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Mesenchymal stem cells are multipotent cells that can differentiate into cardiomyocytes and vascular endothelial cells. Here we show, using cell sheet technology, that monolayered mesenchymal stem cells have multipotent and self-propagating properties after transplantation into infarcted rat hearts. We cultured adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells characterized by flow cytometry using temperature-responsive culture dishes. Four weeks after coronary ligation, we transplanted the monolayered mesenchymal stem cells onto the scarred myocardium. After transplantation, the engrafted sheet gradually grew to form a thick stratum that included newly formed vessels, undifferentiated cells and few cardiomyocytes. The mesenchymal stem cell sheet also acted through paracrine pathways to trigger angiogenesis. Unlike a fibroblast cell sheet, the monolayered mesenchymal stem cells reversed wall thinning in the scar area and improved cardiac function in rats with myocardial infarction. Thus, transplantation of monolayered mesenchymal stem cells may be a new therapeutic strategy for cardiac tissue regeneration.  相似文献   
Vascular plants reinforce the cell walls of the different xylem cell types with lignin phenolic polymers. Distinct lignin chemistries differ between each cell wall layer and each cell type to support their specific functions. Yet the mechanisms controlling the tight spatial localization of specific lignin chemistries remain unclear. Current hypotheses focus on control by monomer biosynthesis and/or export, while cell wall polymerization is viewed as random and nonlimiting. Here, we show that combinations of multiple individual laccases (LACs) are nonredundantly and specifically required to set the lignin chemistry in different cell types and their distinct cell wall layers. We dissected the roles of Arabidopsis thaliana LAC4, 5, 10, 12, and 17 by generating quadruple and quintuple loss-of-function mutants. Loss of these LACs in different combinations led to specific changes in lignin chemistry affecting both residue ring structures and/or aliphatic tails in specific cell types and cell wall layers. Moreover, we showed that LAC-mediated lignification has distinct functions in specific cell types, waterproofing fibers, and strengthening vessels. Altogether, we propose that the spatial control of lignin chemistry depends on different combinations of LACs with nonredundant activities immobilized in specific cell types and cell wall layers.

The spatial control of lignin chemistry, and thus of specific cellular functions, depends on combinations of laccases with nonredundant activities in specific cell types and cell wall layers.

