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We discuss the utilization of micro-bioreactor arrays for controlling cellular environments in studies of factors that regulate the differentiation of human embryonic stem cells. To this end, we have designed a simple and practical system that couples a microfluidic platform with an array of micro-bioreactors, and has the size of a microscope slide [E. Figallo, C. Cannizzaro, S. Gerecht, J.A. Burdick, R. Langer, N. Elvassore, G. Vunjak-Novakovic, Lab Chip 7 (2007) 710-719]. The system allows quantitative studies of cells cultured in monolayers or encapsulated in three-dimensional hydrogels. We review the operating requirements for studies of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) under steady-state and dynamic conditions, and the related control of the mass transport and hydrodynamic shear. We describe the design and fabrication of the individual bioreactor components, and the criteria for selecting the bioreactor configuration and operating parameters, based on the analysis of the characteristic times and scales of reaction, convection and diffusion. To illustrate the utility of the bioreactor, we present a "case study" of hESC cultivation with detailed experimental methods and representative biological readouts.  相似文献   
Exposure to maternal undernutrition during development increases the risk for neurological and cognitive defects. However, little is known about the underlying mechanisms involved. Peripheral responses to insulin are increased following food-restriction, thus the possibility arises that brain insulin actions are affected by undernutrition, causing damages to the higher cerebral functions. In this study, we examined the effects of early undernutriton on molecular targets of insulin actions such as glucose transporters, glycogen, glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK3) and mitogen-activated protein kinases, as well as proteins involved in apoptosis in the cortex from 10-day-old rats. We show that undernutrition results in an enhanced glycogen content which is confined to astrocytes, according to our histochemical approaches. Cortical phospho-GSK3 is also increased. In addition to glycogen synthesis, GSK3 regulates crucial cellular processes. Therefore, its elevated degree of phosphorylation may have an impact on these processes and, consequently, on the cortical development. Phospho-p38 and both total JNK and phospho-JNK, which regulate apoptosis, are reduced following undernutrition. However, cleaved caspase 3 is not altered, which suggests that this condition does not induce extensive modifications to the cortical apoptosis. Thus, our results indicate that undernutrition gives rise to molecular alterations that may have repercussions on cerebral cortex development and functions.  相似文献   
Cyclosporine (CsA) is an immunosuppressive agent frequently used in the clinic for prevention of allograft rejection and for the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Despite its desired action on the immune system, CsA treatment may present serious adverse effects, which are masked by the concomitant use of other drugs. The search for effective immunosuppression protocols which does not affect the quality of life of patients is driving research to investigate the CsA involvement in vascular diseases, frequent in patients under immunosuppression. Thus, 45 non-transplanted Wistar rats were treated for 8 weeks with vehicle or 5 or 15 mg/kg CsA (n = 15/group) by gavage administration to evaluate the specific influence of cyclosporine on the levels of risk factors (metabolic and inflammatory) of vascular disease and its mechanism of action. Therefore, serum insulin levels, glucose tolerance test, serum lipids profile, total homocysteine and fibrinogen levels were assessed. The biochemical alterations reported here suggest the development of a framework straight to diabetes. Glucose homeostasis was affected as indicated by decreased insulin levels and altered glucose tolerance test in CsA 15 mg/kg group compared to other groups. Serum insulin and total homocysteine levels presented a significant negative correlation (R = ? 0.76, P < 0.0001). Fibrinogen and serum lipids profiles were significantly increased in CsA 15 mg/kg group compared to other groups and correlated positively with total homocysteine levels. Considering the well-established correlation among insulin resistance, lipid and total homocysteine levels, hypercoagulability and atherosclerosis, we can assume that this protocol of long-term CsA treatment in non-transplanted rats alter biochemical parameters related to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular risk, mainly in CsA 15 mg/kg group. Insulin and tHcy serum levels appear to be central in this process.  相似文献   
Direct sowing of acorns is a technique for oak forest restoration, however, high seed predation by mammals can occur and cost-effective alternatives to protect acorns are therefore required. The present study evaluated the protection provided by chili peppers (Capsicum annuum and Capsicum pubescens) to acorns of Quercus germana, an endangered endemic oak tree of the cloud forests. Greenhouse and field experiments were established to evaluate the effect of chili peppers on acorn removal, germination, and seedling emergence. These processes were related to the prevalent microhabitat characteristics where the acorns were introduced, and the fauna that consumed chili peppers and acorns was identified using camera traps. In the greenhouse trial, more seedlings emerged from acorns covered by fruits of C. pubescens (65.71 ± 8.14) and C. annuum (57.14 ± 8.49%) compared to unprotected acorns (31.43 ± 7.96%). Contrary to expectation, acorn removal in the field was greater using C. pubescens than the unprotected acorns, particularly in microsites with lower tree cover and higher grass dominance. Acorn removal was similar among chili pepper treatments. These results are explained by the camera trap records, which showed bird species consuming Capsicum fruits, thus exposing the acorns to subsequent removal and/or consumption by rodents. The studied Capsicum fruits had no negative effect on acorn germination and seedling emergence under greenhouse conditions, and future practices could, therefore, involve the use of different techniques to prevent the discovery of chili peppers by birds; for example, using green chili peppers for camouflage, or hiding them under litter or herbaceous vegetation.  相似文献   
