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Many marine demosponges contain large amounts of phylogenetically complex yet highly sponge-specific microbial consortia within the mesohyl matrix, but little is known about how these microorganisms are acquired by their hosts. Settlement experiments were performed with the viviparous Caribbean demosponge Ircinia felix to investigate the role of larvae in the vertical transmission of the sponge-associated microbial community. Inspections by electron microscopy revealed large amounts of morphologically diverse microorganisms in the center of I. felix larvae, while the outer rim appeared to be devoid of microorganisms. In juveniles, microorganisms were found between densely packed sponge cells. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) was performed to compare the bacterial community profiles of adults, larvae, and juvenile sponges. Adults and larvae were highly similar in DGGE band numbers and banding patterns. Larvae released by the same adult individual contained highly similar DGGE banding patterns, whereas larvae released by different adult individuals showed slightly different DGGE banding patterns. Over 200 bands were excised, sequenced, and phylogenetically analyzed. The bacterial diversity of adult I. felix and its larvae was comparably high, while juveniles showed reduced diversity. In total, 13 vertically transmitted sequence clusters, hereafter termed "IF clusters," that contained sequences from both the adult sponge and offspring (larvae and/or juveniles) were found. The IF clusters belonged to at least four different eubacterial phyla and one possibly novel eubacterial lineage. In summary, it could be shown that in I. felix, vertical transmission of microorganisms through the larvae is an important mechanism for the establishment of the sponge-microbe association.  相似文献   
Excessive exposure to alcohol prenatally has a myriad of detrimental effects on the health and well-being of the offspring. It is unknown whether chronic low-moderate exposure of alcohol prenatally has similar and lasting effects on the adult offspring’s health. Using our recently developed Sprague-Dawley rat model of 6% chronic prenatal ethanol exposure, this study aimed to determine if this modest level of exposure adversely affects glucose homeostasis in male and female offspring aged up to eight months. Plasma glucose concentrations were measured in late fetal and postnatal life. The pancreas of 30 day old offspring was analysed for β-cell mass. Glucose handling and insulin action was measured at four months using an intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test and insulin challenge, respectively. Body composition and metabolic gene expression were measured at eight months. Despite normoglycaemia in ethanol consuming dams, ethanol-exposed fetuses were hypoglycaemic at embryonic day 20. Ethanol-exposed offspring were normoglycaemic and normoinsulinaemic under basal fasting conditions and had normal pancreatic β-cell mass at postnatal day 30. However, during a glucose tolerance test, male ethanol-exposed offspring were hyperinsulinaemic with increased first phase insulin secretion. Female ethanol-exposed offspring displayed enhanced glucose clearance during an insulin challenge. Body composition and hepatic, muscle and adipose tissue metabolic gene expression levels at eight months were not altered by prenatal ethanol exposure. Low-moderate chronic prenatal ethanol exposure has subtle, sex specific effects on glucose homeostasis in the young adult rat. As aging is associated with glucose dysregulation, further studies will clarify the long lasting effects of prenatal ethanol exposure.  相似文献   
U.S. EPA Methods 1622 and 1623 are used to detect and quantify Cryptosporidium oocysts in water. The protocol consists of filtration, immunomagnetic separation (IMS), staining with a fluorescent antibody, and microscopic analysis. Microscopic analysis includes detection by fluorescent antibody and confirmation by the demonstration of 1-4 sporozoites or nuclei after staining with 4',6-diamidino-2-phenyl indole dihydrochloride (DAPI). The purpose of this study was to evaluate a new IMS dissociation, a 10-min incubation at 80 degrees C. Heat dissociation improved the average oocyst recovery from 41% to 71% in seeded reagent water, and from 10% to 51% in seeded river samples. The average DAPI confirmation rate improved from 49% to 93% in reagent water, and from 48% to 73% in river samples. This modification improved both oocyst recovery and confirmation.  相似文献   
Heat shock factor 1 is a powerful multifaceted modifier of carcinogenesis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Dai C  Whitesell L  Rogers AB  Lindquist S 《Cell》2007,130(6):1005-1018
Heat shock factor 1 (HSF1) is the master regulator of the heat shock response in eukaryotes, a very highly conserved protective mechanism. HSF1 function increases survival under a great many pathophysiological conditions. How it might be involved in malignancy remains largely unexplored. We report that eliminating HSF1 protects mice from tumors induced by mutations of the RAS oncogene or a hot spot mutation in the tumor suppressor p53. In cell culture, HSF1 supports malignant transformation by orchestrating a network of core cellular functions including proliferation, survival, protein synthesis, and glucose metabolism. The striking effects of HSF1 on oncogenic transformation are not limited to mouse systems or tumor initiation; human cancer lines of diverse origins show much greater dependence on HSF1 function to maintain proliferation and survival than their nontransformed counterparts. While it enhances organismal survival and longevity under most circumstances, HSF1 has the opposite effect in supporting the lethal phenomenon of cancer.  相似文献   
