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Spores of Bacillus laterosporus were studied to determine the chemical and morphological nature of their basophilic canoe-shaped parasporal bodies. An unusually high phosphorus content of these spores compared to other Bacillus species appeared to be associated with the parasporal body. Preparations of these "canoes" still attached to the spore coats were indeed high in phosphorus, but also in nitrogen. They were free of lipide-soluble and nucleic acid phosphorus and stained for protein. Some 50 per cent of the total nitrogen, but only 6 to 10 per cent of the total P were liberated by extraction with alkali-thioglycollate (pH 11.5) or alkali alone (pH 12.2–12.5). Proteinaceous material was recovered from these alkaline extracts and electron microscopy indicated that there had been a marked loss of "canoe" substance. Extraction with acid, removed some 80 per cent of the phosphorus associated with the "canoes" as orthophosphate. Chromatographic analyses for amino acids indicated some 14 ninhydrin-positive spots in the canoe-coat preparations whereas the whole spores contained at least 16.  相似文献   
Cladistic analysis of nuclear-encoded rRNA sequence data provided us with the basis for some new hypotheses of relationships within the green algal class Ulvophyceae. The orders Ulotrichales and Ulvales are separated from the clade formed by the remaining orders of siphonous and siphonocladous Ulvophyceae (Caulerpales, Siphonocladales /Cladophorales [S/C] complex, and the Dasycladales), by the Chlorophyceae and Pleurastrophyceae. Our results suggest that the Ulvophyceae is not a monophyletic group. Examination of inter- and intra-ordinal relationships within the siphonous and siphonocladous ulvophycean algae revealed that Cladophora, Chaetomorpha, Anadyomene, Microdictyon, Cladophoropsis and Dictyosphaeria form a clade. Thus the hypothesis, based on ultrastructural features, that the Siphonocladales and Cladophorales are closely related is supported. Also, the Caulerpales is a monophyletic group with two lineages; Caulerpa, Halimeda, and Udotea comprise one, and Bryopsis and Codium comprise the other. The Dasycladales (Cymopolia and Batophora) also forms a clade, but this clade is not inferred to be the sister group to the S/C complex as has been proposed. Instead, it is either the sister taxon to the Caulerpales or basal to the Caulerpales and S/C clade The Trentepohliales is also included at the base of the siphonous and siphonocladous ulvophycean clade. The Pleurastrophyceae, which, like the Ulvophyceae, posses a counter-clockwise arrangement of flagellar basal bodies, are more closely related to the Chlorophyceae than to the Ulvophyceae based on rRNA sequences. Thus, the arrangement of basal bodies does not diagnose a monophyletic group. Previously reported hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships of ulvophycean algae were tested. In each case, additional evolutionary steps were required to obtain the proposed relationships. Relationships of ulvophycean algae to other classes of green algae are discussed.  相似文献   
Historical comparison of oracles in west Africa, mainly during the nineteenth century, shows how divination practices may alter. In the cases explored here, reputation, range of users, economic growth, and political influence interacted as these oracles developed; some at sites with internal and overseas trade access became complex, large-scale operations. But by about 1900, colonialists felt threatened by their secular and their spiritual power and smashed them physically, though not spiritually. Contextualized comparison shows that the many people who were involved as oracle organizers and supplicants must have had different motivations and interests. Some methodological implications of the findings are considered. As in many powerful secular organizations, access to insider knowledge was blocked, but oracular reputation was important, and the oracles had competitors. Success derived partly from collecting intelligence, with simultaneous advertisement that emphasized the mysterious power of their operations.  相似文献   
Electron microscopy, in conjunction with X-ray microanalysis, was used to investigate the effects of exposure to cadmium on the elemental composition of the macroalgaUlva lactuca. The cell wall was the only region of the cell to show any marked change in chemical composition as a result of exposure to cadmium, with less calcium evident in cadmium-treated thallus compared with untreated thalli. The cell wall ofU. lactuca is a complex structure made up of polysaccharides consisting of many-branched chains composed mostly of rhamnose and galactose subunits. Some of the hydroxyl groups on the subunits are substituted by sulphate groups. Borate is associated with the rhamnose subunits, which contain no sulphate groups, and calcium binds to borate, cross-linking the rhamnose groups. The borate-calcium complex adds rigidity to the cell wall; the replacement of calcium by cadmium will, therefore, influence the rigidity of the thallus. The ecological significance of this work is discussed with respect to the ability of the alga to withstand grazing or emersion.  相似文献   
