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Immunochemical Analysis of Arylsulfatase Accumulation in Sea Urchin Embryos   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We have determined the expression pattern of arylsulfatase in embryos of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus . Polyclonal antibodies raised against a fusion protein containing sequences encoded by SpARSI (Yang et al. , 1989, Dev. Biol. 135: 53–61, 1989) detect several peptides of 65–70 kD on immunoblots. Treatment with glycopeptidase F shows that at least one of these peptides is modified by N-linked glycosylation, which accounts for some of the peptide diversity. We have also identified a second arylsulfatase gene (SpARSII) whose sequence is highly similar to ARS, a gene expressed in the Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus embryo. Arylsulfatase activity is detectable in unfertilized eggs, in which only SpARSII mRNA can be detected. Both SpARSI and SpARSII mRNAs increase greatly in abundance during embryogenesis accompanied by parallel changes in arylsulfatase activity and immunoreactivity. Immunohistochemistry with the anti-SpARSI antibody shows that arylsulfatase accumulates primarily along the apical surface of the aboral ectoderm of pluteus larvae, and to a lesser extent along portions of oral ectoderm. At earlier stages, the protein is more uniformly distributed along all presumptive ectoderm, reflecting a more uniform mRNA distribution. Treatment of embryos with glycine-EDTA, which dissociates but does not lyse cells of the embryo, releases virtually all enzymatic activity and all immunoreactive protein. Embryos cultured in sulfate-free sea water, which arrest at gastrula stage, show normal accumulation and secretion of peptide detected with the SpARSI antibody.  相似文献   
Seasonal changes in behavior and in its underlying neural substrate are common across animal taxa. These changes are often triggered by steroid sex hormones. Song in seasonally breeding songbirds provides an excellent example of this phenomenon. In these species, dramatic seasonal changes mediated by testosterone and its metabolites occur in adult song behavior and in the neural circuitry controlling song. While song rate can quickly change in response to seasonal breeding cues, it is unknown how quickly other aspects of song change, particularly the stereotypy of song phonology and syntax. In this study we determined whether and how quickly song rate, phonology, and syntax change in response to breeding and non-breeding physiological cues. We asked these questions using Gambel's white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii), a closed-ended learner with well-characterized changes in the neural circuitry controlling song behavior. We exposed ten photosensitive sparrows to long-day photoperiod and implanted them with subcutaneous testosterone pellets (day 0) to simulate breeding conditions. We continuously recorded song and found that song rate increased quickly, reaching maximum around day 6. The stereotypy of song phonology changed more slowly, reaching maximum by day 10 or later. Song syntax changed minimally after day 6, the earliest time point examined. After 21 days, we transitioned five birds from breeding to non-breeding condition. Song rate declined precipitously. These results suggest that while song rate changes quickly, song phonology changes more slowly, generally following or in parallel with previously investigated changes in the neural substrate.  相似文献   
Seasonal drought and heavily impeded soils reduce restoration success in Mediterranean‐type postmine soils, where up to 90% seedling mortality has been observed after 2 years. To alleviate these barriers, amendments were incorporated into the soil profile of a freshly mined sand quarry. Within the quarry, three 223 m2 replicate sites contained two substrate amendments: 12% v/v native‐sourced mulch or gravel incorporated within the top 50 cm of the soil profile. Three remnant sites provided a “natural” reference system. Seeds of two autochthonous trees, Banksia attenuata (R.Br.) and B. menziesii (R.Br.) were sown across all treatments. Soil impedance, moisture, and seedling stomatal conductance were monitored for 2 years, at which point seedlings were excavated, and nutrient concentration, root morphology, and soil chemical properties were measured. Roots in all restoration treatments were restricted to the top 40 cm of the profile due to increases in soil impedance, regardless of amendment, compared to >70 cm in the natural system. Seedling mortality was greatest after the second summer in the control and inorganic amendment treatments, with stomatal conductance indicating severe drought stress. Survival in the organic treatment was 24–42% greater than the control, with higher soil moisture and stomatal conductance rates 2.5 times that of the control. The increased soil water retention by a native‐sourced mulch was shown to improve postmine restoration success for these native trees.  相似文献   


