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Adaptive phenotypic plasticity, the ability of a genotype to develop a phenotype appropriate to the local environment, allows organisms to cope with environmental variation and has implications for predicting how organisms will respond to rapid, human-induced environmental change. This review focuses on the importance of developmental selection, broadly defined as a developmental process that involves the sampling of a range of phenotypes and feedback from the environment reinforcing high-performing phenotypes. I hypothesize that understanding the degree to which developmental selection underlies plasticity is key to predicting the costs, benefits, and consequences of plasticity. First, I review examples that illustrate that elements of developmental selection are common across the development of many different traits, from physiology and immunity to circulation and behavior. Second, I argue that developmental selection, relative to a fixed strategy or determinate (switch) mechanisms of plasticity, increases the probability that an individual will develop a phenotype best matched to the local environment. However, the exploration and environmental feedback associated with developmental selection is costly in terms of time, energy, and predation risk, resulting in major changes in life history such as increased duration of development and greater investment in individual offspring. Third, I discuss implications of developmental selection as a mechanism of plasticity, from predicting adaptive responses to novel environments to understanding conditions under which genetic assimilation may fuel diversification. Finally, I outline exciting areas of future research, in particular exploring costs of selective processes in the development of traits outside of behavior and modeling developmental selection and evolution in novel environments.  相似文献   
Chromosomal inversions are thought to confer a selective advantage in alternative habitats by protecting co-adapted alleles from recombination. The frequencies of two inversions (2La and 2Rb) of the afro-tropical malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae change gradually along geographical clines, increasing in frequency with degree of aridity. Such clines can result from gene flow and local selection acting upon alternative karyotypes along the cline, suggesting that these inversions may be associated with tolerance to xeric conditions. Since water loss represents a major challenge in xeric habitats, it can be supposed that genes inside these inversions are involved in water homeostasis. To test this hypothesis, we compared the desiccation resistance of alternative karyotypes from a colonised 2Rb/2La polymorphic population of A. gambiae from Cameroon. The strain included only the molecular form S, one of the genetic units marking incipient speciation in this taxon. Day-old mosquitoes of both sexes were assayed individually for time to death in a dry environment and the karyotype of each was determined post-mortem using molecular diagnostic assays for each inversion. In agreement with expectations based on their eco-geographical distribution, we found that 2La homokaryotypes survived significantly longer (1.3 hours) than the other karyotypes. However, there was weak support for the effect of 2Rb on desiccation resistance. Larger mosquitoes survived longer than smaller ones. Median survival of females was greater than males, but the effect of sex on desiccation resistance was weakly supported, indicating that differential survival was correlated to differences between sexes in average size. We found weak evidence for a heterotic effect of 2La karyotype on size in females. These results support the notion that genes located inside the 2La inversion are involved in water balance, contributing towards local adaptation of A. gambiae to xeric habitats, beyond the adaptive value conferred by a larger body size.  相似文献   
Vegetative incompatibility is a widespread phenomenon in filamentous ascomycetes, which limits formation of viable heterokaryons. Whether this phenomenon plays a role in maintaining the homokaryotic state of the hyphae during the vegetative growth of Tuber spp. Gene expression, polymorphism analysis as well as targeted in vitro experiments allowed us to test whether a heterokaryon incompatibility (HI) system operates in Tuber melanosporum. HI is controlled by different genetic systems, often involving HET domain genes and their partners whose interaction can trigger a cell death reaction. Putative homologues to HI-related genes previously characterized in Neurospora crassa and Podospora anserina were identified in the T. melanosporum genome. However, only two HET domain genes were found. In many other ascomycetes HET domains have been found within different genes including some members of the NWD (NACHT and WD-repeat associated domains) gene family of P. anserina. More than 50 NWD homologues were found in T. melanosporum but none of these contain a HET domain. All these T. melanosporum paralogs showed a conserved gene organization similar to the microexon genes only recently characterized in Schistosoma mansoni. Expression data of the annotated HI-like genes along with low allelic polymorphism suggest that they have cellular functions unrelated to HI. Moreover, morphological analyses did not provide evidence for HI reactions between pairs of genetically different T. melanosporum strains. Thus, the maintenance of the genetic integrity during the vegetative growth of this species likely depends on mechanisms that act before hyphal fusion.  相似文献   
