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Reconstructive surgery for immunosuppressed organ-transplant recipients   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Prolonged vascularized organ allograft survival and an improved quality of life are now possible for many transplant recipients. These advances are due largely to greater understanding of the immune response, the development of potent immunosuppressive agents (cyclosporin A), and improved surgical techniques. Thus more of these patients may require surgical procedures related or unrelated to their original operation, and the plastic surgeon, among other specialists, should be aware of the special problems of the immunocompromised transplant recipient who needs to undergo reconstructive surgery. We report our experience with 15 kidney, heart, and liver transplant recipients who required reconstructive surgery for a variety of conditions. The combined team approach by reconstructive and transplant surgeons is described, as well as the perioperative drug protocol and the special problems that immunosuppressed transplant recipients present. We conclude that these patients can successfully undergo major reconstructive procedures as long as the plastic surgeon not only performs technically flawless surgery, but also familiarizes himself or herself with the special problems of the immunosuppressed host, including the ever-present risk of sepsis and delayed and impaired wound healing, the potential for acute Addisonian crisis, and the possibility of multiple complicating comorbid conditions.  相似文献   
To test the hypothesis that altered collagen metabolism is a contributing factor in the apparent delayed wound healing in denervated regions of spinal cord injury (SCI) patients, a tissue implant (PVA) was used to directly measure collagen deposition. Sterile PVA implants were placed subcutaneously in the inner aspect of the upper arm above the cord injury (innervated) and in the inner aspect of the upper leg below the cord injury (denervated) of 20 spinal cord injury patients and compared to eight healthy volunteers. On day 14, the implants were removed and analyzed histologically by trichrome stain and biochemically for hydroxyproline as a measure of collagen deposition. No remarkable histologic differences were observed in the sponge material removed from the upper regions compared to the lower denervated regions of the spinal cord injury patients. Sponges from both areas were infiltrated with fibroblasts containing well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum and large quantities of trichrome-positive collagen. Likewise, upper and lower histology of controls was identical and nondistinguishable from the corresponding sections obtained from the spinal cord injury patients. Quantitation of the hydroxyproline in the arms of the spinal cord injury patients (n = 20) showed 4.3 +/- 0.7 nmol hydroxyproline per milligram of sponge compared to 4.1 +/- 0.4 nmol/mg in the denervated regions of the lower limb. The hydroxyproline content in the arms of control volunteers was 5.2 +/- 0.7 nmol/mg compared to 3.9 +/- 0.8 nmol/mg in the leg (n = 8). These observations suggest that fibrogenic processes in denervated regions are not reduced significantly compared to innervated regions.  相似文献   
A rabbit model of invasive aspergillosis has been used to investigate the pathogenesis of Aspergillus infection in the immunosuppressed host. The animals received hydrocortisone daily and a single dose of cyclophosphamide 2 days prior to intratracheal instillation of conidia from Aspergillus fumigatus. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) was performed in 3 infected and 2 control saline treated animals sacrificed on days 1, 2, 4, 7 and 10 following inoculation. Infective load within the lung was quantified using an assay for chitin which is an important component of fungal cell walls (in particular the hyphal cell wall) and is not present in vertebrate tissue. The total BAL white cell count did not discriminate between infected and saline treated animals and Aspergillus was cultured from one lavage specimen only. Infected animals developed a marked neutrophil alveolitis by day 2 in contrast to a near total absence of neutrophils in the lavages of the control animals. Phagocytosis of conidia by alveolar macrophages was prominent but did not prevent progressive infection as confirmed by measurement of lung chitin. This pattern of cellular response within the alveolar airspace reflects the complex nature of the response to Aspergillus infection in the immunosuppressed host.  相似文献   
Rotavirus gene structure and function.   总被引:127,自引:0,他引:127       下载免费PDF全文
Knowledge of the structure and function of the genes and proteins of the rotaviruses has expanded rapidly. Information obtained in the last 5 years has revealed unexpected and unique molecular properties of rotavirus proteins of general interest to virologists, biochemists, and cell biologists. Rotaviruses share some features of replication with reoviruses, yet antigenic and molecular properties of the outer capsid proteins, VP4 (a protein whose cleavage is required for infectivity, possibly by mediating fusion with the cell membrane) and VP7 (a glycoprotein), show more similarities with those of other viruses such as the orthomyxoviruses, paramyxoviruses, and alphaviruses. Rotavirus morphogenesis is a unique process, during which immature subviral particles bud through the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). During this process, transiently enveloped particles form, the outer capsid proteins are assembled onto particles, and mature particles accumulate in the