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Larval habitats of the main malaria vectors in Belize are associated with three distinctly different aquatic environments: marshes with sparse macrophytes and cyanobacterial mats (Anopheles albimanus), tall dense macrophyte marshes (An. vestitipennis), and floating detritus assemblages within freshwater rivers (An. darlingi). We assessed species-specific habitat suitability based upon nutrient characteristics using larval survival rates (SR) and wing lengths (WL) from floating habitat enclosures. Anopheles albimanus showed a high SR (81%) in all three habitats, while An. vestitipennis had a similarly high SR in its own habitat (82%) and An. darlingi's habitat (81%). Anopheles darlingi only showed high SR (85%) in its own habitat. Both An. vestitipennis and An. darlingi showed very low SR in the An. albimanus habitat. There were no significant WL differences among field-caught, laboratory-reared, and experimental populations of An. vestitipennis and An. albimanus, with the exception of An. vestitipennis experimental populations and An. vestitipennis field populations placed in the An. albimanus habitat. Habitat quality indicators, particulate organic carbon (POC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and particulate organic nitrogen (PON), were consistently higher in An. vestitipennis habitats than in the habitats of the other two species. Correspondingly, An. vestitipennis adults were larger when measured both as dry mass and from WL. There were no differences in dry mass, lipids, or protein content among the same species reared at different locations. We compared SR and WL among mosquitoes from shaded and unshaded containers to test whether the high mortality rates for An. vestitipennis and An. darlingi in the An. albimanus habitat were due to intense sun exposure. There were no significant differences among developmental times, survivorship, or adult size for shaded versus sun-exposed populations. This indicates that other factors such as larval toxins, predator avoidance, interspecific species competition, etc. may be responsible for the higher mortality rates in those species not adapted to this particular habitat.  相似文献   
Autophagy is essential for successful white adipocyte differentiation but the data regarding the timing and relevance of autophagy action during different phases of adipogenesis are limited.  相似文献   
The heart is the first organ required to function during embryonic development and is absolutely necessary for embryo survival. Cardiac activity is dependent on both the sinoatrial node (SAN), which is the pacemaker of heart''s electrical activity, and the cardiac conduction system which transduces the electrical signal though the heart tissue, leading to heart muscle contractions. Defects in the development of cardiac electrical function may lead to severe heart disorders. The Erbb2 (Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2) gene encodes a member of the EGF receptor family of receptor tyrosine kinases. The Erbb2 receptor lacks ligand-binding activity but forms heterodimers with other EGF receptors, stabilising their ligand binding and enhancing kinase-mediated activation of downstream signalling pathways. Erbb2 is absolutely necessary in normal embryonic development and homozygous mouse knock-out Erbb2 embryos die at embryonic day (E)10.5 due to severe cardiac defects. We have isolated a mouse line, l11Jus8, from a random chemical mutagenesis screen, which carries a hypomorphic missense mutation in the Erbb2 gene. Homozygous mutant embryos exhibit embryonic lethality by E12.5-13. The l11Jus8 mutants display cardiac haemorrhage and a failure of atrial function due to defects in atrial electrical signal propagation, leading to an atrial-specific conduction block, which does not affect ventricular conduction. The l11Jus8 mutant phenotype is distinct from those reported for Erbb2 knockout mouse mutants. Thus, the l11Jus8 mouse reveals a novel function of Erbb2 during atrial conduction system development, which when disrupted causes death at mid-gestation.  相似文献   
A function of cyanobacterial mats in phosphorus-limited tropical wetlands   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
Cyanobacterial mats are important components of oligotrophic wetland ecosystems in the limestone-based regions of the Caribbean. Our goals were to: (1) Estimate the biomass and primary production of cyanobacterial mats, quantify the extent of nitrogen fixation and measure the activity of alkaline phosphatase (APA) in representative marshes of northern Belize; (2) Record changes in these variables following nutrient additions. The mat biomass ranged from 200 to 700 g m–2 AFDM, with the epipelon contributing up to 87% of the total. Tissue nitrogen was similar in all marshes (1.1–1.5%), while tissue phosphorus was extremely low (0.0055–0.0129%) and well correlated with the N:P ratio in water. Nitrogen fixation expressed as nitrogenase activity was high in some marshes (17.5 nmol C2H4 cm–2 h–1) and low (< 5 nmol C2H4 cm–2 h–1) in others depending mainly on the proportion of heterocyst-forming cyanobacteria (Nostocales, Stigonematales) in the mat. Alkaline phosphatase activity was positively correlated with the N:P ratio of the mat. Experimental addition of phosphorus resulted in significant increase in primary production and nitrogen fixation while it suppressed the APA activity. The presented data clearly showed that oligotrophic marshes of northern Belize are strongly P limited. Increased input of phosphorus would profoundly change their structure and functions.  相似文献   

