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Unusual stability of the Methanospirillum hungatei sheath.   总被引:15,自引:11,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The proteinaceous sheath of Methanospirillum hungatei was isolated by lysing cells in 50 mM dithiothreitol, separating the sheath from other cellular material by discontinuous sucrose density centrifugation, and removing the "cell spacers" with dilute NaOH. The isolated sheath material consisted of hollow tubes which had a highly ordered surface array. The stability of the sheath to treatment with denaturants and to enzymatic digestion was examined by a turbidimetric assay in conjunction with electron microscopy and optical or electron diffraction. The sheath was resistant to a range of proteases and also was not digested by peptidoglycan-degrading enzymes, a lipase, a cellulase, a glucosidase, or Rhozyme (a mixture of galactosidases, acetylglucosaminidase, acetylgalactosaminidase, fucosidase, and mannosidases). In addition to being unaffected by common salts, thiol-reducing agents, and EDTA, the layer was resistant to powerful denaturants such as 6 M urea, 6 M guanidinium hydrochloride, 10 M LiSCN, cyanogen bromide, sodium periodate, and 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate. Strong bases, boiling 3 N HCl, and performic acid did attack the sheath; in these cases, the array was systematically disassembled in a progressive manner, which was followed by electron microscopy. The layer was slightly modified by N-bromosuccinimide in urea, but the array remained intact. The stability of the sheath was remarkable, not only as compared to other bacterial surface arrays, but also as compared to proteins generally, and possibly indicated the presence of covalent cross-links between protein subunits.  相似文献   
The origin of replication of Bacillus subtilis 168 trp thy dna-1 (temperature-sensitive initiation mutant) was labeled with [3H]thymidine. Analysis of labeled cells by autoradiography revealed that most of the radioactivity was associated with cell pole areas. To label the terminus, cells that had initiated were treated with chloramphenicol to inhibit cell growth and division but to allow continued DNA synthesis. These cells were then labeled with [3H]thymidine at a time when chromosome replication was nearly complete. The distribution of radioactivity was similar to that observed in origin-labeled cells. In contrast, exponentially growing cells that were labeled for a brief time at the permissive temperature showed a random distribution of radioactivity. These data indicate that the origin and terminus of replication are located at cell poles.  相似文献   
Summary A new method of functional morphological analysis is presented. Combining stereophotogrammetry with the finite element technique, a new approach, permits a three-dimensional numerical stress analysis of arbitrarily shaped bodies to be performed. The stereophotogrammetric method which originated for three-dimensional calculations in the study of surfaces in land surveying is well suited for the determination of the nodal co-ordinates required for the finite element method, an engineering technique developed for behavioural analysis of solids and fluids responding to external forces. This approach was tested in a study of the functional morphology of the bill of an African wading bird, the shoebill Balaeniceps rex. A few findings of that study are given here in order to demonstrate the method. Advantages of the finite element method compared with other techniques for stress analysis of anatomical structures are also discussed. The method presents exciting possibilities for predicting displacement and stress responses more accurately and in much greater detail. The scope of this powerful computerized stress analysis technique is greatly enhanced with the introduction of stereophotogrammetry for determining the three-dimensional co-ordinates of complex anatomical structures. With the finite element method, the properties of the bone structure can be modelled as they occur in the life of the animal. This is not possible with physical models. Furthermore, rare specimens can be analysed non-destructively.  相似文献   
Radiation-induced early transient incapacitation (ETI) is accompanied by severe systemic hypotension, during which arterial blood pressure often decreases to less than 50 per cent of normal. One haemodynamic compensatory mechanism is increased peripheral resistance due to vasoconstriction. This vasoconstriction in the small intestine of dogs is disproportionately increased during haemorrhagic or endotoxic shock, and intestinal ischaemia is frequent. In an attempt to elucidate mechanisms underlying radiation-induced ETI and the gastrointestinal radiation syndrome, canine intestinal submucosal blood flow was measured by the hydrogen polarographic technique, both before and after exposure to gamma radiation. Systemic blood pressures, blood gases and haematocrits were determined simultaneously. Data obtained from 12 sham-irradiated dogs and 12 irradiated dogs indicated that 90 Gy, whole-body, gamma radiation produced a 31 per cent decrease in systemic mean blood pressure beginning within 20 min post-irradiation and lasting for at least 90 min. However, the intestinal submucosal blood flow did not decrease as anticipated, but it exhibited an actual post-irradiation increase. This increase in post-irradiation intestinal submucosal blood flow began within 5 min after irradiation and lasted for at least 90 min. Post-irradiation haematocrits were 10.5 per cent higher than those obtained before irradiation and those obtained from sham-irradiated subjects. Histopathological examination of ileal mucosa revealed significant pathologic lesions in some irradiated animals within two hours after exposure.  相似文献   
