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Because of the carcinogenicity of SV40 in rodents, and its possible distribution through the polio vaccine, many studies have been conducted to determine if there is an association between SV40 genomic infection and different types of cancer; sometimes, these studies included data on the prevalence of genomic infection in healthy subjects as secondary information. We reviewed all the studies that reported the prevalence of SV40 genomic infection in healthy subjects, tested by PCR based methods. The 20 articles considered here included 1103 samples from healthy subjects, with a prevalence of infection ranging from 0 to 25.6%, with high heterogeneity, and no association with the type of sample analyzed (Mantel-Haenszel OR: 0.74; 95% CI: 0.44-1.23). The wide variation in frequency pose problems in terms of study design; in fact, the representativeness of the samples used as controls in the published studies may be very limited. Larger studies on healthy subjects, tested for SV40 genomic infection at various genomic regions, conducted in different geographic areas, are needed.  相似文献   
Flavescence dorée (FD) is a grapevine disease that afflicts several wine production areas in Europe, from Portugal to Serbia. FD is caused by a bacterium, "Candidatus Phytoplasma vitis," which is spread throughout the vineyards by a leafhopper, Scaphoideus titanus (Cicadellidae). After collection of S. titanus specimens from FD-contaminated vineyards in three different areas in the Piedmont region of Italy, we performed a survey to characterize the bacterial microflora associated with this insect. Using length heterogeneity PCR with universal primers for bacteria we identified a major peak associated with almost all of the individuals examined (both males and females). Characterization by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis confirmed the presence of a major band that, after sequencing, showed a 97 to 99% identity with Bacteroidetes symbionts of the "Candidatus Cardinium hertigii" group. In addition, electron microscopy of tissues of S. titanus fed for 3 months on phytoplasma-infected grapevine plants showed bacterial cells with the typical morphology of "Ca. Cardinium hertigii." This endosymbiont, tentatively designated ST1-C, was found in the cytoplasm of previtellogenic and vitellogenic ovarian cells, in the follicle cells, and in the fat body and salivary glands. In addition, cell morphologies resembling those of "Ca. Phytoplasma vitis" were detected in the midgut, and specific PCR assays indicated the presence of the phytoplasma in the gut, fat body and salivary glands. These results indicate that ST1-C and "Ca. Phytoplasma vitis" have a complex life cycle in the body of S. titanus and are colocalized in different organs and tissues.  相似文献   
Kinetics of human insulin aggregation has been studied at pH 1.6 and 60 degrees C, when amyloid fibrils are formed. We developed a novel approach based on the analysis of scattered light intensity distribution, which allows distinguishing between small and large size aggregates. By this method, we observed an exponential growth of fibrillar aggregates implying a heterogeneous aggregation mechanism. Also, the apparent lag time observed, correlated with the major increase of thioflavin T fluorescence, has been assigned to the onset of large size cluster formation.  相似文献   
The inner membranes of mitochondria contain a family of carrier proteins that are responsible for the transport in and out of the mitochondrial matrix of substrates, products, co-factors and biosynthetic precursors that are essential for the function and activities of the organelle. This family of proteins is characterized by containing three tandem homologous sequence repeats of approximately 100 amino acids, each folded into two transmembrane alpha-helices linked by an extensive polar loop. Each repeat contains a characteristic conserved sequence. These features have been used to determine the extent of the family in genome sequences. The genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains 34 members of the family. The identity of five of them was known before the determination of the genome sequence, but the functions of the remaining family members were not. This review describes how the functions of 15 of these previously unknown transport proteins have been determined by a strategy that consists of expressing the genes in Escherichia coli or Saccharomyces cerevisiae, reconstituting the gene products into liposomes and establishing their functions by transport assay. Genetic and biochemical evidence as well as phylogenetic considerations have guided the choice of substrates that were tested in the transport assays. The physiological roles of these carriers have been verified by genetic experiments. Various pieces of evidence point to the functions of six additional members of the family, but these proposals await confirmation by transport assay. The sequences of many of the newly identified yeast carriers have been used to characterize orthologs in other species, and in man five diseases are presently known to be caused by defects in specific mitochondrial carrier genes. The roles of eight yeast mitochondrial carriers remain to be established.  相似文献   
Synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides containing CpG motifs (CpG ODN) have been reported to induce antimycobacterial activity both in vitro and in vivo. The present study analyzes the signals leading to CpG ODN-induced antimicrobial activity in monocytes. In this context, CpG, but not GpC, ODN induced cytosolic Ca2+ influx of extracellular origin which, in turn, activated host phospholipase D (PLD). The production of CpG-induced PLD-dependent phosphatidic acid induced the maturation of phagolysosomes and intracellular mycobacterial growth inhibition. These results show the presence of an antimicrobial pathway in monocytes, mediated by Ca2+-dependent PLD which can be useful for the exploitation of novel anti-tuberculosis immunotherapy approaches.  相似文献   
Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) are potent inflammatory effector cells essential to host defense, but at the same time they may cause significant tissue damage. Thus, timely induction of neutrophil apoptosis is crucial to avoid tissue damage and induce resolution of inflammation. NK cells have been reported to influence innate and adaptive immune responses by multiple mechanisms including cytotoxicity against other immune cells. In this study, we analyzed the effect of the interaction between NK cells and neutrophils. Coculture experiments revealed that human NK cells could trigger caspase-dependent neutrophil apoptosis in vitro. This event was dependent on cell-cell contact, and experiments using blocking Abs indicated that the effect was mediated by the activating NK cell receptor NKp46 and the Fas pathway. CD56-depleted lymphocytes had minimal effects on neutrophil survival, suggesting that the ability to induce neutrophil apoptosis is specific to NK cells. Our findings provide evidence that NK cells may accelerate neutrophil apoptosis, and that this interaction may be involved in the resolution of acute inflammation.  相似文献   
Human carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC VII is a cytosolic enzyme with high carbon dioxide hydration activity. Here we report an unexpected S-glutathionylation of hCA VII which has also been observed earlier in vivo for hCA III, another cytosolic isoform. Cys183 and Cys217 were found to be the residues involved in reaction with glutathione for hCA VII. The two reactive cysteines were then mutated and the corresponding variant (C183S/C217S) expressed. The native enzyme, the variant and the S-glutathionylated adduct (sgCA VII) as well as hCA III were fully characterized for their CO(2) hydration, esterase/phosphatase activities, and inhibition with sulfonamides. Our findings suggest that hCA VII could use the in vivo S-glutathionylation to function as an oxygen radical scavenger for protecting cells from oxidative damage, as the activity and affinity for inhibitors of the modified enzyme are similar to those of the wild type.  相似文献   
An increasing number of malignancies has been shown to be initiated and propelled by small subpopulations of cancer stem cells (CSC). However, whether tumor aggressiveness is driven by CSC and by what extent this property may be relevant within the tumor mass is still unsettled. To address this issue, we isolated a rare tumor cell population on the basis of its CD44(+)CD24(-) phenotype from the human androgen-independent prostate carcinoma cell line DU145 and established its CSC properties. The behavior of selected CSC was investigated with respect to the bulk DU145 cells. The injection of CSC in nude mice generated highly vascularized tumors infiltrating the adjacent tissues, showing high density of neuroendocrine cells and expressing low levels of E-cadherin and β-catenin as well as high levels of vimentin. On the contrary, when a comparable number of unsorted DU145 cells were injected the resulting tumors were less aggressive. To investigate the different features of tumors in vivo, the influence of differentiated tumor cells on CSC was examined in vitro by growing CSC in the absence or presence of conditioned medium from DU145 cells. CSC grown in permissive conditions differentiated into cell populations with features similar to those of cells held in aggressive tumors generated from CSC injection. Differently, conditioned medium induced CSC to differentiate into a cell phenotype comparable to cells of scarcely aggressive tumors originated from bulk DU145 cell injection. These findings show for the first time that CSC are able to generate differentiated cells expressing either highly or scarcely aggressive phenotype, thus influencing prostate cancer progression. The fate of CSC was determined by signals released from tumor environment. Moreover, using microarray analysis we selected some molecules which could be involved in this cell-to-cell signaling, hypothesizing their potential value for prognostic or therapeutic applications.  相似文献   
DNA damage activates checkpoint controls which block progression of cells through the division cycle. Several different checkpoints exist that control transit at different positions in the cell cycle. A role for checkpoint activation in providing resistance of cells to genotoxic anticancer therapy, including chemotherapy and ionizing radiation, is widely recognized. Although the core molecular functions that execute different damage activated checkpoints are known, the signals that control checkpoint activation are far from understood. We used a kinome-spanning RNA interference screen to delineate signalling required for radiation-mediated retinoblastoma protein activation, the recognized executor of G(1) checkpoint control. Our results corroborate the involvement of the p53 tumour suppressor (TP53) and its downstream targets p21(CIP1/WAF1) but infer lack of involvement of canonical double strand break (DSB) recognition known for its role in activating TP53 in damaged cells. Instead our results predict signalling involving the known TP53 phosphorylating kinase PRPK/TP53RK and the JNK/p38MAPK activating kinase STK4/MST1, both hitherto unrecognised for their contribution to DNA damage G1 checkpoint signalling. Our results further predict a network topology whereby induction of p21(CIP1/WAF1) is required but not sufficient to elicit checkpoint activation. Our experiments document a role of the kinases identified in radiation protection proposing their pharmacological inhibition as a potential strategy to increase radiation sensitivity in proliferating cancer cells.  相似文献   
The cancer killing efficacy of standard chemotherapeutic agents such as cisplatin (CDDP) is limited by their side effects to normal tissues. Therefore, research efforts optimizing the safety and efficacy of those agents are clinically relevant. We did screen for agents that specifically protect normal human mesothelial cells against CDDP without reducing the cancer cell killing efficacy. Lovastatin was identified from the screen. Lovastatin at a pharmacologically relevant concentration strongly arrested the proliferation of normal cells, whereas cancer cells were less affected. CDDP-induced DNA damage response was not activated and normal cells showed enhanced tolerance to CDDP when normal cells were treated with the combination of CDDP and lovastatin. We demonstrate that interfering with protein geranylgeranylation is involved in the lovastatin-mediated CDDP protective effect in normal cells. In contrast to normal cells, in cancer cells lovastatin did not change the CDDP-induced response, and cancer cells were not protected by lovastatin. Furthermore, lovastatin at the pharmacological relevant concentration per se induced DNA damage, oxidative stress and autophagy in cancer cells but not in normal mesothelial cells. Therefore, our data suggest that lovastatin has a potential to improve the therapeutic index of cisplatin-based therapy.  相似文献   
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