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The Na+/K+-ATPase is an integral plasma membrane glycoprotein of all animal cells that couples the exchange of intracellular Na+ for extracellular K+ to the hydrolysis of ATP. The asymmetric distribution of Na+ and K+ is essential for cellular life and constitutes the physical basis of a series of fundamental biological phenomena. The pumping mechanism is explained by the Albers–Post model. It involves the presence of gates alternatively exposing Na+/K+-ATPase transport sites to the intracellular and extracellular sides and includes occluded states in which both gates are simultaneously closed. Unlike for K+, information is lacking about Na+-occluded intermediates, as occluded Na+ was only detected in states incapable of performing a catalytic cycle, including two Na+-containing crystallographic structures. The current knowledge is that intracellular Na+ must bind to the transport sites and become occluded upon phosphorylation by ATP to be transported to the extracellular medium. Here, taking advantage of epigallocatechin-3-gallate to instantaneously stabilize native Na+-occluded intermediates, we isolated species with tightly bound Na+ in an enzyme able to perform a catalytic cycle, consistent with a genuine occluded state. We found that Na+ becomes spontaneously occluded in the E1 dephosphorylated form of the Na+/K+-ATPase, exhibiting positive interactions between binding sites. In fact, the addition of ATP does not produce an increase in Na+ occlusion as it would have been expected; on the contrary, occluded Na+ transiently decreases, whereas ATP lasts. These results reveal new properties of E1 intermediates of the Albers–Post model for explaining the Na+ transport pathway.  相似文献   
Until recently Dickeya was regarded as a pathogen not established in Finland. As a result the blackleg symptom observed on potato was often associated with Pectobacterium atrosepticum. The occurrence of Dickeya spp. on potato in Finland was first reported in 2004. Since then the prevalence of Dickeya has been monitored through surveys and routine test of seed lots produced in the country. The results of monitoring of Dickeya spp. in seed lots produced in Finland between the years 2004 and 2008 indicated a steady increase in the incidence of Dickeya spp. The highest incidence was observed in samples from the 2006 growing season where about 37% were positive for Dickeya spp. The summer in 2006 was one of the warmest summers recorded in 100 years in Finland. The majority of infected lots were imported varieties. Since recently heavy blackleg outbreaks have occurred in production fields in the High Grade (HG) zone. A detailed study of these incidents of blackleg outbreaks in North Finland during the years 2008 and 2010 indicated that Dickeya spp. was the major component in the observed blackleg complex. It was detected and isolated from almost all symptomatic plants investigated. Repetitive sequences PCR (REP‐PCR) and Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) analysis of strains isolated in Finland showed identical pattern with those isolated recently in other European countries with a proposed name ‘Dickeya solani’. Moreover, the dnaX gene sequence of the representative strains isolated in Finland indicated 100% similarity to the dnaX sequences of ‘D. solani’. The study presents the first report of a detailed analysis of bacteria involved in potato blackleg complex from natural field outbreaks in North Finland HG zone and characterisation of the ‘D. solani’ strains playing the major role in the disease complex.  相似文献   
Summary Huntington disease (HD) is found at exceptionally low frequency in the Finnish population. In this population, linkage disequilibrium was earlier established with markers from the D4S10 and D4S43 loci. We now report a continuation to the restriction fragment length polymorphism haplotype analysis, in combination with a genealogical study of all the Finnish HD families. When the HD pedigrees were systematically traced to the 18th century, only one consanguinity was found, and a high percentage (28%) of the families had foreign ancestors. The majority of the Finnish ancestors were localized to border regions or trade centers of the country following the old postal routes. The observed high risk haplotypes formed with markers from the D4S10 and D4S43 loci were evenly distributed among the HD families in different geographical locations. Consequently, the HD gene(s) has most probably arrived in Finland on several occasions via foreign immigrants during the last few centuries.  相似文献   
The mechanisms leading to latency and reactivation of human tuberculosis are still unclear, mainly due to the lack of standardized animal models for latent mycobacterial infection. In this longitudinal study of the progression of a mycobacterial disease in adult zebrafish, we show that an experimental intraperitoneal infection with a low dose (∼35 bacteria) of Mycobacterium marinum, results in the development of a latent disease in most individuals. The infection is characterized by limited mortality (25%), stable bacterial loads 4 weeks following infection and constant numbers of highly organized granulomas in few target organs. The majority of bacteria are dormant during a latent mycobacterial infection in zebrafish, and can be activated by resuscitation promoting factor ex vivo. In 5–10% of tuberculosis cases in humans, the disease is reactivated usually as a consequence of immune suppression. In our model, we are able to show that reactivation can be efficiently induced in infected zebrafish by γ-irradiation that transiently depletes granulo/monocyte and lymphocyte pools, as determined by flow cytometry. This immunosuppression causes reactivation of the dormant mycobacterial population and a rapid outgrowth of bacteria, leading to 88% mortality in four weeks. In this study, the adult zebrafish presents itself as a unique non-mammalian vertebrate model for studying the development of latency, regulation of mycobacterial dormancy, as well as reactivation of latent or subclinical tuberculosis. The possibilities for screening for host and pathogen factors affecting the disease progression, and identifying novel therapeutic agents and vaccine targets make this established model especially attractive.  相似文献   
