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The eastern part of the Black Sea and its tributaries are suitable habitats for several sturgeon species, among which Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, A. stellatus, A. nudiventris, A. persicus, A. sturio, and H. huso are well documented. However, different threats have led these species to a dramatic decline, all of them are currently listed as Critically Endangered, and some Locally Extinct, in that area. We tested 94 wild sturgeon samples from the Black Sea and Rioni River by analyzing the mitochondrial Control Region and nuclear markers for hybrid identification. The data analyses (1) assessed mitochondrial diversity among samples, (2) identified their species, as well as (3) indicated instances of hybridization. The data collected, besides confirming a sharp decrease of catches of Beluga and Stellate sturgeon in recent years, also revealed four juvenile hybrids between Russian and Stellate sturgeon, providing the first evidence of natural interspecific hybridization in the Rioni. The present communication raises concerns about the status of sturgeon species in this area and underlines the urgent need for conservation programs to restore self-sustaining populations.

Protein kinase D1 (PKD1) plays a vital role in signal transduction, cell proliferation, membrane trafficking, and cancer; however, the majority of the studies up to date had centered primarily on PKD1 functions in interphase, very little is known about its role during cell division. We previously demonstrated that during mitosis PKD1 is activated and associated with centrosomes, spindles, and midbodies. However, these observations did not address whether PKD1 was associated with mitosis regulation. Accordingly, we used rapidly acting PKD-specific inhibitors to examine the contribution of PKD1 the sequence of events in mitosis. We found that although PKD1 overexpression did not affect mitosis progression, suppression of its catalytic activity by two structurally unrelated inhibitors (kb NB 142-70 and CRT 0066101) induced a significant delay in metaphase to anaphase transition time. PKD1 inhibition during mitosis also produced the appearance of abnormal spindles, defects in chromosome alignment, and segregation as well as apoptosis. Thus, these observations indicate that PKD1 activity is associated with mitosis regulation.  相似文献   

Upper limb nerve injuries are common, and their treatment poses a challenge for physicians and surgeons. Experimental models help in minimum exploration of the functional characteristics of peripheral nerve injuries of forelimbs. This study was conducted to characterize the functional recovery (1, 3, 7, 10, 14, and 21 days) after median and ulnar nerve crush in mice and analyze the histological and biochemical markers of nerve regeneration (after 21 days). Sensory–functional impairments appeared after 1 day. The peripheral nerve morphology, the nerve structure, and the density of myelin proteins [myelin protein zero (P0) and peripheral myelin protein 22 (PMP22)] were analyzed after 21 days. Cold allodynia and fine motor coordination recovery occurred on the 10th day, and grip strength recovery was observed on the 14th day after injury. After 21 days, there was partial myelin sheath recovery. PMP22 recovery was complete, whereas P0 recovery was not. Results suggest that there is complete functional recovery even with partial remyelination of median and ulnar nerves in mice.

