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The main goal of the present retrospective study is to compare four analgesic methodologies (EMLA cream, propofol, thiopental sodium, sevoflurane) for in vitro fertilization (IVF) oocyte retrieval. We found that most anaesthetic parameters were not significantly different among all treatments. In contrast, significant differences were revealed in all groups for total number of oocytes retrieved per patient, rate of mature oocytes at metaphase II stage (MII) and percentage of fertilization and embryo development. In the EMLA cream and thiopental sodium groups we observed the highest percentage of MII oocytes (P < 0.001). Fertilization rate in the EMLA and sevoflurane groups were similar but significantly higher than the propofol and thiopental sodium groups (P < 0.001). The highest rate of anomalous fertilization was observed in the propofol group. Rate of embryo development was similar in all groups but sevoflurane group had a lower percentage of good embryos. In conclusion, by comparing different anaesthetic techniques with different mechanisms of action and administration, potential negative effects of these drugs on the initial stages of human IVF procedure were revealed. Therefore, a local anaesthetic cream is proposed as an acceptable alternative option for anaesthesia during transvaginal oocyte retrieval.  相似文献   
The Amazon region is one of the most diverse areas in the world. Research on high tropical forest diversity brings up relevant contributions to understand the mechanisms that result and support such diversity. In the present study we describe the species composition and diversity of 15 one-ha plots in the Amazonian terra firme dense forest in Brazil, and compare the floristic similarity of these plots with other nine one-ha plots. The 15 plots studied were randomly selected from permanent plots at the Embrapa Experimental site, Amazonas State in 2005. The diversity was analysed by using species richness and Shannon's index, and by applying the Sorensen's index for similarity and unweighted pair-group average (UPGMA) as clustering method. Mantel test was performed to study whether the differences in species composition between sites could be explained by the geographic distance between them. Overall, we identified 8 771 individuals, 264 species and 51 plant families. Most of the species were concentrated in few families and few had large number of individuals. Families presenting the highest species richness were Fabaceae (Faboideae: 22spp., Mimosoideae: 22spp.), Sapotaceae: 22spp., Lecythidaceae: 15 and Lauraceae: 13. Burseraceae had the largest number of individuals with 11.8% of the total. The ten most abundant species were: Protium hebetatum (1 037 individuals), Eschweilera coriacea (471), Licania oblongifolia (310), Pouteria minima (293), Ocotea cernua (258), Scleronema micranthum (197), Eschweilera collina (176), Licania apelata (172), Naucleopsis caloneura (170) and Psidium araca (152), which represented 36.5% of all individuals. Approximately 49% of species had up to ten individuals and 13% appeared only once in all sampled plots, showing a large occurrence of rare species. Our study area is on a forest presenting a high tree species diversity with Shannon's diversity index of 4.49. The dendrogram showed two groups of plots with low similarity between them (less than 0.25), and the closer the plots were one to another, more similar in species composition (Mantel R = 0.3627, p < 0.01). The 15 plots in our study area share more than 50% of their species composition and represent the group of plots that have the shortest distance between each other. Overall, our results highlight the high local and regional heterogeneity of environments in terra firme forests, and the high occurrence of rare species, which should be considered in management and conservation programs in the Amazon rainforest, in order to maintain its structure on the long run.  相似文献   
BackgroundThe climatic and cultural diversity of the Italian Peninsula triggered, over time, the development of a great variety of horse breeds, whose origin and history are still unclear. To clarify this issue, analyses on phenotypic traits and genealogical data were recently coupled with molecular screening.MethodologyTo provide a comprehensive overview of the horse genetic variability in Italy, we produced and phylogenetically analyzed 407 mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control-region sequences from ten of the most important Italian riding horse and pony breeds: Bardigiano, Esperia, Giara, Lipizzan, Maremmano, Monterufolino, Murgese, Sarcidano, Sardinian Anglo-Arab, and Tolfetano. A collection of 36 Arabian horses was also evaluated to assess the genetic consequences of their common use for the improvement of some local breeds.ConclusionsIn Italian horses, all previously described domestic mtDNA haplogroups were detected as well as a high haplotype diversity. These findings indicate that the ancestral local mares harbored an extensive genetic diversity. Moreover, the limited haplotype sharing (11%) with the Arabian horse reveals that its impact on the autochthonous mitochondrial gene pools during the final establishment of pure breeds was marginal, if any. The only significant signs of genetic structure and differentiation were detected in the geographically most isolated contexts (i.e. Monterufolino and Sardinian breeds). Such a geographic effect was also confirmed in a wider breed setting, where the Italian pool stands in an intermediate position together with most of the other Mediterranean stocks. However, some notable exceptions and peculiar genetic proximities lend genetic support to historical theories about the origin of specific Italian breeds.  相似文献   
The SOUL/p22HBP family is an evolutionarily ancient group of heme binding proteins with a main function as cytosolic buffer against tetrapyrrole accumulation. Structural and biochemical evidence suggest specialized roles in blood formation, necrotic cell death and chemotaxis. To date, nothing is known about the precise activity and expression patterns of this class of heme binding proteins during development. The zebrafish genome possesses five soul genes belonging to two subgroups, and no p22HBP orthologous gene. Here, spatial and temporal expression patterns are reported for zebrafish soul1, soul2 and soul4 genes. All three soul genes are maternally transcribed, and their zygotic expression takes place in unique (heart, pharynx, yolk syncytial layer, brain, eyes, lateral line) and overlapping (pronephros, pituitary gland, olfactory and otic vesicle) regions of the zebrafish embryo. Our study constitutes the first detailed analysis of soul gene expression in metazoan development, and provides the basis to understand the genetics of tetrapyrrole metabolism in a wide range of embryonic processes.  相似文献   
High-throughput genotyping and sequencing techniques are rapidly and inexpensively providing large amounts of human genetic variation data. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) are an important source of human genome variability and have been implicated in several human diseases, including cancer. Amino acid mutations resulting from non-synonymous SNPs in coding regions may generate protein functional changes that affect cell proliferation. In this study, we developed a machine learning approach to predict cancer-causing missense variants. We present a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier trained on a set of 3163 cancer-causing variants and an equal number of neutral polymorphisms. The method achieve 93% overall accuracy, a correlation coefficient of 0.86, and area under ROC curve of 0.98. When compared with other previously developed algorithms such as SIFT and CHASM our method results in higher prediction accuracy and correlation coefficient in identifying cancer-causing variants.  相似文献   
Upon massive DNA damage, hyperactivation of the nuclear enzyme poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP)-1 causes severe depletion of intracellular NAD and ATP pools as well as mitochondrial dysfunction. Thus far, the molecular mechanisms contributing to PARP-1-dependent impairment of mitochondrial functioning have not been identified. We found that degradation of the PARP-1 product poly(ADP-ribose) through the concerted actions of poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase and NUDIX (nucleoside diphosphate-X) hydrolases leads to accumulation of AMP. The latter, in turn, inhibits the ADP/ATP translocator, prompting mitochondrial energy failure. For the first time, our findings identify NUDIX hydrolases as key enzymes involved in energy derangement during PARP-1 hyperactivity. Also, these data disclose unanticipated AMP-dependent impairment of mitochondrial exchange of adenine nucleotides, which can be of relevance to organelle functioning and disease pathogenesis.  相似文献   
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