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We studied the mode of reproduction and its evolution in the fungal subgenus Penicillium Biverticillium using phylogenetic and experimental approaches. We sequenced mating type (MAT) genes and nuclear DNA fragments in sexual and putatively asexual species. Examination of the concordance between individual trees supported the recognition of the morphological species. MAT genes were detected in two putatively asexual species and were found to evolve mostly under purifying selection, although high substitution rates were detected at some sites in some clades. The first steps of sexual reproduction could be induced under controlled conditions in one of the two species, although no mature cleistothecia were produced. Altogether, these findings suggest that the asexual Penicillium species may have lost sex only very recently and/or that the MAT genes are involved in other functions. An ancestral state reconstruction analysis indicated several events of putative sex loss in the genus. Alternatively, it is possible that the supposedly asexual Penicillium species may have retained a cryptic sexual stage.  相似文献   
Gaps in our current understanding and quantification of biomass carbon stocks, particularly in tropics, lead to large uncertainty in future projections of the terrestrial carbon balance. We use the recently published GlobBiomass data set of forest above‐ground biomass (AGB) density for the year 2010, obtained from multiple remote sensing and in situ observations at 100 m spatial resolution to evaluate AGB estimated by nine dynamic global vegetation models (DGVMs). The global total forest AGB of the nine DGVMs is 365 ± 66 Pg C, the spread corresponding to the standard deviation between models, compared to 275 Pg C with an uncertainty of ~13.5% from GlobBiomass. Model‐data discrepancy in total forest AGB can be attributed to their discrepancies in the AGB density and/or forest area. While DGVMs represent the global spatial gradients of AGB density reasonably well, they only have modest ability to reproduce the regional spatial gradients of AGB density at scales below 1000 km. The 95th percentile of AGB density (AGB95) in tropics can be considered as the potential maximum of AGB density which can be reached for a given annual precipitation. GlobBiomass data show local deficits of AGB density compared to the AGB95, particularly in transitional and/or wet regions in tropics. We hypothesize that local human disturbances cause more AGB density deficits from GlobBiomass than from DGVMs, which rarely represent human disturbances. We then analyse empirical relationships between AGB density deficits and forest cover changes, population density, burned areas and livestock density. Regression analysis indicated that more than 40% of the spatial variance of AGB density deficits in South America and Africa can be explained; in Southeast Asia, these factors explain only ~25%. This result suggests TRENDY v6 DGVMs tend to underestimate biomass loss from diverse and widespread anthropogenic disturbances, and as a result overestimate turnover time in AGB.  相似文献   
Parthenogenesis, the development of unfertilized eggs resulting in the exclusive production of female offspring, is rare in animals relative to sexual reproduction and is mainly reported in invertebrates. It has been hypothesized that polyploidy, hybridization and endosymbiont infections are its major causal events but the mechanisms triggering asexual reproduction remain unclear. Here, we study the proximate causes at the origin of parthenogenesis in the first reported case of asexuality in the Coccinellidae (Coleoptera). The asexual populations were found in the Azores and the Mascarene archipelagos, and were identified as Nephus voeltzkowi Weise, a bisexual species widespread in sub-Saharan Africa. The specimens from both populations are diploid but present different karyotypes and heterozygosities that evoke hybrid origins, commonly associated with parthenogenesis in Coleoptera. However, the close proximity of their genomes (99.8% homology for the complete mitochondrial genome and 99.9% for the complete nuclear ribosomal cluster) together with the congruence between the mtDNA tree and the nuclear tree, and the low heterozygosity levels, suggests that the two populations are not hybrid. We propose that they belong to a single chromosomally polymorphic species undergoing Robertsonian fusions. Furthermore, specimens from both populations are infected with Wolbachia (supergroup B strain), contrary to sympatric bisexual species of the same genus. Although Wolbachia has been shown to induce parthenogenesis in haplodiploid organisms, it has been recently suggested that it could also induce parthenogenesis in hosts with other sex determination systems. Whether chromosome rearrangements and/or Wolbachia infections are post-parthenogenetic events or are at the origin of parthenogenesis still needs to be determined.  相似文献   
