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CDPdiacylglycerol pyrophosphatase (E.C. activity has been examined in rat lung mitochondrial and microsomal fractions. While the mitochondrial hydrolase exhibited a broad pH optimum from pH 6-8, the microsomal activity decreased rapidly above pH 6.5. Apparent Km values of 36.2 and 23.6 microM and Vmax values of 311 and 197 pmol.min-1.mg protein-1 were observed for the mitochondrial and microsomal preparations, respectively. Addition of parachloromercuriphenylsulphonic acid led to a marked inhibition of the microsomal fraction but slightly stimulated the mitochondrial activity at low concentrations. Mercuric ions were inhibitory with both fractions. Although biosynthetic reactions utilizing CDPdiacylglycerol require divalent cations, addition of Mg2+, Mn2+, Ca2+, Zn2+, Co2+, and Cu2+ all inhibited the catabolic CDPdiacylglycerol hydrolase activity in both fractions. EDTA and EGTA also produced an inhibitory effect, especially with the mitochondrial fraction. Although addition of either adenine or cytidine nucleotides led to a decrease in activity with both fractions, the marked susceptibility to AMP previously reported for this enzyme in Escherichia coli membranes, guinea pig brain lysosomes, and pig liver mitochondria was not observed. These results indicate that rat lung mitochondria and microsomes contain specific CDPdiacylglycerol hydrolase activities, which could influence the rate of formation of phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylglycerol for pulmonary surfactant.  相似文献   
Summary Pseudocyphellaria dissimilis, a foliose, cyanobacterial lichen, is shown not to fit into the normal ecological concept of lichens. This species is both extremely shade-tolerant and also more intolerant to drying than aquatic lichens previously thought to be the most desiccation-sensitive of lichens. Samples of P. dissimilis from a humid rain-forest site in New Zealand were transported in a moist state to Germany. Photosynthesis response curves were generated. The effect of desiccation was measured by comparing CO2 exchange before and after a standard 20-h drying routine. Lichen thalli could be equilibrated at 15° C to relative humidities (RH) from 5% to almost 100%. Photosynthesis was saturated at a photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) level of 20 mol m-2 s-1 (350 bar CO2) and PAR compensation was a very low 1 mol m-2 s-1. Photosynthesis did not saturate until 1500 bar CO2. Net photosynthesis was relatively unaffected by temperature between 10° C and 30° C with upper compensation at over 40° C. Temporary depression of photosynthesis occurred after a drying period of 20 h with equilibration at 45–65% relative humidity (RH). Sustained damage occurred at 15–25% RH and many samples died after equilibration at 5–16% RH. Microclimate studies of the lichen habitat below the evergreen, broadleaf forest canopy revealed consistently low PAR (normally below 10–20 mol m-2 s-1) and high humidities (over 80% RH even during the day time). The species shows many features of an extremely deep shade-adapted plant including low PAR saturation and compensation, low photosynthetic and respiratory rates and low dry weight per unit area.  相似文献   
Filaggrin is a specific epidermal protein which is the precursor of the free amino acids, urocanic acid and pyrrolidone carboxylic acid which are largely responsible for the ability of the stratum corneum of the skin to remain hydrated at low environmental humidity. The distribution of filaggrin shown by immunofluorescence in the stratum corneum of the rat changed dramatically during the first hours of postnatal life. During late foetal development, filaggrin accumulated through the entire thickness of the stratum corneum, indicating that there was a block on the subsequent processing of the protein which normally would convert it to free amino acids. Immediately after birth this block was lifted and normal proteolysis of the filaggrin took place in the outer part of the stratum corneum, leaving the normal adult pattern of a thin zone of cells containing filaggrin at the bottom of the stratum corneum. This activation of filaggrin proteolysis was dependent on the drop in external water activity caused by the transition from an aqueous environment in utero to a dryer environment after birth and it could be blocked by maintaining a 100% humidity atmosphere around the newborn rat after birth. In isolated stratum corneum in vitro, filaggrin proteolysis took place only between 80 and 95% relative humidity, both higher and lower relative humidity blocked the proteolysis. Application of occlusive patches to adult rats prevented the normal proteolysis of filaggrin, indicating that this mechanism controls not only the massive filaggrin proteolysis occurring after birth but also the proteolysis occurring during normal stratum corneum maturation. The stratum corneum therefore has the ability to respond to changes in external humidity by altering the level of the stratum corneum where it converts its reserves of filaggrin into water binding amino acids, such that under humid conditions water binding components will be produced in only the most superficial stratum corneum, or even not produced at all.  相似文献   
