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The fine structure of the oxyntic cell from the gastric glands of the bullfrog was studied in lead hydroxide—stained sections of gastric mucosa fixed in buffered osmium tetroxide and embedded in n-butyl methacrylate. The oxyntic cell in non-acid-secreting stomachs (gastric juice pH, 7.4–7.8) is characterized by: (a) numerous closely packed smooth surfaced vesicular and tubular profiles disposed randomly in the cell; some of these elements show interconnections making it possible to identify this component with smooth surfaced endoplasmic reticula of certain other cell types, (b) a small percentage of rough surfaced profiles characteristic of endoplasmic reticula possessing RNP particles on the outer membrane surfaces, (c) a Golgi complex consisting of multiple isolated non-polarized arrays of smooth surfaced parallel elongated profiles and associated vesicular elements, (d) a sparse granular component (140 A) scattered freely in the cytoplasmic matrix, (e) numerous mitochondria with a dense matrix and containing an unusually large number of closely approximated cristae, (f) a number of zymogen granules consisting of either a dense body limited by a membrane or surrounded by a halo of less dense material which is in turn limited by a membrane, and (g) a number of granules (~260 A) containing several smaller granules (~80 A) identified presumably as glycogen. Intracellular canaliculi were not observed. Instead the free surface of the oxyntic cell facing the lumen of the gastric gland shows a complicated plication of the plasma membrane. Intercellular canaliculi are seen frequently between adjacent oxyntic cells. The walls of these canaliculi are made up of folded and ruffled cell membranes. The basal surface of the cell also exhibited this type of configuration. Occasional smooth surfaced profiles are seen communicating with the free surface, the wall of an intercellular canaliculus, or the basal surface of the cell. Although nerve endings were not found in association with oxyntic cells, unmyelinated nerves were observed in the vicinity of the gastric glands.  相似文献   
Résumé Etude qualitative et quantitative du marquage in vitro de coupes d'os compact. Détermination du rôle joué par les processus de diffusion, d'adsorption et d'échange dans ces phénomènes.
Zusammenfassung Qualitative und quantitative Studie der in vitro-Markierung von Schliffen aus Knochen-Compacta. Bestimmung der Rolle der Diffusions-, Adsorptions- und Austauschprozesse für diese Vorgänge.

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La partie expérimentale de ce travail a pu être réalisée grâce à des subsides fournis par l'European Office of the Air Research and Development Command [contrat no AF 61 (514) 1175], par l'Institut Interuniversitaire Belge des Sciences Nucléaires, et par la Commission pour la Science Atomique du Fonds National Suisse de la Recherche Scientifique.  相似文献   
Three hundred patients with cerebrovascular occlusive disease have had cerebral angiographic examination at the Veterans Administration Hospital, San Francisco, in the last five years. The present technique consists of preliminary visualization of the aortic arch and the major extracranial branches, followed by selective study of the subclavian and carotid arteries as necessary for evaluation of the intracranial circulation.Nine major complications occurred (an over-all incidence of 3 per cent). Two patients died after angiography and seven had major neurologic deficits persisting for more than 24 hours. Three of these patients had permanent damage, but four recovered completely.One-third of the patients had extracranial disease and one-third had intracranial disease. No significant lesion was found in the remainder. In the 212 patients with lesions, multiple lesions were common, the average number being three. Six patients had brain tumors and five had aneurysms.The mechanism of the stroke could be ascertained readily in most of the patients, but the extent of the disease and the resulting symptoms varied considerably. Several patients with occlusion of most of the cerebral vessels had minimal symptoms, while others had catastrophic symptoms but only minimal findings at arteriography.  相似文献   
Abdominal distension (AD) occurs in pregnancy and is also commonly seen in patients with ascites from various causes. Because the abdomen forms part of the "chest wall," the purpose of this study was to clarify the effects of AD on ventilatory mechanics. Airway pressure, four (vertical) regional pleural pressures, and abdominal pressure were measured in five anesthetized, paralyzed, and ventilated upright pigs. The effects of AD on the lung and chest wall were studied by inflating a liquid-filled balloon placed in the abdominal cavity. Respiratory system, chest wall, and lung pressure-volume (PV) relationships were measured on deflation from total lung capacity to residual volume, as well as in the tidal breathing range, before and 15 min after abdominal pressure was raised. Increasing abdominal pressure from 3 to 15 cmH2O decreased total lung capacity and functional residual capacity by approximately 40% and shifted the respiratory system and chest wall PV curves downward and to the right. Much smaller downward shifts in lung deflation curves were seen, with no change in the transdiaphragmatic PV relationship. All regional pleural pressures increased (became less negative) and, in the dependent region, approached 0 cmH2O at functional residual capacity. Tidal compliances of the respiratory system, chest wall, and lung were decreased 43, 42, and 48%, respectively. AD markedly alters respiratory system mechanics primarily by "stiffening" the diaphragm/abdomen part of the chest wall and secondarily by restricting lung expansion, thus shifting the lung PV curve as seen after chest strapping. The less negative pleural pressures in the dependent lung regions suggest that nonuniformities of ventilation could also be accentuated and gas exchange impaired by AD.  相似文献   
