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Summary In recent studies, the α2 chain of laminin (Ln) has been suggested to be the only laminin α chain expressed in mouse and human thymus. We have now used chain-specific monoclonal antibodies and indirect immunofluorescence microscopy to study the expression of laminin chains in samples of foetal and 6-year-old human thymus. The subepithelial basement membrane of the capsule of foetal 16- to 18-week thymus presented a bright immunoreactivity for Ln α1, α3, β1, β3 and γ1 chains but not for α2 chain, suggesting the expression of laminins-1 and-5. Most cortical and medullary epithelial cells, including Hassall's corpuscles, however, lacked laminin immunoreactivity. Immunoreactivity for Ln β2 chain was only seen in basal laminae of larger blood vessels. In thymic specimens from 6-year-old children, immunoreactivity for the laminin α1, α3, β1, β3 and γ1 chains was invariably found in subepithelial basement membrane of the capsule and that for laminin α2 chain was now also distinct but more heterogeneous. Furthermore, the thymic subepithelial basement membrane of the capsule at all stages showed immunore-activity for collagen type VII, forming the anchoring fibres in epithelial basement membranes. The subcapsular thymic epithelium also showed immunoreactivity for the BP 230 antigen and β4 integrin subunit, both components of hemidesmosomes. The present results show that the thymic subepithelial basement membrane of the capsule presents properties which are commonly seen in stratified and combined epithelia, and are compatible with suggestions of the antigenic similarity of thymic epithelial cells and keratinocytes.  相似文献   


Laminins are a group of proteins largely responsible for the anchorage of cells to basement membranes. We hypothesized that altered Laminin chain production in the bronchial mucosa might explain the phenomenon of epithelial cell shedding in asthma. The aim was to characterize the presence of Laminin chains in the SEBM and epithelium in allergic and non-allergic asthmatics.

Patients and methods

Biopsies were taken from the bronchi of 11 patients with allergic and 9 patients with non-allergic asthma and from 7 controls and stained with antibodies against the Laminin (ln) chains alpha1-alpha5, beta1-beta2 and gamma1-gamma2.


Lns-2,-5 and -10 were the main Laminins of SEBM. The layer of ln-10 was thicker in the two asthmatic groups while an increased thickness of lns-2 and -5 was only seen in allergic asthmatics. The ln gamma2-chain, which is only found in ln 5, was exclusively expressed in epithelial cells in association with epithelial injury and in the columnar epithelium of allergic asthmatics.


