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Pollen grains of the seed plant genera Ephedra L. and Welwitschia Hook. f. (Gnetales) are of similar size, shape, and have a polyplicate exine with alternating thicker and thinner regions. Ephedra pollen is considered inaperturate and the exine is shed during germination, leaving the male gametophyte naked. The shed exine curls up and forms a characteristic structure with transverse striations. Such upcurled exines have been found in situ in Early Cretaceous seeds with affinities to Ephedra. The purpose of this study was to document the germination of Welwitschia pollen and investigate whether they also discard their exine during this process.

The pollen grains of Welwitschia are monoaperturate with a distinct, distal sulcus. During germination, the sulcus splits open and the gametophyte expands to a spherical form that extends out of the exine. The pollen tube starts to grow one or two hours later and as in Ephedra, it is displaced towards one side. The exine is not shed but remains as a “cap” that partly covers the male gametophyte. Thus, in this respect the germination process is distinctly different from that in Ephedra and this study demonstrates that discharging the exine during pollen germination is unique to Ephedra, among the polyplicate pollen producing genera in the Gnetales.  相似文献   
Telomere protection by mammalian Pot1 requires interaction with Tpp1   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The shelterin complex at mammalian telomeres contains the single-stranded DNA-binding protein Pot1, which regulates telomere length and protects chromosome ends. Pot1 binds Tpp1, the shelterin component that connects Pot1 to the duplex telomeric DNA-binding proteins Trf1 and Trf2. Control of telomere length requires that Pot1 binds Tpp1 as well as the single-stranded telomeric DNA, but it is not known whether the protective function of Pot1 depends on Tpp1. Alternatively, Pot1 might function similarly to the Pot1-like proteins of budding and fission yeast, which have no known Tpp1-like connection to the duplex telomeric DNA. Using mutant mouse cells with diminished Tpp1 levels, RNA interference directed to mouse Tpp1 and Pot1, and complementation of mouse Pot1 knockout cells with human and mouse Pot1 variants, we show here that Tpp1 is required for the protective function of mammalian Pot1 proteins.  相似文献   
Vellinga EC  de Kok RP  Bruns TD 《Mycologia》2003,95(3):442-456
The position and composition of Macrolepiota within the Agaricaceae and its phylogenetic relationships with other members of the family were investigated, using both molecular (ITS and LSU rDNA sequences) and morphological characters. The molecular data separate the genus into two clades. The first clade comprises M. procera, M. mastoidea, M. clelandii and allies and is a sister group of Leucoagaricus and Leucocoprinus. The second, more diverse, clade, with M. rachodes and allies, M. globosa, Chlorophyllum molybdites, Leucoagaricus hortensis and Endoptychum agaricoides, is a sister group of Agaricus. The separation of the two clades is supported by morphological characters, such as the structure of the pileus covering, the stipitipellis and the shape of the germ pore and the spore apex. The two clades are regarded as genera for which the names Macrolepiota and Chlorophyllum are proposed. Macrolepiota nympharum does not belong to either clade but is assigned to the genus Leucoagaricus, close to L. leucothites. Endoptychum depressum is transferred to the genus Agaricus as A. inapertus.  相似文献   
Immunoblotting of isolated mitochondria from rat heart, liver, kidney, and brain with antibodies made against N- and C-terminal peptide sequences of the creatine transporter, together with in situ immunofluorescence staining and immunogold electron microscopy of adult rat myocardium, revealed two highly related polypeptides with molecular masses of approximately 70 and approximately 55 kDa in mitochondria. These polypeptides were localized by immunoblotting of inner and outer mitochondrial membrane fractions, as well as by immunogold labeling in the mitochondrial inner membrane. In addition, a novel creatine uptake via a mitochondrial creatine transport activity was demonstrated by [(14)C]creatine uptake studies with isolated mitochondria from rat liver, heart, and kidney showing a saturable low affinity creatine transporter, which was largely inhibited in a concentration-dependent manner by the sulfhydryl-modifying reagent NEM, as well as by the addition of the above anti-creatine transporter antibodies to partially permeabilized mitochondria. Mitochondrial creatine transport was to a significant part dependent on the energetic state of mitochondria and was inhibited by arginine, and to some extent also by lysine, but not by other creatine analogues and related compounds. The existence of an active creatine uptake mechanism in mitochondria indicates that not only creatine kinase isoenzymes, but also creatine transporters and thus a certain proportion of the creatine kinase substrates, might be subcellularly compartmentalized. Our data suggest that mitochondria, shown here to possess creatine transport activity, may harbor such a creatine/phosphocreatine pool.  相似文献   
Voltage-activated calcium channels are transmembrane proteins that act as transducers of electrical signals into numerous intracellular activities. On the basis of their electrophysiological properties they are classified as high- and low-voltage-activated calcium channels. High-voltage-activated calcium channels are heterooligomeric proteins consisting of a pore-forming alpha1 subunit and auxiliary alpha2delta, beta, and--in some tissues--gamma subunits. Auxiliary subunits support the membrane trafficking of the alpha1 subunit and modulate the kinetic properties of the channel. In particular, the alpha2delta subunit has been shown to modify the biophysical and pharmacological properties of the alpha1 subunit. The alpha2delta subunit is posttranslationally cleaved to form disulfide-linked alpha2 and, delta proteins, both of which are heavily glycosylated. Recently it was shown that at least four genes encode for alpha2delta subunits which are expressed in a tissue-specific manner. Their biophysical properties were characterized in coexpression studies with high- and low-voltage-activated calcium channels. Mutations in the gene encoding alpha2delta-2 have been found to underlie the ducky phenotype. This mouse mutant is a model for absence epilepsy and is characterized by spike wave seizures and cerebellar ataxia. Alpha2delta subunits can also support pharmacological interactions with drugs that are used for the treatment of epilepsy and neuropathic pain.  相似文献   


