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Neuronal cell responses and interactions with the epithelial and fibroblastic cells of the skin are a key factor in the production in vivo of the irritation/inflammatory response. Currently, few in vitro models are available that contain dermal, epidermal and the relevant neuronal components. The primary objective of this study was to produce and maintain a 3-D in vitro model of human skin containing these elements. The relevant neuronal component was supplied by adding sensory neurons derived from the dorsal root ganglion (DRG). Since adult neuronal cells do not grow significantly in vivo or in vitro, and since it is very difficult to obtain such cells from humans, it was necessary to employ embryonic rat DRG cells. The ultimate purpose of this model is to improve prediction of the in vivo skin irritancy potential of chemicals and formulations, without the need to use animal models. In addition, this approach has also been applied to the in vitro human eye and bronchial 3-D models being developed in the FRAME Alternatives Laboratory.  相似文献   
Climatic change is expected to affect the extent and severity of geometrid moth outbreaks, a major disturbance factor in sub-arctic birch forests. Previous studies have reported that the two geometrid species involved, autumnal moth and winter moth, differ in their temperature requirements and, consequently, in their altitudinal and latitudinal distribution patterns. In this study, we document the altitudinal distribution of winter moth outbreaks in a large coastal area in northern Norway. We show that, in the present winter moth outbreak, defoliated birch stands were seen as distinct zones with a rather constant width in the uppermost part of the forest and where the upper limit coincided with the forest line. The outbreak zone closely followed the spatially variable forest line as an undulating belt, although some of the variation in outbreak zone width was also related to variation in topographical variables, such as distance from the coast, forest line altitude, and slope of the terrain. A distinct outbreak zone at the altitudinal forest line is the typical picture that has been depicted in more qualitative historical records on previous outbreaks of autumnal moth rather than winter moth. We suggest that the recent documented climate warming in this region may have induced a shift in distribution of the winter moth both relative to topography and geography. Further investigation is, however, required to substantiate these suspicions.  相似文献   
The white smut fungus (Entyloma ageratinae) and the gall fly (Procecidochares alani) were released in New Zealand in 1998 and 2001 respectively to suppress mist flower (Ageratina riparia). The fungus established and spread rapidly, crossing 80 km of sea to Great Barrier Island within 2 years. The mean number of P. alani galls increased exponentially to 1.96/stem at release sites, but dispersal was slow. The impact of the biocontrol agents was monitored once annually from 1998/99 to 2003/04, at up to 51 sites in the North Island. The mean percentage of live leaves infected with fungus rapidly reached nearly 60%. Maximum plant height declined significantly. In heavy infestations, mean percentage cover of mist flower declined from 81 to 1.5%. Galls were only recorded towards the end of the impact study, and at low mean numbers. As mist flower declined, the species richness and mean percentage cover of native plants increased. In contrast, the species richness and mean percentage cover of exotic plants (excluding mist flower) did not change significantly. Many plant species colonizing the plots were important native mid- or late-successional shrubs or trees. With few exceptions, the exotic plant species common in the plots were not weeds that appeared to threaten native forest habitats. There was only a weak “replacement weed effect” from the potentially serious invader African club moss (Selaginella kraussiana). These data, together with reports of reduced threats to rare endemic plants from mist flower, suggest this rapid, well-monitored weed biocontrol program was very successful.  相似文献   
Genetic variation of Siberian dwarf pine Pinus pumila (Pall.) Regel was characterized in three marginal populations in southwestern, southern and eastern parts of the natural species range (Baikal Area, Primorye, Kamchatka) using isozyme analysis. Analysis involving 16 isozyme loci encoding ten enzyme systems was conducted. Our results confirm that P. pumila is one of the most polymorphic species in the genus Pinus. Three marginal populations exhibited high genetic variation (P 95 = 68.8%, H o = 0.247, H e = 0.291). Populations heterogeneity and significantly high level of divergence in coniferous (F ST = 0.050, D N = 0.044) reflect their genetic originality. In summary, it was shown that the level of genetic variation characteristic for P. pumila in other parts of the not only is reproduced in the populations examined but even is close to maximum there.  相似文献   
