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Ventilatory control during exercise in calves with artificial hearts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To determine the role of cardiac reflexes in mediating exercise hyperpnea, we investigated ventilatory responses to treadmill exercise in seven calves with artificial hearts and seven controls. In both groups, the ventilatory responses were adequate for the metabolic demands of the exercise; this resulted in regulation of arterial PCO2 and pH despite the absence of cardiac output increase in the implanted group. In this group, there was a small but significant reduction of arterial PO2 by 4 +/- 3 Torr and a rise of blood lactate by 1.1 +/- 1 mmol/l. When cardiac output was experimentally increased in the implanted calves to a level commensurate with that spontaneously occurring in the control calves, ventilation was not affected. However, experimental reductions of cardiac output led to an immediate augmentation of exercise hyperpnea by 4.56 +/- 4.3 l/min and a further significant lactate increase of 1.2 +/- 1.22 mmol/l that was associated with a significant decrease in the exercise O2 consumption (0.32 +/- 0.13 l/min). These observations indicate that neither cardiac nor hemodynamic effects of increased cardiac output constitute an obligatory cause of exercise hyperpnea in the calf.  相似文献   
Abstract: Stable transfection of the human neuroblastoma cell line SH-SY5Y with the human 5-hydroxytryptamine2A (5-HT2A) or 5-HT2C receptor cDNA produced cell lines demonstrating ligand affinities that correlated closely with those for the corresponding endogenous receptors in human frontal cortex and choroid plexus, respectively. Stimulation of the recombinant receptors by 5-HT induced phosphoinositide hydrolysis with higher potency but lower efficacy at the 5-HT2C receptor (pEC50 = 7.80 ± 0.06) compared with the 5-HT2A receptor (pEC50 = 7.30 ± 0.08). Activation of the 5-HT2A receptor caused a transient fourfold increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration. Whole-cell recordings of cells clamped at ?50 mV demonstrated a small inward current (2 pA) in response to 10 µM 5-HT for both receptors. There were no differences in potency or efficacy of phosphoinositide hydrolysis among four hallucinogenic [d-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), 1-(4-iodo-2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-2-aminopropane (DOI), 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine, and mescaline] and three nonhallucinogenic drugs (m-chlorophenylpiperazine, quipazine, and ergotamine). Comparison of equipotent doses producing 20% of the maximal response induced by 5-HT revealed selective activation of the 5-HT2A receptor by LSD and to a lesser degree by DOI, mescaline, and ergotamine. Quipazine and 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine were relatively nonselective, whereas m-chlorophenylpiperazine selectively activated the 5-HT2C receptor. It is unlikely therefore that hallucinosis is mediated primarily by activity at the 5-HT2C receptor, whereas activity at the 5-HT2A receptor may represent an important but not unique mechanism associated with hallucinogenic drug action.  相似文献   
The paper describes the local, national, European and wider-area framework, statutes, and formal and voluntary mechanisms for managing European estuaries. These aspects are discussed in relation to two large and representative estuarine systems, the Tagus, Portugal, and the Humber, on the English North Sea coast As estuaries are sites of many activities and uses, most of which are encouraged or at least condoned, management has the role of preventing and resolving conflicts between those uses and users. Accepted uses of estuaries include the discharge and dumping of waste materials, fin and shell-fisheries, conservation, land reclamation, natural usage, abstraction by industry, and recreation. Estuarine management is now being carried out within the constraints of local and regional government planning, planning and activities of water pollution control bodies, fisheries control bodies, and navigation and port authorities The Tagus and Humber estuaries support all of the above activities and uses, and have controls within a European legislative framework but have differing histories of management and planning in order to resolve conflicts. In addition the Humber is subject to controls placed on North Sea areas. The paper discusses the relevant national and European legislation (Directives) and accepted practices for management. Furthermore, the paper discusses the formulation and practice of estuarine management plans as used by various bodies (nature conservation, water quality and regional authority). It is of particular note that the lessons from these two estuaries are relevant to many other European estuaries.  相似文献   
