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Primary murine mammary epithelial cells cultured on a laminin-rich-extracellular matrix (ECM) require c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activity for acinus formation. Inhibition of JNK (using SP600125) or small interfering RNA-mediated knockdown of JNK1 blocked acinus formation, impaired cell polarisation and lumen clearance and allowed sustained extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) phosphorylation, cell proliferation, adhesion-independent cell survival and expression of epithelial-mesenchymal transition markers. ERK inhibition abolished the effects of JNK blockade. Interestingly, inhibition of JNK from the time of cell seeding blocked cell polarisation and lumen clearance; later inhibition (≥ 6 h) only affected lumen clearance. ERK inhibition effectively protected cell polarisation but less so, lumen clearance. SP600125-treatment similarly affected acinus formation by the 'normal' human mammary epithelial MCF10A cell line. Expression of dominant-negative JNK1 in MCF10A cells also undermined acinus formation, generating large 'multi-acinar spheres' whose formation is probably driven by excessive luminal cell proliferation and cell survival. As JNK activity must be suppressed from the time of cell seeding to block cell polarisation, we studied the behaviour of MCF10A cells immediately after seeding in laminin rich matrix: we detected engagement of cells with the matrix, early polarisation, movement of cells into clusters and 'epithelial-cell- like' behaviour of clustered cells. Inhibition of JNK activity or expression of dominant-negative JNK1 allowed cell engagement to the matrix, but blocked cell polarisation and all subsequent 'behaviours'. While integrin activation occurred, tyrosine-phosphorylation of paxillin, Fak and Src was significantly damped by JNK inhibition. These results emphasise the multi-phase dependency of the organisation of mammary cells in 3D on JNK activity and suggest a 'permissive' support of ECM-integrin 'outside-in' signalling and a 'damping' of growth-factor ERK signalling as its two key cell physiological effects.  相似文献   
Mechanisms of lung regeneration after injury remain poorly understood. Bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) is critical for lung morphogenesis and regulates differentiation of the airway epithelium during development, although its mechanism of action is unknown. The role of BMPs in adult lungs is unclear. We hypothesised that BMP signalling is involved in regeneration of damaged adult airways after injury. Our aims were to characterise the regeneration process in 1-nitronaphthalene (1-NN) injured airways, to determine if and when BMP signalling is activated during this process and investigate the effects of BMP4 on normal adult airway epithelial cells (AECs). Rats were injected with 50 mg/kg 1-NN and protein expression in AECs was examined by Western blotting of lung lysis lavage, and by immunofluorescence, at 6, 24, 48 and 96 h post injection. Expression of signalling molecules p-ERK-1, p-ERK-2 and p-Smad1/5/8 in AECs peaked at 6 h post injection, coincident with maximal inflammation and prior to airway denudation which occurred at 24 h. While airways were re-epithelialised by 48 h, AEC proliferation peaked later at 96 h post 1-NN injection. In vitro, BMP4 induced a mesenchymal-like morphology in normal AECs, downregulated E-cadherin expression and increased migration in a wound closure assay. Thus, following acute injury, increased BMP signalling in AECs coincides with inflammation and precedes airway denudation and re-epithelialisation. Our data indicate that, similar to its role in controlling tissue architecture during development, BMP signalling regulates regeneration of the airways following acute injury, involving downregulation of E-cadherin and induction of migration in AECs.  相似文献   
Although initially investigated for its antifungal properties, little is actually known about the effect of gliotoxin on Aspergillus fumigatus and other fungi. We have observed that exposure of A. fumigatus to exogenous gliotoxin (14 μg/ml), under gliotoxin-limited growth conditions, results in significant alteration of the expression of 27 proteins (up- and down-regulated >1.9-fold; p<0.05) including de novo expression of Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase, up-regulated allergen Asp f3 expression and down-regulated catalase and a peroxiredoxin levels. Significantly elevated glutathione GSH levels (p<0.05), along with concomitant resistance to diamide, were evident in A. fumigatus ΔgliT, lacking gliotoxin oxidoreductase, a gliotoxin self-protection gene. Saccharomyces cerevisiae deletents (Δsod1 and Δyap1) were