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Continuous antiretroviral therapy is currently the most effective way to treat HIV infection. Unstructured interruptions are quite common due to side effects and toxicity, among others, and cannot be prevented. Several attempts to structure these interruptions failed due to an increased morbidity compared to continuous treatment. The cause of this failure is poorly understood and often attributed to drug resistance. Here we show that structured treatment interruptions would fail regardless of the emergence of drug resistance. Our computational model of the HIV infection dynamics in lymphoid tissue inside lymph nodes, demonstrates that HIV reservoirs and evasion from immune surveillance themselves are sufficient to cause the failure of structured interruptions. We validate our model with data from a clinical trial and show that it is possible to optimize the schedule of interruptions to perform as well as the continuous treatment in the absence of drug resistance. Our methodology enables studying the problem of treatment optimization without having impact on human beings. We anticipate that it is feasible to steer new clinical trials using computational models.  相似文献   
Population dynamics can be influenced by physical and biological factors, particularly in stressful environments. Introduced species usually have great physiological plasticity, resulting in populations with different traits. Undaria pinnatifida, a macroalga originally described from northeast Asia, was introduced in Northern Patagonia, Argentina (San Matías Gulf) around 2010. To describe the spatio-temporal variability in population structure and morphometry of U. pinnatifida, we conducted monthly field samplings for 2 years at the intertidal area of two contrasting sites in the San Matías Gulf. Individuals of U. pinnatifida were classified by developmental stage, and their morpho-gravimetric variables were measured. In both intertidal sites juveniles were found in higher proportion during austral autumn and grew and matured during the autumn-winter months (from May onwards), and individuals senesced during early austral summer (December and January). Conversely, density and biomass were largely different between sites, and individuals showed slight morphological variability between sites. Environmental (e.g., nutrient concentration, available substrate) and biological factors (e.g., facilitation, competition) may explain the observed differences. Since there is not a macroalga with U. pinnatifida morphometrical characteristics in the intertidal environments of San Matías Gulf, studying this recent introduction gives us a better understanding of its potential ecological effects.  相似文献   
To determine the function of the wabG gene in the biosynthesis of the core lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of Klebsiella pneumoniae, we constructed wabG nonpolar mutants. Data obtained from the comparative chemical and structural analysis of LPS samples obtained from the wild type, the mutant strain, and the complemented mutant demonstrated that the wabG gene is involved in attachment to alpha-L-glycero-D-manno-heptopyranose II (L,D-HeppII) at the O-3 position of an alpha-D-galactopyranosyluronic acid (alpha-D-GalAp) residue. K. pneumoniae nonpolar wabG mutants were devoid of the cell-attached capsular polysaccharide but were still able to produce capsular polysaccharide. Similar results were obtained with K. pneumoniae nonpolar waaC and waaF mutants, which produce shorter LPS core molecules than do wabG mutants. Other outer core K. pneumoniae nonpolar mutants in the waa gene cluster were encapsulated. K. pneumoniae waaC, waaF, and wabG mutants were avirulent when tested in different animal models. Furthermore, these mutants were more sensitive to some hydrophobic compounds than the wild-type strains. All these characteristics were rescued by reintroduction of the waaC, waaF, and wabG genes from K. pneumoniae.  相似文献   
Breeding bird communities in burnt and unburnt residual pinewoods were studied over 3 years by line-transect method, following a catastrophic fire event in Castelfusano (Rome, Central Italy; July 2000). We applied bootstrap procedures to evaluate whether the observed data were true or just produced by chance, and then examined the emerging patterns at three levels: community, guild and species levels. At the community level, fire acted on breeding bird communities by altering especially the total abundance patterns: the species abundance decreased in the burnt pinewood compared to the residual one, but other parameters were not significantly affected by fire. As a consequence of fire, the destruction and structural simplification of the canopy and shrubby component, as well as the increase of edge habitat and patchiness at landscape scale, induced a turnover in species between pinewoods. Species turnover was higher at the burnt than at the residual pinewoods, during all the 3 years of study. At the guild level, the forest species decreased strongly in terms of richness and abundance in the burnt pinewoods, contrary to the edge and open habitat species which increased in terms of richness, abundance and evenness. Edge species showed the highest turnover in burnt pinewood during the whole period of study. At species level, after an a priori subdivision (based on bibliographic search) of the various species in two ecological guilds (forest versus edge species), it was found that an a posteriori statistical analysis confirmed the expected trend, i.e. that the species which decreased significantly in burnt pinewood were essentially the forest species, whereas the species which increased were essentially the edge/open habitat ones. Overall, in order to investigate the effects of fire catastrophes on birds, the guild approach seems more exhaustive than the taxonomic community approach, where intrinsic confounding trends are present.  相似文献   
1 The pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa is expanding its geographical range in Europe, as a consequence of enhanced winter survival under a warmer climate. A combination of daytime nest temperatures and night air temperatures determines the number of hours larvae are able to feed (hours above realized feeding threshold, RFT). 2 We tested the RFT‐based model for survival across multiple areas of the insect’s range in the Italian Alps over a 2‐year period. In a series of translocation experiments using natural temperature gradients as spatial analogues for global warming, we transferred colonies of T. pityocampa larvae to sites within zones of historical distribution, recent distribution, and outside the present range. The sites included traditional (Pinus nigra, Pinus sylvestris) as well as novel (Pinus mugo, Pinus uncinata, Pinus cembra) hosts. 3 Survival during precold (August to November), cold (December to February) and postcold (March to May) periods were analysed against climatic variables (temperature and rainfall) and predictors developed by the model. 4 Host species did not significantly affect final survival, with the exception of slower larval development, and resulting lower cold tolerance, on P. cembra than on P. mugo at the same site. 5 Across all the sites and hosts, final survival of colonies depended on the number of feeding hours during the cold period (RFT), which explained 82% of the variance in a regression model. We recommend using RFT, or its surrogate daily mean minimum temperature when nest temperature is not available, in predictive models of range expansion of T. pityocampa under climate change scenarios.  相似文献   