For crops that are grown for their fruits or seeds, elevated temperatures that occur during flowering and seed or fruit set have a stronger effect on yield than high temperatures during the vegetative stage. Even short-term exposure to heat can have a large impact on yield. In this study, we used Arabidopsis thaliana to study the effect of short-term heat exposure on flower and seed development. The impact of a single hot day (35°C) was determined in more than 250 natural accessions by measuring the lengths of the siliques along the main inflorescence. Two sensitive developmental stages were identified, one before anthesis, during male and female meiosis, and one after anthesis, during fertilization and early embryo development. In addition, we observed a correlation between flowering time and heat tolerance. Genome-wide association mapping revealed four quantitative trait loci (QTLs) strongly associated with the heat response. These QTLs were developmental stage specific, as different QTLs were detected before and after anthesis. For a number of QTLs, T-DNA insertion knockout lines could validate assigned candidate genes. Our findings show that the regulation of complex traits can be highly dependent on the developmental timing.  相似文献   
We investigated the prevalence, transmission mode and fitness effects of infections by obligatory intracellular, microsporidian parasites in the freshwater amphipod Gammarus roeseli. We found three different microsporidia species in this host, all using transovarial (vertical) transmission. All three coexist at different prevalences in two host populations, but bi-infected individuals were rarely found, suggesting no (or very little) horizontal transmission. It is predicted that vertically-transmitted parasites may exhibit sex-specific virulence in their hosts, or they may have either positive or neutral effects on host fitness. All three species differed in their transmission efficiency and infection intensity and our data suggest that these microsporidia exert sex-specific virulence by feminising male hosts. The patterns of infection we found exhibit convergent evolution with those of another amphipod host, Gammarus duebeni. Interestingly, we found that infected females breed earlier in the reproductive season than uninfected females. This is the first study, to our knowledge, to report a positive effect of microsporidian infection on female host reproduction.  相似文献   
Xylans constitute the major non-cellulosic component of plant biomass. Xylan biosynthesis is particularly pronounced in cells with secondary walls, implying that the synthesis network consists of a set of highly expressed genes in such cells. To improve the understanding of xylan biosynthesis, we performed a comparative analysis of co-expression networks between Arabidopsis and rice as reference species with different wall types. Many co-expressed genes were represented by orthologs in both species, which implies common biological features, while some gene families were only found in one of the species, and therefore likely to be related to differences in their cell walls. To predict the subcellular location of the identified proteins, we developed a new method, PFANTOM (plant protein family information-based predictor for endomembrane), which was shown to perform better for proteins in the endomembrane system than other available prediction methods. Based on the combined approach of co-expression and predicted cellular localization, we propose a model for Arabidopsis and rice xylan synthesis in the Golgi apparatus and signaling from plasma membrane to nucleus for secondary cell wall differentiation. As an experimental validation of the model, we show that an Arabidopsis mutant in the PGSIP1 gene encoding one of the Golgi localized candidate proteins has a highly decreased content of glucuronic acid in secondary cell walls and substantially reduced xylan glucuronosyltransferase activity.  相似文献   
In Escherichia coli, the recovery of replication following disruption by UV-induced DNA damage requires the RecF protein and occurs through a process that involves stabilization of replication fork DNA, resection of nascent DNA to allow the offending lesion to be repaired, and reestablishment of a productive replisome on the DNA. RecF forms a homodimer and contains an ATP binding cassette ATPase domain that is conserved among eukaryotic SMC (structural maintenance of chromosome) proteins, including cohesin, condensin, and Rad50. Here, we investigated the functions of RecF dimerization, ATP binding, and ATP hydrolysis in the progressive steps involved in recovering DNA synthesis following disruption by DNA damage. RecF point mutations with altered biochemical properties were constructed in the chromosome. We observed that protein dimerization, ATP binding, and ATP hydrolysis were essential for maintaining and processing the arrested replication fork, as well as for restoring DNA synthesis. In contrast, stabilization of the RecF protein dimer partially protected the DNA at the arrested fork from degradation, although overall processing and recovery remained severely impaired.  相似文献   
Foliar fungal endophytes represent a diverse and species‐rich plant microbiome. Their biogeography provides essential clues to their cryptic relationship with hosts and the environment in which they disperse. We present species composition, diversity, and dispersal patterns of endophytic fungi associated with needles of Pinus taeda trees across regional scales in the absence of strong environmental gradients as well as within individual trees. An empirical designation of rare and abundant taxa enlightens us on the structure of endophyte communities. We report multiple distance‐decay patterns consistent with effects of dispersal limitation, largely driven by community changes in rare taxa, those taxonomic units that made up less than 0.31% of reads per sample on average. Distance‐decay rates and community structure also depended on specific classes of fungi and were predominantly influenced by rare members of Dothideomycetes. Communities separated by urban areas also revealed stronger effects of distance on community similarity, confirming that host density and diversity plays an important role in symbiont biogeography, which may ultimately lead to a mosaic of functional diversity as well as rare species diversity across landscapes.  相似文献   
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