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Despite intensive efforts to improve therapies, small cell lung cancer (SCLC) still has a dismal median survival of 18 months. Since miR-126 is under-expressed in the majority of SCLC tumors, we investigated the effect of miR-126 overexpression on the proliferation and cell cycle distribution of H69 cells. Our results demonstrate that miR-126 inhibits proliferation of H69 cells, by delaying the cells in the G1 phase. Short interfering RNA (siRNA) mediated suppression of SLC7A5, a predicted target of mir-126, has the same effect on H69 cells. We also show for the first time that SLC7A5 is a direct target of miR-126.  相似文献   
Four drill cores and a clay pit section have been examined in the southern part of the Körös plain to understand the history and controls on alluvial sedimentation for the last ~ 40 ka. Four facies groups were identified, such as channel, channel margin, floodplain and floodbasin with seven distinctive facies. Magnetic susceptibility and mineralogy have further characterized the sedimentary facies indicating shifts in humidity conditions, variations in sediment flux and pedogenesis. Detailed pollen analysis of a 7.5 m thick clayey succession indicated climatic variability within the MIS 3 period. The spatial distribution of the different facies allowed outlining alluvial architecture of the study area. Three depositional units composed of various facies were identified based on OSL and radiocarbon data. These packages correspond to three major phases of channel activity: (F-I) pre-LGM period (> 30 ka to 24 ka), (F-II) post-LGM interstadial (18–16 ka), and (F-III) Late Glacial < 15 ka to ~ 10 ka). The pre-LGM and post-LGM “interstadial” phases are characterized by meandering river patterns, while the Late Glacial fluvial activity is characterized by a braided system in the area. Higher sediment supply feeding this braided river was probably caused by neotectonic uplift of the southern margin of the basin, documented by a significant stratigraphic gap between 25 and 14 ka.  相似文献   
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and nitric oxide (NO) generated by salicylic acid (SA) are considered to be functional links of cross‐tolerance to various stressors. SA‐stimulated pre‐adaptation state was beneficial in the acclimation to subsequent salt stress in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum cv. Rio Fuego). At the whole‐plant level, SA‐induced massive H2O2 accumulation only at high concentrations (10?3–10?2M), which later caused the death of plants. The excess accumulation of H2O2 as compared with plants exposed to 100 mM NaCl was not associated with salt stress response after SA pre‐treatments. In the root tips, 10?3–10?2M SA triggered the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and NO with a concomitant decline in the cell viability. Sublethal concentrations of SA, however, decreased the effect of salt stress on ROS and NO production in the root apex. The attenuation of oxidative stress because of high salinity occurred not only in pre‐adapted plants but also at cell level. When protoplasts prepared from control leaves were exposed to SA in the presence of 100 mM NaCl, the production of NO and ROS was much lower and the viability of the cells was higher than in salt‐treated samples. This suggests that, the cross‐talk of signalling pathways induced by SA and high salinity may occur at the level of ROS and NO production. Abscisic acid (ABA), polyamines and 1‐aminocyclopropane‐1‐carboxylic acid, the compounds accumulating in pre‐treated plants, enhanced the diphenylene iodonium‐sensitive ROS and NO levels, but, in contrast to others, ABA and putrescine preserved the viability of protoplasts.  相似文献   
Plant retinoblastoma-related (RBR) proteins are primarily considered as key regulators of G(1)/S phase transition, with functional roles in a variety of cellular events during plant growth and organ development. Polyclonal antibody against the C-terminal region of the Arabidopsis RBR1 protein also specifically recognizes the alfalfa 115?kDa MsRBR protein, as shown by the antigen competition assay. The MsRBR protein was detected in all cell cycle phases, with a moderate increase in samples representing G(2)/M cells. Antibody against the human phospho-pRb peptide (Ser807/811) cross-reacted with the same 115?kDa MsRBR protein and with the in vitro phosphorylated MsRBR protein C-terminal fragment. Phospho-MsRBR protein was low in G(1) cells. Its amount increased upon entry into the S phase and remained high during the G(2)/M phases. Roscovitine treatment abolished the activity of alfalfa MsCDKA1;1 and MsCDKB2;1, and the phospho-MsRBR protein level was significantly decreased in the treated cells. Colchicine block increased the detected levels of both forms of MsRBR protein. Reduced levels of the MsRBR protein in cells at stationary phase or grown in hormone-free medium can be a sign of the division-dependent presence of plant RBR proteins. Immunolocalization of the phospho-MsRBR protein indicated spots of variable number and size in the labelled interphase nuclei and high signal intensity of nuclear granules in prophase. Structures similar to phospho-MsRBR proteins cannot be recognized in later mitotic phases. Based on the presented western blot and immunolocalization data, the possible involvement of RBR proteins in G(2)/M phase regulation in plant cells is discussed.  相似文献   
Cell migration does not produce membrane flow   总被引:7,自引:10,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