Insertion and fate of the cell wall in Bacillus subtilis   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Cell wall assembly was studied in autolysin-deficient and -sufficient strains of Bacillus subtilis. Two independent probes, one for peptidoglycan and the other for surface-accessible teichoic acid, were employed to monitor cell surface changes during growth. Cell walls were specifically labeled with N-acetyl-D-[3H]glucosamine, and after growth, autoradiographs were prepared for both cell types. The locations of silver grains revealed that label was progressively lost from numerous sites on the cell cylinders, whereas label was retained on the cell poles, even after several generations. In the autolysin-deficient and chain-forming strain, it was found that the distance between densely labeled poles approximately doubled after each generation of growth. In the autolysin-sufficient strain, it was found that the numbers of labeled cell poles remained nearly constant for several generations, supporting the premise that completed septa and poles are largely conserved during growth. Fluorescein-conjugated concanavalin A was also used to determine the distribution of alpha-D-glucosylated teichoic acid on the surfaces of growing cells. Strains with temperature-sensitive phosphoglucomutase were used because in these mutants, glycosylation of cell wall teichoic acids can be controlled by temperature shifts. When the bacteria were grown at 45 degrees C, which stops the glucosylation of teichoic acid, the cells gradually lost their ability to bind concanavalin A on their cylindrical surfaces, but they retained concanavalin A-reactive sites on their poles. Discrete areas on the cylinder, defined by the binding of fluorescent concanavalin A, were absent when the synthesis of glucosylated teichoic acid was inhibited during growth for several generations at the nonpermissive temperature. When the mutant was shifted from a nonpermissive to a permissive temperature, all areas of the cylinder became able to bind the labeled concanavalin A after about one-half generation. Old cell poles were able to bind the lectin after nearly one generation at the permissive temperature, showing that new wall synthesis does occur in the cell poles, although it occurs slowly. These data, based on both qualitative and quantitative experiments, support a model for cell wall assembly in B. subtilis, in which cylinders elongate by inside-to-outside growth, with degradation of the stress-bearing old wall in wild-type organisms. Loss of wall material, by turnover, from many sites on the cylinder may be necessary for intercalation of new wall and normal length extension. Poles tend to retain their wall components during division and are turned over much more slowly.  相似文献   
One of the observations of endotoxic or septic shock in canines is the report of concurrent hypoglycemia. Canines exposed to supralethal gamma radiation also develop acute systemic hypotension. This study was performed in order to determine if hypoglycemia develops in the canine concurrent with radiation-induced hypotension. Systemic arterial mean blood pressure (MBP) was measured via femoral arterial catheter. Blood for plasma glucose determinations was obtained from the systemic arterial circulation at the level of the abdominal aorta and from the hepatic portal vein. Plasma glucose levels were determined on a Beckman Glucose Analyzer which employs the enzymatic reaction of β-D-glucose and oxygen. Glucose levels and MBP were monitored for one hour before and for one hour after exposure to 100 Gy, whole-body, gamma radiation or sham radiation for the control animals. Concurrent with postradiation hypotension, we measured a significant decrease in plasma glucose levels in both the systemic arterial circulation and in the hepatic portal vein. Arterial glucose levels in the sham radiated animals showed a slight rise two minutes after sham radiation, falling back to pretreatment, base line levels four minutes later and remaining at that level for the remainder of the hour. Arterial levels in the radiated animals showed a sharp decline two minutes postradiation, falling even further to twenty percent below preradiation levels by one hour postradiation. Venous blood glucose levels in sham radiated animals showed an initial increase and a gradual decrease to five percent below pretreatment base line levels; while glucose levels in radiated animals showed an immediate postradiation decrease continuing to twenty percent below preradiation levels by one hour postradiation. These findings suggest impaired hepatic gluconeogenesis, resulting in postradiation hypoglycemia.  相似文献   
