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Heat-labile enterotoxin (LT) is an important virulence factor secreted by some strains of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC). The prototypic human-origin strain H10407 secretes LT via a type II secretion system (T2SS). We sought to determine the relationship between the capacity to secrete LT and virulence in porcine-origin wild type (WT) ETEC strains. Sixteen WT ETEC strains isolated from cases of severe diarrheal disease were analyzed by GM1ganglioside enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to measure LT concentrations in culture supernatants. All strains had detectable LT in supernatants by 2 h of culture and 1 strain, which was particularly virulent in gnotobiotic piglets (3030-2), had the highest LT secretion level all porcine-origin WT strains tested (P<0.05). The level of LT secretion (concentration in supernatants at 6-h culture) explained 92% of the variation in time-to-a-moribund-condition (R2 = 0.92, P<0.0001) in gnotobiotic piglets inoculated with either strain 3030-2, or an ETEC strain of lesser virulence (2534-86), or a non-enterotoxigenic WT strain (G58-1). All 16 porcine ETEC strains were positive by PCR analysis for the T2SS genes, gspD and gspK, and bioinformatic analysis of 4 porcine-origin strains for which complete genomic sequences were available revealed a T2SS with a high degree of homology to that of H10407. Maximum Likelihood phylogenetic trees constructed using T2SS genes gspC, gspD, gspE and homologs showed that strains 2534-86 and 3030-2 clustered together in the same clade with other porcine-origin ETEC strains in the database, UMNK88 and UMN18. Protein modeling of the ATPase gene (gspE) further revealed a direct relationship between the predicted ATP-binding capacities and LT secretion levels as follows: H10407, -8.8 kcal/mol and 199 ng/ml; 3030-2, -8.6 kcal/mol and 133 ng/ml; and 2534-86, -8.5 kcal/mol and 80 ng/ml. This study demonstrated a direct relationship between predicted ATP-binding capacity of GspE and LT secretion, and between the latter and virulence.  相似文献   
Primary osteogenic sarcoma of the breast is a rare neoplasm, diagnosed mainly by pathohistological and immunohistochemical analysis.We hereby present a case of primary osteogenic sarcoma in the right breast of a 62-year-old woman with synchronous appearance of an invasive ductal carcinoma. Clinical findings are manifested with two separate painless formations 2.5 cm/2 cm and 1.5 cm/1 cm in size, located on the border of the upper and lower lateral quadrant of the right breast. No axillary lymphadenopathy was diagnosed. The pathohistological and immunohistochemistry findings of both tumors revealed a synchronous manifestation of two distinct neoplasms – epithelial and non-epithelial. Multimodality treatment consisted of Patey''s radical mastectomy; 3 cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy; postoperative 50 Gy radiotherapy to the chest wall followed by additional 3 cycles of chemotherapy and anti-estrogen hormonotherapy.Due to the rarity of osteogenic mammary sarcoma, even more so in a combination with epithelial breast tumors, its clinical features are unclear and optimal treatment remains controversial. Considering the poor prognosis of the combination of both malignomas, we discuss a number of diagnostic and therapeutic issues.  相似文献   
We studied the response of the barn owl annual productivity to the common vole population numbers and variability to test the effects of environmental stochasticity on their life histories. Current theory predicts that temporal environmental variability can affect long-term nonlinear responses (e.g., production of young) both positively and negatively, depending on the shape of the relationship between the response and environmental variables. At the level of the Czech Republic, we examined the shape of the relationship between the annual sum of fledglings (annual productivity) and vole numbers in both non-detrended and detrended data. At the districts’ level, we explored whether the degree of synchrony (measured by the correlation coefficient) and the strength of the productivity response increase (measured by the regression coefficient) in areas with higher vole population variability measured by the s-index. We found that the owls’ annual productivity increased linearly with vole numbers in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, based on district data, we also found that synchrony between dynamics in owls’ reproductive output and vole numbers increased with vole population variability. However, the strength of the response was not affected by the vole population variability. Additionally, we have shown that detrending remarkably increases the Taylor’s exponent b relating variance to mean in vole time series, thereby reversing the relationship between the coefficient of variation and the mean. This shift was not responsible for the increased synchrony with vole population variability. Instead, we suggest that higher synchrony could result from high food specialization of owls on the common vole in areas with highly fluctuating vole populations.  相似文献   
Airway responsiveness is the ability of the airways to respond to bronchoconstricting stimuli by reducing their diameter. Airway hyperresponsiveness has been associated with asthma susceptibility in both humans and murine models, and it has been shown to be a complex and heritable trait. In particular, the A/J mouse strain is known to have hyperresponsive airways, while the C57BL/6 strain is known to be relatively refractory to bronchoconstricting stimuli. We analyzed recombinant congenic strains (RCS) of mice generated from these hyper- and hyporesponsive parental strains to identify genetic loci underlying the trait of airway responsiveness in response to methacholine as assessed by whole-body plethysmography. Our screen identified 16 chromosomal regions significantly associated with airway hyperresponsiveness (genome-wide P ≤ 0.05): 8 are supported by independent and previously published reports while 8 are entirely novel. Regions that overlap with previous reports include two regions on chromosome 2, three on chromosome 6, one on chromosome 15, and two on chromosome 17. The 8 novel regions are located on chromosome 1 (92–100 cM), chromosome 5 (>73 cM), chromosome 7 (>63 cM), chromosome 8 (52–67 cM), chromosome 10 (3–7 cM and >68 cM), and chromosome 12 (25–38 cM and >52 cM). Our data identify several likely candidate genes from the 16 regions, including Ddr2, Hc, Fbn1, Flt3, Utrn, Enpp2, and Tsc.  相似文献   
