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Allicin (diallyl thiosulfinate) from garlic is a highly potent natural antimicrobial substance. It inhibits growth of a variety of microorganisms, among them antibiotic-resistant strains. However, the precise mode of action of allicin is unknown. Here, we show that growth inhibition of Escherichia coli during allicin exposure coincides with a depletion of the glutathione pool and S-allylmercapto modification of proteins, resulting in overall decreased total sulfhydryl levels. This is accompanied by the induction of the oxidative and heat stress response. We identified and quantified the allicin-induced modification S-allylmercaptocysteine for a set of cytoplasmic proteins by using a combination of label-free mass spectrometry and differential isotope-coded affinity tag labeling of reduced and oxidized thiol residues. Activity of isocitrate lyase AceA, an S-allylmercapto-modified candidate protein, is largely inhibited by allicin treatment in vivo. Allicin-induced protein modifications trigger protein aggregation, which largely stabilizes RpoH and thereby induces the heat stress response. At sublethal concentrations, the heat stress response is crucial to overcome allicin stress. Our results indicate that the mode of action of allicin is a combination of a decrease of glutathione levels, unfolding stress, and inactivation of crucial metabolic enzymes through S-allylmercapto modification of cysteines.  相似文献   
Immunity and protection against Brucella abortus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Brucella abortus is an intracellular pathogen that causes disease in cattle and in humans. The response against B. abortus involves the whole gamut of the immune system, from innate to adaptive immunity resulting from stimulation of antigen-presenting cells, NK cells, CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells, and B cells.  相似文献   


Liver-selective thyromimetics have been reported to efficiently reduce plasma cholesterol through the hepatic induction of both, the low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLr) and the high-density lipoprotein (HDL) receptor; the scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI). Here, we investigated the effect of the thyromimetic T-0681 on reverse cholesterol transport (RCT) and atherosclerosis, and studied the underlying mechanisms using different mouse models, including mice lacking LDLr, SR-BI, and apoE, as well as CETP transgenic mice.

Methodology/Principal Findings

T-0681 treatment promoted bile acid production and biliary sterol secretion consistently in the majority of the studied mouse models, which was associated with a marked reduction of plasma cholesterol. Using an assay of macrophage RCT in mice, we found T-0681 to significantly increase fecal excretion of macrophage-derived neutral and acidic sterols. No positive effect on RCT was found in CETP transgenic mice, most likely due to the observed decrease in plasma CETP mass. Studies in SR-BI KO and LDLr KO mice suggested hepatic LDLr to be necessary for the action of T-0681 on lipid metabolism, as the compound did not have any influence on plasma cholesterol levels in mice lacking this receptor. Finally, prolonged treatment with T-0681 reduced the development of atherosclerosis by 60% in apoE KOs on Western type diet. In contrast, at an earlier time-point T-0681 slightly increased small fatty streak lesions, in part due to an impaired macrophage cholesterol efflux capacity, when compared to controls.


The present results show that liver-selective thyromimetics can promote RCT and that such compounds may protect from atherosclerosis partly through induction of bile acid metabolism and biliary sterol secretion. On-going clinical trials will show whether selective thyromimetics do prevent atherosclerosis also in humans.  相似文献   


The spleen has been implicated in the pathogenesis of immune-complex glomerulonephritis by initiating and resolving adaptive immune responses. Thus, we aimed to evaluate the role of the spleen in experimental nephrotoxic serum nephritis (NTS).


In order to accelerate the disease, animals were subjected to NTS by preimmunizing male C57BL/6J mice with rabbit IgG three days before injecting the rabbit anti-glomerular basement antiserum, or were immunized only. A group underwent splenectomy before NTS induction.


We observed enlargement of the spleen with a maximum at 14 days after NTS induction or immunization only. Splenectomized mice were found to develop albuminuria and renal histological changes comparable to sham-operated controls. Nevertheless, anaemia was aggravated in mice after splenectomy. During the course of NTS, we detected CD41+ megakaryocytes and Ter119+ erythroid precursor cells in the spleen of mice with NTS and of immunized mice. Ter119+Cxcr4+ cells and the binding partner Cxcl12 increased in the spleen, and decreased in the bone marrow. This was accompanied by a significant systemic increase of interferon-gamma in the serum.


