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The production of oysters in Guaratuba Bay, in the state of Paraná, Brazil, is still a mixed activity of mariculture and extractivism. The sustainable development of this production requires the monitoring of environmental, genetic, reproductive, and zootechnical variables. This study evaluated the importance of these variables on Crassostrea oyster production. Data were obtained between September 2009 and February 2011 from six evaluations: water quality, oyster larvae in plankton, capture of oyster spat by artificial collectors, molecular identification of collected spat and larvae, continuous evaluation of the reproductive maturity stage of adult oysters, and zootechnical performance achieved by experimental production. Temperature, dissolved oxygen, and water transparency were the environmental factors that had the most influence on the reproductive cycle (e.g. gonadal development and spat capture) and on the growth of the oyster. The highest rates for spat uptake were recorded in the summer, coinciding with the peak of sexual maturity of adults. The growth of the oysters, in terms of the weight of the meat, was related to the gonadal stage.  相似文献   
Male-male competition is recognized as a potent force of sexual selection. When intra-sexual competition is strong then selection theory predicts that alternative male phenotypes will evolve. Circellium bacchus is a large, hornless, ball-rolling dung beetle with extensive variation in size and subject to intense male-male contest competition. We proposed that small male C. bacchus, which are unlikely to be successful in male contest competition, would adopt the alternative reproductive tactic of sneaking copulations. This alternative tactic is likely to influence not only behavior, but morphology with an expectation that sneaking males would invest more resources in testes development. Investigation of testis allometry revealed that smaller male C. bacchus beetles had relatively larger testes than their bigger conspecifics. Furthermore, as resources may be limited during larval development, differential investment in testes development should result in adult male beetles either competing for fertilizations or for access to mates. This is seen in C. bacchus as two alternate male phenotypes; smaller beetles with a relatively low body mass invest proportionately more in testes development compared to larger, heavier form in which testes size does not scale with condition. To our knowledge this study provides the first investigation of alternative phenotypes in the reproductive tactics of a ball-rolling dung beetle species.  相似文献   

Working memory (WM) plays a critical role in the execution of a wide variety of cognitive tasks and predicts academic success. This study was designed to compare the impact of the presence of a dog or a person, and physical contact with them, on the performance of a WM task. It also exam- ined whether the impact differed for two dogs, and whether these factors im- pacted arousal during the WM task. College students (n=31, aged 18–23 years) performed a WM task in five counterbalanced conditions; dog-touch, dog-no-touch, person-touch, person-no-touch, and alone. Participants were randomly assigned to one of two dogs; Miniature Poodle (n=16) or Border Collie (n=15). The WM task involved replicating increasingly complicated se- quences of colored lights by touching them on an iPad®. Linear mixed model analyses revealed there was a significant interaction between collaborator and touch (p=0.05); best WM scores occurred without touch with either the per- son or the dog present, and worst WM scores occurred when the participant was touching a dog. Analyzing WM test during the dog conditions, touch (p=0.027) and dog breed (p=0.042) contributed independently to it; task completion was worse when the poodle was present and better without touch. Physiological measures [heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability] during the ex- periment indicated that the WM task was physiologically arousing (p<0.001) compared with listening, and HR was higher when touching a person than a dog during the task (p<0.046). These results are consistent with facilitation of performance by the presence of an observer. If there is a beneficial effect on cognition from a dog, physical contact with the dog might not be a necessary component. Aspects of the dog (e.g., breed) are also likely factors in WM task performance. This study highlights the importance of situational characteristics in studies evaluating the impact of companion animals.  相似文献   