Magnesium translocation across cell membranes is essential for numerous physiological processes. Three recently reported crystal structures of the CorA magnesium transport system revealed a surprising architecture, with a bundle of giant α-helices forming a 60-Å-long pore that extends beyond the membrane before widening into a funnel-shaped cytosolic domain. The presence of divalent cations in putative intracellular regulation sites suggests that these structures correspond to the closed conformation of CorA. To examine the nature of the conduction pathway, we performed 110-ns molecular-dynamics simulations of two of these structures in a lipid bilayer with and without regulatory ions. The results show that a 15-Å-long hydrophobic constriction straddling the membrane-cytosol interface constitutes a steric bottleneck whose location coincides with an electrostatic barrier opposing cation translocation. In one of the simulations, structural relaxation after the removal of regulatory ions led to concerted changes in the tilt of the pore helices, resulting in iris-like dilation and spontaneous hydration of the hydrophobic neck. This simple and robust mechanism is consistent with the regulation of pore opening by intracellular magnesium concentration, and explains the unusual architecture of CorA.  相似文献   
Urease plays a central role in the pathogenesis of Helicobacter pylori in humans. Maturation of this nickel metalloenzyme in bacteria requires the participation of the accessory proteins UreD (termed UreH in H. pylori), UreF, and UreG, which form sequential complexes with the urease apoprotein as well as UreE, a metallochaperone. Here, we describe the crystal structure of C‐terminal truncated UreF from H. pylori (residues 1–233), the first UreF structure to be determined, at 1.55 Å resolution using SAD methods. UreF forms a dimer in vitro and adopts an all‐helical fold congruent with secondary structure prediction. On the basis of evolutionary conservation analysis, the structure reveals a probable binding surface for interaction with other urease components as well as key conserved residues of potential functional relevance. Proteins 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
With the resurgence of composite materials in orthopaedic applications, a rigorous assessment of stress is needed to predict any failure of bone-implant systems. For current biomechanics research, strain gage measurements are employed to experimentally validate finite element models, which then characterize stress in the bone and implant. Our preliminary study experimentally validates a relatively new nondestructive testing technique for orthopaedic implants. Lock-in infrared (IR) thermography validated with strain gage measurements was used to investigate the stress and strain patterns in a novel composite hip implant made of carbon fiber reinforced polyamide 12 (CF/PA12). The hip implant was instrumented with strain gages and mechanically tested using average axial cyclic forces of 840 N, 1500 N, and 2100 N with the implant at an adduction angle of 15 deg to simulate the single-legged stance phase of walking gait. Three-dimensional surface stress maps were also obtained using an IR thermography camera. Results showed almost perfect agreement of IR thermography versus strain gage data with a Pearson correlation of R(2) = 0.96 and a slope = 1.01 for the line of best fit. IR thermography detected hip implant peak stresses on the inferior-medial side just distal to the neck region of 31.14 MPa (at 840 N), 72.16 MPa (at 1500 N), and 119.86 MPa (at 2100 N). There was strong correlation between IR thermography-measured stresses and force application level at key locations on the implant along the medial (R(2) = 0.99) and lateral (R(2) = 0.83 to 0.99) surface, as well as at the peak stress point (R(2) = 0.81 to 0.97). This is the first study to experimentally validate and demonstrate the use of lock-in IR thermography to obtain three-dimensional stress fields of an orthopaedic device manufactured from a composite material.  相似文献   
In Reykjanes peninsula, mainly in the valley of Krísuvík, in all 6 mire associations were found, belonging to the alliancesEriophorion Scheuchzeri andCaricion canescentis-fuscae. Floristic, ecological and physiognomical differeces between the two alliances are discussed. Most of the associations seem to be restricted in their distribution to Iceland.  相似文献   
This research determined the relationships between blood lead level and zinc protoporphyrin (ZnPROTO), protoporphyrin IX (PROTO), and free erythrocyte protoporphyrin (FEP) levels in a group of 18 ring teal ducks. Blood samples were drawn from two groups of ring teal ducks as part of the routine health maintenance program of the New York Zoological Park. One group of six teals had been exposed to what is believed to be lead-contaminated dust, while the second group of twelve teals was unexposed. Blood samples were analyzed for lead by flameless atomic absorption and for protoporphyrins by fluorescence. Blood lead level and log blood lead level had positive correlations with each of the protoporphyrins: the logarithmic correlations were better than the nonlogarithmic correlations, and PROTO correlated better than ZnPROTO. With one exception, PROTO levels were higher than ZnPROTO levels. The results suggest that PROTO, FEP, or ZnPROTO could serve as a biological indicator of lead poisoning in ring teal ducks.  相似文献   
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