hypersensitive to exogenous gliotoxin, while Δgsh1 was resistant. Significant gliotoxin-mediated (5 μg/ml) growth inhibition (p<0.001) of Aspergillus nidulans, Aspergillus terreus, Aspergillus niger, Cochliobolus heterostrophus and Neurospora crassa was also observed. Growth of Aspergillus flavus, Fusarium graminearum and Aspergillus oryzae was significantly inhibited (p<0.001) at gliotoxin (10 μg/ml), indicating differential gliotoxin sensitivity amongst fungi. Re-introduction of gliT into A. fumigatus ΔgliT, at a different locus (ctsD; AFUA_4G07040, an aspartic protease), with selection on gliotoxin, facilitated deletion of ctsD without use of additional antibiotic selection markers. Absence of ctsD expression was accompanied by restoration of gliT expression, and resistance to gliotoxin. Thus, we propose gliT/gliotoxin as a useful selection marker system for fungal transformation. Finally, we suggest incorporation of gliotoxin sensitivity assays into all future fungal functional genomic studies.  相似文献   
Chronic pain due to nerve injury is resistant to current analgesics. Animal models of neuropathic pain show neuronal plasticity and behavioral reflex sensitization in the spinal cord that depend on the NMDA receptor. We reveal complexes of NMDA receptors with the multivalent adaptor protein PSD-95 in the dorsal horn of spinal cord and show that PSD-95 plays a key role in neuropathic reflex sensitization. Using mutant mice expressing a truncated form of the PSD-95 molecule, we show their failure to develop the NMDA receptor-dependent hyperalgesia and allodynia seen in the CCI model of neuropathic pain, but normal inflammatory nociceptive behavior following the injection of formalin. In wild-type mice following CCI, CaM kinase II inhibitors attenuate sensitization of behavioral reflexes, elevated constitutive (autophosphorylated) activity of CaM kinase II is detected in spinal cord, and increased amounts of phospho-Thr(286) CaM kinase II coimmunoprecipitate with NMDA receptor NR2A/B subunits. Each of these changes is prevented in PSD-95 mutant mice although CaM kinase II is present and can be activated. Disruption of CaM kinase II docking to the NMDA receptor and activation may be responsible for the lack of neuropathic behavioral reflex sensitization in PSD-95 mutant mice.  相似文献   
Since only 12.6% of the Brazilian Araucaria Forest remains and timber tree monocultures are expanding, biological invasion is a potential threat to the conservation of natural forest remnants. Here, we test (1) the susceptibility of Araucaria Forest to invasion by Pinus taeda and Eucalyptus saligna, (2) the efficiency of different mechanisms controlling the early establishment of these two exotic timber tree species, and (3) the potential of the native timber tree Araucaria angustifolia to establish successfully in ecologically-managed monocultures of Araucaria, Pinus and Eucalyptus. In Araucaria Forest, more than a thousand Pinus seeds landed annually in a hectare; however, experimentally exposed seeds were 100% removed in only 6 days. Furthermore, all experimentally transplanted seedlings of Pinus taeda and Eucalyptus saligna died in less than a year in Araucaria Forest, but not in the monocultures. Correlative evidence suggests that this mortality was associated to plant community richness, plant abundance, and soil fertility. Araucaria angustifolia, in contrast, showed an establishment success in ecologically-managed tree monocultures as high as that exhibited in its natural habitat. The current resistance of Araucaria Forest to invasion by exotic timber trees is good news for the conservation of Araucaria Forest remnants and for its keystone species. The understanding of the mechanisms providing such resistance against invasion points towards management tools for minimizing future threats.  相似文献   
Certain species of Scrophularia (Scrophulariaceae), such as S. nodosa and S. umbrosa, are mainly pollinated by social wasps and are consequently described as wasp-flowers. Because plants attract their pollinators with the help of various floral cues, such as floral odour and/or optical cues, we have investigated the role of olfactory and visual floral signals responsible for wasp attraction in S. umbrosa. Using a combination of chemical (GC, GC-MS) and electrophysiological analyses (GC-EAD), we identified ten compounds in the complex floral odour bouquet that are detectable by the wasps' antennae. As in the wasp-flower Epipactis helleborine, we found so-called 'green leaf volatiles' (GLVs) in the floral odour; these GLVs are highly attractive to the wasps. GLVs, mostly six-carbon aldehydes, alcohols and acetates, and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs), are emitted by many plants infested with herbivores, e.g. caterpillars. In contrast to other investigated wasp-flowers, behavioural experiments have demonstrated that, in addition to the floral odour of S. umbrosa, visual cues are involved in pollinator attraction.  相似文献   