Merino and Merino-derived sheep breeds have been widely distributed across the world, both as purebred and admixed populations. They represent an economically and historically important genetic resource which over time has been used as the basis for the development of new breeds. In order to examine the genetic influence of Merino in the context of a global collection of domestic sheep breeds, we analyzed genotype data that were obtained with the OvineSNP50 BeadChip (Illumina) for 671 individuals from 37 populations, including a subset of breeds from the Sheep HapMap dataset.


Based on a multi-dimensional scaling analysis, we highlighted four main clusters in this dataset, which corresponded to wild sheep, mouflon, primitive North European breeds and modern sheep (including Merino), respectively. The neighbor-network analysis further differentiated North-European and Mediterranean domestic breeds, with subclusters of Merino and Merino-derived breeds, other Spanish breeds and other Italian breeds. Model-based clustering, migration analysis and haplotype sharing indicated that genetic exchange occurred between archaic populations and also that a more recent Merino-mediated gene flow to several Merino-derived populations around the world took place. The close relationship between Spanish Merino and other Spanish breeds was consistent with an Iberian origin for the Merino breed, with possible earlier contributions from other Mediterranean stocks. The Merino populations from Australia, New Zealand and China were clearly separated from their European ancestors. We observed a genetic substructuring in the Spanish Merino population, which reflects recent herd management practices.


Our data suggest that intensive gene flow, founder effects and geographic isolation are the main factors that determined the genetic makeup of current Merino and Merino-derived breeds. To explain how the current Merino and Merino-derived breeds were obtained, we propose a scenario that includes several consecutive migrations of sheep populations that may serve as working hypotheses for subsequent studies.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12711-015-0139-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Rosin-based coatings loaded with 0.1% (w/v) ivermectin were found to be effective in preventing colonization by barnacles (Balanus improvisus) both on test panels as well as on yachts for at least two fouling seasons. The leaching rate of ivermectin was determined by mass-spectroscopy (LC/MS-MS) to be 0.7?ng cm(-2) day(-1). This low leaching rate, as deduced from the Higuchi model, is a result of the low loading, low water solubility, high affinity to the matrix and high molar volume of the model biocide. Comparison of ivermectin and control areas of panels immersed in the field showed undisturbed colonisation of barnacles after immersion for 35 days. After 73 days the mean barnacle base plate area on the controls was 13?mm(2), while on the ivermectin coating it was 3?mm(2). After 388 days, no barnacles were observed on the ivermectin coating while the barnacles on the control coating had reached a mean of 60?mm(2). In another series of coated panels, ivermectin was dissolved in a cosolvent mixture of propylene glycol and glycerol formal prior to the addition to the paint base. This method further improved the anti-barnacle performance of the coatings. An increased release rate (3?ng cm(-2) day(-1)) and dispersion of ivermectin, determined by fluorescence microscopy, and decreased hardness of the coatings were the consequences of the cosolvent mixture in the paint. The antifouling mechanism of macrocyclic lactones, such as avermectins, needs to be clarified in further studies. Beside chronic intoxication as ivermectin is slowly released from the paint film even contact intoxication occurring inside the coatings, triggered by penetration of the coating by barnacles, is a possible explanation for the mode of action and this is under investigation.  相似文献   
Nardo D  Santangelo V  Macaluso E 《Neuron》2011,69(5):1015-1028
In everyday life attention operates within complex and dynamic environments, while laboratory paradigms typically employ simple and stereotyped stimuli. This fMRI study investigated stimulus-driven spatial attention using a virtual-environment video. We explored the influence of bottom-up signals by computing saliency maps of the environment and by introducing attention-grabbing events in the video. We parameterized the efficacy of these signals for the orienting of spatial attention by measuring eye movements and used these parameters to analyze the imaging data. The efficacy of bottom-up signals modulated ongoing activity in dorsal fronto-parietal regions and transient activation of the ventral attention system. Our results demonstrate that the combination of computational, behavioral, and imaging techniques enables studying cognitive functions in ecologically valid contexts. We highlight the central role of the efficacy of stimulus-driven signals in both dorsal and ventral attention systems, with a dissociation of the efficacy of background salience versus distinctive events in the two systems.  相似文献   
Although a great deal of progress has been made in elucidating the molecular identity of the infectious agent in prion diseases, the mechanisms by which prions kill neurons, and the role of the cellular prion protein (PrP(C)) in this process, remain enigmatic. A window into the normal function of PrP(C), and how it can be corrupted to produce neurotoxic effects, is provided by a PrP deletion mutant called ΔCR, which produces a lethal phenotype when expressed in transgenic mice. In a previous study, we described the unusual observation that cells expressing ΔCR PrP are hyper-sensitive to the toxic effects of two cationic antibiotics (G418 and Zeocin) that are typically used for selection of transfected cell lines. We have used this drug-sensitizing effect to develop a simple Drug-Based Cell Assay (DBCA) that reproduces several features of mutant PrP toxicity observed in vivo, including the rescuing activity of wild-type PrP. In this paper, we present a detailed guide for executing the DBCA in several, different experimental settings, including a new slot blot-based format. This assay provides a unique tool for studying PrP cytotoxic and cytoprotective activities in cell culture.  相似文献   
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