A major goal in the study of human evolution is to identify key genetic changes which occurred over the course of primate evolution. According to one school of thought, many such changes are likely to be found in noncoding sequence. An approach to identifying these involves comparing multiple genomes to identify conserved regions with an accelerated substitution rate in a particular lineage. Such acceleration could be the result of positive selection.  相似文献   
The EEG was monitored from pairs of female subjects while they engaged in varied eye contact under experimenter instruction (direct gaze, smile, averted gaze). The nine conditions of gaze were related monotonically to EEG abundance (9.5–20.0 Hz). It is suggested that the gradient of arousal or activation so obtained is evidence of a physiological substrate of social intimacy.  相似文献   
Pharmacological activation of group II metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluR2/3) inhibits cocaine self‐administration and reinstatement of drug‐seeking behavior, suggesting a possible use of mGluR2/3 agonists in the treatment of cocaine dependence. In this study, we investigated whether elevation of the endogenous mGluR2/3 ligand N‐acetyl‐aspartatylglutamate (NAAG) levels by the N‐acetylated‐alpha‐linked‐acidic dipeptidase inhibitor 2‐(phosphonomethyl)pentanedioic acid (2‐PMPA) attenuates cocaine self‐administration and cocaine‐induced reinstatement of drug seeking. N‐acetylated‐alpha‐linked‐acidic dipeptidase is a NAAG degradation enzyme that hydrolyzes NAAG to N‐acetylaspartate and glutamate. Systemic administration of 2‐PMPA (10‐100 mg/kg, i.p.) inhibited intravenous self‐administration maintained by low unit doses of cocaine and cocaine (but not sucrose)‐induced reinstatement of drug‐seeking behavior. Microinjections of 2‐PMPA (3–5 μg/side) or NAAG (3–5 μg/side) into the nucleus accumbens (NAc), but not into the dorsal striatum, also inhibited cocaine‐induced reinstatement, an effect that was blocked by intra‐NAc injection of LY341495, a selective mGluR2/3 antagonist. In vivo microdialysis demonstrated that 2‐PMPA (10‐100 mg/kg, i.p.) produced a dose‐dependent reduction in both extracellular dopamine (DA) and glutamate, an effect that was also blocked by LY341495. Finally, pre‐treatment with 2‐PMPA partially attenuated cocaine‐enhanced extracellular NAc DA, while completely blocking cocaine‐enhanced extracellular NAc glutamate in rats during reinstatement testing. Intra‐NAc perfusion of LY341495 blocked 2‐PMPA‐induced reductions in cocaine‐enhanced extracellular NAc glutamate, but not DA. These findings suggest that 2‐PMPA is effective in attenuating cocaine‐induced reinstatement of drug‐seeking behavior, likely by attenuating cocaine‐induced increases in NAc DA and glutamate via pre‐synaptic mGluR2/3s.  相似文献   
 A monoclonal antibody, BLCA-8, was raised against the human bladder cancer cell line, UCRU-BL-17CL. By flow cytometry and immunoperoxidase staining, this antibody was found to possess high specificity for bladder tumours, some reactivity with fetal tissues, and no reactivity with normal bladder, or any normal or malignant tissue. This high specificity and the stability of the antigen to the urinary environment suggest that BLCA-8 may have potential for use as an anti-bladder-cancer therapeutic agent. By thin-layer chromatography and autoradiography, BLCA-8 was found to bind four components within the neutral lipid fraction of a bladder cancer cell line, UCRU-BL-17/23α. These components had R F values of 0.22, 0.16/0.15 (doublet), 0.12 and 0.08, and migrated below globoside, indicating the presence of more than four sugars. By enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay and thin-layer chromatography it was found that the binding of BLCA-8 to the lipid extract was increased by both mild alkaline hydrolysis and enzymatic treatments, indicating that adjacent phospholipids and glycolipids interfere with the accessibility of the antibody-binding site. Full biochemical characterisation of the BLCA-8 antigen is currently underway. Received: 24 April 1995 / Accepted: 11 July 1995  相似文献   
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