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1 The pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa is expanding its geographical range in Europe, as a consequence of enhanced winter survival under a warmer climate. A combination of daytime nest temperatures and night air temperatures determines the number of hours larvae are able to feed (hours above realized feeding threshold, RFT). 2 We tested the RFT‐based model for survival across multiple areas of the insect’s range in the Italian Alps over a 2‐year period. In a series of translocation experiments using natural temperature gradients as spatial analogues for global warming, we transferred colonies of T. pityocampa larvae to sites within zones of historical distribution, recent distribution, and outside the present range. The sites included traditional (Pinus nigra, Pinus sylvestris) as well as novel (Pinus mugo, Pinus uncinata, Pinus cembra) hosts. 3 Survival during precold (August to November), cold (December to February) and postcold (March to May) periods were analysed against climatic variables (temperature and rainfall) and predictors developed by the model. 4 Host species did not significantly affect final survival, with the exception of slower larval development, and resulting lower cold tolerance, on P. cembra than on P. mugo at the same site. 5 Across all the sites and hosts, final survival of colonies depended on the number of feeding hours during the cold period (RFT), which explained 82% of the variance in a regression model. We recommend using RFT, or its surrogate daily mean minimum temperature when nest temperature is not available, in predictive models of range expansion of T. pityocampa under climate change scenarios.  相似文献   
Studies at small spatial scale are often fundamental to highlight the behavioural plasticity of a species and thus have important implications for conservation planning, in particular for species usually considered as habitat specialists. We investigated second-order habitat selection of the European pine marten in an area dominated by deciduous oak forest and open fields in central Italy, by radio-tracking 16 pine martens (eight males, eight females). Pine martens placed home ranges in areas with more open field than in the study area, whereas woodland (oak and conifer forests) comprised a smaller portion of the home range than predominant forest character of the studied area. Although the presence of the species in the open habitats has been documented, to our knowledge, our results provide the first evidence of home range establishment in this cover type by pine marten at population level. The combination of low predation risk and high availability of resources could allow pine martens to occupy open fields in our study area. We highlighted different individual strategies of habitat selection, with some individuals placing home ranges in areas with high forest coverage while others occupying open areas. We found no effects of sex and body condition on habitat selection, and this could indicate that in the study area, both forested and non-forested cover types, such as open fields, shrub and anthropic areas, can provide adequate food, overhead cover and resting sites for all individuals. Pine marten ability to occupy open fields seems thus more related to the behavioural flexibility of the species, rather than to the need to supplement dens and forage from complementary lower quality habitat. The high quality of the Mediterranean continental area studied could also explain the selection of open areas by the pine marten. Our results offer useful information on pine marten ecology and may be helpful for conservation management of this species in southern Europe.  相似文献   

Key message

This study identified Rht25, a new plant height locus on wheat chromosome arm 6AS, and characterized its pleiotropic effects on important agronomic traits.


Understanding genes regulating wheat plant height is important to optimize harvest index and maximize grain yield. In modern wheat varieties grown under high-input conditions, the gibberellin-insensitive semi-dwarfing alleles Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b have been used extensively to confer lodging tolerance and improve harvest index. However, negative pleiotropic effects of these alleles (e.g., poor seedling emergence and reduced biomass) can cause yield losses in hot and dry environments. As part of current efforts to diversify the dwarfing alleles used in wheat breeding, we identified a quantitative trait locus (QHt.ucw-6AS) affecting plant height in the proximal region of chromosome arm 6AS (<?0.4 cM from the centromere). Using a large segregating population (~?2800 gametes) and extensive progeny tests (70–93 plants per recombinant family), we mapped QHt.ucw-6AS as a Mendelian locus to a 0.2 cM interval (144.0–148.3 Mb, IWGSC Ref Seq v1.0) and show that it is different from Rht18. QHt.ucw-6AS is officially designated as Rht25, with Rht25a representing the height-increasing allele and Rht25b the dwarfing allele. The average dwarfing effect of Rht25b was found to be approximately half of the effect observed for Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b, and the effect is greater in the presence of the height-increasing Rht-B1a and Rht-D1a alleles than in the presence of the dwarfing alleles. Rht25b is gibberellin-sensitive and shows significant pleiotropic effects on coleoptile length, heading date, spike length, spikelet number, spikelet density, and grain weight. Rht25 represents a new alternative dwarfing locus that should be evaluated for its potential to improve wheat yield in different environments.
In extant primates, the posterior parietal cortex is involved in visuospatial integration, attention, and eye‐hand coordination, which are crucial functions for foraging and feeding behaviors. Paleoneurology studies brain evolution through the analysis of endocasts, that is molds of the inner surface of the braincase. These may preserve imprints of cortical structures, such as sulci, which might be of interest for locating the boundaries of major cortical regions. Old World monkeys (Cercopithecidae) represent an interesting zoological group for evolutionary studies, because of their diverse ecologies and locomotor behaviors. In this study, we quantify parietal lobe variation within the cercopithecid family, in a sample of 30 endocasts including 11 genera and 17 species, by combining landmark‐based and landmark‐free geometric morphometric analyses. More specifically, we quantitatively assess variation of the parietal proportions based on landmarks placed on reliable anatomical references and of parietal lobe surface morphology through deformation‐based methods. The main feature associated with the cercopithecid endocranial variation regards the inverse proportions of parietal and occipital lobes, with colobines, Theropithecus, and Papio displaying relatively larger parietal lobes and smaller occipital lobes compared with cercopithecins. The parietal surface is anteroposteriorly longer and mediolaterally flatter in colobines, while longitudinally shorter but laterally bulging in baboons. Large parietal lobes in colobines and baboons are likely to be independent evolutionary traits, and not necessarily associated with analogous functions or morphogenetic mechanisms.  相似文献   