Myogenic cells were isolated from adult rat skeletal muscles and cultured in vitro. Cell proliferation was analyzed between days 1 and 14. The cell cycle phases were determined by examining Feulgen-stained cultures with a cell image processor. The nuclei were automatically analyzed by calculating 18 parameters relating to the texture and densitometry of chromatin and the shape of each nucleus. Cell cycle phases were characterized (Moustafa and Brugal, 1984). The recognition methods made it possible to analyse the nuclei of the myogenic cell populations which were either involved in each phase of the mitotic cycle, or left out of the cycle after fusion into myotubes.After 3 hr of culture 10% of the cell population was involved in the cell cycle. In the presence of foetal calf serum, this percentage increased until day 3 after plating. At that time, the DNA content of 28.2% of the cell population was higher than 3C, whereas it is 2C in G1 or G0 nuclei; image analysis showed that 42% of these cells were in S or G2 phase. From day 4, the proliferation rate gradually slowed down until day 8. After day 8, when numerous myotubes differentiated, the percentage of S and G2 phase cells had diminished to between 3 and 8%. The percentage of nuclei in G0 increased when the first myotubes differentiated around day 5. Myotube nuclei were largely in G0. When horse serum was added to the culture medium on day 4 to enhance myotube differentiation, significant cell proliferation was observed before cell fusion.These methods of analysis give the first daily pattern of myogenic cell proliferation and fusion in a cell population isolated from adult muscles.  相似文献   
Abstract: Neurons and glial cells are capable of synthesizing various steroid hormones, but biosynthesis of testosterone in the CNS has never been reported. The aim of the present study was to demonstrate the synthesis of testosterone in the frog brain. The presence of 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17β-HSD)-like immunoreactivity was detected in a population of glial cells located in the telencephalon. Reversed-phase HPLC analysis of brain tissue extracts combined with radioimmunoassay detection revealed the presence of substantial amounts of testosterone and 5α-dihydrotestosterone (5α-DHT) in the telencephalon where 17β-HSD-positive cells were visualized. In male frogs, castration totally suppressed testosterone and 5α-DHT in the blood and in the rhombencephalon but did not affect the concentration of these two steroids in the telencephalon. Chemical characterization of testosterone in female frog telencephalon extracts was performed by coupling HPLC analysis with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Using the pulse-chase technique with [3H]pregnenolone as a precursor, the formation of a series of metabolites was observed, including dehydroepiandrosterone, androstenedione, testosterone, 5α-DHT, and estradiol. These data demonstrate the existence of an active form of 17β-HSD in the frog telencephalon, which is likely involved in testosterone biosynthesis within the brain.  相似文献   
Summary The general life history problem concerns the optimal allocation of resources to growth, survival and reproduction. We analysed this problem for a perennial model organism that decides once each year to switch from growth to reproduction. As a fitness measure we used the Malthusian parameterr, which we calculated from the Euler-Lotka equation. Trade-offs were incorporated by assuming that fecundity is size dependent, so that increased fecundity could only be gained by devoting more time to growth and less time to reproduction. To calculate numerically the optimalr for different growth dynamics and mortality regimes, we used a simplified version of the simulated annealing method. The major differences among optimal life histories resulted from different accumulation patterns of intrinsic mortalities resulting from reproductive costs. If these mortalities were accumulated throughout life, i.e. if they were senescent, a bangbang strategy was optimal, in which there was a single switch from growth to reproduction: after the age at maturity all resources were allocated to reproduction. If reproductive costs did not carry over from year to year, i.e. if they were not senescent, the optimal resource allocation resulted in a graded switch strategy and growth became indeterminate. Our numerical approach brings two major advantages for solving optimization problems in life history theory. First, its implementation is very simple, even for complex models that are analytically intractable. Such intractability emerged in our model when we introduced reproductive costs representing an intrinsic mortality. Second, it is not a backward algorithm. This means that lifespan does not have to be fixed at the begining of the computation. Instead, lifespan itself is a trait that can evolve. We suggest that heuristic algorithms are good tools for solving complex optimality problems in life history theory, in particular questions concerning the evolution of lifespan and senescence.  相似文献   
