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Young plants of Phaseolus and Canavalia were grown in nutrient solutions where calcium had been partially or totally replaced by either strontium or sodium. The deleterious effect of this replacement on growth and development was greater with strontium than with sodium. As the calcium content of the nutrient solution was decreased fewer calcium oxalate crystals were formed in leaf tissues. There were fewer crystals formed when calcium was replaced by strontium than by sodium. Changes in solubility characteristics of the crystals indicated that they had incorporated strontium.  相似文献   
In shallow, wind exposed lakes, the light conditions, the cycling of nutrients, heavy metals and organic micro-pollutants and changes in the local composition of the sediment top layer can be dominated by resuspension/erosion of bottom sediment and sedimentation of suspended solids. A 2 dimensional model for Sediment Transport, Resuspension and Sedimentation in Shallow lakes (STRESS-2d), based on an existing transport model, is discussed. In the model, mass balance equations for the water compartment and the bottom sediment are solved numerically. Up to 7 sediment fractions can be taken into account, each having a specific set of resuspension/erosion and sedimentation parameter values. Several options for modelling the changes in the bottom sediment composition are available.A simulation experiment for Lake Veluwe (The Netherlands), in which model options with and without the distinction of sediment fractions were used, showed that using sediment fractions to account for the variability in the sediment composition leads to an improvement of the model results, particularly the simulated phosphorus sediment-water exchange fluxes. For Lake Ketel (The Netherlands) two options for modelling changes in the bottom sediment composition are compared. It is shown that an option in which a thin water-sediment layer on top of the more consolidated bottom sediment is simulated provides an improvement in the simulation of the suspended solids concentration.  相似文献   
The effects of abscisic acid (ABA) on photosynthesis, dark respiration, and photorespiration were studied in Lemna gibba L. plants. The initial concentration of ABA in the nutrient solution was 10−7M and in a few experiments, 10−6M. The cultures were grown in the same solution for time periods ranging from one hour to 12 days. Net photosynthesis, measured as CO2 uptake by infrared gas analyser technique, was inhibited after four hours of ABA treatment and reached a minimum after four to seven days depending on the time of the year. After 12 days a substantial recovery of photosynthesis was observed. Dark respiration was significantly stimulated after two to seven days of ABA treatment but then returned to the control level. The transient effects of ABA on photosynthesis and dark respiration corresponded to the previously measured time course of [14C]-ABA uptake by Lemna . Photorespiration measured as oxygen inhibition of photosynthesis was not affected by ABA.  相似文献   
Interactions between normal human peripheral blood T lymphocytes and monocytes were investigated by measuring the in vitro cellular adherence of these cells in the presence and in the absence of mitogens. Concanavalin A (Con A), lentil lectin (Lc), and phytohemagglutinin (PHA) in mitogenic doses increased 15 to 20 times the binding of T lymphocytes to monocytes. The lectin-induced binding was similar to that produced by neuraminidase-gal-actose-oxidase treatment. A good correlation was found between the early cellular adherence induced by these lectins and by neuraminidase-galactose-oxidase and the blastogenesis of the T lymphocytes measured after 3 days of culture by [3H]thymidine uptake. However, wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), a nonmitogenic lectin, also increased the binding of T lymphocytes to monocytes. Addition of specific carbohydrates completely inhibited the cellular interactions induced by lectins. Peanut agglutinin (PNA) induced adherence of lymphocytes only after treatment of these cells with neuraminidase. Striking differences were not found between the lectin-induced adherence observed with autologous and heterologous cells. Killing of monocytes abolished entirely the lectin-induced adherence of lymphocytes, however killed T lymphocytes were still able to interact weakly with live monocytes. Dexamethasone was found to be a potent inhibitor of mitogen-induced cellular interactions.  相似文献   
