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We evaluated the potential of Salix viminalis (5027) and Populus × generosa for the phytoextraction of heavy metals (HM) inoculated or not with an arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Glomus intraradices during a second year of growth in a randomized complete block field trial on a slightly contaminated site. Both plant clones produced high aboveground biomass yields, however P. × generosa produced significantly more biomass than S. viminalis. The two plant clones accumulated high concentrations of Cd and Zn in their shoots, while Cu and Pb were stored in their roots. In general, S. viminalis accumulated higher concentrations of HM. The inoculation of G. intraradices in the previous year did not influence plant clones’ biomass yields during the second growing season. However, Cu and Cd translocation to shoots was limited, and Cu was preferentially concentrated in roots of inoculated plants, compared to non-inoculated plants, which were also colonized by native AM fungi taxa. Efficiency of S. viminalis and P. × generosa for Cd and Zn rehabilitation in slightly contaminated soil has been demonstrated, but mycorrhizal inoculation did not significantly increase HM extraction.  相似文献   
The Na+/glucose cotransporter (SGLT1) is an archetype for the SLC5 family, which is comprised of Na+-coupled transporters for sugars, myo-inositol, choline, and organic anions. Application of the reducing agent dithriothreitol (DTT, 10 mM) to oocytes expressing human SGLT1 affects the protein's presteady-state currents. Integration of these currents at different membrane potentials (Vm) produces a Q-V curve, whose form was shifted by +25 mV due to DTT. The role of the 15 endogenous cysteine residues was investigated by expressing SGLT1 constructs, each bearing a single mutation for an individual cysteine, in Xenopus oocytes, using two-microelectrode voltage-clamp electrophysiology and fluorescent labeling. 12 of the 15 mutants were functional and could be separated into three distinct groups based on the effect of the mutation on the Q-V curve: four mutants did not perturb the transferred charge, six mutants shifted the Q-V curve towards negative potentials, and two mutants (C255A and C511A) produced a shift in the positive direction that was identical to the shift produced by DTT on the wild-type (wt) SGLT1. The double mutant C(255,511)A confirms that the effects of each single mutant on the Q-V curve were not additive. With respect to wt SGLT1, the apparent affinities for alpha-methylglucose (alphaMG) were increased in a similar manner for the single mutants C255A and C511A, the double mutant C(255,511)A as well as for wt SGLT1 treated with DTT. When exposed to a maleimide-based fluorescent probe, wt SGLT1 was not significantly labeled but mutants C255A and C511A could be clearly labeled, indicating an accessible cysteine residue. These residues are presumed to be C511 and C255, respectively, as the double mutant C(255,511)A could not be labeled. These results strongly support the hypothesis that C255 and C511 form a disulfide bridge in human SGLT1 and that this disulfide bridge is involved in the conformational change of the free carrier.  相似文献   
The synthetic rexinoid bexarotene (Targretin, LGD1069) inhibits the formation of both estrogen receptor-negative and estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer in preclinical models and controls the expression of growth-regulatory biomarkers, such as IGFBP-6 (insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 6), RARbeta, or cyclin D1. In this study, we identified a classical retinoic acid-responsive element in the first intron in the IGFBP-6 gene adjacent to a consensus AP-1 binding site, both elements essential for rexinoid-induced expression of IGFBP-6. In chromatin binding experiments, bexarotene increased the occupancy of the identified enhancer element by RXRalpha, RARbeta, cJun, cFos, and p300. In normal mammary epithelial cells and T47D breast cancer cells, small interfering RNA-mediated knockdown of all RXR isoforms or RARbeta, but not RARalpha or RARgamma alone, blocked the induction of IGFBP-6 by bexarotene. Simultaneous knockdown of RARalpha and RARgamma abrogated both the induction of RARbeta and the up-regulation and secretion of IGFBP-6. The suppression of either RARbeta or cJun by small interfering RNA blocked the recruitment of RXRalpha and cJun to the enhancer. These results demonstrate a novel cooperative interaction between retinoid receptors and AP-1 orchestrated by RARbeta and highlight a novel mechanism by which RARbeta can mediate the cancer-preventive effects of rexinoids.  相似文献   