Although Bergmann’s rule – stating that among closely related species, the bigger ones will inhabit the colder climates/higher latitudes – was formulated for inter‐specific comparisons, most analyses that tested this pattern in mammals were on an intra‐specific level. To date, no large‐scale taxonomy‐driven cross‐species evaluation of the pattern predicted by Bergmann exists. Here we show, in a dataset comprising 3561 mammal species from 26 orders, that while there is no significant correlation between latitude and body mass using conventional methods, this correlation is highly significant when the phylogenetic structure of the dataset is accounted for, thus supporting Bergmann’s claim that the rule only applies to closely related species. Analyses of different subsets indicate that the Bergmann’s rule is evident across a variety of latitude ranges. In many taxonomic subsets, when analysed alone, there is no significant correlation between body mass and latitude. In combination with both the significant relationship in the overall dataset and with results of intra‐specific analyses from the literature, this suggests that Bergmann’s rule describes a fundamental principle within mammals, but that its expression has been modified by a variety of factors during mammalian diversification yet to be resolved.  相似文献   
Intraspecific trait variability plays a fundamental role in community structure and dynamics; however, few studies have evaluated its relative importance to the overall response of communities to environmental pressures. Since fire is considered a key factor in Neotropical savannas, we investigated to what extent the functional effects of fire in a Brazilian savanna occurs via intra- or interspecific trait variability. We sampled 12 traits in communities subjected to three fire regimes in the last 12 years: annual, biennial, and protected. To evaluate fire’s relative effects, we fitted a general linear mixed models with species as random and fire as fixed factors, using: (1) all species in the communities (i.e., considering intra- and interspecific variabilities); (2) 18 species common to all fire regimes (i.e., intraspecific variability only); and (3) all species with their overall average trait values (i.e., interspecific variability only). We assessed the relative role of intra- or interspecific variability by comparing the significance of each trait in the three analyses. We also compared the within and between fire variabilities with a variance component analysis. Five traits presented larger intraspecific than interspecific variability, and the main effect of fire occurred at the intraspecific level. These results confirm that it is important to consider intraspecific variability to fully understand fire-prone communities. Moreover, trait variability was larger within than among fire regimes. Thus, fire may act more as an external filter, preventing some of the species from the regional pool from colonizing the cerrado, than as an internal factor structuring the already filtered cerrado communities.  相似文献   
F1-ATPase is the catalytic complex of rotary nanomotor ATP synthases. Bacterial ATP synthases can be autoinhibited by the C-terminal domain of subunit ϵ, which partially inserts into the enzyme''s central rotor cavity to block functional subunit rotation. Using a kinetic, optical assay of F1·ϵ binding and dissociation, we show that formation of the extended, inhibitory conformation of ϵ (ϵX) initiates after ATP hydrolysis at the catalytic dwell step. Prehydrolysis conditions prevent formation of the ϵX state, and post-hydrolysis conditions stabilize it. We also show that ϵ inhibition and ADP inhibition are distinct, competing processes that can follow the catalytic dwell. We show that the N-terminal domain of ϵ is responsible for initial binding to F1 and provides most of the binding energy. Without the C-terminal domain, partial inhibition by the ϵ N-terminal domain is due to enhanced ADP inhibition. The rapid effects of catalytic site ligands on conformational changes of F1-bound ϵ suggest dynamic conformational and rotational mobility in F1 that is paused near the catalytic dwell position.  相似文献   
There is increasing evidence for the involvement of lipid membranes in both the functional and pathological properties of α-synuclein (α-Syn). Despite many investigations to characterize the binding of α-Syn to membranes, there is still a lack of understanding of the binding mode linking the properties of lipid membranes to α-Syn insertion into these dynamic structures. Using a combination of an optical biosensing technique and in situ atomic force microscopy, we show that the binding strength of α-Syn is related to the specificity of the lipid environment (the lipid chemistry and steric properties within a bilayer structure) and to the ability of the membranes to accommodate and remodel upon the interaction of α-Syn with lipid membranes. We show that this interaction results in the insertion of α-Syn into the region of the headgroups, inducing a lateral expansion of lipid molecules that can progress to further bilayer remodeling, such as membrane thinning and expansion of lipids out of the membrane plane. We provide new insights into the affinity of α-Syn for lipid packing defects found in vesicles of high curvature and in planar membranes with cone-shaped lipids and suggest a comprehensive model of the interaction between α-Syn and lipid bilayers. The ability of α-Syn to sense lipid packing defects and to remodel membrane structure supports its proposed role in vesicle trafficking.  相似文献   
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