In a genetic selection designed to isolate Escherichia coli mutations that increase expression of the IS 10 transposase gene ( tnp ), we unexpectedly obtained viable mutants defective in translation initiation factor 3 (IF3). Several lines of evidence led us to conclude that transposase expression, per se , was not increased. Rather, these mutations appear to increase expression of the tnp'–'lacZ gene fusions used in this screen, by increasing translation initiation at downstream, atypical initiation codons. To test this hypothesis we undertook a systematic analysis of start codon requirements and measured the effects of IF3 mutations on initiation from various start codons. Beginning with an efficient translation initiation site, we varied the AUG start codon to all possible codons that differed from AUG by one nucleotide. These potential start codons fall into distinct classes with regard to translation efficiency in vivo : Class I codons (AUG, GUG, and UUG) support efficient translation; Class IIA codons (CUG, AUU, AUC, AUA, and ACG) support translation at levels only 1–3% that of AUG; and Class IIB codons (AGG and AAG) permit levels of translation too low for reliable quantification. Importantly, the IF3 mutations had no effect on translation from Class I codons, but they increased translation from Class II codons 3–5-fold, and this same effect was seen in other gene contexts. Therefore, IF3 is generally able to discriminate between efficient and inefficient codons in vivo , consistent with earlier in vitro observations. We discuss these observations as they relate to IF3 autoregulation and the mechanism of IF3 function.  相似文献   
The gene le25 is an abscisic acid (ABA)-induced gene of tomatowhich is expressed both in wilted vegetative organs and developingseeds. Spatial and temporal expression was analysed in tobaccoplants transformed with a chimeric gene in which 5'-upstreamDNA sequences of le25 were fused to the E. coli uidA gene, whichencodes ß-glucuronidase (GUS). Histochemical stainingrevealed that GUS was expressed in all tissues of vegetativeorgans in response to water deficit. Exogenous ABA induced expressionto a lesser extent, even though ABA content was the same asdroughtstressed leaves, indicating a difference in responseto endogenous ABA compared to exogenous ABA. Water-deficit-inducedGUS expression in floral tissues was examined in pre-anthesisfloral buds from four different stages (I–IV; 11, 16,33, 49 mm bud length, respectively). While non-stressed floralorgans showed no GUS activity except in pollen at stages IIIand IV, GUS activity was water-deficit-induced in sepals ofall stages, petals of stage II, and stigmas of stage II andIII. In seeds, GUS activity was detected in both the embryoand endosperm at 15 d post-anthesis, which coincided with alarge increase in the concentration of ABA in the seed. In transgenicplants, the le25 5'-flanking DNA drove expression of GUS duringwater deficit in two modes: non-tissue-specific expression invegetative organs, and tissue-specific expression in reproductiveorgans. The location of GUS activity indicated that ABA concentrationis elevated throughout the tissues of the leaf during periodsof water deficit. Key words: Tomato, ABA, drought stress, lea gene, water deficit  相似文献   
The percentage of T and B lymphocytes expressing a distinct cytoplasmic aggregate enriched in spectrin, ankyrin, and in several other proteins including protein kinase C greatly increases following various activation protocols. Members of the 70 kDa family of heat shock proteins (hsp70) temporarily bind to and stabilize unfolded segments of other proteins, a function apparently required for proper protein folding and assembly. Considering the multiprotein and dynamic nature of the lymphocyte aggregate, the possibility that hsp70 also might be associated with componets of this structure is considered here. Double immunofluorescence analysis indicates that hsp70 is a component of the lymphocyte aggregate and is coincident with spectrin in a subpopulation of freshly isolated, untreated lymphocytes from various murine tissues and in a T-lymphocyte hybridoma. When cell lysates of lymph node T cells are immunoprecipitated using an antibody against hsp70 or spectrin and then analyzed by Western blot utilizing the alternate antibody, it was found that hsp70 and spectrin coprecipitated with one another. Moreover, this coprecipitation could be abolished by addition of ATP. This latter observation was extended to lymphoid cells using a transient permeabilization procedure, and it was shown that addition of exogenous ATP results in the dissipation of the aggregate structure itself. Finally, conditions that result in T-cell activation and aggregate formation, i.e., treatment with the phorbol ester PMA or T-cell receptor cross-linking, also lead to the repositioning of hsp70 into the aggregate from a membrane/cytosolic locale in congruence with spectrin. These data suggest that hsp70 is an active component of the aggregate and that it may function in the interactions believed to occur in this unique activation-associated organelle. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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