Yoga and meditation can alleviate stress, anxiety, mood disturbance, and musculoskeletal problems, and can enhance cognitive and physical performance. Professional musicians experience high levels of stress, performance anxiety, and debilitating performance-related musculoskeletal disorders (PRMDs). The goal of this controlled study was to evaluate the benefits of yoga and meditation for musicians. Young adult professional musicians who volunteered to participate in a 2-month program of yoga and meditation were randomized to a yoga lifestyle intervention group (n = 15) or to a group practicing yoga and meditation only (n = 15). Additional musicians were recruited to a no-practice control group (n = 15). Both yoga groups attended three Kripalu Yoga or meditation classes each week. The yoga lifestyle group also experienced weekly group practice and discussion sessions as part of their more immersive treatment. All participants completed baseline and end-program self-report questionnaires that evaluated music performance anxiety, mood, PRMDs, perceived stress, and sleep quality; many participants later completed a 1-year followup assessment using the same questionnaires. Both yoga groups showed a trend towards less music performance anxiety and significantly less general anxiety/tension, depression, and anger at end-program relative to controls, but showed no changes in PRMDs, stress, or sleep. Similar results in the two yoga groups, despite psychosocial differences in their interventions, suggest that the yoga and meditation techniques themselves may have mediated the improvements. Our results suggest that yoga and meditation techniques can reduce performance anxiety and mood disturbance in young professional musicians.  相似文献   
Perspectives on the classification of eukaryotic diversity have changed rapidly in recent years, as the four eukaryotic groups within the five-kingdom classification--plants, animals, fungi, and protists--have been transformed through numerous permutations into the current system of six "supergroups." The intent of the supergroup classification system is to unite microbial and macroscopic eukaryotes based on phylogenetic inference. This supergroup approach is increasing in popularity in the literature and is appearing in introductory biology textbooks. We evaluate the stability and support for the current six-supergroup classification of eukaryotes based on molecular genealogies. We assess three aspects of each supergroup: (1) the stability of its taxonomy, (2) the support for monophyly (single evolutionary origin) in molecular analyses targeting a supergroup, and (3) the support for monophyly when a supergroup is included as an out-group in phylogenetic studies targeting other taxa. Our analysis demonstrates that supergroup taxonomies are unstable and that support for groups varies tremendously, indicating that the current classification scheme of eukaryotes is likely premature. We highlight several trends contributing to the instability and discuss the requirements for establishing robust clades within the eukaryotic tree of life.  相似文献   
Growth of Caco-2 and many cancer cells is inhibited by 1,25(OH)(2)D(3). Whereas TGF-beta 1 inhibits normal colonic epithelial cell growth, most human colon cancer-derived cells, including Caco-2 and SW480 cells, are resistant to it. The mechanisms underlying these antiproliferative actions and resistance to TGF-beta growth inhibition are largely unknown. We observed that 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) [1,25(OH)(2)D(3)] sensitized Caco-2 and SW480 cells to TGF-beta 1 growth inhibitory effects. Versus 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) alone, the combination of 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) and TGF-beta 1 significantly reduced cell numbers. Also, the amount of active TGF-beta 1 was increased (~4-fold) by this secosteroid in conditioned media from Caco-2 cells. The 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) increased the expression of IGF-II receptors (IGF-IIR), which facilitated activation of latent TGF-beta 1, and was found to activate TGF-beta signaling in Caco-2 cells. By using neutralizing antibodies to human TGF-beta 1, we showed that this cytokine contributes to secosteroid-induced inhibition of Caco-2 cell growth. Also, 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) was found to enhance the type I TGF-beta receptor mRNA and protein abundance in Caco-2 cells. Whereas the 1,25(OH)(2)D(3)-induced sensitization of Caco-2 cells to TGF-beta 1 was IGF-IIR independent, the type I TGF-beta 1 receptor was required for this sensitization. Thus 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) treatment of Caco-2 cells results in activation of latent TGF-beta 1, facilitated by the enhanced expression of IGF-IIR by this secosteroid. Also, 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) sensitized Caco-2 cells to growth inhibitory effects of TGF-beta 1, contributing to the inhibition of Caco-2 cell growth by this secosteroid.  相似文献   