This study attempts to clarify the etiology of menstrual distress by using objective measures of menstration, enlightened statistical treatment and standardized measures of psychological factors. In addition to observing the traditionally associated psychological factors, measures of health locus of control, preventive health behavior and menstrual socialization (e,g., age at menarche) are included in order to assess the relevance of attitudes towards health. 57 women (mean age=23.5 years), 1/2 of whom (29) used an oral contraceptive, completed Moos' menstrual distress questionnaire at each of the 3 menstrual phases. In addition they kept menstrual diary cards for 50 days, recording days on which menstrual blood loss occurred. During an intermenstrual phase, they completed a general information questionnaire with questions on menstrual socialization and demographic variables; Eysenck's personality inventory; the multidimensional health locus of control scale; the Bem sex role inventory; and a measure of preventive health behavior. Analyses investigating the effects of pill use and psychological factors on the incidence and intensity of menstrual distress found few significant associations between these measures, especially when symptom changes over the menstrual cycle were the dependent variables. The results generally support the notion that menstruation is a negative event for most women (2/3 of the sample). Neuroticism was found to correlate with all the premenstrual MDQ scores except the positive aspect of increased arousal, with negative affect at both menstrual and intermenstrual phases, with menstrual pain and with intermenstrual concentration. The regression analyses indicate that changes in symptoms of menstrual distress over the menstrual cycle are not well predicted by the measures investigated in this study. Of the few significant associations noted, most are explicable in common sense terms. The more objective approach adopted in this study gives little support for a psychological etiology of distres. However, it also queries the appropriateness of a physiological explanation because of the limited differences found between pill users and nonusers. The inability of locus of control scores, menstrual socialization measures and a preventive health behavior measure to contribute to the definition of a woman at risk, suggests that distress is not related to an individual's general health concepts nor perceived control. 1 aspect not investigated in this study and a topic for future research is the role of a woman's expectations on her experience.  相似文献   
Summary The nucleotide sequence of the spc determinant of the Staphylococcus aureus transposon Tn554 has been determined. This gene encodes a spectinomycin adenyltransferase, AAD(9), that mediates resistance to spectinomycin but not to streptomycin. The sequence predicts a 260 amino acid protein of molecular weight 28,943. A spectinomycin-sensitive mutant (spc-1) contains a GA transition resulting in substitution of threonine (ACA) for alanine (GCA) at residue 165. The predicted amino acid sequence is 36% homologous to that of a widely distributed, gramnegative streptomycin/spectinomycin adenyltransferase, AAD(3) (9), specified by the aadA determinant (Holingshead and Vapnek 1985).  相似文献   
A Gram-negative, psychrophilic bacterium, designated GB-2, was isolated from fetal calf serum and analyzed for its morphological, physiological, and biochemical characteristics. Gliding motility, sensitivity to actinomycin D, the presence of the pigment flexirubin and cytochrome c, growth on a variety of carbohydrates, the production of acid fermentation products, and a 34.9 mol% guanine+cytosine (G+C) content of bacterial DNA indicate GB-2 to be a member either of the generaCytophaga orFlexibacter. Growth of GB-2 was optimized in a simple defined medium to facilitate isolation and characterization of bacterial products. Liquid growth of GB-2 resulted in the release of significant quantities of a macromolecule free of both endotoxin and protein into the growth supernatant, which activated the proliferation of murine lymphocytes. The relationship between this bacterium and its end-products to other species of theCytophaga/Flexibacter group is discussed.  相似文献   