The current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is wreaking havoc throughout the world and has rapidly become a global health emergency. A central question concerning COVID-19 is why some individuals become sick and others not. Many have pointed already at variation in risk factors between individuals. However, the variable outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infections may, at least in part, be due also to differences between the viral subspecies with which individuals are infected. A more pertinent question is how we are to overcome the current pandemic. A vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 would offer significant relief, although vaccine developers have warned that design, testing and production of vaccines may take a year if not longer. Vaccines are based on a handful of different designs (i), but the earliest vaccines were based on the live, attenuated virus. As has been the case for other viruses during earlier pandemics, SARS-CoV-2 will mutate and may naturally attenuate over time (ii). What makes the current pandemic unique is that, thanks to state-of-the-art nucleic acid sequencing technologies, we can follow in detail how SARS-CoV-2 evolves while it spreads. We argue that knowledge of naturally emerging attenuated SARS-CoV-2 variants across the globe should be of key interest in our fight against the pandemic.  相似文献   
Rabies is a fatal neurologic disease caused by lyssavirus infection. Bats are important natural reservoir hosts of various lyssaviruses that can be transmitted to people. The epidemiology and pathogenesis of rabies in bats are poorly understood, making it difficult to prevent zoonotic transmission. To further our understanding of lyssavirus pathogenesis in a natural bat host, an experimental model using straw-colored fruit bats (Eidolon helvum) and Lagos bat virus, an endemic lyssavirus in this species, was developed. To determine the lowest viral dose resulting in 100% productive infection, bats in five groups (four bats per group) were inoculated intramuscularly with one of five doses, ranging from 100.1 to 104.1 median tissue culture infectious dose (TCID50). More bats died due to the development of rabies after the middle dose (102.1 TCID50, 4/4 bats) than after lower (101.1, 2/4; 101.1, 2/4) or higher (103.1, 2/4; 104.1, 2/4) doses of virus. In the two highest dose groups, 4/8 bats developed rabies. Of those bats that remained healthy 3/4 bats seroconverted, suggesting that high antigen loads can trigger a strong immune response that abrogates a productive infection. In contrast, in the two lowest dose groups, 3/8 bats developed rabies, 1/8 remained healthy and seroconverted and 4/8 bats remained healthy and did not seroconvert, suggesting these doses are too low to reliably induce infection. The main lesion in all clinically affected bats was meningoencephalitis associated with lyssavirus-positive neurons. Lyssavirus antigen was detected in tongue epithelium (5/11 infected bats) rather than in salivary gland epithelium (0/11), suggesting viral excretion via the tongue. Thus, intramuscular inoculation of 102.1 TCID50 of Lagos bat virus into straw-colored fruit bats is a suitable model for lyssavirus associated bat rabies in a natural reservoir host, and can help with the investigation of lyssavirus infection dynamics in bats.  相似文献   
The future of biomaterial production will leverage biotechnology based on the domestication of cells as biological factories. Plants, algae, and bacteria can produce low-environmental impact biopolymers. Here, two strategies were developed to produce a biopolymer derived from a bioengineered vacuolar storage protein of the common bean (phaseolin; PHSL). The cys-added PHSL* forms linear-structured biopolymers when expressed in the thylakoids of transplastomic tobacco leaves by exploiting the formation of inter-chain disulfide bridges. The same protein without signal peptide (ΔPHSL*) accumulates in Escherichia coli inclusion bodies as high-molar-mass species polymers that can subsequently be oxidized to form disulfide crosslinking bridges in order to increase the stiffness of the biomaterial, a valid alternative to the use of chemical crosslinkers. The E. coli cells produced 300 times more engineered PHSL, measured as percentage of total soluble proteins, than transplastomic tobacco plants. Moreover, the thiol groups of cysteine allow the site-specific PEGylation of ΔPHSL*, which is a desirable functionality in the design of a protein-based drug carrier. In conclusion, ΔPHSL* expressed in E. coli has the potential to become an innovative biopolymer.  相似文献   
Tonicia lebruni, a common, lower intertidal and subtidal chiton inhabiting Patagonian rocky shores, is a gonochoristic iteroparous species producing large eggs (≈ 400 μm in diameter), which are fertilized and brooded within the pallial groves until released as juveniles. A free larval stage is absent, despite this, T. lebruni is widely distributed along the south‐western Atlantic. At Puerto Deseado, T. lebruni has a marked seasonality in the reproductive cycle, reproducing only once a year. The reproductive period is quite short and defined in time: spawning and brooding take place during the late austral winter and beginning of spring. Recovery of the female gonad starts very soon after spawning. Oogenesis takes about 10–11 months for completion. Brood size is correlated with length of maternal individual. The number of embryos per brood varied between 785 and 5945. Extensive resorption of abortive eggs is viewed as related to limitation of space available for brooding. The egg hull is formed by a large number of minute pentagonal or hexagonal plates each one bearing a short spine bent onto the egg surface. The morphology and the surface of the hull could contribute to the cohesiveness of the brooded egg mass within the pallial grooves.  相似文献   
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