben Biotoptyps (Steineichenwald) war der Legebeginn auf niedrigerer Meereshöhe früher als in höheren Lagen (30. April vs. 8. Mai). (3) Im Orangenhain wurde früher mit der Eiablage begonnen (21. April) als in den Waldbiotopen. (4) Auf gleicher Meereshöhe nahm die Gelegegröße vom Bergeichenwald (Mittelwert 7.3 Eier) über die Steineichenwälder (7,0 Eier) zum Kiefernwald hin ab (6.4 Eier), jedoch ist nur der Unterschied zwischen Bergeichenwald und Kiefernwald signifikant. (5) Innerhalb der Steineichenwälder besteht die Tendenz zu größerer Gelegegröße in den höheren Lagen (7.0 vs. 5.9 Eier). (6) Im Orangenhain war die Gelegegröße mit durchschnittlich 7.7 Eier ähnlich der im Bergeichenwald, aber größer als in den Steineichen- und Kiefernwälder.
Localisation of immunoglobulin heavy chain (IgH) producing cells was determined in sections from head kidney, spleen, thymus, gills, gut, skin, heart and liver from the Atlantic cod. In general, IgH mRNA positive cells were detected in all organs examined and were mainly located to the connective tissue surrounding the vascular system in these organs. In the head kidney and spleen, IgH mRNA positive cells appeared as single distributed cells or as dense clusters, whereas in the thymus only single distributed positive cells were observed. The percentage of Ig heavy chain mRNA positive (plasma) cells in the head kidney, spleen and thymus was estimated at about 1% of the total cell mass. The number of IgH mRNA positive cells was lower than this in all the other organs examined.  相似文献   
Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was used to investigate the diversity of 179 bean isolates recovered from six field sites in the Arcos de Valdevez region of northwestern Portugal. The isolates were divided into 6 groups based on the fingerprint patterns that were obtained. Representatives for each group were selected for sequence analysis of 4 chromosomal DNA regions. Five of the groups were placed within Rhizobium lusitanum, and the other group was placed within R. tropici type IIA. Therefore, the collection of Portuguese bean isolates was shown to include the two species R. lusitanum and R. tropici. In plant tests, the strains P1-7, P1-1, P1-2, and P1-16 of R. lusitanum nodulated and formed nitrogen-fixing symbioses both with Phaseolus vulgaris and Leucaena leucocephala. A methyltransferase-encoding nodS gene identical with the R. tropici locus that confers wide host range was detected in the strain P1-7 as well as 24 others identified as R. lusitanum. A methyltransferase-encoding nodS gene also was detected in the remaining isolates of R. lusitanum, but in this case the locus was that identified with the narrow-host-range R. etli. Representatives of isolates with the nodS of R. etli formed effective nitrogen-fixing symbioses with P. vulgaris and did not nodulate L. leucocephala. From sequence data of nodS, the R. lusitanum genes for symbiosis were placed within those of either R. tropici or R. etli. These results would support the suggestion that R. lusitanum was the recipient of the genes for symbiosis with beans from both R. tropici and R. etli.  相似文献   
Collagen, particularly type I, and its related derivatives have been extensively employed in many areas of pharmacology. The present study was performed to determine the safety of collagen-polyvinylpyrrolidone (collagen-PVP) by in vitro and in vivo studies. Sera and peripheral blood cells from healthy donors without treatment and patients treated with collagen-PVP were evaluated. We observed that the biodrug does not stimulate lymphoproliferation or DNA damage in vitro, nor does it induce human anti-porcine type I collagen or anti-collagen-PVP antibodies in vivo. Furthermore, no hepatic or renal metabolic dysfunctions were observed when collagen-PVP was administered by intradermal or intramuscular routes in short- or long-term treatments. In conclusion, the present work shows that no cellular damage or immunological adverse effects (cellular and humoral) occurred during collagen-PVP treatment, even after more than 400 weeks of consecutive administrations.  相似文献   
A possible link between changes in iron and porphyrin content in liver mitochondria, from rats treated with either hexachlorobenzene, iron, or hexachlorobenzene plus iron, as a function of treatment time and their structural-functional properties, has been investigated. Normal oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria from rats treated with iron has been shown. By contrast a significant and constant uncoupling of the phosphorylative process, fully reversed by albumin, in mitochondria from rats treated with hexachlorobenzene and hexachlorobenzene plus iron has been presented. A possible involvement of pentachlorophenol in causing these abnormalities has been proposed.  相似文献   
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