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末次盛冰期环境恶化对中国北方旧石器文化的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
末次冰期间冰段时,中国北方地区水热条件普遍较好,旧石器文化也比较发达。然而,进入末次盛冰期后,随着气温的普遍降低和降水量的明显减少,草原和沙漠带急速向南扩张,动物群也大举南迁。对于这种严酷的生存环境,中国北方的旧石器文化是如何响应的呢?本文以宁夏彭阳PY01-02,PY03和PY05等地点的地层剖面和石制品的研究为基础,首先提出彭阳地点群地层沉积相由河湖相沉积迅速转变为黄土堆积说明由末次冰期间冰段到末次盛冰期自然环境发生了剧烈变化。其次,通过对上述两种不同沉积相中出土石制品的大小、重量、原料以及技术上的比较说明随着环境的变化石制品本身也发生了相应的变化。下层河湖相堆积中出土的石制品粗大笨重,主要以各种石英岩为原料,与同期泾水上游旧石器文化的特征相近,应是当地文化特征的一种具体体现。上层马兰黄土中的石制品的普遍较小,主要以石英和燧石为原料,其中用燧石制成的细石器具有宁夏灵武水洞沟下文化层同类制品的特征,而用石英制成的小石器则同海原一带的史前文化有着较为密切的联系,据此作者推测这可能与史前人类在环境日益恶劣的情况下向南迁移有关。山西南部地区的下川和柿子滩遗址的地层和石制品证据亦表明,末次盛冰期前后该地区旧石器文化的明显差异可能也与末次盛冰期环境恶化时人类的迁徙有关。最后,中国北方地区考古遗址的空间分布变化为上述史前人类南迁的推测提供了有力证据。因此,作者认为末次冰期的环境恶化对中国北方旧石器文化的影响具有普遍性。  相似文献   
Well-established statistical methods exist to estimate variation in a number of key demographic rates from field data, including life-history transition probabilities and reproductive success per attempt. However, our understanding of the processes underlying population change remains incomplete without knowing the number of reproductive attempts individuals make annually; this is a key demographic rate for which we have no satisfactory method of estimating. Using census data to estimate this parameter from requires disaggregating the overlying temporal distributions of first and subsequent breeding attempts. We describe a Bayesian mixture method to estimate the annual number of reproductive attempts from field data to provide a new tool for demographic inference. We validate our method using comprehensive data on individually-marked song sparrows Melospiza melodia , and then apply it to more typical nest record data collected over 45 years on yellowhammers Emberiza citrinella . We illustrate the utility of our method by testing, and rejecting, the hypothesis that declines in UK yellowhammer populations have occurred concurrently with declines in annual breeding frequency.  相似文献   
Regression analysis of spatial data   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This study investigates measurement biases in longitudinal positron-emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) studies that are due to instrumentation variability including human error. Improved estimation of variability between patient scans is of particular importance for assessing response to therapy and multicenter trials. We used National Institute of Standards and Technology-traceable calibration methodology for solid germanium-68/gallium-68 (68Ge/68Ga) sources used as surrogates for fluorine-18 (18F) in radionuclide activity calibrators. One cross-calibration kit was constructed for both dose calibrators and PET scanners using the same 9-month half-life batch of 68Ge/68Ga in epoxy. Repeat measurements occurred in a local network of PET imaging sites to assess standardized uptake value (SUV) errors over time for six dose calibrators from two major manufacturers and for six PET/CT scanners from three major manufacturers. Bias in activity measures by dose calibrators ranged from -50% to 9% and was relatively stable over time except at one site that modified settings between measurements. Bias in activity concentration measures by PET scanners ranged from -27% to 13% with a median of 174 days between the six repeat scans (range, 29 to 226 days). Corresponding errors in SUV measurements ranged from -20% to 47%. SUV biases were not stable over time with longitudinal differences for individual scanners ranging from -11% to 59%. Bias in SUV measurements varied over time and between scanner sites. These results suggest that attention should be paid to PET scanner calibration for longitudinal studies and use of dose calibrator and scanner cross-calibration kits could be helpful for quality assurance and control.  相似文献   
Cultured geoduck clam (Panope abrupta) larvae were naturally infected with an Isonema-like flagellate. Free-swimming larval clams were initially infected by flagellates that penetrated the mantle and proliferated within the coelom. Larvae with heavy infections accumulated on the tank bottoms and ultimately died. The protozoan was identified as an Isonema-like flagellate based primarily on the presence of a distinctive ingestion apparatus composed of a microtubule complex, the presence of large, peripherally oriented mitochondria with sparse cristae, subplasmalemmal microtubules, the lack of a pellicle, short flagella, and pronounced metaboly. This is the first report of an invasive, pathogenic Isonema and the first report of a protozoan disease of a larval bivalve mollusc.  相似文献   
Root hydrocarbons as potential markers for determining species composition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Grasslands can be a complex mixture of plant species. A method is described to allow the identification of both roots and shoots of five different grass species, thus permitting greater knowledge about whole plant allocation and competition in mixed pastures. The five species were Lolium perenne, Festuca ovina, Festuca rubra, Poa trivialis and Agrostis capillaris. N‐alkanes with odd‐numbers of carbon atoms in the chains predominate in plants and in the five grass species studied, concentrations of alkanes of chain length of C29, C31 and C33 were highest. Average concentrations of C27‐C33 alkanes in shoots and roots were 187 and 11 mg kg ? 1, respectively. This wide range of values required considerable modifications to the method of analysis, including expressing concentrations on an organic matter basis and scaling‐down the procedure. The n‐alkane concentrations in roots are different from those in shoots and therefore values from shoots cannot be used to predict the composition in roots. Using a canonical variate analysis, all five grass species could be separated using concentrations of C26, C31 and C33 values in the roots. The greatest difference occurred between A. capillaris and the others, whereas discrimination was least between the two Festuca species. Defoliation had contrasting effects on the concentration of a few n‐alkanes, but not in the n‐alkanes used to discriminate between grass species. Alkane analysis shows great potential as a method to quantify the species composition of the root biomass beneath mixed pasture species.  相似文献   


Fluorescence of many fungi is noted when H&E stained sections are examined under a fluorescent microscope. In theory, this phenomenon could aid in the diagnosis of cutaneous and disseminated fungal infections without the delay associated with special stains. Seventy-six cases of superficial and deep fungal infections and 3 cases of protothecosis were studied to determine the clinical usefulness of this technique.  相似文献   
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