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Summary The Goldcrest is an interesting species for studies of physiological and behavioural adaptions to cold, since it is the smallest species present in Europe. Although many small birds have to lower their metabolic rate and enter hypothermia in order to make their energy reserves last throughout the night, our measurements of oxygen consumption of five Goldcrests suggest that these birds may be able to balance their nocturnal energy budget during the winter at normothermic body temperatures, provided that the available food supply is adequate. These results are in agreement with those of another small bird, the Common Bushtit, which, like the Goldcrest, reduce nocturnal heat loss by contact roosting. Since the energy saved by hypothermia decreases with decreasing ambient temperature and also decreasing body weight, this strategy might not be such an advantage for the smallest birds living at very low ambient temperatures.
Zusammenfassung Am Wintergoldhähnchen als dem kleinsten europäischen Vogel interessieren besonders seine physiologischen und Verhaltens-Anpassungen an niedere Temperaturen. Viele Kleinvögel senken ihre Stoffwechselaktivität und verfallen in Hypothermie, um mit ihren Energie-Reserven während der langen Winternächte auszukommen. Unsere Untersuchungen über den O2-Verbrauch von 5 Wintergoldhähnchen legen jedoch nahe, daß sich das nächtliche Energie-Budget auch im Tiefwinter auf Normalniveau bewegt und daß sie bei ausreichendem Nahrungsangebot ihre normale Körpertemperatur auch nachts beibehalten. Ähnliche Befunde liegen von den vergleichbaren kleinen amerikanischen Buschmeisen vor, die wie Goldhähnchen den nächtlichen Wärmeverlust durch Schlafen auf engem Gefiederkontakt reduzieren. Es ist anzunehmen, daß die Hypothermie als Überwinterungsstrategie für unsere kleinsten Vögel garnicht so vorteilhaft wäre: Die durch Hypothermie eingesparte Energie geht mit abnehmender Umgebungstemperatur und mit geringerer Körpergröße wieder verloren.
Incubation of aqueous Ca2+, carbamylphosphate and ADP results in ATP formation with yields up to 20%. The dependence of the yield on the reaction parameters suggests that this transphosphorylation reaction proceeds heterogeneously on the surface of the calcium-carbamylphosphate precipitate  相似文献   
The physiology of ammonia assimilation enzymes was examined inBacillus sp. FE-1, a thermophilic marine bacterium. Glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate synthase (GOGAT) activities varied with the nitrogen source present in the medium, ranging as much as 10-fold for the former and 2.5-fold for the latter. Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) was detected but, under the growth conditions studied, levels were not affected by the nitrogen source. Anaerobic growth in the presence of nitrate yielded enzyme levels that were not significantly different from those measured under aerobic growth. Partially purified GS exhibited a temperature optimum between 65° and 75°C. The enzyme's Mn2+-dependent reverse transferase activity was stimulated by K2SO4 and demonstrated some tolerance to NaCl. Hyperbolic kinetics were observed for ammonium, with an apparentK M of 1.0mm.  相似文献   
Tritium-labeled deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from pneumococci and from human leukocytes was added to growing cultures of HeLa cells at 37°C. Autoradiography revealed an extensive localization of tritium in the nuclear regions. The label could not be removed by treatment with ribonuclease or dilute perchloric acid, but quantitative removal from the cells could be effected with deoxyribonuclease. Chemical and radioactivity determinations on nucleic acids isolated from the exposed HeLa cells revealed the presence of tritium in all 4 DNA bases. About 12 µg. of tritiated DNA was recovered from 6 x 106 HeLa cells which had been exposed for 24 hours to 240 µg. of the human DNA. From this, it is concluded that the amount of DNA, or its degradation products, taken up by the cells was equivalent to at least 10 per cent of the normal HeLa cell complement.  相似文献   
In a large kindred of German descent, we found a novel allele that segregates with deafness when present in trans with the 35delG allele of GJB2. Qualitative polymerase chain reaction-based allele-specific expression assays showed that expression of both GJB2 and GJB6 from the novel allele is dramatically reduced. This is the first evidence of a deafness-associated regulatory mutation of GJB2 and of potential coregulation of GJB2 and GJB6.  相似文献   
Badenhuizen , N. P. (U. Toronto, Ont., Can.), and E. N. Lawson . Lethal synthesis in Cynodon dactylon growing in southern Africa. Amer. Jour. Bot. 49 (2) : 158–167. Illus. 1962.—Both cultivated and wild forms of Cynodon dactylon are characterized in southern Africa by the random production of chlorotic shoots. Some properties of these shoots were typical of chlorotic shoots in general: increase in water and soluble nitrogen content, and inhibition of protein synthesis, chloroplast development and catalase activity. Others, such as sterility and enhanced respiratory activity, were more characteristic of plants treated with streptomycin or amitrol. Allantoin could be demonstrated in the chlorotic shoots and was found to produce chlorosis after being applied to Cynodon plants. Additional characteristics included decreased total and “active” iron content, accompanied by an increase in citric acid. So far, the weight of evidence, including the ultrastructure of the plastids, is not in favor of a mutation, a virus, a fungus, or iron deficiency as the ultimate cause of chlorosis in Cynodon. There appears to be a tendency towards the production of allantoin which may be triggered off more frequently under certain conditions of environment, until a concentration is reached when it irreversibly inhibits stages in the development of the chloroplasts.  相似文献   
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