Glucose transfer across the intact guinea-pig placenta   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Experiments were carried out in anaesthetized pregnant guinea-pigs. Following the maternal injection of a bolus containing 14C-hexose and 3H2O, blood was sampled from the fetal umbilical vein during a single circulatory transit. A placental transfer index was calculated from the ratio of the tracers in the fetal whole blood divided by that in maternal plasma. The transfer index for D-glucose, 0.66 +/- 0.03 (SEM), greatly exceeded that for L-glucose, 0.013 +/- 0.004. Elevation of the maternal plasma D-glucose concentration, with unlabelled D-glucose, resulted in saturation of D-glucose transfer with an apparent Km of 1.2 x 10(-2) mol/l mean maternal plasma D-glucose. Phlorizin at maternal plasma concentrations of approximately 10(-3) mol/l inhibited D-glucose transfer by 40%. Phloretin did not affect D-glucose transfer at levels estimated to be 10(-4) mol/l. Specificity studies with substituted D-glucose analogues showed that alpha-methyl-D-glucoside is not transported by a facilitated pathway; 2-deoxy-D-glucose and 3-O-methyl-D-glucose share the D-glucose carrier and D-galactose has a partial affinity for the D-glucose carrier.  相似文献   
In vitro pure culture studies were conducted on three different strains of Escherichia coli (K-12, EPA 00244, and SWEI) to determine the effect of chlorination on catalase activity. In each case, stationary-phase cells exhibited significant (P less than 0.001) reductions in enzyme activity following exposure to chlorine. Mean differences in activity between control and chlorine-stressed cells ranged from 8.8 to 20.3 U/mg of protein for E. coli SWEI and EPA 00244, respectively. Following initial enzyme studies, resuscitation experiments utilizing the membrane filtration technique were conducted on chlorinated sewage effluent. Five different amendments, including catalase (1,000 U per plate), heat-inactivated catalase (1,000-U per plate), sodium pyruvate (0.05%), a catalase-sodium pyruvate combination (1,500 U/0.01%), and acetic acid (0.05%), were tested for the ability to enhance detection of chlorine-stressed cells on M-fecal coliform (M-FC), mT7, M-Endo, and tryptone-glucose-yeast extract (TGY) media. Significant (P less than 0.001) increases in recovery of fecal coliforms on M-FC, total coliforms on mT7 and M-Endo, and total heterotrophs on TGY were obtained on plates containing catalase, pyruvate, or the combination of these compounds. Supplementation with heat-inactivated catalase and acetic acid did not improve recovery of chlorine-stressed cells compared with recovery on nonamended media. Subsequent analysis of colonies from plates containing compounds which enhanced recovery indicated coliform verification percentages of greater than 80% on M-FC, greater than 90% on mT7, and greater than 94% on M-Endo media. These data suggest that the addition of peroxide-degrading compounds to various standard recovery media may improve detection of both coliform and heterotrophic bacteria in chlorinated waters.  相似文献   


Nucleic acids detection using microarrays requires labelling of target nucleic acids with fluorophores or other reporter molecules prior to hybridization.  相似文献   
A series of mutants incorporating furin recognition sequences within the P6-P1 region of the reactive site loop of alpha(1)-antitrypsin were constructed. Variants containing different combinations of basic residues in the P1, P2, P4, and P6 positions replacing the wild type (P6)LEAIPM(P1) sequence were evaluated for their capacity to establish SDS-resistant complexes with furin, to affect association rate constants (k(ass) and k'(ass)), or to inhibit furin-dependent proteolysis of a model precursor in vivo. Each variant abolished processing of pro-von Willebrand factor in transfected hEK293 cells. The k(ass) of all variants were found to be similar (1.1-1.7 x 10(6) m(-1) s(-1)) except for one mutant, RERIRR, which had a k(ass) of 3.3 x 10(5) m(-1) s(-1). However, the stoichiometry of inhibition varied with values ranging from 2.9 to >24, indicating rapid formation of the acyl-enzyme intermediate (high k'(ass)). Moreover, those variants having high stoichiometry of inhibition values were accompanied by the rapid formation of cleaved forms of the inhibitors. The data suggest that the rate of conversion of the acyl-enzyme (EI') into the highly stable complex (EI*) was affected by replacement of specific residues within the reactive site loop. Taken together, the results reveal how furin recognition sequences within the context of the biochemical properties of serpins will play a role in the capacity of the protein to follow either the inhibitory or the substrate pathway.  相似文献   
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