Key message

To disentangle complex drivers of Myricaria elegans growth in arid Himalaya, we combined tree-ring analysis with detailed dendrometer records. We found that the combination of winter frost, summer floods, and strong summer diurnal temperature fluctuations control annual and intra-annual growth dynamics. The relative importance of these drivers is, however, changing with ongoing climate change.


High-mountain areas are among the most sensitive environments to climate change. Understanding how different organisms cope with ongoing climate change is now a major topic in the ecology of cold environments. Here, we investigate climate drivers of the annual and intra-annual growth dynamics of Myricaria elegans, a 3–6 m tall tree/shrub, in a high-elevation cold desert in Ladakh, a rapidly warming region in the NW Himalayas. As Myricaria forms narrow stands around glacier streams surrounded by the desert, we hypothesized that its growth between 3800 and 4100 m will be primarily limited by low temperatures and summer floods. We found that warmer and less snowy conditions in April and May enhance earlywood production. Latewood formation is mostly driven by the June–July temperatures (T). The positive effect of warmer summers on both annual and intra-annual growth is related to fluctuating daily T (from +30 to 0 °C). In particular, dendrometer measurements over a 2-year period showed that net daily growth increments increased when the summer night T remained above 6 °C. While high night T during generally cold desert nights promoted growth, high daytime T caused water stress and growth inhibition. The growth–temperature dependency has gradually weakened due to accelerated warming since the 1990s. In addition, positive latewood responses to high March precipitation during the colder 1960s–1980s have become negative during the warmer 1990s–2000s, reflecting an intensification of summer floods. Latewood width increased while earlywood width decreased from the 1990s, indicating a prolonged growing season and a higher risk of drought-induced embolism in earlywood vessels. Due to a multiplicity of environmental drivers including winter frost, intensified floods and strong summer diurnal T fluctuations, Myricaria growth is not controlled by a single climate parameter. Similar results are increasingly reported from other Himalayan treelines, showing that ongoing climate change will trigger complex and probably spatially variable responses in tree growth. Our study showed that these complex climatic signals can be disentangled by a combination of long-term data from tree-rings with detailed, but short-term, records from dendrometers.
The present study utilized an experimental hut to conduct human-baited landing collections for characterizing the all-night biting patterns and seasonal densities of adult Anopheles darlingi in the centrally located Cayo District of Belize, Central America. A total of 25 all-night collections (i.e., sunset to sunrise) were conducted from January 2002 to May 2003, capturing a total of 18,878 An. darlingi females. Anopheles darlingi exhibited a bimodal nightly biting pattern with one predominate peak occurring three h after sunset and a smaller peak occurring one h prior to sunrise. Biting females were collected throughout the night in higher densities indoors (9,611) than outside (9,267) the experimental hut (O:I=1.00:1.04). Seasonal adult collections show An. darlingi densities were highest during the transitional months between the end of the wet and beginning of the dry season (January) and the end of the dry season and beginning of the wet season (May). A total of 2,010 An. darlingi females was captured in 31 two-h, human-baited landing collections performed from January to October 2002. Anopheles darlingi monthly population densities were found to have no significant associations with high or low temperatures, precipitation, or river level. However, qualitative data examination indicates an inverse relationship between river level and An. darlingi adult collections suggesting a disturbance of larval habitats. All-night biting and seasonal distribution patterns for other anopheline species are also described. None of the adult specimens collected throughout the entire study tested positive for Plasmodium spp. infection using the VecTest rapid diagnostic kit.  相似文献   
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