Nectar production may disproportionately benefit male relative to female pollination success. In such cases, sexual selection is often suggested as the cause of asymmetric benefits, yet sexual selection in plants-particularly plants with hermaphroditic flowers-is infrequently tested empirically. Here, I used a protandrous herb with male-biased nectar production (Chrysothemis friedrichsthaliana, Gesneriaceae) to test predictions from sexual selection theory. During three flowering seasons, I measured nectar production, pollinator visits, and male and female fecundity following different numbers of cross-pollination events. In accordance with sexual selection predictions, (1) nectar production was greater during the male phase by at least 65%; (2) visits by the main pollinator (hummingbird Phaethornis striigularis) were limiting for part of the season, indicating that plants had to compete for pollinator visits; (3) pollinators spent 53% more time per visit and made 86% more visits to male- vs. female-phase flowers, suggesting that nectar increased male more than female pollination success; and (4) female fecundity was maximized by one visit, whereas male fecundity continued to increase with additional visits. Autonomous self-pollination further reduced visit requirements for maximum female seed set. These findings match specific sexual selection predictions: they link an observable male bias in a secondary sexual trait (nectar) to positive responses of mating participants (pollinators), resulting in more mating opportunities for mate-limited males, relative to apparently resource-limited females. This field-testing of theoretical predictions provides unique evidence that sexual selection helps maintain nectar production patterns in this and, quite likely, other hermaphroditic plant species.  相似文献   
The LDL receptor-related protein 1B (LRP1B) is a putative tumor suppressor homologous to LRP1. Both LRP1 and LRP1B contain cytoplasmic tails with several potential endocytosis motifs. Although the positions of these endocytic motifs are similar in both receptors, LRP1B is internalized at a 15-fold slower rate than LRP1. To determine whether the slow endocytosis of LRP1B is due to the utilization of an endocytosis motif other than the YATL motif used by LRP1, we tested minireceptors with mutations in each of the five potential motifs in the LRP1B tail. Only mutation of both NPXY motifs together abolished LRP1B endocytosis, suggesting that LRP1B can use either of these motifs for internalization. LRP1B contains a unique insertion of 33 amino acids not present in LRP1 that could lead to altered recognition of trafficking motifs. Surprisingly, deletion of this insertion had no effect on the endocytosis rate of LRP1B. However, replacing either half of the LRP1B tail with the corresponding LRP1 sequence markedly accelerated LRP1B endocytosis. From these data, we propose that both halves of the LRP1B cytoplasmic tail contribute to a unique global conformation, which results in less efficient recognition by endocytic adaptors and a slow endocytosis rate.  相似文献   
The cellular defense reactions of the shore crab, Carcinus maenas, were studied, following injections of the bacteria Bacillus cereus and Moraxella sp., by histological and ultrastructural examination of the gills, heart, and hepatopancreas. The majority of the bacteria were sequestered to the gills, but some were also later evident in the heart and hepatopancreas. The presence of the bacteria in the gills initiated the formation of numerous small cell clumps, composed of both refractile and phagocytic cells, which entrapped many microorganisms. The clumps reached a maximum size 6 hr after inoculation and although some were cleared from the gills others persisted for 7 days, becoming more compact and necrotic during this period. Clump formation appears to occur following recognition of the bacteria as foreign and results in the hemocytes becoming sticky and adherent. The response is very effective in rapidly immobilizing the bacteria, thus restraining the spread of infection. It is proposed that this phenomenon may be a significant component of crustacean cellular host defenses.  相似文献   
The heme in lactoperoxidase is attached to the protein by ester bonds between the heme 1- and 5-methyl groups and Glu-375 and Asp-275, respectively. To investigate the cross-linking process, we have examined the D225E, E375D, and D225E/E375D mutants of bovine lactoperoxidase. The heme in the E375D mutant is only partially covalently bound, but exposure to H(2)O(2) results in complete covalent binding and a fully active protein. Digestion of this mutant shows that the heme is primarily bound through its 5-methyl group. Excess H(2)O(2) increases the proportion of the doubly linked species without augmenting enzyme activity. The D225E mutant has little covalently bound heme and a much lower activity, neither of which are significantly increased by the addition of heme and H(2)O(2). The heme is linked to this protein through a single bond to the 1-methyl group. The D225E/E375D mutant has no covalently bound heme and no activity. A small amount of iron 1-hydroxymethylprotoporphyrin IX is obtained from the wild-type enzyme along with the predominant dihydroxylated derivative. The results establish that a single covalent link suffices to achieve maximum catalytic activity and suggest that the 5-hydroxymethyl bond may form before the 1-hydroxymethyl bond.  相似文献   
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