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Volcanic ocean crust contains a global chemosynthetic microbial ecosystem that impacts ocean productivity, seawater chemistry and geochemical cycling. We examined the mineralogical effect on community structure in the aquifer ecosystem by using a four-year in situ colonization experiment with igneous minerals and glasses in Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Hole 1301A on the Juan de Fuca Ridge. Microbial community analysis and scanning electron microscopy revealed that olivine phases and iron-bearing minerals bore communities that were distinct from iron-poor phases. Communities were dominated by Archaeoglobaceae, Clostridia, Thermosipho, Desulforudis and OP1 lineages. Our results suggest that mineralogy determines microbial composition in the subseafloor aquifer ecosystem.  相似文献   
Wetlands are the largest natural source of atmospheric methane. Here, we assess controls on methane flux using a database of approximately 19 000 instantaneous measurements from 71 wetland sites located across subtropical, temperate, and northern high latitude regions. Our analyses confirm general controls on wetland methane emissions from soil temperature, water table, and vegetation, but also show that these relationships are modified depending on wetland type (bog, fen, or swamp), region (subarctic to temperate), and disturbance. Fen methane flux was more sensitive to vegetation and less sensitive to temperature than bog or swamp fluxes. The optimal water table for methane flux was consistently below the peat surface in bogs, close to the peat surface in poor fens, and above the peat surface in rich fens. However, the largest flux in bogs occurred when dry 30‐day averaged antecedent conditions were followed by wet conditions, while in fens and swamps, the largest flux occurred when both 30‐day averaged antecedent and current conditions were wet. Drained wetlands exhibited distinct characteristics, e.g. the absence of large flux following wet and warm conditions, suggesting that the same functional relationships between methane flux and environmental conditions cannot be used across pristine and disturbed wetlands. Together, our results suggest that water table and temperature are dominant controls on methane flux in pristine bogs and swamps, while other processes, such as vascular transport in pristine fens, have the potential to partially override the effect of these controls in other wetland types. Because wetland types vary in methane emissions and have distinct controls, these ecosystems need to be considered separately to yield reliable estimates of global wetland methane release.  相似文献   
The lipids of the heterotrophic microalga Crypthecodinium cohnii contain the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) and docosahexaenoic acid (22:6) to a level of over 30%. The pathway of 22:6 synthesis in C. cohnii is unknown. The ability of C. cohnii to use 13C-labelled externally supplied precursor molecules for 22:6 biosynthesis was tested by 13C NMR analysis. Furthermore, the presence of desaturases (typical for aerobic PUFA synthesis) was studied by the addition of specific desaturase inhibitors in the growth medium. The addition of 1-(13)C acetate or 1-(13)C butyrate in the growth medium resulted in 22:6 with only the odd carbon atoms enriched. Apparently, two-carbon units were used as building blocks for 22:6 synthesis and butyrate was first split into two-carbon units prior to incorporation in 22:6. When 1-(13)C oleic acid was added to the growth medium, 1-(13)C oleic acid was incorporated into the lipids of C. cohnii but was not used as a precursor for the synthesis of 22:6. Specific desaturase inhibitors (norflurazon and propyl gallate) inhibited lipid accumulation in C. cohnii. The fatty acid profile, however, was not altered. In contrast, in the arachidonic acid-producing fungus, Mortierella alpina, these inhibitors not only decreased the lipid content but also altered the fatty acid profile. Our results can be explained by the presence of three tightly regulated separate systems for the fatty acid production by C. cohnii, namely for (1). the biosynthesis of saturated fatty acids, (2). the conversion of saturated fatty acids to monounsaturated fatty acids and (3). the de novo synthesis of 22:6 with desaturases involved.  相似文献   
We investigated herd-sizes and herd-compositions of Impala ( Aepyceros melampus ) inside a protected area [Lake Mburo National Park (LMNP) in western Uganda] and the unprotected adjacent ranchland [the Ankole Ranching Scheme (ARS)]. Impala experience intense hunting and poaching in the study area, and poaching is especially strong on the ARS. We found evidence for changes in overall group-sizes in both mixed-sex and pure bachelor herds between areas in and outside LMNP. Mixed-sex herds strongly decreased in size outside the National Park, but bachelor herds even slightly increased in size. While the group-composition of mixed-sex herds was very similar in areas in and outside LMNP, bachelor herds comprised more yearlings and subadult males on the ARS. Our study suggests that effects of hunting and other human nuisance may differ between herd types: mixed herds probably decrease in size because females are more strongly hunted. Around LMNP, impala are usually hunted using nets and spears, thereby increasing the hunters' chance of being injured. Poachers therefore prefer hornless females (and their calves), as it is less dangerous to handle net-caught females than males. As a result, males are less hunted, but increased vigilance and, therefore, reduced aggression among the members of a bachelor herd, may account for the observed increase in herd sizes and changes in group-compositions.  相似文献   
Dendroclimatological research is often based on the assumption that the relationship between tree growth and climate is not variable over time. Here we test this assumption by exploring if climate sensitivity of Picea mariana (Mill.) trees growing in open-stand lowland forest and on top of a neighboring peatland in Interior Alaska is stable or changing over time. Climate–growth correlations at the study sites are strongly dependent on microtopography and vary substantially over time. Trees growing in the open forest site generally display stronger climate–growth correlations, especially significantly negative correlations with late summer temperatures (July, August) starting in the period 1920–1970. Trees growing on the peatland site are less climate sensitive, but display positive correlations between annual growth and temperature of October and December in the early 20th century, while in the late 20th century, significant negative correlations exist with January and February temperatures. This study, thus, demonstrates a transient climate–growth response for P. mariana (Mill.) on two sites typical for lowland Interior Alaska. However, due to multiple possible explanations (e.g. changing climate, coupled with aging trees and a growing peatland surface) it is not possible at this time to pinpoint the exact cause for these changes in the climate–growth relationships.  相似文献   
