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The extent of myocardial accumulation of tocainide, administered as single enantiomers and as well as racemate, was determined in the isolated, spontaneous beating rabbit heart. The heart was retrogradely perfused at a constant rate and fractions of the perfusate were collected during and after infusion. Kinetic parameters for myocardial accumulation and disposition of tocainide were indirectly determined from drug concentration/time course in the outflow perfusate. No stereoselectivity in myocardial accumulation was observed. A two compartment model with mean half-lives for distribution and elimination of 0.60 and 3.78 min, respectively, was fitted to the accumulation and disposition data. At steady-state, tocainide enantiomers were accumulated about three times in the myocardium relative to the perfusion liquid. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Salamanders of the Plethodon glutinosus-P. jordani complex were tested for the ability to distinguish conspecific, sex-specific, and heterospecific chemical cues. Male and female P. glutinosus preferred substrates previously occupied by conspecifics over their own, but randomly chose between substrates marked by male or female conspecifics. This suggests that while these salamanders are able to distinguish between their own and conspecific substrate odours, they are unable to identify sex by means of substrate odours. Experiments using an olfactometer showed that male P. jordani, male and female P. glutinosus, and an electrophoretically distinct and non-hybridizing sympatric phenotype in the P. glutinosus complex (here called species A), all preferred female airborne odours over male airborne odours. This demonstrates that these salamanders can identify sex by means of airborne odours. Male P. glutinosus and species A both preferred conspecific female odours over heterospecific female odours in olfactometer experiments. These results suggest an important role for olfaction in the sexual and social behaviour of these salamanders, particularly as a pre-mating isolating mechanism.  相似文献   
Human neuroblastoma cells (Platt) were detached from tissue culture substrata with a Ca2+ chelating agent, and then the suspended cells were extracted with a sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-containing buffer to maximally solubilize their sulfate-radiolabeled proteoglycans. The majority of the high-molecular-weight material in these dissociative extracts was heparan sulfate proteoglycan, which resolves into two heterodisperse size classes upon gel filtration on columns of Sepharose CL4B. After removal of SDS from these extracts by hydrophobic chromatography on Sep-Pak C18 cartridges, extracts were further fractionated on various affinity matrices. All of the sulfate-radiolabeled material eluted as one peak from DEAE-Sephadex ion-exchange columns. In contrast, affinity fractionation on Sepharose columns derivatized with the heparan sulfate-binding protein, platelet factor-4, resolved three major and one minor subsets of these components. The nonbinding fraction contained some heparan sulfate proteoglycan and some chondroitin sulfate. The weak-binding fraction contained principally heparan sulfate proteoglycan, as well as a small amount of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan; the gel-filtration properties of these proteoglycans before or after alkaline borohydride treatment indicated that they were small in size, containing perhaps 2 to 4 glycosaminoglycan chains. The high-affinity fraction eluted from platelet factor 4-Sepharose was composed entirely of “singlechain” heparan sulfate. A portion of the heparan sulfate proteoglycan of the original extract bound to the hydrophobic affinity matrix, octyl-Sepharose, and this hydrophobic proteoglycan partitioned into the nonbinding and weak-binding fractions of the platelet factor 4-Sepharose affinity columns. These studies reveal that the majority of the proteoglycan made by these neuronal cells in culture is of the heparan sulfate class, is small in size when compared to other characterized proteoglycans, and can be resolved into several overlapping subsets when fractionated on affinity matrices.  相似文献   
Summary Protoplasts isolated from cell suspension cultures of carrot (Daucus carota L.) and leaves of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) were treated with three lectins specific for galactosyl residues. After incubation with RCA I (Ricinus communis agglutinin, molecular weight 120,000) conjugated to ferritin or fluorescein, freshly isolated protoplasts displayed heavy labeling of their surfaces. Moreover, they agglutinated rapidly when exposed to low concentrations of RCA I. In parallel studies, PNA (peanut agglutinin) also bound extensively to the protoplast plasma membranes whileBandeiraea simplicifolia lectin I attached relatively weakly. When protoplasts were cultured for two days and then incubated with conjugates of RCA I and PNA, additional binding sites were revealed on the regenerating walls.The results indicate that galactosyl residues are distributed densely over the surface of plant protoplasts. They also allow inferences to be made regarding the positions and linkages of the galactose groups being recognized by the lectins. Moreover, they open up the question whether the galactosyl moieties detected in the wall derive from those labeled on the plasma membrane. To conclude, we make comparisons with binding by concanavalin A, and predict that galactose-recognizing lectins will join and in certain respects prove superior to concanavalin A as probes of the plant cell surface.  相似文献   
Summary A method is introduced for simultaneously using multiple loci to estimate admixutre and test goodness of fit of the model of admixture. Deviation of observed frequencies from expectation caused by sources of error such as sampling and/or drift is allowed for all loci in all populations. This allows investigation of the effects of different assumptions about sources of error on the estimates. Admixture is then investigated for Icelanders and Ashkenazi Jews. Results indicate that the Icelanders have a large Norse contribution, and that the Jews may have a small to moderate contribution from the European gene pool. There are some indications that ABO and G6PD give abnormal estimates of admixture compared to other loci, and that the Jewish gene pool may be derived from additional populations in addition to the populations considered.  相似文献   
We have suggested previously that the amino-terminal 8 kilodaltons of pp60src may serve as a structural hydrophobic domain through which pp60src attaches to plasma membranes. Two isolates of recovered avian sarcoma viruses (rASVs), 1702 and 157, encode pp60src proteins that have alterations in this amino-terminal region. The rASV 1702 src protein (56 kilodaltons) and the 157 src protein (62.5 kilodaltons) show altered membrane association, and fractionate largely as soluble, cytoplasmic proteins in aqueous buffers, in contrast with the membrane association of more than 80% of the src protein of standard avian sarcoma virus under the identical fractionation procedure. Plasma membranes purified from cells transformed by these rASVs contain less than 10% of the amount of pp60src found in membranes purified from cells transformed by Rous sarcoma virus or control rASVs. The altered membrane association of these src proteins had little or no effect on the properties of chick embryo fibroblasts transformed in monolayer culture. In contrast, rASV 1702 showed reduced in vivo tumorigenicity compared with Rous sarcoma virus or with other rASVs that encode membrane-associated src proteins. Rous sarcoma virus-induced tumors are malignant, poorly differentiated sarcomas that are lethal to their hosts. rASV 1702 induces a benign, differentiated sarcoma that regresses and is not lethal to its hosts. These data support the role of amino-terminal sequences in the membrane association of pp60src, and suggest that the amino terminus of pp60src may have a critical role in the promotion of in vivo tumorigenicity.  相似文献   
Summary A method of staging late third instar larvae on the basis of salivary gland morphology is described. Using this technique, we investigated stage related amino acid requirements forDrosophila leg disc evagination in vitro. It was found that the requirement for glutamine lasted longer than that of proline. The staging technique should help in the detailed exploration of the late 3rd instar time period in order to bridge the gap between biochemistry and morphogenesis in the initiation of disc evagination.  相似文献   
Although young adult C3H/HeJ (OH) females do not reject C3H male skin grafts, OH females older than 1 year commonly do so, as also do many thymectomized, young adult C3H females. Therapy With TP5, a synthetic pentapeptide analogue of thymopoietin which has biological properties of the parent molecule, substantially reduced the capacity of aged OH females and of thymectomized, young OH females to reject OH male skin.  相似文献   
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