Merino and Merino-derived sheep breeds have been widely distributed across the world, both as purebred and admixed populations. They represent an economically and historically important genetic resource which over time has been used as the basis for the development of new breeds. In order to examine the genetic influence of Merino in the context of a global collection of domestic sheep breeds, we analyzed genotype data that were obtained with the OvineSNP50 BeadChip (Illumina) for 671 individuals from 37 populations, including a subset of breeds from the Sheep HapMap dataset.


Based on a multi-dimensional scaling analysis, we highlighted four main clusters in this dataset, which corresponded to wild sheep, mouflon, primitive North European breeds and modern sheep (including Merino), respectively. The neighbor-network analysis further differentiated North-European and Mediterranean domestic breeds, with subclusters of Merino and Merino-derived breeds, other Spanish breeds and other Italian breeds. Model-based clustering, migration analysis and haplotype sharing indicated that genetic exchange occurred between archaic populations and also that a more recent Merino-mediated gene flow to several Merino-derived populations around the world took place. The close relationship between Spanish Merino and other Spanish breeds was consistent with an Iberian origin for the Merino breed, with possible earlier contributions from other Mediterranean stocks. The Merino populations from Australia, New Zealand and China were clearly separated from their European ancestors. We observed a genetic substructuring in the Spanish Merino population, which reflects recent herd management practices.


Our data suggest that intensive gene flow, founder effects and geographic isolation are the main factors that determined the genetic makeup of current Merino and Merino-derived breeds. To explain how the current Merino and Merino-derived breeds were obtained, we propose a scenario that includes several consecutive migrations of sheep populations that may serve as working hypotheses for subsequent studies.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12711-015-0139-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Folate is a B-group vitamin that cannot be synthesized by humans and must be obtained exogenously. Although some species of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) can produce folates, little is known about the production of this vitamin by yogurt starter cultures. Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus strains were isolated from artisanal Argentinean yogurts and were grown in folate-free culture medium (FACM) and nonfat milk after which intracellular and extracellular folate production were evaluated. From the initial 92 isolated LAB strains, 4 L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and 32 S. thermophilus were able to grow in the absence of folate. Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus CRL 863 and S.?thermophilus CRL 415 and CRL 803 produced the highest extracellular folate levels (from 22.3 to 135?μg/L) in FACM. In nonfat milk, these strains were able to increase the initial folate concentrations by almost 190%. This is the first report where native strains of L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus were shown to produce natural folate. The LAB strains identified in this study could be used in developing novel fermented products bio-enriched in natural folates that could in turn be used as an alternative to fortification with the controversial synthetic chemical folic acid.  相似文献   
Literature has suggested that changes in brain flow circulation occur in patients with multiple sclerosis. In this study, digital subtraction angiography (DSA) was used to measure the absolute CCT value in MS patients and to correlate its value to age at disease onset and duration, and to expand disability status scale (EDSS). DSA assessment was performed on eighty MS patients and on a control group of forty-four age-matched patients. CCT in MS and control groups was calculated by analyzing the angiographic images. Lesion and brain volumes were calculated in a representative group of MS patients. Statistical correlations among CCT and disease duration, age at disease onset, lesion load, brain volumes and EDSS were considered. A significant difference between CCT in MS patients (mean = 4.9s; sd = 1.27s) and control group (mean = 2.8s; sd = 0.51s) was demonstrated. No significant statistical correlation was found between CCT and the other parameters in all MS patients. Significantly increased CCT value in MS patients suggests the presence of microvascular dysfunctions, which do not depend on clinical and MRI findings. Hemodynamic changes may not be exclusively the result of a late chronic inflammatory process.  相似文献   
The middle meningeal vascular network leaves its traces on the endocranial surface because of the tight relationship between neurocranial development and brain growth. Analysing the endocast of fossil specimens, it is therefore possible to describe the morphology of these structures, leading inferences on the cerebral physiology and metabolism in extinct human groups. In this paper, general features of the meningeal vascular traces are described for specimens included in the Homo erectus, Homo neanderthalensis, and Homo sapiens hypodigms. The complexity of the arterial network is quantified by its fractal dimension, calculated through the box-counting method. Modern humans show significant differences from the other two taxa because of the anterior vascular dominance and the larger fractal dimension. Neither the fractal dimension nor the anterior development are merely associated with cranial size increase. Considering the differences between Neanderthals and modern humans, these results may be interpreted in terms of phylogeny, cerebral functions, or cranial structural network.  相似文献   
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