N-Urethane-protected N-carboxyanhydrides (UNCAs) are very reactives. They have been successfully used in peptide synthesis, in both solution and solid phase. We have demonstrated that UNCAs are interesting starting materials for the synthesis of various amino acid derivatives. Chemoselective reduction of UNCAs with sodium borohydride led the corresponding N-protected β amino alcohols. Reaction of UNCAs with Meldrum's acid, followed by cyclisation, yielded enantiomerially pure tetramic acid derivatives. Diastereoselective reduction of tetramic acid derivatives produced (4S,5S)-N-alkoxycarbonyl-4-hydroxy-5-alkylpyrrolidin-2-ones derived from amino acids, which after hydrolysis yielded statine and statine analogues. Tetramic acid derivatives could also be obtained by reaction of UNCAs with benzyl ethyl followed by hydrogenolytic deprotection and decarboxylation. UNCAs also reacted with phosphoranes to produce the ketophosphorane in excellent yields. Subsequent oxidation with oxone or with [bis(acetoxy)-iodol]-benzene produced vicinal tricarbonyl derivatives. These reactions usually proceeded smoothly and with high yields.  相似文献   
The role of the primary amino groups of lysine sidechains in Ca2+ binding to calreticulin was evaluated by chemical modification of the amino group with 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid (TNBS). TNBS binding to calreticulin could be described by two steps: (i) a fast reaction, with low affinity, and (ii) a slow reaction with a relatively high affinity. Inclusion of Ca2+ and/or Mg2+ decreased both the amount of TNBS bound to calreticulin and the apparent affinity constant of the slower reaction. In contrast, the properties of the faster reaction for TNBS binding were not sensitive to Ca2+ and/or Mg2+. Analysis of TNBS binding to the carboxyl-terminal (C-domain) and aminoterminal (N-domain) of calreticulin revealed that theC-domain andN-domain are responsible for the slow and fast component of the TNBS binding, respectively. In keeping with this, in the presence of Ca2+, TNBS binding to theC-domain was significantly reduced, whereas modification of theN-domain was unaffected. TNBS modification of calreticulin significantly decreased Ca2+ binding to the low affinity/high capacity Ca2+ binding site(s) which are localized to theC-domain but had no effect on the high affinity/low capacity Ca2+ binding localized to theN-domain.In theC-domain of calreticulin, which contains the low affinity/high capacity Ca2+ binding sites, acidic residues are interspersed at regular intervals with one or more positively charged lysine and arginine residues. Our results indicate that the aminogroups of the lysine sidechains in theC-domain of calreticulin have a role in the low affinity/high capacity Ca2+ binding that is characteristic of this region of the protein and which is proposed to contribute significantly to the capacity of the endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ store. (Mol Cell Biochem130: 19–28, 1994)Abbreviations TNBS 2,4,6-Trinitrobenzenesulfonic Acid - GST Glutathione S-Transferase - SDS-PAGE Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis - EDTA Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid - EGTA Ethylene Glycol bis(-aminoethylether)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic Acid - MOPS 4-Morpholinepropanesulfonic Acid  相似文献   
We hypothesized that manganese deficient animals fed high vs moderate levels of polyunsaturated fat would either manifest evidence of increased oxidative stress or would experience compensatory changes in antioxidant enzymes and/or shifts in manganese utilization that result in decreased endogenous gut manganese losses. Rats (females in Study 1, males in Study 2,n = 8/treatment) were fed diets that contained 5 or 20% corn oil by weight and either 0.01 or 1.5 μmol manganese/g diet. In study 2,54Mn complexed to albumin was injected into the portal vein to assess gut endogenous losses of manganese. The manganese deficient rats:
1.  Had 30–50% lower liver, tibia, kidney, spleen, and pancreas manganese concentrations than manganese adequate rats;
2.  Conserved manganese through ≈70-fold reductions in endogenous fecal losses of manganese;
3.  Had lower heart manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) activity; and
4.  Experienced only two minor compensatory changes in the activity of copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (CuZnSOD) and catalase.
Gut endogenous losses of manganese tended to account for a smaller proportion of absorbed manganese in rats fed high-fat diets; otherwise fat intake had few effects on tissue manganese concentrations.  相似文献   
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