Gene 12 of equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1), the homolog of herpes simplex virus (HSV) VP16 (alpha TIF, Vmw65), was cloned into a eukaryotic expression vector by PCR and used in transactivation studies of both the EHV-1 and HSV-1 IE1 promoters. Results demonstrated that the product of gene 12 is a potent transactivator of immediate-early gene expression of both viruses, which requires sequences in the upstream HSV-1 promoter for activity. Mutational analysis of the gene 12 open reading frame indicated that removal of the C-terminal 7 amino acids, which contain a short region of homology with the extreme C terminus of VP16, inactivated the protein. Within this region, only a single methionine residue appeared to be essential for activity, implying that gene 12 may have a modular array of organization similar to that of VP16. However, fusion of the gene 12 C terminus to a truncated form of VP16, which contained the complex formation domain, did not restore activity to the HSV-1 protein. These data demonstrate that the EHV-1 immediate-early transactivator may not be functionally colinear with VP16, with transactivation requiring both the C terminus and another region(s) present within the N-terminal portion.  相似文献   
The lung is profoundly affected by gravity. The absence of gravity (microgravity) removes the mechanical stresses acting on the lung paranchyma itself, resulting in a reduction in the deformation of the lung due to its own weight, and consequently altering the distribution of fresh gas ventilation within the lung. There are also changes in the mechanical forces acting on the rib cage and abdomen, which alters the manner in which the lung expands. The other way in which microgravity affects the lung is through the removal of the gravitationally induced hydrostatic gradients in vascular pressures, both within the lung itself, and within the entire body. The abolition of a pressure gradient within the pulmonary circulation would be expected to result in a greater degree of uniformity of blood flow within the lung, while the removal of the hydrostatic gradient within the body should result in an increase in venous return and intra-thoracic blood volume, with attendant changes in cardiac output, stroke volume, and pulmonary diffusing capacity. During the 9 day flight of Spacelab Life Sciences-1 (SLS-1) we collected pulmonary function test data on the crew of the mission. We compared the results obtained in microgravity with those obtained on the ground in both the standing and supine positions, preflight and in the week immediately following the mission. A number of the tests in the package were aimed at studying the anticipated changes in cardiopulmonary function, and we report those in this communication.  相似文献   
The A mating factor of Coprinus cinereus determines compatibility in mating by regulating part of a developmental sequence that leads to dikaryon formation. The A genes that trigger development encode two different classes of homeodomain proteins, and for a successful mating, a protein of one class, HD 1, must interact with a protein of the other class, HD 2. In this report we show that C. cinereus A genes that encode HD 2 proteins, a2-1 and b2-1, can elicit A-regulated development in the heterologous host C. bilanatus. Transformation rates were very low, suggesting that the genes were poorly transcribed. The fact that the HD 2 genes are functionally expressed implies successful heteromultimeric association of putative DNA-binding proteins coded by the two Coprinus species. This interaction was sufficient to satisfy the need for different A factors in the formation of a fertile C. bilanatus dikaryon, but fertile dikaryons were more readily produced in matings with the a2-1 gene transformants. The C. cinereus A genes, b1-1 and d1-1, which encode HD1 proteins, were either not expressed or their proteins were non-functional in C. bilanatus. These experiments raise some interesting questions regarding HD1–HD2 protein interactions.  相似文献   
Class I molecules of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) bind peptides derived from cytoplasmic proteins. Comparison of over 100 such peptides reveals the importance of the carboxy-terminal residue in selective binding. Recent evidence implicates the proteases and transporters of the processing pathway in providing peptides with the correct residues at the carboxyl terminus.  相似文献   
The 1000-1300 cm-1 region of the infrared spectrum of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and other phosphate-containing molecules has been studied by the Fourier-transform technique. Three absorption bands have been assigned to various vibrational modes of the DPPC phosphate group, with maximum wavenumbers at 1060, 1086 and 1222 cm-1. These values are the same above and below Tc of the phospholipid. Dehydration produces band-shifts toward higher wavenumbers .  相似文献   
Electron microscopic studies on liver 5-aminolaevulinate synthase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The structure of chick embryo liver 5-aminolaevulinate synthase has been examined by electron microscopic studies using negative staining. From the different projections of the enzyme particles observed in electron micrographs, a model for the enzyme molecule has been proposed. In this model, an enzyme molecule consists of two curved and identical subunits associated in opposite polarities. From the dimensions of an enzyme molecule subunit measured from electron micrographs, the relative molecular mass of each subunit is estimated to be 70 000.  相似文献   
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