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Primary cell cultures were prepared from a major neurosecretory center of the adult locust brain, the pars intercerebralis, in order to characterize neurosecretory cells growingin vitro. Individual pars intercerebralis could be removed free of surrounding tissue and dissociated by mechanical treatment. Mature neurosecretory neurons of different sizes regenerate new neurites during the initial three daysin vitro in serum-free medium. They show a tendency to sprout one primary neurite from which fine processes develop. By means of electron microscopy, we observed the integrity of the cellular organelles, indicating that cultured neurons are healthy, and we were able to distinguish three types of neurosecretory neurons on the basis of the ultrastructural aspects of the neurosecretory material. These three types have the same ultrastructural characteristics asin situ neuroparsin, ovary maturing parsin and locust insulin related peptide neurons. Immunogold labelling at the electron microscopic level, using the two available specific antibodies, anti-neuroparsin and anti-ovary maturing parsin, confirms the morphological characterization of neuroparsin and ovary maturing parsin cells. These results show for the first time that cultured locust neurosecretory neurons behave like thosein vivo, in terms of their ultrastructure and immunocytochemistry. Moreover, the presence of recently-formed neurosecretory material both in the Golgi zone of the perikaryon and in the neuronal processes indicates that cultured neurons have functional capacity since they are able to synthesizede novo and to transport the neurosecretory material along the neurite. Thus our well-characterized culture system provides a suitable invitro model to investigate the secretory mechanism of locust neurosecretory neurons.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Increasing evidence suggests the bidirectional interplay between parathyroid hormone and aldosterone as an important mechanism behind the increased risk of cardiovascular damage and bone disease observed in primary hyperparathyroidism. Our primary object is to assess the efficacy of the mineralocorticoid receptor-blocker eplerenone to reduce parathyroid hormone secretion in patients with parathyroid hormone excess. Methods/design Overall, 110 adult male and female patients with primary hyperparathyroidism will be randomly assigned to eplerenone (25 mg once daily for 4 weeks and 4 weeks with 50 mg once daily after dose titration] or placebo, over eight weeks. Each participant will undergo detailed clinical assessment, including anthropometric evaluation, 24-h ambulatory arterial blood pressure monitoring, echocardiography, kidney function and detailed laboratory determination of biomarkers of bone metabolism and cardiovascular disease. The study comprises the following exploratory endpoints: mean change from baseline to week eight in (1) parathyroid hormone(1--84) as the primary endpoint and (2) 24-hour systolic and diastolic ambulatory blood pressure levels, NT-pro-BNP, biomarkers of bone metabolism, 24 hours urinary protein/albumin excretion and echocardiographic parameters reflecting systolic and diastolic function as well as cardiac dimensions, as secondary endpoints. DISCUSSION: In view of the reciprocal interaction between aldosterone and parathyroid hormone and the potentially ensuing target organ damage, the EPATH trial is designed to determine whether eplerenone, compared to placebo, will effectively impact on parathyroid hormone secretion and improve cardiovascular and bone health in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism. Trial registration ISRCTN33941607.  相似文献   
Summary We present a method that allows positive selection and rapid analysis of mutations in Enterobacteriaceae. Mutations are detected in a 2630 bp selection cartridge inserted in two different bacterial mutlicopy plasmid vectors. Spontaneous mutations in Escherichia coli, Enterobacter cloacae and Citrobacter freundii include insertions, deletions and point mutations. The small size of the target sequence facilitates rapid analysis of DNA rearrangements by cleavage with restriction enzymes and of any type of mutation by DNA sequence analysis. While in E. coli insertions of the mobile elements IS1, IS2 and IS5 were readily found, insertions of putative new transposable elements were detected in Enterobacter cloacae. The selection cartridge can thus serve as a tool for studying the spectrum of insertion mutations in Enterobacteriaceae and probably other Gramnegative bacteria, and the dependency of this spectrum on physiological and environmental factors and the host's genetic background can be investigated.  相似文献   
A detailed analysis of the 13C relaxation of 13C-labelled spermine bound to duplex and quadruplex DNA is presented. T1, T2 and heteronuclear NOE data were collected at four 13C frequencies (75.4, 125.7, 150.9 and 201.2 MHz). The data were analyzed in terms of a frequency-dependent order parameter, S 2(ω), to estimate the generalized order parameter and the contributions to the relaxation from different motional frequencies in the picosecond–nanosecond timescale and from any exchange processes that may be occurring on the microsecond–millisecond timescale. The relaxation data was surprisingly similar for spermine bound to two different duplexes and a linear parallel quadruplex. Analysis of the relaxation data from these complexes confirmed the conclusions of previous studies that the dominant motion of spermine is independent of the macroscopic tumbling of the DNA and has an effective correlation time of ∼50 ps. In contrast, spermine bound to a folded antiparallel quadruplex had faster relaxation rates, especially R 2. As with the other complexes, a fast internal motion of the order of 50 ps makes a substantial contribution to the relaxation. The generalized order parameter for spermine bound to duplex DNA and the linear quadruplex is small but is larger for spermine bound to the folded quadruplex. In the latter case, there is evidence for exchange between at least two populations of spermine occurring on the microsecond–millisecond timescale. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Both cytogenetically visible and cryptic deletions of the terminal region of chromosome 22q are associated with a clinical phenotype including mental retardation, delay in expressive speech development, hypotonia, normal to accelerated growth and minor facial dysmorphic features. The genes responsible for the development of the phenotype have not yet been identified, but a distal localization is probable, since the cytogenetically visible and the cryptic deletions show a similar pattern of symptoms. We report a 33-year-old woman with a submicroscopic 22q13 deletion, mild mental retardation, speech delay, autistic symptoms and mild facial dysmorphic features. The deletion was mapped by FISH using cosmid probes from terminal 22q13, and the size of the deletion was estimated to be 100 kb. Three genes are affected by the deletion in this patient. ACR and RABL2B are deleted and proSAP2 is disrupted. This observation, together with recently published data, supports the notion that proSAP2 is the most important contributor to the 22q13 deletion phenotype.  相似文献   
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