Neotropical seasonally dry forests (NSDFs) are widely distributed and possess high levels of species richness and endemism; however, their biogeography remains only partially understood. Using species distribution modelling and parsimony analysis of endemicity, we analysed the distributional patterns of the NSDF avifauna in order to identify their areas of endemism and provide a better understanding of the historical relationships among those areas. The strict consensus trees revealed 17 areas of endemism for NSDFs, which involve four large regions: Baja California, Caribbean–Antilles islands, Mesoamerica and South America. These well-resolved clades are circumscribed by geographical and ecological barriers associated with the Gulf of California, the leading edge of the Caribbean plate, the Tehuantepec Isthmus, the Polochic–Motagua fault, the Nicaragua Depression, the Chocó forest, the Amazon basin and the Andean Cordillera. Relationships among groups of NSDFs found here suggest that evolution of their avifauna involved a mixture of vicariance and dispersal events. Our results support the idea of independent diversification patterns and biogeographical processes in each region, including those previously associated with the Pleistocene Arc Hypothesis for NSDFs of south-eastern South America. This study provides a biogeographical framework to open new lines of research related to the biotic diversification of NSDFs.  相似文献   
Phylogenetic relationships were studied in the genus Cyanocorax (Aves: Corvidae) and related genera, Psilorhinus and Calocitta, a diverse group of New World jays distributed from the southern United States south to Argentina. Although the ecology and behavior of some species in the group have been studied extensively, lack of a molecular phylogeny has precluded rigorous interpretations in an evolutionary framework. Given the diverse combinations of plumage coloration, size, and morphology, the taxonomy of the group has been inconsistent and understanding of biogeographic patterns problematic. Moreover, plumage similarity between two geographically disjuct species, the Tufted jay (Cyanocorax dickeyi) from western Mexico and the White-tailed jay (C. mystacalis) from western Ecuador and Peru, has puzzled ornithologists for decades. Here, a phylogeny of all species in the three genera is presented, based on study of two mitochondrial and three nuclear genes. Phylogenetic trees revealed the non-monophyly of Cyanocorax, and the division of the whole assemblage in two groups: “Clade A” containing Psilorhinus morio, both species in Calocitta, Cyanocorax violaceus, C. caeruleus, C. cristatellus, and C. cyanomelas, and “Clade B” consisting of the remaining species in Cyanocorax. Relationships among species in Clade A were ambiguous and, in general, not well resolved. Within Clade B, analyses revealed the monophyly of the “Cissilopha” jays and showed no evidence for a sister relationship between C. mystacalis and C. dickeyi. The phylogenetic complexity of lineages in the group suggests several complications for the understanding biogeographic patterns, as well as for proposing a taxonomy that is consistent with morphological variation. Although multiple taxonomic arrangements are possible, recommendations are for recognizing only one genus, Cyanocorax, with Psilorhinus and Calocitta as synonyms.  相似文献   
Friedreich ataxia accounts for approximately 75% of European recessive ataxia patients. Approximately 98% of pathogenic chromosomes have large expansions of a GAA triplet repeat in the FRDA gene (E alleles), and strong linkage disequilibrium among polymorphisms spanning the FRDA locus indicates a common origin for all European E alleles. In contrast, we found that only 14 of 151 (9.3%) Mexican Mestizo patients with recessive ataxia were homozygous for E alleles. Analysis of polymorphisms spanning the FRDA locus revealed that all Mestizo E alleles had the common European haplotype, indicating that they share a single origin. Genetic admixture levels were determined, which revealed that the relative contributions to the Mestizo FRDA gene pool by Native American and European genes were 76-87% and 13-24%, respectively, commensurate with the observed low prevalence of Friedreich ataxia in Mestizos. This indicates that Friedreich ataxia in Mexican Mestizos is due to genetic admixture of European mutant FRDA genes in the Native American gene pool that existed prior to contact with Europeans.  相似文献   
Lung and skin are the organs directly exposed to environmental pollution. Ozone (O(3)) is a toxic, oxidant air pollutant, and exposure has been shown to induce antioxidant depletion as well as oxidation of lipids and proteins within the outermost skin layer (stratum corneum) and the lung respiratory tract lining fluids (RTLFs). To further define skin and lung responses to O(3) exposure, SKH-1 hairless mice were exposed to either 0.8 ppm of O(3) (a level occasionally reached in very polluted areas) or ambient air 6 h/day for 6 consecutive days. O(3) exposure resulted in the depletion of alpha-tocopherol in lung and plasma and induction in both skin and lung of heme oxygenase 1, cyclooxygenase 2, and proliferating cell nuclear antigen. O(3)-exposed animals showed a similar extent of upregulation of COX-2 and PCNA in lung and skin, whereas HO-1 was more responsive in skin than in lung (7-fold induction vs. 2-fold induction). In addition to these measures of response to oxidative stress, O(3) exposure led to the activation of nuclear factor kappaB measured as IkappaBalpha phosphorylation in both tissues. We conclude that in this model, O(3) at high pollutant levels is able to affect both lung and skin biology, inducing depletion of alpha-tocopherol and inducing stress-related responses in both skin epidermis and respiratory tract epithelium.  相似文献   
Ligands of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) come from a diverse group of chemicals that include pharmaceutical drugs, phthalate plasticizers, steroids, and pesticides. PPAR ligands exhibit a number of effects, including an ability to induce apoptosis in some systems. The mechanism(s) underlying the induction of apoptosis is not known. The current study examined the ability of Wy14643, a fibrate and PPARalpha agonist, and ciglitazone, a thiazolidinedione and PPARgamma agonist, to induce apoptosis as well as the production of oxidants in human Jurkat T cells that express all PPAR isoforms. Treatment with increasing doses of Wy14643 caused a substantial time-dependent increase in the overall oxidant status (as reflected by increased dichlorofluorescein fluorescence) of Jurkat cells without any change in viability except at the highest dose and longest time. Ciglitazone also caused a dose- and time-dependent increase in oxidant production. However, although the extent of this production was less than that seen with Wy14643, ciglitazone caused a dose- and time-dependent increase in apoptosis that could not be inhibited by antioxidants. Confocal micrographs of Jurkat cells loaded with dichlorofluorescein diacetate or dihydrorhodamine 123 and treated with Wy14643 or ciglitazone revealed a punctate pattern of fluorescence at early time points suggestive of a mitochondrial origin for these oxidants. Rotenone and antimycin A prevented Wy14643- but not ciglitazone-induced oxidant production. Other relatively specific PPARgamma agonists (15delta-PGJ2, and troglitazone), but not nonspecific agonists (bezafibrate and conjugated linoleic acid), were also able to induce oxidant production in Jurkat cells. These data, as well as the findings that oxidant production could be induced by Wy14643 in A549 cells that lack PPARalpha, and could not be blocked in Jurkat cells by the PPARalpha inhibitor MK886, indicate oxidant formation is unrelated to PPARalpha. These data also suggest that oxidant production induced by PPARalpha ligands originates in the mitochondria.  相似文献   
Macromolecular crowding is expected to have several significant effects on protein aggregation; the major effects will be those due to excluded volume and increased viscosity. In this report we summarize data demonstrating that macromolecular crowding may lead to a dramatic acceleration in the rate of protein aggregation and formation of amyloid fibrils, using the protein alpha-synuclein. The aggregation of alpha-synuclein has been implicated as a critical factor in development of Parkinson's disease. Various types of polymers, from neutral polyethylene glycols and polysaccharides (Ficolls, dextrans) to inert proteins, are shown to accelerate alpha-synuclein fibrillation. The stimulation of fibrillation increases with increasing length of polymer, as well as increasing polymer concentration. At lower polymer concentrations (typically up to approximately 100 mg/ml) the major effect is ascribed to excluded volume, whereas at higher polymer concentrations evidence of opposing viscosity effects become apparent. Pesticides and metals, which are linked to increased risk of Parkinson's disease by epidemiological studies, are shown to accelerate alpha-synuclein fibrillation under conditions of molecular crowding.  相似文献   
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