The uncoordinated production of chains of ln-5 in allergic asthma could have a bearing on the poor epithelial cell anchorage in these patients.  相似文献   
Aim To identify the most important environmental drivers of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in boreal springs at different spatial scales, and to assess how well benthic assemblages correspond to terrestrially derived ecoregions. Location Finland. Methods Benthic invertebrates were sampled from 153 springs across four boreal ecoregions of Finland, and these data were used to analyse patterns in assemblage variation in relation to environmental factors. Species data were classified using hierarchical divisive clustering (twinspan ) and ordinated using non‐metric multidimensional scaling. The prediction success of the species and environmental data into a priori (ecoregions) and a posteriori (twinspan ) groups was compared using discriminant function analysis. Indicator species analysis was used to identify indicator taxa for both a priori and a posteriori assemblage types. Results The main patterns in assemblage clusters were related to large‐scale geographical variation in temperature. A secondary gradient in species data reflected variation in local habitat structure, particularly abundance of minerogenic spring brooks. Water chemistry variables were only weakly related to assemblage variation. Several indicator species representing southern faunistic elements in boreal springs were identified. Discriminant function analysis showed poorer success in classifying sites into ecoregions based on environmental than on species data. Similarly, when classifying springs into the twinspan groups, classification based on species data vastly outperformed that based on environmental data. Main conclusions A latitudinal zonation pattern of spring assemblages driven by regional thermal conditions is documented, closely paralleling corresponding latitudinal patterns in both terrestrial and freshwater assemblages in Fennoscandia. The importance of local‐scale environmental variables increased with decreasing spatial extent. Ecoregions provide an initial stratification scheme for the bioassessment of benthic macroinvertebrates of North European springs. Our results imply that climate warming, landscape disturbance and degradation of spring habitat pose serious threats to spring biodiversity in northern Europe, especially to its already threatened southern faunistic elements.  相似文献   
The objective of the study was to assess whether gestational and early infancy exposure to low dose vitamin D from a mandatory margarine fortification programme in Denmark influenced the risk of developing type 1 diabetes (T1D) before age of 15 years. The study population included all individuals born in Denmark from 1983 to 1988 and consisted of 331,623 individuals. The 1st of June 1985, which was the date of issue of the new ministerial order cancelling mandatory fortification of margarine with vitamin D in Denmark, served as a reference point separating the studied population into various exposure groups. We further modelled birth cohort effects in children developing T1D as a linear spline, and compared the slopes between the birth cohorts with various prenatal and infancy exposures to vitamin D fortification. In total, 886 (0.26%) individuals developed T1D before the age of 15 years. The beta coefficients (95% CI), or slopes, for linear birth cohort effect in log Hazard Ratio (HR) per one month of birth in individuals born during the periods of gestational exposure, wash-out, and non-exposure were: 0.010 (-0.002/0.021), -0.010 (-0.035/0.018), and 0.008 (- 0.017/0.032), respectively. The beta coefficients (95% CI) for individuals born during the periods of first postnatal year exposure, wash-out, and non-exposure were: 0.007 (-0.016/0.030), 0.006 (-0.004/0.016), and 0.007 (-0.002/0.016), respectively. In conclusion, we found no evidence to support that exposure to low dose vitamin D from the Danish mandatory margarine fortification regimen during gestational and first postnatal year of life changed the risk of developing T1D before the age of 15 years.  相似文献   
Question: How does willow‐characterised tundra vegetation of western Eurasia vary, and what are the main vegetation types? What are the ecological gradients and climatic regimes underlying vegetation differentiation? Location: The dataset was collected across a wide spectrum of tundra habitats at 12 sites in subarctic and arctic areas spanning from NW Fennoscandia to West Siberia. Methods: The dataset, including 758 vegetation sample plots (relevés), was analysed using a TWINSPAN classification and NMDS ordination that also included analyses of vegetation‐environment correlations. Results: Based on the TWINSPAN classification, eight vegetation types characterised by willow (cover of upright willows >10%) were discerned: (1) Salix glaucaCarex aquatilis type, (2) AulacomniumTomentypnum type, (3) SalixBetulaHylocomium type, (4) Salix lanataBrachythecium mildeanum type, (5) SalixPachypleurum type, (6) S. lanataMyosotis nemorosa type, (7) Salix‐Trollius‐Geranium type and (8) SalixComarum palustreFilipendula ulmaria type. Willow‐characterised vegetation types were compositionally differentiated from other tundra vegetation and were confined to relatively moist valley and sloping tundra sites, from mire to mineral soils. These vegetation types were encountered across a broad latitudinal zone in which July mean temperature ranged from 6 to 10°C. Conclusions: Willow‐characterised tundra vegetation forms a broad category of ecologically and geographically differentiated vegetation types that are linked to dwarf shrub tundra, shrub tundra or mire. Because of complex ecological gradients underlying compositional differentiation, predicting the responses of willow‐characterised tundra vegetation to a warming climate may be complicated.  相似文献   
Plants are exposed to increasing levels of tropospheric ozone concentrations. This pollutant penetrates in leaves through stomata and quickly reacts inside leaves, thus making plants valuable ozone sinks, but at the same time triggers oxidation processes which lead to leaf injuries. To counteract these negative effects, plants produce an array of antioxidants which react with ozone and reactive molecules which ozone generates in the leaf tissues. In this study, we measured the effect of an ozone concentration which is likely to be attained in many areas of the world in the near future (80 ppb) on leaves of the vertical profile of the widespread agroforestry species Populus nigra. Changes in (1) physiological parameters (photosynthesis and stomatal conductance), (2) ozone uptake, (3) emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs, i.e. isoprene, methanol and other oxygenated compounds), (4) concentration of antioxidant surface compounds, and (5) concentration of phenolic compounds were assessed. The aim was to assess whether the defensive pathways leading to isoprenoids and phenolics formation were induced when a moderate and chronic increment of ozone is not able to damage photosynthesis. No visual injuries and minor changes in physiology and ozone uptake were observed. The emission of isoprene and oxygenated six-carbon (C6) volatiles were inhibited by ozone, whereas methanol emission was increased, especially in developing leaves. We interpret these results as suggesting an ontogenetic shift in ozone-treated leaves, leading to a slower development and a faster senescence. Most surface and phenolic compounds showed a declining trend in concentration from the youngest to the fully expanded leaves. Ozone reduced the concentrations of chlorogenic acid derivatives at the leaf surface, whereas in total leaf extracts a metabolic shift towards few phenolics with higher antioxidant capacity was observed.  相似文献   
When plants are damaged by herbivorous insects they emit a blend of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which include a range or terpenoids and green leaf volatiles (GLVs) formed via different metabolic pathways. The precise timing of these emissions upon the onset of herbivore feeding has not been fully elucidated, and the information that is available has been mainly obtained through laboratory based studies. We investigated emissions of VOCs from Populus tremula L. ×P. tremuloides Michx. during the first 20 h of feeding by Epirrita autumnata (autumnal moth) larvae in a field site. The study was conducted using Proton Transfer Reaction‐Mass Spectrometry (PTR‐MS) to measure emissions online, with samples collected for subsequent analysis by complementary gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry for purposes of compound identification. GLV emission peaks occurred sporadically from the outset, indicating herbivore activity, while terpene emissions were induced within 16 h. We present data detailing the patterns of monoterpene (MT), GLV and sesquiterpene (SQT) emissions during the early stages of herbivore feeding showing diurnal MT and SQT emission that is correlated more with temperature than light. Peculiarities in the timing of SQT emissions prompted us to conduct a thorough characterization of the equipment used to collect VOCs and thus corroborate the accuracy of results. A laboratory based analysis of the throughput of known GLV, MT and SQT standards at different temperatures was made with PTR‐MS. Enclosure temperatures of 12, 20 and 25°C had little influence on the response time for dynamic measurements of a GLV or MT. However, there was a clear effect on SQT measurements. Elucidation of emission patterns in real‐time is dependent upon the dynamics of cuvettes at different temperatures.  相似文献   
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