The metabolism of [14C]cholesterol- and [3H]retinol-labeled chylomicrons obtained from canine thoracic duct or rabbit mesenteric lymph was investigated in normal fasted rabbits. Typically, 70-80% of the chylomicrons injected into the rabbits were cleared from the plasma in 20 min, and their uptake was accounted for principally by the liver and the bone marrow. Surprisingly, the bone marrow was a major site of uptake; the uptake ranged from about half that of the liver to a nearly equal amount. The importance and specificity of chylomicron-chylomicron remnant uptake by the bone marrow were established by demonstrating that (a) bone marrow throughout the body accumulated these lipoproteins, (b) the level of uptake was consistent regardless of how the values were calculated or how the chylomicrons were prepared, (c) the uptake represented specific binding, and (d) radiolabeled intestinal lipoproteins induced in vivo delivered cholesterol and retinol to the marrow. Electron microscopic examination of the rabbit bone marrow established that perisinusoidal macrophages uniquely accounted for the uptake of the chylomicrons. Whereas liver cleared a variety of both triglyceride-rich lipoproteins (chylomicrons, chylomicron remnants, and very low density lipoproteins) and cholesterol-rich lipoproteins (beta-very low density lipoproteins and high density lipoproteins containing apolipoprotein E), bone marrow uptake appeared to be restricted to the triglyceride-rich lipoproteins. More chylomicron remnants (generated in a hepatectomized rabbit) were cleared by the liver than by the bone marrow, and the addition of excess apolipoprotein E to chylomicrons resulted in their preferential uptake by the liver. The role of chylomicron-chylomicron remnant delivery of lipids or lipid-soluble vitamins to rabbit bone marrow is open to speculation, and whether triglyceride-rich lipoprotein uptake occurs to a significant extent in the bone marrow of humans remains to be determined.  相似文献   
Although it has been known for more than twenty years that an aberrant conformation of the prion protein (PrP) is the causative agent in prion diseases, the role of PrP in normal biology is undetermined. Numerous studies have suggested a protective function for PrP, including protection from ischemic and excitotoxic lesions and several apoptotic insults. On the other hand, many observations have suggested the contrary, linking changes in PrP localization or domain structure—independent of infectious prion conformation—to severe neuronal damage. Surprisingly, a recent report suggests that PrP is a receptor for toxic oligomeric species of a-β, a pathogenic fragment of the amyloid precursor protein, and likely contributes to disease pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease. We sought to access the role of PrP in diverse neurological disorders. First, we confirmed that PrP confers protection against ischemic damage using an acute stroke model, a well characterized association. After ischemic insult, PrP knockouts had dramatically increased infarct volumes and decreased behavioral performance compared to controls. To examine the potential of PrP''s neuroprotective or neurotoxic properties in the context of other pathologies, we deleted PrP from several transgenic models of neurodegenerative disease. Deletion of PrP did not substantially alter the disease phenotypes of mouse models of Parkinson disease or tauopathy. Deletion of PrP in one of two Huntington disease models tested, R6/2, modestly slowed motor deterioration as measured on an accelerating rotarod but otherwise did not alter other major features of the disease. Finally, transgenic overexpression of PrP did not exacerbate the Huntington motor phenotype. These results suggest that PrP has a context-dependent neuroprotective function and does not broadly contribute to the disease models tested herein.Key words: neurodegeneration, protein misfolding, PrP, home cage, stroke  相似文献   
No current therapies target the underlying cellular pathologies of age-related neurodegenerative diseases. Model organisms provide a platform for discovering compounds that protect against the toxic, misfolded proteins that initiate these diseases. One such protein, TDP-43, is implicated in multiple neurodegenerative diseases, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal lobar degeneration. In yeast, TDP-43 expression is toxic, and genetic modifiers first discovered in yeast have proven to modulate TDP-43 toxicity in both neurons and humans. Here, we describe a phenotypic screen for small molecules that reverse TDP-43 toxicity in yeast. One group of hit compounds was 8-hydroxyquinolines (8-OHQ), a class of clinically relevant bioactive metal chelators related to clioquinol. Surprisingly, in otherwise wild-type yeast cells, different 8-OHQs had selectivity for rescuing the distinct toxicities caused by the expression of TDP-43, α-synuclein, or polyglutamine proteins. In fact, each 8-OHQ synergized with the other, clearly establishing that they function in different ways. Comparative growth and molecular analyses also revealed that 8-OHQs have distinct metal chelation and ionophore activities. The diverse bioactivity of 8-OHQs indicates that altering different aspects of metal homeostasis and/or metalloprotein activity elicits distinct protective mechanisms against several neurotoxic proteins. Indeed, phase II clinical trials of an 8-OHQ has produced encouraging results in modifying Alzheimer disease. Our unbiased identification of 8-OHQs in a yeast TDP-43 toxicity model suggests that tailoring 8-OHQ activity to a particular neurodegenerative disease may be a viable therapeutic strategy.  相似文献   
Plant populations are regulated by a diverse assortment of abiotic and biotic factors that influence seed dispersal and viability, and seedling establishment and growth at the microsite. Rarely does one animal guild exert as significant an influence on different plant assemblages as land crabs. We review three tropical coastal ecosystems–mangroves, island maritime forests, and mainland coastal terrestrial forests–where land crabs directly influence forest composition by limiting tree establishment and recruitment. Land crabs differentially prey on seeds, propagules and seedlings along nutrient, chemical and physical environmental gradients. In all of these ecosystems, but especially mangroves, abiotic gradients are well studied, strong and influence plant species distributions. However, we suggest that crab predation has primacy over many of these environmental factors by acting as the first limiting factor of tropical tree recruitment to drive the potential structural and compositional organisation of coastal forests. We show that the influence of crabs varies relative to tidal gradient, shoreline distance, canopy position, time, season, tree species and fruiting periodicity. Crabs also facilitate forest growth and development through such activities as excavation of burrows, creation of soil mounds, aeration of soils, removal of leaf litter into burrows and creation of carbon-rich soil microhabitats. For all three systems, land crabs influence the distribution, density and size-class structure of tree populations. Indeed, crabs are among the major drivers of tree recruitment in tropical coastal forest ecosystems, and their conservation should be included in management plans of these forests.  相似文献   
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