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The biosynthesis of (2S)-2-methyl-2-(4'-methyl-3'-pentenyl)-8-(3'-methyl-2-butenyl)-2H-1-benzopyran-6-carboxylic acid (gaudichaudianic acid), the major metabolite in leaves and roots of Piper gaudichaudianum Kunth (Piperaceae), has been investigated employing [1-(13)C]-D-glucose as precursor. The labelling pattern in the isolated gaudichaudianic acid was determined by quantitative (13)C NMR spectroscopy analysis and was consistent with involvement of both mevalonic acid and 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol-4-phosphate pathways in the formation of the dimethylallyl- and geranyl-derived moieties. The results confirmed that both plastidic and cytoplasmic pathways are able to provide isopentenyl diphosphate units for prenylation of p-hydroxybenzoic acid.  相似文献   
Following the European Water Framework Directive, this study aims to be the first step to (i) identify diatom type assemblages in unpolluted streams in NW Italy, and (ii) find which ecological factors explain most of the variation. To achieve this, we collected physical, chemical and benthic community data from four streams in NW Italy from 2001 to 2004, for a total of 72 samples. All sampling sites were between 200 m a.s.l. and 800 m a.s.l., but differed in the dominant lithological substrate, i.e. alluvial or siliceous. Relationships between diatom communities and environmental factors were examined using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), while Indicator Species Analysis was used to define characterizing species and accompanying species of three environmental groups identified by CCA: (1) high water quality and medium saline content, (2) high water quality and low saline content, (3) poor water quality. The diatom assemblages of the three groups of sites differed significantly, as shown by the Multi-Response Permutation Procedure. There were strong correlations between diatoms and environmental factors, especially chlorides (also highly correlated with sulphates and carbonate hardness), nitrate concentration and conductivity. The group 1 assemblage was typical of the alluvial Alpine streams with medium saline content and was characterized by mostly oligosaprobic/β-mesosaprobic taxa such as Cymbella affinis, Diatoma ehrenbergii and Staurosira pinnata. The species assemblage found in the siliceous Alpine rivers with good water quality make them suitable reference sites for a benthic diatom community. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   
We investigated the subcellular localization of glycogen synthase (GS) in the adductor muscle of anesthetized rabbits injected intravenously with propranolol. Under these experimental conditions, glycogen content was about 10 mmol/kg of fresh tissue. Immunofluorescent and fractionation studies showed that GS associated with sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) membranes. Glycogen and GS always co-sedimented, suggesting a predominant role of glycogen in targeting of GS to SR. SR-associated GS was phosphorylated in vitro by SR-bound Ca2+-calmodulin dependent protein kinase (CaMKII) and dephosphorylated by endogenous protein phosphatase 1 (PP1c). Based on measurements of GS activity ratio, in vitro phosphorylation of GS by CaMKII did not significantly affect GS activity per se. However, GS activity ratio was slightly reduced, when SR membranes were further incubated with ATP after prior phosphorylation by CaMKII, suggesting that CaMKII might act sinergistically with other protein kinases. We propose that SR-bound CaMKII plays a role in regulation of glycogen metabolism in skeletal muscle, when intracellular Ca2+ is raised.  相似文献   
The aim of this work was: (i) to verify the level ofEscherichia coli in Pannerone and Valtrompia Formaggella, two artisanal Italian raw-milk cheeses ripened for less than 60 days; (ii) to phenotypically and genotipycally type theE. coli isolates; (iii) to detect the presence ofE. coli O157:H7 and of intestinal enteropathogenicE. coli by PCR. The levels ofE. coli in the cheeses ranged from 3.89 to 8.47 log CFU g?1. NoE. coli O157:H7 was detected in 25 g of cheese. The 76E. coli strains (68 cheese isolates and 8 reference strains) were widely diverse, since a high number of both PCR fingerprinting profiles and PhenePlate® phenotypes were shown. Within the 68 cheese isolates, no toxin production and virulence-associated genes were shown by multiplex PCR. Non-pathogenicE. coli were isolated at high levels in raw-milk cheeses, where they may contribute to the development of desirable characteristics of some of these products, e.g. Pannerone.  相似文献   
The analysis of very complex proteomes is dependent on efficient fractionation methods with low level of carry over from fraction to fraction. Among various possibilities the separation by ranges of isoelectric points for further analysis appears as attractive, but current methods involving an electrically driven migration in the presence of ampholyte carriers are not exempt of technical complications. In the present work a new separation concept is described involving the use of so-called solid-state buffers, in association with ion exchangers, to separate protein categories of different pI ranges with a low level of protein overlapping. Resin blends packed in separated columns are used under a cascade configuration of increasing or decreasing pH and, once proteins of different pI are adsorbed by individual resin blends, the columns are dissociated. From each column protein mixtures corresponding to a given pI range are collected by competitive desorption with salts so as to be ready for proteomic analysis. The process is rapid and does not involve electrical fields nor addition of carrier ampholyte material. The presence of potassium chloride during the separation prevents protein precipitation at the vicinicity of their isoelectric points. The fractions thus obtained can be used for two dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry analysis after the removal of salts.  相似文献   
