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During periods of water deficit, plants accumulate late embryogenesis-abundant (LEA) proteins which are thought to protect cells from stresses associated with dehydration. One of these genes, le25, is expressed in tomato leaves and roots in response to water deficit and abscisic acid accumulation. To study the function of this protein and to test the effect of overproduction of the LE25 protein in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sc), a recombinant plasmid in which le25 is expressed under the control of the GAL1 promoter was constructed. The content of LE25 was high in Sc cells transformed with the recombinant plasmid. The transformant exhibited several stress-tolerant phenotypes. Growth of the transformant in a medium with 1.2 M NaCl was improved, as compared to a control strain. While the control strain showed a long lag phase of 40 h, le25-expressing cells showed a shortened lag phase of 10 h. However, no growth improvement was observed in a medium with 2 M sorbitol. In addition, the transformant had an increased survival rate after freezing stress, but not after high-temperature stress. These results, together with its predicted secondary structure, may indicate that LE25 functions as an ion scavenger.  相似文献   
Endothelin (ET-1) is found at elevated concentrations in the plasma of patients with heart failure and in animal models of cardiomyopathy. The peptide is a potent positive inotropic agent, the effects of which are mediated by increases in cytosolic Ca2+ in cardiomyocytes. The object of this study was to investigate at the cellular level, the actions of ET-1 on contractile function and on Ca2+ currents in heart-failed ventricular myocardium. Male New Zealand White rabbits (8 wks) were treated with twice weekly injections of epirubicin (4 mg/kg/wk, n=7) or with saline (n=7) for 6 wks, followed by a washout period of 2 wks. Ventricular cardiomyocytes were isolated from rabbit hearts using Langendorff perfusion with collagenase; contractile function was examined using a video microscopy method, and L-type Ca2+ currents were recorded using a whole-cell patch-clamp technique. ET-1 produced a concentration-dependent increase in contractile response (% increase from basal value) to a maximum at 1 nM ET-1 of 69 ± 11% (mean ± S.D.) in control cardiomyocytes and 33 ± 6% in heart-failed cells. However, there was no significant change in the EC50 obtained with ET-1 for healthy (0.31 ± 0.1 nM) and for failed cardiomyocytes (0.24 ± 0.1 nM). The effects of ET-1 on L-type Ca2+ channels were similar with a peak amplitude at 1 nM ET-1 of –3.26 ± 0.8 in control cardiomyocytes and –3.32 ± 0.9 nA in heart-failed cells. The attenuation of the contractile response to ET-1 in heart-failed cells may reflect a desensitization of ET receptors as a consequence of elevated circulating levels of ET and was not reflected by alteration of transmembrane Ca2+ conductance. It is probable, therefore, that multiple signalling pathways are involved in the actions of ET on ventricular myocardium.Recipient of Servier Investigator Award  相似文献   
Three cDNA clones (GmHSP23.9, GmHSP22.3, and GmHSP22.5) representing three different members of the low-molecular-weight (LMW) heat shock protein (HSP) gene superfamily were isolated and characterized. A fourth cDNA clone, pFS2033, was partially characterized previously as a full-length genomic clone GmHSP22.0. The deduced amino acid sequences of all four cDNA clones have the conserved carboxyl-terminal LMW HSP domain. Sequence and hydropathy analyses of GmHSP22, GmHSP22.3, and GmHSP22.5, representing HSPs in the 20 to 24 kDa range, indicate they contain amino-terminal signal peptides. The mRNAs from GmHSP22, GmHSP22.3, and GmHSP22.5 were preferentially associated in vivo with endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-bound polysomes. GmHSP22 and GmHSP22.5 encode strikingly similar proteins; they are 78% identical and 90% conserved at the amino acid sequence level, and both possess the C-terminal tetrapeptide KQEL which is similar to the consensus ER retention motif KDEL; the encoded polypeptides can be clearly resolved from each other by two-dimensional gel analysis of their hybrid-arrest translation products. GmHSP22.3 is less closely related to GmHSP22 (48% identical and 70% conserved) and GmHSP22.5 (47% identical and 65% conserved). The fourth cDNA clone, GmHSP23.9, encodes a HSP of ca. 24kDa with an amino terminus that has characteristics of some mitochondrial transit sequences, and in contrast to GmHSP22, GmHSP22.3, and GmHSP22.5, the corresponding mRNA is preferentially associated in vivo with free polysomes. It is proposed that the LMW HSP gene superfamily be expanded to at least six classes to include a mitochondrial class and an additional endomembrane class of LMW HSPs.  相似文献   
