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The budding capacity ofBegonia rex leaf fragments is well known; that of undetached leaves has been shown by us only recently after treating the leaves with 6γγ DMAAP. Benzyladenine is as effective as 6γγ DMAAP in stimulating budding. Lower temperatures (17°, 22–12°, 12°) are also capable of inducing bud formation but only after a small cut has been made in a main vein of the undetached leaf. Root formation can also be provoked on undetached leaves which have a cut in the main leaf vein by higher temperatures (24–22°) or by an IAA treatment. Differences in the first stages of bud formation on leaf fragments and on undetached leaves are observed using histochemical and histoautoradiographic techniques.  相似文献   
Summary A new histochemically demonstrable thiaminepyrophosphatase activity in liver tissue is described. It appears to be localized solely to the cytosomes of the sinusoidal endothelium. The activity, which requires high concentration of lead ion for its demonstration, has a high degree of substrate specificity. It resists formaldehyde fixation, ethanol and many inhibitors. The optimum pH is at pH 6.This study was supported in part by a grant from the Swedish Medical Research Council.  相似文献   
Résumé L'ultrastructure des éléments cytoplasmiques de deux Dinoflagellés a révélé des différences fondamentales directement liées à leur mode de vie.Chez Noctiluca (Dinoflagellé libre, incolore), les corps de Golgi jouent un rôle important dans la formation des sphères archoplasmiques au moment des divisions et lors de l'élaboration de l'endoglée. Les mitochondries de grande taille, parfois géantes, ont des crêtes nombreuses et une matrice réduite. Elles offrent souvent des relations de contiguïté avec les granulations lipidiques et l'enveloppe nucléaire; elles sont très abondantes dans le tentacule du trophozoïte. Il n'existe pas de plastes. Les inclusions lipidiques abondent ainsi que les trichocystes fibreux et les poches mucifères dont le contenu est polysaccharidique.Chez Blastodinium (Dinoflagellé parasite, coloré sauf une espèce), les corps de Golgi sont très réduits dans le trophocyte, assez rares mais de structure classique dans les sporocytes. Les mitochondries sont de petite taille, pauvres en crêtes et ont une matrice importante chez le trophocyte; elles sont plus grandes dans les sporocytes. Les plastes bien développés, périphériques, possèdent des lamelles stromatiques formées de trois thylakoïdes chez les sporocytes; par contre, chez l'individu végétatif, le plus souvent incolore et relativement protégé de la lumière par plusieurs rangées de sporocytes, les plastes, de grande taille ont un aspect dégénéré: lamelles stromatiques rares, thylakoïdes tassés et stroma important; ce sont des étioplastes. Le cas de Blastodinium contortum hyalinum toujours incolore, est particulier: les plastes existent encore mais sont totalement dégénérés. Il y a très peu de lipides dans le trophocyte, mais ils sont par contre abondants dans les sporocytes. Il existe des trichocystes fibreux et chez l'individu végétatif, des figures myéliniques.Ces importantes variations structurales illustrent parfaitement, dans l'échelle évolutive des Dinoflagellés, l'exemple de deux modes de vie très différents.
Fine structure of endoplasm and vacuoles in two types of dinoflagellates of the genus Noctiluca and Blastodinium
Summary The fine structure of cytoplasmic elements of two Dinoflagellates reveals fundamental differences directly linked to their way of life.In Noctiluca, free-living, colourless dinoflagellate, the Golgi bodies play an important role in the formation of archoplasmic spheres at the moment of division and when the endoglea is elaborated. The mitochondria of great size, sometimes giant, have very abundant cristae and a reduced matrix. They often show relations of contiguity with the lipid granules and the nuclear envelope; they are very abundant in the tentacle of the trophozoïd. There are no plastids. The lipid inclusions are very abundant and so are fibrous trichocysts and muciferous bags whose content is polysaccharidic.In Blastodinium, parasitic dinoflagellate, coloured except for one species, the Golgi bodies are much reduced in the trophocyte, rather rare but of classical structure in the sporocytes. The mitochondria are of small size, with rare cristae and have an enlarged matrix in the trophocyte; they are bigger in the sporocytes. The plastids are well developed, peripheral, and have stromatic lamellae formed of three thylakoïds in the sporocytes. On the other hand, in the vegetative individual, usually colourless since it is protected from the light by many rows of sporocytes, the large plastids have a degenerated aspect, rare stromatic lamellae, packed thylakoïds and enlarged stroma; they are etioplastids. The case of Blastodinium contortum hyalinum, always colourless, is special: the plastids still exist but are completely degenerated. There are very few lipids in the trophocyte but abundant ones in the sporocytes. Some fibrous trichocysts occur, and in the vegetative individual, some myelinic vacuoles.These important structural variations illustrate very well the example of two very different ways of life, in the evolutionary tree of dinoflagellates.