IN A NUTSHELL Background: Lignins are a diverse, complex group of aromatic polymers that accumulate in cell walls of vascular plants, reinforcing organs, and enabling long-distance water transport. The different cell wall layers of each cell type exhibit specific lignin chemistries with distinct proportions of specific aromatic substitutions and aliphatic functions. The spatial control of this lignin chemistry was supposed to depend exclusively on the chemical identity of the lignin monomers exported into the cell wall. However, monomer supply alone cannot fully explain the sharp spatial differences between each cell wall layer in the different cell types. We, therefore, investigated whether different paralogs of the lignin monomer-oxidizing LACCASE enzymes are responsible for spatially controlling lignin chemistry at the cell wall layer level for the different cell types in the vascular tissues of plants. Question: How are specific lignin chemistries spatially controlled by LACCASE paralogs in each cell wall layer and cell type? What are the roles of LACCASE-dependent lignin accumulation for the mechanical reinforcement and the waterproofing of different cell types in plant vascular tissues? Findings: We answered these questions by identifying the LACCASE paralogs specifically expressed in vascular cells undergoing lignin accumulation. We analyzed their functions using genetic engineering to switch off five of the six LACCASE paralog genes associated with lignin formation. Their importance in the cell wall layer and cell type lignin accumulation was determined by comparing plants sharing four of the five mutations in different LACCASE paralogs. We show that each LACCASE paralog exhibits specific substrate preference, pH optimum and localization differing between the cell wall layers of each cell type. Their lignin concentration and composition moreover depended on specific combinations of LACCASE paralogs, each enabling different aromatic substitutions and aliphatic functions to accumulate. Impairing these LACCASE-dependent lignin chemistries resulted in the loss of cell wall mechanical resistance of sap-conducting cells and the loss of cell wall waterproofing of organ-reinforcing fiber cells. Next steps: We are now pursuing research to understand the molecular mechanisms controlling the supply of lignin precursors as well as the temporal regulation activating lignification during the formation/maturation of each cell wall layer in the different cell types.  相似文献   
A refined version of a method described previously for dissociating hepatocytes from fixed liver is described. The objective was to develop a procedure that would dispense with the postosmication of previously fixed tissue. In the new procedure fixed liver blocks are wrapped with a quadruple layer of nylon cloth, and, by squeezing them in a buffer solution, individually dissociated cells pass through the cloth without significant damage. The procedure makes it possible to dissociate liver tissue fixed with modified Karnovsky's fixative, Zamboni's fixative or cacodylate buffered glutaraldehyde. The subsequent compatibility of the single cells obtained with many cytochemical procedures has been confirmed.  相似文献   
The molecular forces that stabilize membrane protein structure are poorly understood. To investigate these forces we introduced alanine substitutions at 24 positions in the B helix of bacteriorhodopsin and examined their effects on structure and stability. Although most of the results can be rationalized in terms of the folded structure, there are a number of surprises. (1) We find a remarkably high frequency of stabilizing mutations (17%), indicating that membrane proteins are not highly optimized for stability. (2) Helix B is kinked, with the kink centered around Pro50. The P50A mutation has no effect on stability, however, and a crystal structure reveals that the helix remains bent, indicating that tertiary contacts dominate in the distortion of this helix. (3) We find that the protein is stabilized by about 1kcal/mol for every 38A(2) of surface area buried, which is quite similar to soluble proteins in spite of their dramatically different environments. (4) We find little energetic difference, on average, in the burial of apolar surface or polar surface area, implying that van der Waals packing is the dominant force that drives membrane protein folding.  相似文献   
SIMLR (S ingle‐cell I nterpretation via M ulti‐kernel L eaR ning), an open‐source tool that implements a novel framework to learn a sample‐to‐sample similarity measure from expression data observed for heterogenous samples, is presented here. SIMLR can be effectively used to perform tasks such as dimension reduction, clustering, and visualization of heterogeneous populations of samples. SIMLR was benchmarked against state‐of‐the‐art methods for these three tasks on several public datasets, showing it to be scalable and capable of greatly improving clustering performance, as well as providing valuable insights by making the data more interpretable via better a visualization. SIMLR is available on https://github.com/BatzoglouLabSU/SIMLR GitHub in both R and MATLAB implementations. Furthermore, it is also available as an R package on http://bioconductor.org  相似文献   
The I93M mutation in ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase L1 (UCH-L1) was reported in one German family with autosomal dominant Parkinson's disease (PD). The causative role of the mutation has, however, been questioned. We generated transgenic (Tg) mice carrying human UCHL1 under control of the PDGF-B promoter; two independent lines were generated with the I93M mutation (a high- and low-expressing line) and one line with wild-type human UCH-L1. We found a significant reduction in the dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra and the dopamine content in the striatum in the high-expressing I93M Tg mice as compared with non-Tg mice at 20 weeks of age. Although these changes were absent in the low-expressing I93M Tg mice, 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) treatment profoundly reduced dopaminergic neurons in this line as compared with wild-type Tg or non-Tg mice. Abnormal neuropathologies were also observed, such as silver staining-positive argyrophilic grains in the perikarya of degenerating dopaminergic neurons, in I93M Tg mice. The midbrains of I93M Tg mice contained increased amounts of insoluble UCH-L1 as compared with those of non-Tg mice, perhaps resulting in a toxic gain of function. Collectively, our data represent in vivo evidence that expression of UCHL1(I93M) leads to the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons.  相似文献   

We investigated changes in the activity of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) in the relaxed condition in subjects who felt sleepy, but were unable to sleep. A total of 1021 subjects underwent daytime polysomnography. The sleep latency (SL) and the visual analog scale (VAS) were used to assess “immediate” objective and subjective sleepiness, respectively. The subjects were assigned to an “Alert-Alert” group (VAS ≤ 25 mm, SL ≥ 8 min), a “Sleepy-Alert” group (VAS ≥ 75 mm, SL ≥ 8 min), or a “Sleepy-Sleepy” group (VAS ≥ 75 mm, SL ≤ 4 min). In order to assess the ANS, the spectral analysis and the geometric method were used. The ANS data collected during the relaxed condition (after lights off, post-LO) was compared to that obtained during the control condition (before lights off, pre-LO). From the spectral analysis, a significant decrease of sympathetic function and an increase of parasympathetic function at post-LO in the Sleepy-Sleepy group, a tendency for sympathetic function decrease at post-LO in the Alert-Alert group, and no significant changes to sympathetic and parasympathetic function in the Sleepy-Alert group were observed. The results from the geometric method supported the results of the spectral analysis in the Alert-Alert group and the Sleepy-Sleepy group. The results of this study suggest that the ANS plays a role in individuals who are unable to sleep even though they feel sleepy and are given the opportunity to sleep.

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