Interactive effects of seven years of compaction due to wheel traffic and tillage on root density, formation of arbuscular mycorrhizae, above-ground biomass, nutrient uptake and yield of corn (Zea mays L.) were measured on a coastal plain soil in eastern Alabama, USA. Tillage and soil compaction treatments initiated in 1987 were: 1) soil compaction from tractor traffic with conventional tillage (C,CT), 2) no soil compaction from tractor traffic with conventional tillage (NC,CT), 3) soil compaction from tractor traffic with no-tillage (C,NT), and, 4) no soil compaction from tractor traffic with no-tillage (NC,NT). The study was arranged as a split plot design with compaction from wheel traffic as main plots and tillage as subplots. The experiment had four replications. In May (49 days after planting) and June, (79 days after planting), root biomass and root biomass infected with arbuscular mycorrhizae was higher in treatments that received the NC,NT treatment than the other three treatments. In June and July (109 days after planting), corn plants that received C,CT treatment had less above-ground biomass, root biomass and root biomass infected with mycorrhizae than the other three treatments. Within compacted treatments, plants that received no-tillage had greater root biomass and root biomass infected with mycorrhizae in May and June than plants that received conventional tillage. Corn plants in no-tillage treatments had higher root biomass and root biomass infected with mycorrhizae than those in conventional tillage. After 7 years of treatment on a sandy Southeastern soil, the interactive effects of tillage and compaction from wheel traffic reduced root biomass and root biomass infected with mycorrhizae but did not affect plant nutrient concentration and yield. ei]J H Graham  相似文献   
A thick (ca. 40 m) sequence of coastal eolian sediments occurs on a narrow peninsula on the eastern end of the island of Madeira, located in the Eastern Atlantic at 33°N latitude. The sediments consist of black volcanic sands (with or without bioclasts) as well as clay units up to 2 m thick. A series of inceptisols (Eutrochrepts) and one alfisol (a Hapludalf) are developed in these sediments. Land snail shells and secondary carbonates, in the form of well-developed rhizoliths, calcretes, fissure-fills, and soil nodules, are present in abundance. The chronology of the sequence was determined by 14C and U---Th analyses of land snail shells and secondary carbonates and amino acid epimerization analysis of land snail shells. All sediments, including the clay units, are originally of eolian origin, derived from the beach to the south of the deposit, but some have been redeposited by colluviation. Temporal variation in the lithology of the sediments relates to variations in sea-level, with black sands being deposited during lower sea level stands and clays at the lowest. It is suggested that fine marine sediments, exposed during low sea-level stands, may also be the dominant source of silty or clayey units in other coastal eolian deposits in the subtropical Atlantic and Mediterranean.

The sequence spans from 200,000–300,000 years ago up to the 20th century. Sedimentation was discontinuous and often rapid; erosional hiatuses are present. During the Holocene, eolian sands started accumulating at 8200 yr B.P. during a transgressive phase and stopped at 4500 yr B.P. as sea level approached its present height. Colluviation increased dramatically following the first human settlement of the island in the 15th century and continued up to the 20th century, as dated by amino acid epimerization analysis of land snails. Earlier periods of colluviation were identified from the age distribution of land snail shells redeposited in younger colluvium.

Paleoenvironmental reconstruction was based mainly on soil and sediment features (including rhizolith morphology) and land snail faunas but also on stable isotope variations (13C, 18O) in land snails and secondary carbonates, pollen (generally not well preserved), and phytoliths. Most of the portion of the Middle Pleistocene represented in the sequence was characterized by moderately dry conditions, in comparison to the late Pleistocene and Holocene. During the last interglacial, relatively wet conditions occurred, wetter than during the Holocene interglacial. Moderately moist conditions were present during the accumulation of the thick unit dating to ca. 80,000 yr B.P. As sea level fell subsequent to this period, conditions appear to have become drier. Starting ca. 50,000–55,000 yr B.P., conditions were especially wet, but prior to the last glacial maximum, markedly arid conditions ensued. Toward the end of the last glacial, wet conditions returned and produced the best-developed soil preserved in the sequence. Moderately moist conditions occurred during the early to middle Holocene but apparently become slightly drier after 4500 yr B.P. The impact of human settlement can be seen in the loss of woody vegetation and enhanced gullying and colluviation during the last ca. 500 years.  相似文献   

It has been widely accepted that carbon assimilation in bryophytes is exclusively based on the conventional C3 photosynthetic pathway. The occurrence of biochemical CO2-concentrating mechanisms (C4 or Crassulacean acid metabolism), which have developed in plants in the last 20–100 million years, has been discounted for bryophytes from studies of the carbon isotope composition (13C) of organic material. In contrast cyanobacteria and many algae show active accumulation of dissolved inorganic carbon via biophysical CO2-concentrating mechanisms which are also found in the photobiont partners in certain lichens. The presence of a pyrenoid, a granular particle within the chloroplast, has been linked with CO2-concentrating mechanism activity in green algae and lichens and we now show that such a mechanism is categorically associated with the occurrence of a pyrenoid in bryophytes belonging