In summary, splenectomy does not influence the course of NTS per se, but is involved in concomitant anaemia. Extramedullary haematopoiesis in the spleen is probably facilitated through the migration of Cxcr4+ erythroid precursor cells from the bone marrow to the spleen via a Cxcl12 gradient and likely arises from the suppressive capacity of chronic inflammation on the bone marrow.  相似文献   
Senescent leaves of Gingko biloba accumulate fluorescent compounds which may contribute to the golden luminous appearance of the autumnal foliage. Apart from the putative effect of such optical brighteners, the changes of spectral optical properties associated with senescence are due to the breakdown of chlorophyll in conjunction with a remarkably high retention of carotenoids. Carotenoid esters accumulate concomitant with chlorophyll breakdown. Optical properties in the infrared range of the spectrum illustrate the intactness of leaf tissue to the end of the senescence period.  相似文献   
HIV-1 disease progression is associated with persistent immune activation. However, the nature of this association is incompletely understood. Here, we investigated immune activation in the CD4 T cell compartment of chronically HIV-1 infected individuals from Rakai, Uganda. Levels of CD4 T cell activation, assessed as co-expression of PD-1, CD38 and HLA-DR, correlated directly to viral load and inversely to CD4 count. Deeper characterization of these cells indicated an effector memory phenotype with relatively frequent expression of Ki67 despite their PD-1 expression, and levels of these cells were inversely associated with FoxP3+ regulatory T cells. We therefore use the term deregulated effector memory (DEM) cells to describe them. CD4 T cells with a DEM phenotype could be generated by antigen stimulation of recall responses in vitro. Responses against HIV-1 and CMV antigens were enriched among the DEM CD4 T cells in patients, and the diverse Vβ repertoire of DEM CD4 T cells suggested they include diverse antigen-specificities. Furthermore, the levels of DEM CD4 T cells correlated directly to soluble CD14 (sCD14) and IL-6, markers of innate immune activation, in plasma. The size of the activated DEM CD4 T cell subset was predictive of the rate of disease progression, whereas IL-6 was only weakly predictive and sCD14 was not predictive. Taken together, these results are consistent with a model where systemic innate immune activation and chronic antigen stimulation of adaptive T cell responses both play important roles in driving pathological CD4 T cell immune activation in HIV-1 disease.  相似文献   
The N-end rule pathway of protein degradation targets proteins with destabilizing N-terminal residues. Ubr2 is one of the E3 ubiquitin ligases of the mouse N-end rule pathway. We have previously shown that Ubr2-/- male mice are infertile, owing to the arrest of spermatocytes between the leptotene/zygotene and pachytene of meiosis I, the failure of chromosome pairing, and subsequent apoptosis. Here, we report that mouse fibroblast cells derived from Ubr2-/- embryos display genome instability. The frequency of chromosomal bridges and micronuclei were much higher in Ubr2-/- fibroblasts than in +/+ controls. Metaphase chromosome spreads from Ubr2-/- cells revealed a high incidence of spontaneous chromosomal gaps, indicating chromosomal fragility. These fragile sites were generally replicated late in S phase. Ubr2-/- cells were hypersensitive to mitomycin C, a DNA cross-linking agent, but displayed normal sensitivity to gamma-irradiation. A reporter assay showed that Ubr2-/- cells are significantly impaired in the homologous recombination repair of a double strand break. In contrast, Ubr2-/- cells appeared normal in an assay for non-homologous end joining. Our results therefore unveil the role of the ubiquitin ligase Ubr2 in maintaining genome integrity and in homologous recombination repair.  相似文献   
An injected bolus of tritiated photolabeled rat androgen binding protein (ABP) is cleared from the circulation in a biphasic manner. The rapid component of the clearance curve indicates a clearance half time (t1/2) of 4.24 +/- 0.20 h and the slow component indicates a t1/2 of 13.27 +/- 2.92 h. After injection, photolabeled ABP is rapidly degraded as determined by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels containing sodium dodecyl sulfate. This method dissociates ABP into subunits of approximately 48,000 daltons. One-half hour after injection of photolabeled ABP, 90% of the radioactivity migrates as a 20,000- rather than as a 48,000-dalton moiety; at the 24-h point only 20,000- and 16,000-dalton species were detectable. Chromatography of plasma on Sephadex G-150 indicated that, under nondenaturing conditions, radioactivity was still associated with proteins having a molecular weight similar to the native ABP dimer. These results suggest that the dimer is substrate for the proteolytic processes affecting ABP. Small (congruent to 7000 dalton) fragments of ABP could be detected in urine by G-150 chromatography 2 h after injection. The control protein [3H] bovine serum albumin (BSA) was cleared from the blood with a time course identical to that of photolabeled ABP (t1/2's 4.69 +/- 0.09 h and 13.56 +/- 1.03 h). [3H] BSA was degraded to peptides that were similar in size to those formed from photolabeled ABP. The uptake of photolabeled ABP and [3H] BSA by potential target tissues (testis, epididymis and ventral prostate) was equivalent, suggesting that the uptake of ABP was a nonspecific phenomenon rather than a receptor-mediated event. The liver and kidneys contained more radioactivity that did the other tissues and there was a differential uptake and clearance of photolabeled ABP and [3H] BSA by these organs. Whether this difference is related to specific uptake processes or to differences in the size and/or structure of the proteins or other factors remains to be determined.  相似文献   
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