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Voltage-gated L-type calcium channels (LTCCs) are expressed in adrenal chromaffin cells. Besides shaping the action potential (AP), LTCCs are involved in the excitation-secretion coupling controlling catecholamine release and in Ca (2+) -dependent vesicle retrieval. Of the two LTCCs expressed in chromaffin cells (CaV1.2 and CaV1.3), CaV1.3 possesses the prerequisites for pacemaking spontaneously firing cells: low-threshold, steep voltage-dependence of activation and slow inactivation. By using CaV1 .3 (-/-) KO mice and the AP-clamp it has been possible to resolve the time course of CaV1.3 pacemaker currents, which is similar to that regulating substantia nigra dopaminergic neurons. In mouse chromaffin cells CaV1.3 is coupled to fast-inactivating BK channels within membrane nanodomains and controls AP repolarization. The ability to carry subthreshold Ca (2+) currents and activate BK channels confers to CaV1.3 the unique feature of driving Ca (2+) loading during long interspike intervals and, possibly, to control the Ca (2+) -dependent exocytosis and endocytosis processes that regulate catecholamine secretion and vesicle recycling.  相似文献   
Nitric oxide has been described as a trigger for the synthesis of proinflammatory mediators and as a cytotoxic molecule with a pivotal role in apoptosis at the joints of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. Polymorphisms in the NOS2A gene, which codes for the inducible nitric oxide synthase [(i)NOS], have been tested for association with several autoimmune diseases such as Crohn’s disease or type 1 diabetes. Moreover, the existence of correlated levels of (i)NOS protein and synovial cell apoptosis in RA patients, pointed to NOS2A as a good candidate gene involved in RA predisposition. The role of NOS2A was studied in 405 Spanish RA patients and in 398 ethnically matched healthy controls, through the analysis of five SNPs: two at the NOS2A promoter (rs2779251 and 2779248), other two exonic markers (Asp346Asp (rs1137933) and Ser608Leu (rs22518)) and the last one located at intron 7 (rs3729508). We also included other two widely-used promoter polymorphisms: the insertion/deletion (TAAA/-) and the (CCTTT)n microsatellite. No individual association of each single-marker or haplotype was found with RA susceptibility. Our data show the low linkage disequilibrium between these NOS2A SNPs and the alleles of the (CCTTT)n microsatellite, corroborating in a Spanish population the observation previously described in British and Gambian population. The present data do not support a causative role of NOS2A polymorphisms in RA predisposition.  相似文献   
The aims of this study were: (a) determine the prey stage preference of female Euseius hibisci (Chant) (Phytoseiidae) at constant densities of different stages of Tetranychus urticae Koch (Tetranychidae), (b) assess the functional response of the predator females to the varying densities of eggs, larvae, or protonymphs of T. urticae, and (c) estimate the functional response of E. hibisci when pollen of Ligustrum ovalifolium was present as well. We conducted experiments on excised pieces of strawberry leaf arenas (Fragaria ananassa) under laboratory conditions of 25 ± 2 °C, 60 ± 5% RH and 12 h photophase. Our results indicated that the predator consumed significantly more prey eggs than other prey stages. Consumption of prey deutonymphs and adults was so low that they were excluded from the non-choice functional response experiments. The functional response on all food items was of type II. The two parameters of the functional response were estimated for each prey type by means of the adjusted non-linear regression model. The highest estimated value a (instantaneous rate of discovery) and the lowest value of Th (handling time, including digestion) were found for the predator feeding on prey eggs, and a was lowest and Th highest when fed protonymphs. Using the jack-knife method, the values for the functional response parameters were estimated. The values of a and Th produced by the model were similar among all prey types except for the eggs, which were different. Using pollen simultaneously with prey larvae decreased the consumption of the latter over the full range of prey densities The suitability of this predator for biological control of T. urticae on strawberry is discussed.  相似文献   
Cobalamin (B12) is an essential cofactor that is exclusively synthesized by some prokaryotes while many prokaryotes and eukaryotes require an external supply of B12. The spatial and temporal availability of B12 is poorly understood in marine ecosystems. Field measurements of B12 along with a large set of ancillary biotic and abiotic factors were obtained during three oceanographic cruises in the NW Iberian Peninsula, covering different spatial and temporal scales. B12 concentrations were remarkably low (<1.5 pM) in all samples, being significantly higher at the subsurface Eastern North Atlantic Central Water than at shallower depths, suggesting that B12 supply in this water mass is greater than demand. Multiple regression models excluded B12 concentration as predictive variable for phytoplankton biomass or production, regardless of the presence of B12-requiring algae. Prokaryote production was the best predictor for primary production, and eukaryote community composition was better correlated with prokaryote community composition than with nutritional resources, suggesting that biotic interactions play a significant role in regulating microbial communities. Interestingly, co-occurrence network analyses based on 16S and 18S rRNA sequences allowed the identification of significant associations between potential B12 producers and consumers (e.g. Thaumarchaeota and Dynophyceae, or Amylibacter and Ostreococcus respectively), which can now be investigated using model systems in the laboratory.  相似文献   
Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel protein electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was carried out using different bacterial strains of the photosynthetic sulfur bacteria Chlorobium, Thiocapsa, Thiocystis, and Chromatium cultured in the laboratory, and the natural blooms in two karstic lakes (Lake Cisó and Lake Vilar, NE Spain) where planktonic photosynthetic bacteria (purple and green sulfur bacteria) massively developed accounting for most of the microbial biomass. Several extraction, solubilization, and electrophoresis methods were tested to develop an optimal protocol for the best resolution of the SDS-PAGE. Protein composition from different water depths and at different times of the year was visualized within a molecular mass range between 100 and 15 kDa yielding up to 20 different protein bands. Protein banding patterns were reproducible and changed in time and with depth in agreement with changes in photosynthetic bacteria composition. When a taxonomically stable community was followed in time, differences were observed in the intensity but not in the composition of the SDS-PAGE banding pattern. Three environmental variables directly related to the activity of sulfur bacteria (light, oxygen, and sulfide concentrations) had a significant effect on protein banding patterns and explained 33% of the variance. Changes in natural protein profiles of the bacterial blooms agreed with changes in species composition and in the in situ metabolic state of the populations.  相似文献   