Intracellular peptides generated by the proteasome and oligopeptidases have been suggested to function in signal transduction and to improve insulin resistance in mice fed a high-caloric diet. The aim of this study was to identify specific intracellular peptides in the adipose tissue of Wistar rats that could be associated with the physiological and therapeutic control of glucose uptake. Using semiquantitative mass spectrometry and LC/MS/MS analyses, we identified ten peptides in the epididymal adipose tissue of the Wistar rats; three of these peptides were present at increased levels in rats that were fed a high-caloric Western diet (WD) compared with rats fed a control diet (CD). The results of affinity chromatography suggested that in the cytoplasm of epididymal adipose tissue from either WD or CD rats, distinctive proteins bind to these peptides. However, despite the observed increase in the WD animals, the evaluated peptides increased insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes treated with palmitate. Thus, intracellular peptides from the adipose tissue of Wistar rats can bind to specific proteins and facilitate insulin-induced glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes.  相似文献   
Peptides derived from cytosolic, mitochondrial, and nuclear proteins have been detected in extracts of animal tissues and cell lines. To test whether the proteasome is involved in their formation, HEK293T cells were treated with epoxomicin (0.2 or 2 μM) for 1 h and quantitative peptidomics analysis was performed. Altogether, 147 unique peptides were identified by mass spectrometry sequence analysis. Epoxomicin treatment decreased the levels of the majority of intracellular peptides, consistent with inhibition of the proteasome beta-2 and beta-5 subunits. Treatment with the higher concentration of epoxomicin elevated the levels of some peptides. Most of the elevated peptides resulted from cleavages at acidic residues, suggesting that epoxomicin increased the processing of proteins through the beta-1 subunit. Interestingly, some of the peptides that were elevated by the epoxomicin treatment had hydrophobic residues in P1 cleavage sites. Taken together, these findings suggest that, while the proteasome is the major source of intracellular peptides, other peptide-generating mechanisms exist. Because intracellular peptides are likely to perform intracellular functions, studies using proteasome inhibitors need to be interpreted with caution, as it is possible that the effects of these inhibitors are due to a change in the peptide levels rather than inhibition of protein degradation.  相似文献   
Background: Sequential treatment for Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) appears to achieve a better eradication rate than triple therapy. However, most of the data have been reported from the Italy, and studies from different population are needed before it is recommended in clinical practice. The present study aimed to assess and compare the efficacy of two separate clarithromycin including sequential regimens in Turkey which is well known with high clarithromycin and metronidazole resistance to H. pylori. Methods: Consecutive H. pylori ‐positive patients with non‐ulcer dyspepsia were randomly allocated to one of the two sequential regimens; the first group was given lansoprazole 30 mg b.i.d. plus amoxicillin 1 g b.i.d. for the first week, followed by lansoprazole 30 mg b.i.d., clarithromycin 500 mg b.i.d., and metronidazole 500 mg t.i.d. for the second week (LA‐CM). The second arm was given the same regimen but tetracycline500 g q.i.d. instead of metronidazole (LA‐CT). H. pylori was detected with urea breath test (UBT) and histology before enrollment. UBT was repeated at 6th weeks after treatment. Results: A total of 200 patients were enrolled in groups and 179 of them completed their protocols. The cumulative per protocol (“PP”) and intention‐to‐treat (“ITT”) eradication rates were 74.3% and 66.5% in all patients, respectively. Both “PP” (78.2% vs 70.1%) and “ITT” (72% vs 61%) eradication rates were better in LA‐CT group than LA‐CM group, but the differences were not statistically significant (p > .05). Both regimens were well tolerated, and the incidence of adverse effects was comparable. Conclusion: Two weeks clarithromycin including sequential regimens with metronidazole or tetracycline were not achieved acceptable eradication rates in Turkey.  相似文献   
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