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Chitin was functionalized with hexamethylenediamine followed by glutaraldehyde activation, and its capacity to bind Candida rugosa lipase was investigated. The loading of 250 units g(-1) support showed to be effective, resulting in a uniform enzyme fixation with high catalytic activity. Both free and immobilized lipases were characterized by determining the activity profile as a function of pH, temperature, and thermal stability. For the immobilized lipase, the influence of the reaction temperature and substrate polarity in nonconventional biocatalysis was also analyzed. Production of butyl esters was found to be dependent on the substrate partition coefficient, which accounts the greatest value for the system butanol and butyric acid. The highest enzyme activity was found for the system butanol and caprylic acid at a reaction temperature of 40 degrees C. Under such conditions, the operational stability tests indicated that a small enzyme deactivation occurs after 12 batches, revealing a biocatalyst half-life of 426.7 h.  相似文献   
Tubular aggregates (TA) are honeycomb-like arrays of sarcoplasmic-reticulum (SR) tubules affecting aged glycolytic fibers of male individuals and inducing severe sarcomere disorganization and muscular pain. TA develop in skeletal muscle from Tubular Aggregate Myopathy (TAM) patients as well as in other disorders including endocrine syndromes, diabetes, and ageing, being their primary cause unknown. Nowadays, there is no cure for TA. Intriguingly, both hypoxia and calcium dyshomeostasis prompt TA formation, pointing to a possible role for mitochondria in their setting. However, a functional link between mitochondrial dysfunctions and TA remains unknown. Herein, we investigate the alteration in muscle-proteome of TAM patients, the molecular mechanism of TA onset and a potential therapy in a preclinical mouse model of the disease. We show that in vivo chronic inhibition of the mitochondrial ATP synthase in muscle causes TA. Upon long-term restrained oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), oxidative soleus experiments a metabolic and structural switch towards glycolytic fibers, increases mitochondrial fission, and activates mitophagy to recycle damaged mitochondria. TA result from the overresponse of the fission controller DRP1, that upregulates the Store-Operate-Calcium-Entry and increases the mitochondria-SR interaction in a futile attempt to buffer calcium overloads upon prolonged OXPHOS inhibition. Accordingly, hypoxic muscles cultured ex vivo show an increase in mitochondria/SR contact sites and autophagic/mitophagic zones, where TA clusters grow around defective mitochondria. Moreover, hypoxia triggered a stronger TA formation upon ATP synthase inhibition, and this effect was reduced by the DRP1 inhibitor mDIVI. Remarkably, the muscle proteome of TAM patients displays similar alterations in mitochondrial dynamics and in ATP synthase contents. In vivo edaravone treatment in mice with restrained OXPHOS restored a healthy phenotype by prompting mitogenesis and mitochondrial fusion. Altogether, our data provide a functional link between the ATP synthase/DRP1 axis and the setting of TA, and repurpose edaravone as a possible treatment for TA-associated disorders.Subject terms: Musculoskeletal abnormalities, Energy metabolism  相似文献   
The understanding of cytoskeleton dynamics has benefited from the capacity to generate fluorescent fiducial marks on cytoskeleton components. Here we show that light-induced imprinting of three-dimensional (3D) fluorescent speckles significantly improves speckle signal and contrast relative to classic (random) fluorescent speckle microscopy. We predict theoretically that speckle imprinting using photobleaching is optimal when the laser energy and fluorophore responsivity are related by the golden ratio. This relation, which we confirm experimentally, translates into a 40% remaining signal after speckle imprinting and provides a rule of thumb in selecting the laser power required to optimally prepare the sample for imaging. This inducible speckle imaging (ISI) technique allows 3D speckle microscopy to be performed in readily available libraries of cell lines or primary tissues expressing fluorescent proteins and does not preclude conventional imaging before speckle imaging. As a proof of concept, we use ISI to measure metaphase spindle microtubule poleward flux in primary cells and explore a scaling relation connecting microtubule flux to metaphase duration.  相似文献   
Among species that perform CAM photosynthesis, members of the genus Kalanchoë have been studied frequently to investigate the effect of environmental factors on the magnitude of CAM activity. In particular, different nitrogen sources have been shown to influence the rate of nocturnal CO2 fixation and organic‐acid accumulation in several species of Kalanchoë. However, there has been little investigation of the interrelationship between nitrogen source (nitrate versus ammonium), concentration and the activity of the vacuolar proton pumps responsible for driving nocturnal organic‐acid accumulation in these species. In the present study with Kalanchoë laxiflora and Kalanchoë delagoensis cultivated on different nitrogen sources, both species were found to show highest total nocturnal organic‐acid accumulation and highest rates of ATP‐ and PPi‐dependent vacuolar proton transport on 2.5 mM nitrate, whereas plants cultivated on 5.0 mM ammonium showed the lowest values. In both species malate was the principal organic‐acid accumulated during the night, but the second‐most accumulated organic‐acid was fumarate for K. laxiflora and citrate for K. delagoensis. Higher ATP‐ and PPi‐dependent vacuolar proton transport rates and greater nocturnal acid accumulation were observed in K. delagoensis compared with K. laxiflora. These results show that the effect of nitrogen source on CAM activity in Kalanchoë species is reflected in corresponding differences in activity of the tonoplast proton pumps responsible for driving sequestration of these acids in the vacuole of CAM‐performing cells.  相似文献   