The role of polyamine (PA) metabolism in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) defense against pathogens with contrasting pathogenic strategies was evaluated. Infection by the necrotrophic fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum resulted in increased arginine decarboxylase expression and activity in host tissues, as well as putrescine and spermine accumulation in leaf apoplast. Enhancement of leaf PA levels, either by using transgenic plants or infiltration with exogenous PAs, led to increased necrosis due to infection by S. sclerotiorum. Specific inhibition of diamine and PA oxidases attenuated the PA-induced enhancement of leaf necrosis during fungal infection. When tobacco responses to infection by the biotrophic bacterium Pseudomonas viridiflava were investigated, an increase of apoplastic spermine levels was detected. Enhancement of host PA levels by the above-described experimental approaches strongly decreased in planta bacterial growth, an effect that was blocked by a PA oxidase inhibitor. It can be concluded that accumulation and further oxidation of free PAs in the leaf apoplast of tobacco plants occurs in a similar, although not identical way during tobacco defense against infection by microorganisms with contrasting pathogenesis strategies. This response affects the pathogen's ability to colonize host tissues and results are detrimental for plant defense against necrotrophic pathogens that feed on necrotic tissue; on the contrary, this response plays a beneficial role in defense against biotrophic pathogens that depend on living tissue for successful host colonization. Thus, apoplastic PAs play important roles in plant-pathogen interactions, and modulation of host PA levels, particularly in the leaf apoplast, may lead to significant changes in host susceptibility to different kinds of pathogens.  相似文献   
Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have strong potential in regeneration of musculoskeletal tissues including cartilage and bone. The microenvironment, comprising of scaffold and soluble factors, plays a pivotal role in determining the efficacy of cartilage tissue regeneration from MSCs. In this study, we investigated the effect of a three-dimensional synthetic-biological composite hydrogel scaffold comprised of poly (ethylene glycol) (PEG) and chondroitin sulfate (CS) on chondrogenesis of MSCs. The cells in CS-based bioactive hydrogels aggregated in a fashion which mimicked the mesenchymal condensation and produced cartilaginous tissues with characteristic morphology and basophilic extracellular matrix production. The aggregation of cells resulted in an enhancement of both chondrogenic gene expressions and cartilage specific matrix production compared to control PEG hydrogels containing no CS-moieties. Moreover, a significant down-regulation of type X collagen expression was observed in PEG/CS hydrogels, indicating that CS inhibits the further differentiation of MSCs into hypertrophic chondrocytes. Overall, this study demonstrates the morphogenetic role of bioactive scaffold-mediated microenvironment on temporal pattern of cartilage specific gene expressions and subsequent matrix production during MSC chondrogenesis.  相似文献   
Potentially toxic cyanobacterial blooms are becoming common in the Brazilian reservoirs in all regions of the country. During October 2004, a dense bloom of cyanobacteria occurred in the Monjolinho Reservoir (São Carlos, São Paulo State, Brazil) and a significant amount of cyanobacterial material accumulated on the water surface. Phytoplankton analysis showed that the main species in this bloom were Anabaena circinalis and Anabaena spiroides. Cladoceran (Ceriodaphnia dubia and Ceriodaphnia silvestrii) and mouse bioassays were performed to detect toxic products in extracts of the natural samples collected at the three different dates during in short period. To prepare the extracts, freeze-dried cells were dispersed in distilled water and subjected to repeated freeze/thaw cycles and sonication and centrifuging processes. Crude extracts were toxic both to cladocerans (LC50 94–406 mg freeze-dried cells L−1) and mice (indicative LD50 297–445 mg freeze-dried cells kg−1) and the toxicity of the bloom increased for cladocerans during the occurrence of the bloom. Toxin analysis by ELISA revealed that microcystin (MC) was found in the water of the reservoir (concentrations ranging from 28 to 45 μg L−1). In addition, microcystin was also found in freeze-dried cyanobacteria cells with concentrations ranging from 138 to 223 μg g−1. On the other hand, neurotoxins (saxitoxin and gonyautoxin) were not detected in any of the natural samples by HPLC. Signs of toxicity in mice did not indicate whether the bloom samples were predominantly hepatotoxic or neurotoxic. It is known that natural Anabaena blooms can contain other toxic compounds besides microcystins and neurotoxins such as lipopolysaccharides or other toxins not identified or known. Methods of detecting cyanotoxins used in this study were insufficient to clarify the toxicological features of Anabaena bloom and indicated that other methods should be investigated.  相似文献   
In B-Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (B-CLL) kinase Lyn is overexpressed, active, abnormally distributed, and part of a cytosolic complex involving hematopoietic lineage cell-specific protein 1 (HS1). These aberrant properties of Lyn could partially explain leukemic cells' defective apoptosis, directly or through its substrates, for example, HS1 that has been associated to apoptosis in different cell types. To verify the hypothesis of HS1 involvement in Lyn-mediated leukemic cell survival, we investigated HS1 protein in 71 untreated B-CLL patients and 26 healthy controls. We found HS1 overexpressed in leukemic as compared to normal B lymphocytes (1.38±0.54 vs 0.86±0.29, p<0.01), and when HS1 levels were correlated to clinical parameters we found a higher expression of HS1 in poor-prognosis patients. Moreover, HS1 levels significantly decreased in ex vivo leukemic cells of patients responding to a fludarabine-containing regimen. We also observed that HS1 is partially localized in the nucleus of neoplastic B cells. All these data add new information on HS1 study, hypothesizing a pivotal role of HS1 in Lyn-mediated modulation of leukemic cells' survival and focusing, one more time, the attention on the BCR-Lyn axis as a putative target for new therapeutic strategies in this disorder.  相似文献   
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