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Isolation and amino acid analysis of Mallory bodies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mallory bodies were isolated from the livers of alcoholic patients obtained at autopsy. The liver tissue was homogenized by a pressure homoge-nizer using nitrogen gas in excess of 2, 000 p. s. i. Solutions of 65% and 70% sucrose were used for discontinuous gradient ultracentrifugation. A distinct band between the two sucrose layers was collected, which was rich in Mallory bodies. Purity of the Mallory body fraction was examined by light and electron microscopy. Mallory body fractions were analyzed for amino acid composition.  相似文献   
This empirical case study assessed the behavior and welfare of 2 orangutans (Pongo abelii) and 2 siamangs (Symphalangus syndactylus) within a mixed-species zoo exhibit. The study used instantaneous scan-sampling to record behavior, location, and interspecies proximity over 174 hr and all-occurrences data for any interactions between species. Results revealed frequent affiliative interactions between the female orangutan and siamang pair and an absence of agonistic or aggressive encounters. All individuals used the majority of the exhibit without segregation by species. Both orangutans spent most of their time on the ground (above 70% of all scans), and low levels of foraging were identified (1–4% of scans for all individuals). Overall, the findings support the notion that mixed-species exhibits may be enriching to the species involved through increased stimulation and opportunities for interaction. A poststudy incident also highlights the need for careful and continual monitoring of mixed-species exhibits over time.  相似文献   
In late May 1998, a large area of the land-fast ice in Prince Albert Sound, Northwest Territories bordering the Amundsen Gulf, broke up almost 1 month earlier than usual. In June and July, 92 neonate ringed seals were sampled. Of 50 examined in June 1998, 25 still had remains of their white lanugal pelage. In July, 2 of 42 pups collected still retained some of their white lanugal fur. The pups, with lanugo still showing, were in significantly poorer body condition than their fully moulted cohort members. Mean condition of moulted pups, in June 1998, was higher than that of moulted pups collected in June of 1971, 1972, 1976–1978, and 1993–1997. All indications were that marine productivity was high in June 1998. Fully moulted pups fed more on Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) than did the smaller pups retaining some lanugal fur. Adult and juvenile seals fed primarily on Arctic cod. Mean lengths of lanugal pups and fully moulted pups in June were lower than predicted using growth equations. This may have resulted from later birth dates or shortened lactation and consequent slower growth, but the causes are not defined. Accepted: 6 October 2000  相似文献   
Regulation of GSK-3: a cellular multiprocessor.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
A J Harwood 《Cell》2001,105(7):821-824

A range of natural products from marine invertebrates, bacteria and fungi have been assessed as leads for nature-inspired antifouling (AF) biocides, but little attention has been paid to microalgal-derived compounds. This study assessed the AF activity of the spirocyclic imine portimine (1), which is produced by the benthic mat-forming dinoflagellate Vulcanodinium rugosum. Portimine displayed potent AF activity in a panel of four macrofouling bioassays (EC50 0.06–62.5?ng?ml?1), and this activity was distinct from that of the related compounds gymnodimine-A (2), 13-desmethyl spirolide C (3), and pinnatoxin-F (4). The proposed mechanism of action for portimine is induction of apoptosis, based on the observation that portimine inhibited macrofouling organisms at developmental stages known to involve apoptotic processes. Semisynthetic modification of select portions of the portimine molecule was subsequently undertaken. Observed changes in bioactivity of the resulting semisynthetic analogues of portimine were consistent with portimine’s unprecedented 5-membered imine ring structure playing a central role in its AF activity.  相似文献   
The effect of day length on autogenous expression was tested with a non-selected Washington strain, and an autogeny-selected California strain of Culex tarsalis. When conducted at 2-hour increments, a plateau of maximum response was seen between 10 and 16 hours, with a decline below and above this range. Using paired comparisons at 8 and 16 hours, the long photoperiod group nearly always had a higher proportion of autogeny as well as increased numbers of mature oocytes per autogenous female. This response was also noted when only adults were exposed to diverse photoperiods. Photoperiod is discussed as a significant factor in rate of increase of populations, in addition to the well known effect of higher temperature.
Zusammenfassung Die Wirkung der Tageslänge auf die Expressivität der Autogenie wurde an einem nicht selektieren Washingtoner Stamm und an einem auf Autogenie ausgelesenen Kalifornischen Stamm von Culex tarsalis untersucht. Bei Prüfung in zweistündigen Abständen ergab sich ein Gleichbleiben der maximalen Reaktion zwischen 10 und 16 Stunden Licht je Tag und eine Abnahme unterhalb und oberhalb dieses Bereichs. Bei paarweisem Vergleich von 8 und 16 Stunden Licht ergaben die langen Photoperioden fast immer einen höheren Prozentsatz an Autogenie sowie eine gesteigerte Anzahl reifer Oocyten in den autogenen Weibchen. Diese Reaktion wurde auch beobachtet, wenn nur die Imagines den verschiedenen Photoperioden ausgestzt wurden. Die Tageslänge wird als entscheidender Faktor bei der Zuwachsrate der Populationen behandelt, zusätzlich zu der wohlbekannten Wirkung höherer Temperatur.

Scientific Paper 2721, Project 1592, College of Agriculture, Washington State University.  相似文献   
Molecular species of sulpholipid (diacylsulphoquinovosylglycerol) were separated and analysed after incubation of developing barley (Hordeum vulgare) leaves with either (1-14C]-acetate or [35S]-sulphate. The major endogenous molecular species were the trienoic (42%) and the hexaenoic (39%). However, the combined anenoic, monoenoic and dienoic species, which only accounted for 5% of the mass, represented 80% of the labelled species with either precursor. In one experiment, 90% of this radioactivity was found in the dienoic species. The effect of light on the labelling of the molecular species was examined. Acetate is incorporated primarily into the fatty acids of sulpholipid. Transacylation appears to be important in the interconversion of the molecular species of sulpholipid.  相似文献   
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