lumen of the ER. Two ER-specific viral glycoproteins are involved in virus maturation, and these glycoproteins have been shown to be useful models for studying protein targeting and retention in the ER and for studying mechanisms of virus budding. New ideas and approaches to understanding how each gene functions to replicate and assemble the segmented viral genome have emerged from knowledge of the primary structure of rotavirus genes and their proteins and from knowledge of the properties of domains on individual proteins. Localization of type-specific and cross-reactive neutralizing epitopes on the outer capsid proteins is becoming increasingly useful in dissecting the protective immune response, including evaluation of vaccine trials, with the practical possibility of enhancing the production of new, more effective vaccines. Finally, future analyses with recently characterized immunologic and gene probes and new animal models can be expected to provide a basic understanding of what regulates the primary interactions of these viruses with the gastrointestinal tract and the subsequent responses of infected hosts.  相似文献   
The autoradiographic deoxyglucose method was employed to investigate: 1) whether the increased glucose utilization in the subfornical organ (SFO) during administration of angiotensin II (AII) depends on the neural inputs to the SFO; and 2) to investigate whether the activation of the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system during administration of AII depends on inputs from the SFO. The ventral stalk of the SFO, which contains the majority of efferent and afferent projections of this circumventricular structure, was interrupted with knife cuts three days before the deoxyglucose experiments. Intravenous infusion of AII (2.5 micrograms/min) for 45 min increased glucose utilization in the SFO and neural lobe in the lesioned animals to the same extent as in the sham-operated animals. Drinking, however, was significantly reduced in lesioned animals. These experiments disclose independent parallel mechanisms responsible for activation of the SFO and the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system by AII.  相似文献   
Peptide hormones are generally synthesized as inactive higher mol. wt precursors. Processing of the prohormone into biologically active peptides by specific proteolytic cleavages occurs most often at pairs of basic amino acids but also at single arginine residues. To study the role of protein secondary structure in this process, we used site-directed mutagenesis to modify the predicted secondary structure around the cleavage sites of human prosomatostatin and monitored the processing of the precursor after introduction of the mutated cDNAs in Neuro2A cells. Amino acid substitutions were introduced that affected the possibility of forming beta-turn structures in the immediate vicinity of the somatostatin-28 (S-28) and somatostatin-14 (S-14) cleavage sites. Infection of Neuro2A cells with a retrovirus carrying a human somatostatin cDNA resulted in the expression of prosomatostatin and its processing into S-28 and S-14, indicating that these cells have the necessary enzymes to process prohormone at both single and paired amino acid residues. Disruption of the different beta-turns had various effects on prosomatostatin processing: substitution of Ala for Pro-5 drastically decreased prosomatostatin processing and replacement of Pro-9 by Ala led to the accumulation of the intermediate maturation product [Arg-2Lys-1]-S-14. In contrast, substitution of Ala for Asn-12, Gly+2 and Cys+3 respectively had only very little effect on the proteolytic processing of prosomatostatin. Our results show that amino acids other than the basic amino acid residues are required to define the cleavage sites for prohormone proteolytic processing and suggest that higher orders of protein structure are involved in substrate recognition by the endoproteases.  相似文献   
The glycogen-bound form of protein phosphatase-1 (PP-1G) was previously purified as a heterodimer composed of a 37-kDa catalytic (C) subunit and a proteolytically sensitive 103-kDa glycogen-binding (G) subunit [Str?hlfors, P., Hiraga, A. & Cohen, P. (1985) Eur. J. Biochem. 149, 295-303]. In this paper we demonstrate by a variety of criteria that the intact G subunit is a 161-kDa protein, and that the 103-kDa species (now termed G') is itself a product of proteolysis. A second phosphorylation site for cAMP-dependent protein kinase (termed site 2) was identified on the G subunit. The site 2 serine was phosphorylated at a comparable rate to site 1, and near stoichiometric phosphorylation could be achieved in the presence and absence of glycogen. Site 2 was dephosphorylated by PP-1 at a slow rate, whereas site 1 was resistant to autodephosphorylation. PP-1G, as well as the proteolytic activity responsible for degradation of the G subunit, remained tightly associated with glycogen-protein particles during washing with a variety of solvents. The PP-1G holoenzyme was released from glycogen-protein particles by dilution, with a dissociation half point corresponding to about 10 nM PP-1G. Binding experiments with purified PP-1G and glycogen indicated a bimolecular process with Kapp values corresponding to about 8 nM glycogen and 4 nM PP-1G. Binding was not significantly affected by increasing ionic strength to 0.5 M or variation of pH from 6 to 8. The results are consistent with a high-affinity glycogen-binding domain on the G subunit, and indicate that a physiological concentrations of phosphatase and glycogen, PP-1G should be almost entirely bound to glycogen.  相似文献   
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