Proteolytic activity in the stomach, pyloric caeca and intestine decreases with increasing size in the three fish species Mugil auratus, M. capito and M. saliens. Differences between these species are found mainly in the gastric proteolytic activity which appears to be related to diet. This activity is pronounced in M. saliens whose diet is mainly carnivorous. Comparison of regression lines relating gastric proteolytic activity to size reveals differences which distinguish M. auratus from both of the other species. Total proteolytic activity exhibits high variability depending on the types of diet.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Pulvillen vonCalliphora erythrocephala wurden licht und fluoreszenzmikroskopisch, raster- und transmissions-elektronenmikroskopisch untersucht. Das Adhäsionssekret wurde dünnschichtchromatographisch mit dem Körperoberflächen-Lipid verglichen.Die Pulvillen tragen auf der Ventralseite mehrere Tausend langer dünner Hafthaare mit sohlenartigen Endverbreiterungen. Die Kutikula des Pulvillus besteht hauptsächlich aus elastischen Kutikulatypen (Endo- und Mesokutikula) in verschiedenen, spezifischen Ausbildungsformen.Die Pulvillen enthalten ein sekretorisches Epithel ohne Ausführgänge, das Protein- und Lipideinschlüsse zeigt.Das Pulvillensekret ist eine schwerflüchtige, ölige Flüssigkeit, die nicht identisch ist mit dem Körperoberflächen-Lipid. Das Sekret wird in der homogenen Kutikala des Pulvillus gespeichert und über das Porenkanalsystem der Ventralseite nach außen geleitet.Der Zusammenhang zwischen der Struktur der Pulvillen und ihrer Rolle beim Adhäsionsvorgang wird diskutiert.
The pulvilli ofCalliphora erythrocephala (Diptera, Brachycera) as adhesive organs
Summary The pulvilli ofCalliphora erythrocephala were examined by light microscopy, fluorescent light microscopy, SEM and TEM. The adhesive secretion was compared with the general surface lipid layer by means of thinlayerchromatography.On the ventral surface the pulvilli bare several thousand long, slender tenent hairs with solelike spatulate tips. The pulvillar cuticle is composed on the whole of elastic cuticle types (endocuticle, mesocuticle) with specific modifications of structure. The pulvilli contain a secretory epithelium without transport ducts which has lipid and proteinaceous inclusions.The pulvillar secretion is a slowly volatile oily liquid which is not identical to the general surface lipid. The secretion is stored in the homogeneous cuticle within the pulvillus and transported to the ventral surface via the pore canal system.The correlation between the structure of pulvilli and their function in the adhesion process is discussed here.

Abkürzungen bl Basales Labyrinth - cv coated vesicle - db dense body - dlk Dichter Lamellenkörper - dw Dorsalwand - e Epithel - ef Endokutikulafasern in der Übergangszone (meso 2b) - endo 1 lamelläre Endokutikula - endo 2 homogene Endokutikula - endo 3 gelatinöse Endokutikula - ep Empodium - epi Epikutikula - exo Exokutikula - fr Fersenregion - fs Faltensaum - hh Hafthaare - hs Haarschaft - k Kutikula - kr Kralle - ku Kutikulinschicht - l Lumen - li Lipid - lr Dorsale Längsrippen - m Mitochondrium - mb Mesokutikulabalken in der Übergangszone (meso 2b) - meso 1 helle homogene Mesokutikula - meso 2a dunkle homogene Mesokutikula, kompakt - meso 2b Übergangszone, in der dunkle homogene Mesokutikulabalken mit faseriger Endokutikula verzahnt sind - mt Mikrotubulus - mvbd Dunkler multivesikulärer Körper - n Kern - pc Porenkanal - ps Proximalsklerit - pt Prätarsus - rer Rauhes endoplasmatisches Retikulum - s Schulter - sd Sehnendrüse - se Sehne - so Sohle - sr Saumregion - t Tubulus - t5 Tarsalglied 5 - ta Tasche - td Tarsaldrüse - te Tarsalepithel - tg Taschengrund - tk Terminalkanäle - utr Unguitractor - v Heller Vesikel - va Proteinvakuole - w Wachsschicht - z Zementschicht  相似文献   
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