Cet article fait partie d'un travail d'ensemble constituant une Thèse de Doctorat d'Etat intitulée: La cytologie et la division de deux types de Dinoflagellés: Noctiluca Suriray (genre libre) et Blastodinium Chatton (genre parasite).  相似文献   
Summary Histochemically demonstrable Golgi-associated TDP-ase activity in liver cells from cat, chicken, rat and frog has been investigated.This activity is highly substrate-specific, insensitive to aldehyde fixation, ethanol, acetate, lead and most enzyme inhibitors. It is stimulated by divalent manganese, calcium, magnesium and cobalt and optimum pH is at pH 6 to 7.The characteristics are identical for all four species but significant differences exist at a comparison with bile canalicular activity, Golgi-associated activity in other cells and biochemical findings.This study was supported in part by a grant from the Swedish Medical Research Council.  相似文献   
Serum activities of aspartate aminotransferase (AspAT = GOT), alanine aminotransferase (AlAT = GPT), and total lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) have been investigated in newborn calves, pigs, and lambs. In the two latter species the LDH isoenzyme distribution in serum was also studied. Blood samples were taken at frequent intervals from birth to 48–72 hrs. post partum. Calves and pigs were born with very low serum enzyme values, whereas lambs showed a picture more similar to what has been reported in human infants. In all species a marked temporary enzyme increase occurred during the first 24–48 hrs. This elevation was found not to be due to colostrum feeding, since a parallel increase was found in starved animals. Possible regulating mechanisms are discussed. The LDH isoenzyme pattern proved to be more stable than total LDH in the early post-natal period. The percentage isoenzyme distribution, however, showed characteristic differences from that found in adult animals of the same species.  相似文献   
The strainCandida utilis T 20 adapted to a high concentration of ethionine, excretes considerable amounts of methionine in a synthetic medium, about 40 times as much as the original non-adapted strain. At the same time, the amount of methionine in yeast cells incrncreased, predominantly in the pool (9 times as much as in the control). This ability to produce greater amounts of methionine in the pool or to excrete it into the medium is not permanent, since after 5 passages on agar with ut ethionine the amount of methionine was practically not increased as compared with the original non-adapted strain. An increase in free methionine and of methionine excreted into the medium was found on cultivating the strain in a molasses-containing medium, too.  相似文献   
For the formation of chloroplasts in excised wheat roots blue light is necessary, but red light enhances the blue light effect. Intensity-response relationships and action spectra have been determined for the specific blue light effect as well as for the effect of red light when given before or after blue light. The longest wave length giving a blue light effect is about 500 nm. The spectrum shows a peak at about 450 nm, and a considerable effect extends down to 368 nm, the shortest wave length tested. The photoreceptor mechanism for the “blue reaction” is thought to be related to that of certain phototropisms and chloroplast movements, and to that involved in carotenoid synthesis in certain fungi. The active pigment is thought to be either a carotenoid or a flavoprotein, probably the latter. The effect of red light shows similar action spectra whether the red light is given before or after the blue, and they are consistent with protochlorophyll absorption. However, much less light is needed to produce a detectable response when the red light is given before the blue light than after. Because of the similarity of the spectra phytochrome may also be involved in the response to red light when given before blue. Far-red reversal has not been tested. The results are discussed in relation to the development of chloroplasts in leaves.  相似文献   
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