During infections, polymorphonuclear neutrophilic granulocytes (PMN) are mobilized from their bone marrow stores, travel with blood to the affected tissue, and kill invading microbes there. The signal(s) from the inflammatory site to the marrow are unknown, even though a number of humoral factors that can mobilize PMN, are well known. We have employed a standardized, non-infectious human model to elucidate relevant PMN mobilizers. Well-trained athletes performed a 60-min strenuous strength workout of leg muscles. Blood samples were drawn before, during and just after exercise, and then repeatedly during the following day. Cortisol, GH, ACTH, complement factors, high-sensitive CRP (muCRP), IL-6, G-CSF, IL-8 (CXCL8) and MIP-1β (CCL4) were measured in blood samples. PMN chemotaxins in test plasma was assessed with a micropore membrane technique.  相似文献   
To examine whether the reduced shoot growth of abscisic acid (ABA)-deficient mutants of tomato is independent of effects on plant water balance, flacca and notabilis were grown under controlled-humidity conditions so that their leaf water potentials were equal to or higher than those of well-watered wild-type plants throughout development. Most parameters of shoot growth remained markedly impaired and root growth was also greatly reduced. Additional experiments with flacca showed that shoot growth substantially recovered when wild-type levels of ABA were restored by treatment with exogenous ABA, even though improvement in leaf water potential was prevented. The ability of applied ABA to increase growth was greatest for leaf expansion, which was restored by 75%. The ethylene evolution rate of growing leaves was doubled in flacca compared to the wild type and treatment with silver thiosulphate to inhibit ethylene action partially restored shoot growth. The results demonstrate that normal levels of endogenous ABA are required to maintain shoot development, particularly leaf expansion, in well-watered tomato plants, independently of effects on plant water balance. The impairment of shoot growth caused by ABA deficiency is at least partly attributable to ethylene.  相似文献   
Abstract: Studies performed over the past several years have provided evidence that phosphorylation of proteins is important in the regulation of neurotransmitter release. In this study, it is shown that rabphilin-3A is present in cerebellar granule cells as a phosphoprotein, by using 32P-labeling of cerebellar granule cells, immunoprecipitation, phosphoamino acid analysis, and phosphopeptide mapping. The level of phosphorylation was increased (224 ± 13%) (mean ± SEM) on depolarization of the cells with K+ (56 m M ) in the presence of external Ca2+ (1 m M ). Stimulation of protein kinase C with a phorbol ester (phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate) also enhanced the phosphorylation of rabphilin-3A (217 ± 21%). Inhibitors of Ca2+/calmodulin-stimulated protein kinases or protein kinase C reduced the depolarization-enhanced phosphorylation of rabphilin-3A, indicating that rabphilin-3A is one of the targets for Ca2+-activated protein kinases in the nerve terminal. Costimulation of cells with phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate and K+ depolarization produced an increased level of phosphorylation of rabphilin-3A compared with either stimulus alone (287 ± 61%). Phosphoamino acid analysis showed that serine was the main phosphorylated residue. A slight increase in the threonine phosphorylation could also be detected, whereas tyrosine phosphorylation could not be detected at all. These results suggest that rabphilin-3A is phosphorylated in vivo and undergoes synaptic activity-dependent phosphorylation during Ca2+-activated K+ depolarization.  相似文献   
The ability of high- and low-affinity GABAA-receptors, respectively to inhibit depolarization coupled transmitter release was studied in cultured glutamatergic cerebellar granule cells which, depending on the culture conditions, express either high-affinity GABAA-receptors alone or high-affinity receptors together with low-affinity receptors. In order to gain information about the coupling of these receptors to chloride channels the effect of picrotoxin and binding of [35S]t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate, both of which interact specifically with such channels were studied. Moreover, the influence of Flunitrazepam on the GABA-mediated inhibition of transmitter release was investigated to see if the GABA-receptors are coupled to benzodiazepine binding sites. Under conditions where the granule cells express only high-affinity GABAA-receptors it was found that GABA was able to inhibit transmitter release elicited by mild depolarization induced either by 30 mM KCl or 25 μM glutamate. This effect of GABA could be enhanced by Flunitrazepam and blocked by picrotoxin. However, transmitter release from these neurones induced by a more pronounced depolarization (55 mM KCl) could not be inhibited by GABA. Under conditions where the neurons express both high- and low-affinity GABAA-receptors transmitter release elicited by 55 mM KCl could be inhibited by GABA but this inhibitory effect of GABA could not be blocked by picrotoxin, nor could it be enhanced by Flunitrazepam. These results strongly suggest that while the action of the high-affinity GABAA-receptors is coupled to chloride channels and benzodiazepine binding sites, the physiological action of the low-affinity GABAA-receptors is not. This lack of coupling between the low-affinity GABAA-receptors and chloride channels is further supported by the finding that the KD and Bmax values for [35S]TBPS binding to the granule cells were independent of whether or not the cells expressed low-affinity GABAA-receptors. While the results clearly show that the inhibitory action of GABA mediated by low-affinity GABAA-receptors is not coupled to chloride channels, the exact mechanism of action of these receptors still remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   
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