A mosaic of intact native and human-modified vegetation use can provide important habitat for top predators such as the puma (Puma concolor), avoiding negative effects on other species and ecological processes due to cascade trophic interactions. This study investigates the effects of restoration scenarios on the puma’s habitat suitability in the most developed Brazilian region (São Paulo State). Species Distribution Models incorporating restoration scenarios were developed using the species’ occurrence information to (1) map habitat suitability of pumas in São Paulo State, Southeast, Brazil; (2) test the relative contribution of environmental variables ecologically relevant to the species habitat suitability and (3) project the predicted habitat suitability to future native vegetation restoration scenarios. The Maximum Entropy algorithm was used (Test AUC of 0.84 ± 0.0228) based on seven environmental non-correlated variables and non-autocorrelated presence-only records (n = 342). The percentage of native vegetation (positive influence), elevation (positive influence) and density of roads (negative influence) were considered the most important environmental variables to the model. Model projections to restoration scenarios reflected the high positive relationship between pumas and native vegetation. These projections identified new high suitability areas for pumas (probability of presence >0.5) in highly deforested regions. High suitability areas were increased from 5.3% to 8.5% of the total State extension when the landscapes were restored for ≥ the minimum native vegetation cover rule (20%) established by the Brazilian Forest Code in private lands. This study highlights the importance of a landscape planning approach to improve the conservation outlook for pumas and other species, including not only the establishment and management of protected areas, but also the habitat restoration on private lands. Importantly, the results may inform environmental policies and land use planning in São Paulo State, Brazil.  相似文献   
Activation tagging using the En-I maize transposon system in Arabidopsis   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
A method for the generation of stable activation tag inserts was developed in Arabidopsis using the maize (Zea mays) En-I transposon system. The method employs greenhouse selectable marker genes that are useful to efficiently generate large populations of insertions. A population of about 8,300 independent stable activation tag inserts has been produced. Greenhouse-based screens for mutants in a group of plants containing about 2,900 insertions revealed about 31 dominant mutants, suggesting a dominant mutant frequency of about 1%. From the first batch of about 400 stable insertions screened in the greenhouse, four gain-in-function, dominant activation-tagged, morphological mutants were identified. A novel gain-in-function mutant called thread is described, in which the target gene belongs to the same family as the YUCCA flavin-mono-oxygenase that was identified by T-DNA activation tagging. The high frequency of identified gain-in-function mutants in the population suggests that the En-I system described here is an efficient strategy to saturate plant genomes with activation tag inserts. Because only a small number of primary transformants are required to generate an activation tag population, the En-I system appears to be an attractive alternative to study plant species where the present transformation methods have low efficiencies.  相似文献   
Carbohydrate structures in the interior of a blood group A active substance (MSS) were exposed by one and by two Smith degradations. Reactivities of the original glycoprotein and its Smith degraded products with 13 different lectins and with anti-I Ma were studied by quantitative precipitin assay. MSS and its first Smith degraded product completely precipitated Ricinus communis hemagglutinin with five times less of the first Smith degraded glycoprotein being required for 50% precipitation. The second Smith degraded material precipitated only 90% of the lectin. MSS did not precipitate peanut lectin, whereas its first and second Smith degraded products completely precipitated the lectin. The first Smith degraded glycoprotein also reacted well with Wistaria floribunda, Maclura pomifera, Bauhinia purpurea alba, and Geodia lectins indicating that its carbohydrate moiety could contain dGalNAc, dGalβ1 → 3dGalNAc, dGalβ1 → 4dGlcNAc, dGalβ1 → 3dGlcNAcβ1 → 3dGal and/or dGalβ1 → 4dGlcNAcβ1 → 6dGal and/or dGalβ1 → 4dGlcNAcβ1 → 6dGalNAc determinants at nonreducing ends. The second Smith degraded material precipitated well with Ricinus communis hemagglutinin, Arachis hypogaea, Geodia cydonium, Maclura pomifera, and Helix pomatia lectins showing that dGalNAc, dGalβ1 → 3dGalNAc, dGalβ1 → 4dGlcNAc residues at terminal nonreducing ends could be involved. Monoclonal anti-I Ma (group 1) serum reacted strongly with the first Smith degraded product indicating large numbers of anti-I Ma determinants, dGalβ1 → 4dGlcNAcβ1 → d 6dGal and/or dGalβ1 → 4dGlcNAcβ1 → 6dGalNAc at nonreducing ends. The comparable activities of the native and Smith degraded products with wheat germ lectin indicate capacity to react with DGlcNAc residues at nonreducing ends and/or at positions in the interior of the chain. The totality of lectin reactivities indicates heterogeneity of the carbohydrate side chains. Oligosaccharides with 3H at their reducing ends released from the protein core of the first and second Smith degraded products were obtained by treatment with 0.05 m NaOH and 1 M NaB3H4 at 50 °C for 16 h (Carlson degradation). The liberated reduced oligosaccharides were fractionated by dialysis, followed by retardion, Bio-Gel P-2, P-4, and P-6 columns. They were further purified on charcoal-celite columns, and by preparative paper chromatography and high-pressure liquid chromatography. Their distribution by size was estimated by the yields on dialysis, Bio-Gel P-2, and Bio-Gel P-6 chromatography, and from the radioactivity of the reduced sugars. Of the oligosaccharide fractions from the first Smith degraded product, about 77% of the carbohydrate side chain residues contained from 1 to 6 sugars, 13% from 7 to perhaps 12 sugars, and 10% was nondialyzable (polysaccharides and glycopeptide fragments). Of the second Smith degraded product, approximately 82% of carbohydrate residues had from 1 to 6 sugars, 14% from 7 to perhaps 20 sugars and 4% was nondialyzable. The biological activity profile of the two Smith degraded products together with the size distributions of the oligosaccharides indicated that their carbohydrate side chains, comprised a heterogeneous population ranging in size from 1 to about 12 sugars. When most of these chains that are shorter than hexasaccharides are fully characterized it may be possible to reconstruct the overall structure of the carbohydrate moiety of the blood group substances and account for their biological activities.  相似文献   
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