In anaerobic phosphate buffer, pH 6.3-7.5, deoxyhemerythrin is oxidized to semi-methemerythrin (semi-met) by excess sodium nitrite. This oxidation is quantitative as judged by EPR spectroscopy. Further oxidation to methemerythrin is not detected. The absorbance changes of hemerythrin during the oxidation are biphasic. The rate of the faster first phase is linearly dependent on [H+] and [NO2-] suggesting that the oxidant is nitrous acid rather than nitrite. During the slower second phase, the characteristic EPR spectrum of semi-methemerythrin appears. The first phase can be interpreted by a scheme in which nitrous acid transforms deoxyhemerythrin (FeIIFeII) to the semi-met nitrosyl adduct (FeIIFeIIINO) and hydroxide. Independent experiments confirm that the combination of semi-met plus NO produces an EPR-silent adduct. The rates of the absorbance changes for the second phase are nearly independent of nitrite concentration and pH in the range 6.3-7.5. This slower phase involves the transformation of the EPR-silent intermediate to the semi-met nitrite adduct (FeIIFeIIINO2-) and is consistent with rate-limiting dissociation of nitric oxide followed by rapid attachment of nitrite. Nitrite appears to be a unique oxidant of deoxyhemerythrin in that when employed in excess, the final, stable product is semi-met- rather than methemerythrin. The lack of reactivity of ethyl nitrite with deoxyhemerythrin suggests that HONO oxidizes deoxyhemerythrin via an "inner-sphere" process in contrast to oxidants such as Fe(CN)6(3-). A proposed generalization is that excesses of "inner-sphere" oxidants convert deoxy to (semi-met)R, which is stabilized with respect to (semi-met)R, which is stabilized with respect to (semi-met)0 and met because the oxidant and/or a product of the oxidant can bind to the iron site.  相似文献   
Cell wall-DNA association in Bacillus subtilis.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Autolysis of cell walls of Bacillus subtilis 168 resulted in solubilization of wall-associated DNA. Most of the DNA was solubilized only in the later stages of autolysis. Solubilization of up to 70% of the wall by autolysins resulted in only 25 to 30% solubilization of wall-associated DNA. When the wall fragments remaining after 70% autolysis were analyzed by electron microscopy, it was observed that the preparations were highly enriched for completed septa, or poles. Partial autolysis at pH 5.2 or pH 8.6, both of which reflect hydrogen ion levels that permit either N-acetylglucosaminidase or N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanine amidase, but not both, to act, gave rise to enrichment of cell poles. When walls were incubated with subtilisin, DNase, or RNase, release of DNA (or DNA fragments) was accelerated. Density gradient centrifugation patterns of lysates of cells pulse-labeled with N-[3H]acetylglucosamine and then chased revealed that a small, but significant, proportion of the radioactivity sedimented to a density position equivalent to that of DNA-membrane complexes. Because the pulse-chase sequence enriched for radioactivity in cell poles, the results suggest that at least some molecules from polar cell walls have an affinity for DNA-membrane complexes. We suggest that DNA binds strongly, possibly via a DNA-membrane complex, to cell poles of B. subtilis. The results provide support for a view offered previously (Koch et al., FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 12:201-208, 1981) that some special structure in or very near the poles of gram-positive bacilli is involved in the segregation of DNA during cell division.  相似文献   
We have compared the partial nucleotide and derived amino acid sequences of a phaseolin seed storage protein gene ofPhaseolus vulgaris (1) and a conglycinin storage protein gene ofGlycine max (2). Although these proteins are not antigenically related to one another, the architecture of the genes is similar throughout the sequences compared here. Intervening sequences interrupt the same amino acid positions in both genes. Within the 28% of theG. max gene and the 38% of theP. vulgaris gene represented in this comparison, 73% of the nucleotides in the coding and intervening sequences are identical, excluding the insertions and deletions. The nucleotide mismatches found in the coding sequences are distributed throughout the three codon positions with little bias towards the third codon position. In addition to the single nucleotide differences, six insertions or deletions, ranging from three to twenty-seven nucleotides in length, occur in this portion of the coding region and these are partially responsible for the molecular weight differences of the conglycinin α′-subunit and the phaseolin subunit.  相似文献   
Treatment of 2-benzimidazolemethanol (4) with methanesulfonyl chloride and pyridine in chloroform afforded 2-(chloromethyl)-1-(methylsulfonyl)benzimidazole (6), which was also prepared by methanesulfonylation of 2-(chloromethyl)benzimidazole. Methanesulfonylation of α-(2-benzimidazolyl)benzyl alcohol (8) in chloroform yielded 2-(α-chlorobenzyl)-1-(methylsulfonyl)benzimidazole. 1-(Methylsulfonyl)-2-benzimidazolemethanol was obtained on methanesulfonylation of 4 pyridine at 0°, and α-[1-(methylsulfonyl)-2-benzimidazolyl]benzyl alcohol (12) was prepared from 8 by using the same reaction conditions. The reaction of 1-acetyl-2-(chloromethyl)-benzimidazole with silver methanesulfonate in benzene gave 1-acetyl-O-(methylsulfonyl)-2-benzimidazolemethanol. Compound 6 has some antitumor activity in the KB cell-culture system, and some antibacterial activity in the Staphylococcus aureus test-system; it is also active in preventing anaphylactic shock in a mouse test-system.  相似文献   
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