This investigation examines the immunologic basis for specific antigen-induced tube leukocyte adherence inhibition (LAI) reactivity of draining lymph node cells (LNC) from dogs with canine transmissible venereal sarcoma (CTVS). CTVS regressor LNC, macrophage-depleted LNC, and enriched T lymphocyte fractions, but not enriched B lymphocyte fractions, were specifically reactive to CTVS antigen extract in direct tube LAI. In addition, regressor LNC amplified tube LAI responses by generating supernatants with leukocyte adherence inhibition factor (LAIF) activity for normal dog indicator LNC and enriched peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in an indirect tube LAI assay. However, macrophage-depleted LNC and enriched T lymphocyte fractions failed to generate supernatants with LAIF activity, suggesting that macrophage accessory cells play a central role in the amplification of tube LAI. Interestingly, CTVS regressor peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) and PBMC, which were specifically reactive in direct tube LAI, also failed to generate supernatants with LAIF activity. These findings demonstrate a distinction between LAIF-mediated amplification and direct tube LAI reactivity, and suggest that leukocyte populations with differing cellular proportions and from different immunologic compartments may participate in tube LAI via different mechanisms.  相似文献   
Square arrays and their role in ridge formation in human lens fibers   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Square arrays in human lens fibers were studied with freeze-fracture and thin-section TEM. In superficial fibers a number of patches of square array particles in the P face and pits in the E face are found in the smooth membrane. In the deeper cortex and the nucleus, fiber cells have undulating membranes and many ridges. Numerous patches of the particles (P face) are distributed in the concave regions, and the pits (E face) in the convex areas of the bumpy membrane. In most ridges, patches of the particles occur at regular intervals in the "valley" portion, while the pits are on the "crest" portion of ridges. Also, continuous square arrays having the same "valley" location as the regularly arranged patches are found in areas with extensive ridge patterns. The overlapping of the outer portions of two adjacent square arrays is found on the sides between the "crest" and the "valley" of the ridges. Structurally, square arrays are located in a nonjunctional part of the membrane; in an orthogonal crystalline arrangement; and with a particle size of about 6 nm and center-center spacing about 6.4 nm. They are structurally different from gap junctions found in the lens fibers. Thin-section studies reveal two types of cellular contacts: thin pentalamellar structures (about 12-13 nm in overall thickness) associated with the ridge patterns are believed to be square arrays; thick heptalamellar structures (about 16-17 nm in overall thickness) with a narrow gap in between the two central laminae are believed to be gap junctions. This study strongly suggests that square arrays are specifically involved in ridge formation in human lens fibers.  相似文献   
Summary We have used the cDNA clone encoding maize glutathione-S-transferase (GST I) to isolate a genomic DNA clone containing the complete GST I gene. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the cDNA and genomic clones has yielded a complete amino acid sequence for maize GST I and provided the exon-intron map of its gene. The mRNA homologous sequences in the maize GST I gene consist of a 107 bp 5 untranslated region, a 642 bp coding region and 340 bp of the 3 untranslated region. They are divided into three exons by two introns which interrupt the coding region. The 5 untranslated spacer contains an unusual sequence of pentamer AGAGG repeated seven times. The inbred maize line (Missouri 17) contains a single gene for GST I, whereas the hybrid line (3780A) contains two genes. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the primer extended cDNA products reveals that the 5 untranslated regions of the two genes in the hybrid 3780A are identical except for a 6 bp internal deletion (or insertion). The amino acid sequence of maize GST I shares no apparent sequence homology with the published sequences of animal GST's and represents the first published sequence of a plant GST. re]19850813 ac]19851126  相似文献   
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