Because telomere length and dynamics relate to individual growth, reproductive investment and survival, telomeres have emerged as possible markers of individual quality. Here, we tested the hypothesis that, in species with parental care, parental telomere length can be a marker of parental quality that predicts offspring phenotype and survival. In king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus), we experimentally swapped the single egg of 66 breeding pairs just after egg laying to disentangle the contribution of prelaying parental quality (e.g., genetics, investment in the egg) and/or postlaying parental quality (e.g., incubation, postnatal feeding rate) on offspring growth, telomere length and survival. Parental quality was estimated through the joint effects of biological and foster parent telomere length on offspring traits, both soon after hatching (day 10) and at the end of the prewinter growth period (day 105). We expected that offspring traits would be mostly related to the telomere lengths (i.e., quality) of biological parents at day 10 and to the telomere lengths of foster parents at day 105. Results show that chick survival up to 10 days was negatively related to biological fathers’ telomere length, whereas survival up to 105 days was positively related to foster fathers’ telomere lengths. Chick growth was not related to either biological or foster parents’ telomere length. Chick telomere length was positively related to foster mothers’ telomere length at both 10 and 105 days. Overall, our study shows that, in a species with biparental care, parents’ telomere length is foremost a proxy of postlaying parental care quality, supporting the “telomere – parental quality hypothesis.”  相似文献   
Glycoconjugate Journal - Virus-Like Particles (VLPs) have been used as immunogenic molecules in numerous recombinant vaccines. VLPs can also serve as vaccine platform to exogenous antigens, usually...  相似文献   
Echinococcus multilocularis, the aetiological agent of human Alveolar Echinococcosis, is transmitted between small mammals and wild or domestic canids. Dogs infected with E. multilocularis as dead-end hosts. Whereas E. multilocularis infections in wild hosts and humans have been well-studied in recent decades, infections in domestic dogs are sparsely reported. This literature review and meta-analysis highlighted gaps in the available data and provided a re-assessment of the global distribution of domestic dog E. multilocularis infections. We found 46 published articles documenting the prevalence of E. multilocularis in domestic dogs from 21 countries across Europe, Asia and North America. Apparent prevalence estimates ranged from 0.00% (0.00–0.33%) in Germany to 55.50% (26.67–81.12%) in China. Most studies were conducted in areas of high human Alveolar Echinococcosis. By accounting for reassessed diagnostic sensitivity and specificity, we estimated true prevalence in a subset of studies, which varied between 0.00% (0.00–12.42%) and 41.09% (21.12–65.81%), as these true prevalence estimates were seldom reported in the articles themselves. Articles also showed a heavy emphasis on rural dogs, dismissing urban ones, which is concerning due to the role urbanisation plays in the transmission of zoonotic diseases, especially those utilising pets as definitive hosts. Lastly, population studies on canine Alveolar Echinococcosis were absent, highlighting the relative focus on human rather than animal health. We thus developed a framework for investigating domestic dog E. multilocularis infections and performing risk assessment of dog-associated transmission to fill the gaps found in the literature.  相似文献   
Adeno-associated viral vectors (AAV) are efficient engineered tools for delivering genetic material into host cells. The commercialization of AAV-based drugs must be accompanied by the development of appropriate quality control (QC) assays. Given the potential risk of co-transfer of oncogenic or immunogenic sequences with therapeutic vectors, accurate methods to assess the level of residual DNA in AAV vector stocks are particularly important. An assay based on high-throughput sequencing (HTS) to identify and quantify DNA species in recombinant AAV batches is developed. Here, it is shown that PCR amplification of regions that have a local GC content >90% and include successive mononucleotide stretches, such as the CAG promoter, can introduce bias during DNA library preparation, leading to drops in sequencing coverage. To circumvent this problem, SSV-Seq 2.0, a PCR-free protocol for sequencing AAV vector genomes containing such sequences, is developed. The PCR-free protocol improves the evenness of the rAAV genome coverage and consequently leads to a more accurate relative quantification of residual DNA. HTS-based assays provide a more comprehensive assessment of DNA impurities and AAV vector genome integrity than conventional QC tests based on real-time PCR and are useful methods to improve the safety and efficacy of these viral vectors.  相似文献   
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