We have previously reported that rearward migration of surface particles on slowly moving cells is not driven by membrane flow (Sheetz, M. P., S. Turney, H. Qian, and E. L. Elson. 1989. Nature (Lond.). 340:284-288) and recent photobleaching measurements have ruled out any rapid rearward lipid flow (Lee, J., M. Gustafsson, D. E. Magnussen, and K. Jacobson. 1990. Science (Wash. DC.) 247:1229-1233). It was not possible, however, to conclude from those studies that a slower or tank-tread membrane lipid flow does not occur. Therefore, we have used the technology of single particle tracking to examine the movements of diffusing particles on rapidly locomoting fish keratocytes where the membrane current is likely to be greatest. The keratocytes had a smooth lamellipodial surface on which bound Con A-coated gold particles were observed either to track toward the nuclear region (velocity of 0.35 +/- 0.15 micron/s) or to diffuse randomly (apparent diffusion coefficient of [3.5 +/- 2.0] x 10(-10) cm2/s). We detected no systematic drift relative to the cell edge of particles undergoing random diffusion even after the cell had moved many micrometers. The average net particle displacement was 0.01 +/- 2.7% of the cell displacement. These results strongly suggest that neither the motions of membrane proteins driven by the cytoskeleton nor other possible factors produce a bulk flow of membrane lipid.  相似文献   
Gefitinib and erlotinib are potent EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (potentially) useful for the treatment of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Clinical responses, however, in NSCLC patients have been linked to the presence of certain activating mutations of EGFR. We used an ELISA-based biochemical assay to confirm the selective inhibitory efficacy of gefitinib and erlotinib on the activated mutant receptor. Our results are in line with the clinical observations providing evidence for the predictive power of the kinase assay. Four additional compounds were also investigated: CI-1033 and EKB-569 had dramatic inhibitory effects on all EGFR forms, whereas PD153035 and AG1478 were active on wild-type and activating mutant protein. In docking simulations with wild-type EGFR, our inhibitory data are in good agreement with the binding scores. These data confirm that anilinoquinazolines are good starting structures for the next generation of selective drugs against mutant EGFR, whereas CI-1033 and EKB-569 may represent advances for patients with both wild-type and anilinoquinazoline-resistant mutant tumors.  相似文献   
Multiple-species natural enemy approach for the biological control of the alfalfa snout beetle, Otiorhynchus ligustici (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), was compared with using single-species of natural enemies in the alfalfa ecosystem by using entomopathogenic nematodes with different dispersal and foraging behaviors. Steinernema carpocapsae NY001 (ambush nematode), Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Oswego (cruiser nematode), and Steinernema feltiae Valko (intermediate nematode) were applied in single-species, two-species combinations, and one three-species combination treatments at 2.5 x 10(9) infective juveniles per hectare. All nematode species persisted for a full year (357 d). S. carpocapsae NY001 protected the plants from root-feeding damage better than H. bacteriophora Oswego but allowed for higher larval survival than all other nematode treatments. S. feltiae Valko protected the plants better than H. bacteriophora Oswego and controlled alfalfa snout beetle larvae better than S. carpocapsae NY001. H. bacteriophora Oswego allowed for similar root damage compared with control plots but reduced larval populations better than S. carpocapsae NY001. The combination of S. carpocapsae NY001 and H. bacteriophora Oswego provided significantly better protection for the plants than the control (unlike H. bacteriophora Oswego alone) and reduced host larva survival more than S. carpocapsae NY001 alone. The combination S. feltiae Valko and H. bacteriophora Oswego could not be statistically separated from the performance of S. feltiae Valko applied alone.  相似文献   
This study compares the effectiveness of two examination methods suitable for morphological observations, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and light microscopic NADH-diaphorase (NADP-d) histochemistry, to identify location and distribution pattern of primary sensory cells situated in the body wall epithelium of Limnodrilus hofmeisteri. SEM observations revealed that grouped sensory cells forming two distinct types of sensillas (or sense organs) are scattered over the body surface. The easily identifiable first type (ciliated sensilla) contains numerous penetrative ciliate sensory cells while no ciliate sensory cells were seen in the second type (sensory bud). NADH-d staining proved to be a suitable method to identify both structures further staining solitary sensory cells, and certain sensory fibres that could not be visualised by SEM preparations. Our results show that NADH-d staining, as a histochemical marker of primary sensory cells, is a suitable and effective method to reveal their morphology and distribution pattern in whole mount preparations in the smallest detail, suggesting that the application of this relatively simple and cheap method may contribute to understand the basic organisation and evolution of the peripheral sensory structures of oligochaetes.  相似文献   
Besides atherosclerosis and lung cancer, smoking is considered to play a major role in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases. It has long been known that there is a connection between rheumatoid factor-positive rheumatoid arthritis and cigarette smoking. Recently, an important gene–environment interaction has been revealed; that is, carrying specific HLA-DRB1 alleles encoding the shared epitope and smoking establish a significant risk for anti-citrullinated protein antibody-positive rheumatoid arthritis. We summarize how smoking-related alteration of the cytokine balance, the increased risk of infections (the possibility of cross-reactivity) and modifications of autoantigens by citrullination may contribute to the development of rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   
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