The effects of irradiation doses increasing from 0 to 100 Gy (1 Gy is energy absorbed in J kg(-1) of irradiated material) on fertility, flight ability, survival, and sterile male mating performance were evaluated for mass-reared Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart). High sterility values (> 98.2%) for irradiated males were obtained for doses as low as 25 Gy. Egg hatch was inhibited for irradiated males crossed with irradiated females at a low dose of 20 Gy. However, we estimated that to achieve 99.9% sterility (standard goal of many sterile insect technique programs), irradiation doses had to be increased to a dose between 50 and 75 Gy. At doses of 25 Gy and greater, we observed a decreasing trend in adult flight ability and an increasing trend in adult mortality. Such differences were greater for pupae irradiated at a young age compared those irradiated 24 h before emergence. Our single most relevant finding was that sterility induction (i.e., oviposition of nonfertilized eggs) was two times greater for males irradiated at low doses (40 Gy) than for males irradiated at high doses (80 Gy) when used at a 3:1:1 sterilized male to fertile male to fertile female ratio. Males irradiated at high doses may have been outcompeted by unirradiated males when courting unirradiated females. Implications of our findings for sterile insect technique programs are discussed.  相似文献   
The present study evaluates the effectiveness of the transcervical deep intrauterine insemination (DUI) with a reduced number of frozen-thawed boar spermatozoa in weaned sows. DUI was performed using a specially designed flexible device (length 180 cm, outer diameter 4mm, working channel 1.8mm, working channel's volume 1.5 ml) that was inserted through an artificial insemination spirette to cross the cervix lumen and moved into one uterine horn as far as possible. Spermatozoa diluted in 7.5 ml of BTS were flushed into the uterine horn by a syringe attached to the working channel. In Experiment 1, 111 hormonally treated (eCG/hCG) weaned sows were inseminated once using one of the following three regimens: (1) DUI with frozen-thawed spermatozoa (1000 x 10(6) cells per dose; n=49); (2) DUI with fresh semen (150 x 10(6) cells per dose; n=29, as control of DUI procedure); and (3) cervical insemination with frozen-thawed spermatozoa (6000 x 10(6) cells diluted in 100ml; n=33). No differences (P>0.05) were found for farrowing rates (77.55, 82.76, and 75.76, respectively) or litter sizes (9.31+/-0.41, 9.96+/-0.32, and 9.60+/-0.53 piglets born per litter, respectively) among the groups. In Experiment 2, DUI was performed on the spontaneous estrus in weaned sows (2-6 parity) with 1000 x 10(6) frozen-thawed (40 sows) or 150 x 10(6) fresh spermatozoa (38 sows). The farrowing rate of sows inseminated twice with frozen-thawed spermatozoa (70%) was significantly (P<0.05) lower than with fresh semen (84.21%). No significant difference (P>0.05) was found in litter size between frozen-thawed spermatozoa (9.25+/-0.23 piglets born per litter) and fresh semen (9.88+/-0.21 piglets born per litter). These preliminary results indicate that application of DUI provides acceptable fertility in weaned sows using a relatively low number of frozen-thawed spermatozoa.  相似文献   
The contribution of non-collagenous components of the extracellular matrix to bone strength is largely undefined. Here we report that deficiency of fibrillin-1 or fibrillin-2 microfibrils causes distinct changes in bone material and mechanical properties. Morphometric examination of mice with hypomorphic or null mutations in fibrillin-1 or fibrillin-2, respectively, revealed appreciable differences in the postnatal shaping and growth of long bones. Fourier transform infrared imaging spectroscopy indicated that fibrillin-1 plays a predominantly greater role than fibrillin-2 in determining the material properties of bones. Biomechanical tests demonstrated that fibrillin-2 exerts a greater positive influence on the mechanical properties of bone than fibrillin-1 assemblies. Published evidence indirectly supports the notion that the above findings are mostly, if not exclusively, related to the differential control of TGFβ family signaling by fibrillin proteins. Our study therefore advances our understanding of the role that extracellular microfibrils play in bone physiology and implicitly, in the pathogenesis of bone loss in human diseases caused by mutations in fibrillin-1 or -2.  相似文献   
Myrmica ant colonies host numerous insect species, including the larvae of Maculinea butterflies and Microdon myrmicae hoverflies. Little is known about the interspecific relationships among these social parasites and their host ants occurring in sympatric populations. We investigated communities of social parasites to assess the strategies allowing them to share the same pool of resources (i.e. Myrmica colonies). The present study was carried out at five sites inhabited by different social parasite communities, each comprising varying proportions of Maculinea teleius, Maculinea nausithous, Maculinea alcon, and Microdon myrmicae. We investigated their spatial distributions, host segregation, the degree of chemical similarity between social parasites and hosts, and temporal overlaps in colony resource exploitation. Spatial segregation among social parasites was found in two populations and it arises from microhabitat preferences and biological interactions. Local conditions can drive selection on one social parasite to use a Myrmica host species that is not exploited by other social parasites. Myrmica scabrinodis and Myrmica rubra nests infested by larvae of two social parasite species were found and the most common co‐occurrence was between Ma. teleius and Mi. myrmicae. The successful coexistence of these two species derives from their exploitation of the host colony resources at different times of the year. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 699–709.  相似文献   
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