Membrane fusion for exocytosis is mediated by SNAREs, forming trans-ternary complexes to bridge vesicle and target membranes. There is an array of accessory proteins that directly interact with and regulate SNARE proteins. PRIP (phospholipase C-related but catalytically inactive protein) is likely one of these proteins; PRIP, consisting of multiple functional modules including pleckstrin homology and C2 domains, inhibited exocytosis, probably via the binding to membrane phosphoinositides through the pleckstrin homology domain. However, the roles of the C2 domain have not yet been investigated. In this study, we found that the C2 domain of PRIP directly interacts with syntaxin 1 and SNAP-25 but not with VAMP2. The C2 domain promoted PRIP to co-localize with syntaxin 1 and SNAP-25 in PC12 cells. The binding profile of the C2 domain to SNAP-25 was comparable with that of synaptotagmin I, and PRIP inhibited synaptotagmin I in binding to SNAP-25 and syntaxin 1. It was also shown that the C2 domain was required for PRIP to suppress SDS-resistant ternary SNARE complex formation and inhibit high K+-induced noradrenalin release from PC12 cells. These results suggest that PRIP inhibits regulated exocytosis through the interaction of its C2 domain with syntaxin 1 and SNAP-25, potentially competing with other SNARE-binding, C2 domain-containing accessory proteins such as synaptotagmin I and by directly inhibiting trans-SNARE complex formation.  相似文献   
Oligonucleotide probes targeting the small-subunit rRNA are commonly used to detect and quantify bacteria in natural environments. We developed a PCR-based approach that allows synthesis of oligonucleotide probes targeting a variable region in the 16S rRNA without prior knowledge of the target sequence. Analysis of all 16S rRNA gene sequences in the Ribosomal Database Project database revealed two universal primer regions bracketing a variable, population-specific region. The probe synthesis is based on a two-step PCR amplification of this variable region in the 16S rRNA gene by using three universal bacterial primers. First, a double-stranded product is generated, which then serves as template in a linear amplification. After each of these steps, products are bound to magnetic beads and the primers are detached through hydrolysis of a ribonucleotide at the 3' end of the primers. This ultimately produces a single-stranded oligonucleotide of about 30 bases corresponding to the target. As probes, the oligonucleotides are highly specific and could discriminate between nucleic acids from closely and distantly related bacterial strains, including different species of VIBRIO: The method will facilitate rapid generation of oligonucleotide probes for large-scale hybridization assays such as screening of clone libraries or strain collections, ribotyping microarrays, and in situ hybridization. An additional advantage of the method is that fluorescently or radioactively labeled nucleotides can be incorporated during the second amplification, yielding intensely labeled probes.  相似文献   
In the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, the establishment of organ polarity leads to the expression of FILAMENTOUS FLOWER (FIL) and YABBY3 (YAB3) on one side of an organ. One important question that has remained unanswered is how does this positional information lead to the correct spatial activation of genes controlling tissue identity? We provide the first functional link between polarity establishment and the regulation of tissue identity by showing that FIL and YAB3 control the non-overlapping expression patterns of FRUITFULL (FUL) and SHATTERPROOF (SHP), genes necessary to form stripes of valve margin tissue that allow the fruit to shatter along two defined borders and disperse the seeds. FIL and YAB3 activate FUL and SHP redundantly with JAGGED (JAG), a gene that also promotes growth in organs, indicating that several pathways converge to regulate these genes. These activities are negatively regulated by REPLUMLESS (RPL), which divides FIL/JAG activity, creating two distinct stripes of valve margin.  相似文献   
Text-mining and information-retrieval services for molecular biology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Text-mining in molecular biology - defined as the automatic extraction of information about genes, proteins and their functional relationships from text documents - has emerged as a hybrid discipline on the edges of the fields of information science, bioinformatics and computational linguistics. A range of text-mining applications have been developed recently that will improve access to knowledge for biologists and database annotators.  相似文献   
The significant threat posed by biological agents (e.g. anthrax, tetanus, botulinum, and diphtheria toxins) (Inglesby, T. V., O'Toole, T., Henderson, D. A., Bartlett, J. G., Ascher, M. S., Eitzen, E., Friedlander, A. M., Gerberding, J., Hauer, J., Hughes, J., McDade, J., Osterholm, M. T., Parker, G., Perl, T. M., Russell, P. K., and Tonat, K. (2002) J. Am. Med. Assoc. 287, 2236-2252) requires innovative technologies and approaches to understand the mechanisms of toxin action and to develop better therapies. Anthrax toxins are formed from three proteins secreted by fully virulent Bacillus anthracis, protective antigen (PA, 83 kDa), lethal factor (LF, 90 kDa), and edema factor (EF, 89 kDa). Here we present electrophysiological measurements demonstrating that full-length LF and EF convert the current-voltage relationship of the heptameric PA63 ion channel from slightly nonlinear to highly rectifying and diode-like at pH 6.6. This effect provides a novel method for characterizing functional toxin interactions. The method confirms that a previously well characterized PA63 monoclonal antibody, which neutralizes anthrax lethal toxin in animals in vivo and in vitro, prevents the binding of LF to the PA63 pore. The technique can also detect the presence of anthrax lethal toxin complex from plasma of infected animals. The latter two results suggest the potential application of PA63 nanopore-based biosensors in anthrax therapeutics and diagnostics.  相似文献   
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