to the class of Anthocerotae. These observations have significant evolutionary implications for the development of terrestrial photosynthesis during the colonisation of the land, raising the intriguing question of why the pyrenoid-based CO2-concentrating mechanism did not persist in the terrestrial environment.Abbreviations and Symbols CCM carbon-concentrating mechanism - DIG dissolved inorganic carbon (CO2+HCO 3 - +CO 2 - ) - DW dry weight - K0.5 external concentration of CO2 at which half-maximal rates of CO2 assimilation are reached - Rubisco ribulose-l,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase - carbon isotope discrimination (%) - 13C carbon isotope ratio (%) This work was supported by the Natural Environment Research Council (GR3/8813) and the Leverhulme Trust. We thank Prof. A. Roy Perry (National Museum of Wales, Cardiff), Dr. B. Coppins and Mr. D. Long (Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh) for access to herbarium specimens and Mr. M. Fletcher for providing living bryophytes.  相似文献   
The behavior of colonial orb-weaving spiders (Metepeira incrassata) in tropical Veracruz, Mexico was studied during the total solar eclipse on July 11, 1991. Spiders behaved in a manner typical of daily activity until totality, when many began taking down webs. After solar reappearance, most spiders that had begun taking down webs rebuilt them. There was no significant difference in the overall activity patterns of spiders during totality across a range of colony sizes. Experimental illumination of part of a colony during totality altered web takedown behavior. While spiders in the darkness of totality began to take down webs, those spiders which were artificially illuminated did not. These observations suggest that the primary environmental cue responsible for the daily rhythm of web building behavior in this species is light level.  相似文献   
The ontogeny of protein gene product 9.5 (PGP 9.5), serotonin (5–HT), calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), and calcitonin (CT) immunoreactivity was evaluated in small-granule endocrine cells of hamster laryngotracheal epithelium from fetal day 11 to adulthood. Two centrifugal (proximal-to-distal) patterns of differentiation occur. The first pattern begins during fetal life. Endocrine cells, single and clustered in groups (presumptive- or protoneuroepithelial bodies, pNEBs), initially co-localize immunostaining for PGP 9.5, 5–HT, and CGRP in the larynx and proximal 2/3 of the trachea on day 12 and spread to the caudal trachea on day 13. 5–HT disappears fleetingly during the 24 h preceding birth; otherwise immunoreactivity for all three substances persists into adulthood. The clusters of endocrine cells survive beyond birth but are so diluted by expansion of the nonendocrine epithelium as to become inconspicuous. Since innervation was not actually observed, these clusters may persist as pNEBs, without developing connections to afferent or efferent nerve fibers. The second pattern concerns single small-granule cells stainable for CGRP but not for 5–HT. These cells first appear in the larynx and cartilaginous part of the cranial trachea on postnatal day 3, and in the middle and caudal trachea, on day 5. The cells increase in number on day 7. In adults, they predominate among endocrine cells of the cartilaginous region. A subset of these cells begins to co-express CT proximally on postnatal day 10, reaching the caudal end of the trachea by 3 weeks. A few elements of the older 5–HT-positive population may also become immunoreactive for CT in juvenile hamsters.  相似文献   
Sequence variation of ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacers (ITS) among populations, species, and genera of the diatom genus Stephanodiscus was investigated. ITS 1 and ITS 2, including the 5.8S gene, were sequenced from geographically distant and nearby populations of S. niagarae Ehrenberg. In addition, repeats from S. hantzschii Grunow and Cyclotella meneghiniana Kützing were sequenced to determine the taxonomic range over which the ITS region could be used for diatom systematics. The morphologically distinct S. yellowstonensis Theriot & Stoermer, thought to have evolved from S. niagarae in Yellowstone Lake between 12,000 and 8000 years ago, also was sequenced to assess its relationship to nearby S. niagarae populations. The organization and relative sizes of ITS 1 and ITS 2 in Stephanodiscus species were similar to those reported for other eukaryotes. In general, ITS 2 was slightly larger and more variable than ITS 1. Cladistic analysis of ITS sequences did not resolve relationships of nearby S. niagarae and S. yellowstonensis populations. However, central North American S. niagarae populations were in a clade supported by two nucleotide changes. For Cyclotella, much of the ITS region was not alignable with that for Stephanodiscus species; therefore, generic-level comparison within the Thalassiosiraceae may not be possible. The variation (95–96% similarity) between S. hantzschii and other Stephanodiscus species suggests that interspecific relationships could be assessed with ITS sequences. Although S. yellowstonensis is morphologically distinct from S. niagarae, no autapomorphic nucleotide sites were identified. Two S. niagarae populations (Heart and Lewis Lakes), however, did possess autapomorphic ITS sites.  相似文献   
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