Cholesterol-sphingolipid rich plasma membrane domains, known as rafts, have emerged as important regulators of signal transduction. The adipocyte insulin receptor (IR) is localized to and signals via caveolae that are formed by polymerization of caveolins. Caveolin binds to IR and stimulates signalling. We report that, in liver-derived cells lacking caveolae, autophosphorylation of the endogenous IR is dependent on raft lipids, being compromised by acute cyclodextrin-mediated cholesterol depletion or by antibody clustering of glycosphingolipids. Moreover, we provide evidence that IR becomes recruited to detergent-resistant domains upon ligand binding and that clustering of GM2 ganglioside inhibits IR signalling apparently by excluding the ligand-bound IR from these domains. Our results indicate that, in cells derived from liver, an important insulin target tissue, caveolae are not required for insulin signalling. Rather, the dynamic recruitment of the ligand-bound IR into rafts may serve to regulate interactions in the initiation of the IR signalling cascade.  相似文献   
The present study was carried out in the marine area of Stratoni, Greece, where two seahorse species are present (Hippocampus hippocampus and Hippocampus guttulatus). Two surveys were conducted (September 2016 and May 2019) to gather information regarding seahorse species' abundance, distribution and habitat characteristics. Four different seahorse natural and artificial habitat types were identified. The results revealed that the presence of H. hippocampus was relatively high, especially at sites with artificial structures, whereas the presence of H. guttulatus was rare. Data collected can provide baseline information for future population assessments.  相似文献   
In the past years, late summer blooms of the bioluminescent dinoflagellate Alexandrium ostenfeldii have become a recurrent phenomenon in coastal waters of the central and Northern Baltic Sea. This paper reports exceptionally high cell concentrations (105 to 106 cells L?1) of the species found during bioluminescent blooms in 2003 and 2004 in a shallow embayment of the Åland archipelago at the SW coast of Finland. Clonal cultures were established for morphological, molecular, toxicological and ecophysiological investigations to characterize the Finnish populations and compare them to other global A. ostenfeldii isolates. The Finnish isolates exhibited typical morphological features of A. ostenfeldii such as large size, a prominent ventral pore and an orthogonally bent first apical plate. However, unambiguous differentiation from closely related Alexandrium peruvianum was difficult due to considerable variation of sulcal anterior plate shapes. The Finnish strains were genetically distinct from other isolates of the species, but phylogenetic analyses revealed a close relationship to isolates from southern England and an A. peruvianum morphotype from the Spanish Mediterranean. Together these isolates formed a distinct clade which was separated from a clade containing other Northern European, North American and New Zealand populations. Toxin analyses confirmed the presence of the PSP toxins GTX2, GTX3 and STX in both Finnish isolates with GTX3 being the dominant toxin. Total relative PSP toxin contents were moderate, ranging from approximately 6 to 15 fmol cell?1 at local salinities of 5 and 10 psu, respectively. Spirolides were not detected. Salinity tolerance experiments showed that the Finnish isolates were well adapted to grow at the low salinities of the Baltic Sea. With a salinity range of approximately 6 to 20–25 psu, Baltic populations are physiologically distinct from their marine relatives. Vigorous production of different cyst types in the cultures suggest that cysts may play a crucial role in the survival and retainment of A. ostenfeldii populations in the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   
Producers of cereulide, the emetic toxin of Bacillus cereus, are known to constitute a specific subset within this species. We investigated physiological and genetic properties of 24 strains of B. cereus including two high cereulide producers (600–1,800 ng cereulide mg−1 wet weight biomass), seven average producers (180–600 ng cereulide mg−1 wet weight biomass), four low cereulide producers (20–160 ng cereulide mg−1 wet weight biomass) and 11 non-producers representing isolates from food, food poisoning, human gut and environment. The 13 cereulide producers possessed 16S rRNA gene sequences identical to each other and identical to that of B. anthracis strains Ames, Sterne from GenBank and strain NC 08234–02, but showed diversity in the adk gene (two sequence types), in ribopatterns obtained with EcoRI and PvuII (three types of patterns), in tyrosin decomposition, haemolysis and lecithin hydrolysis (two phenotypes). The cereulide-producing isolates from the human gut represented two ribopatterns of which one was novel to cereulide-producing B. cereus and two phenotypes. We conclude that the cereulide-producing B. cereus are genetically and biochemically more diverse than hitherto thought.  相似文献   
Little is known about ciliogenesis as it proceeds through the entire airway tree, from the trachea to the terminal bronchioles, especially during the postnatal period. The purpose of this study was to define the spatial and temporal (prenatal and postnatal) pattern of normal cilia development in the mouse. Three airway generations representing the entire airway tree were examined: trachea, lobar bronchi, and terminal bronchiole. Ciliated cells in lung lobe whole mounts were labeled with a fluorescent dye for confocal microscopy, and ciliated cell surface density was measured for each airway generation and age. The same samples were examined by scanning electron microscopy to verify the appearance of ciliated cells among the differentiating epithelium of the airways. Ciliated cells were first detected in the trachea and lobar bronchi at 16 days gestational age (DGA) and in the terminal bronchioles at 18 DGA. Ciliated cell surface density increased with prenatal and postnatal age at all airway levels. However, the ciliated cell surface density of the trachea and lobar bronchi was always greater compared with the terminal bronchiole. In conclusion, the study revealed that in developing tracheobronchial airways of the mouse: 1) Ciliogenesis differs temporally and spatially by airway generation; 2) Ciliated cell surface density increases with age in all airway generations, but density decreases in a proximal to distal direction; and 3) A significant portion of ciliogenesis continues after birth. This study provides a healthy basis for investigations of neonatal pulmonary disease or pollutant toxicity affecting cilia and its functions.  相似文献   
Astrocytes secrete cholesterol in lipoprotein particles. Here we show that primary murine embryonic astrocytes secrete endogenously synthesized cholesterol but also the cholesterol precursors desmosterol and lathosterol. In astrocyte membranes, desmosterol and cholesterol were the predominant sterols. Astrocytes derived from Niemann-Pick type C lipidosis (NPC1-/-) mice displayed late endosomal cholesterol deposits, but the secretion of biosynthetic sterols from the cells was not inhibited. Both wild-type and NPC1-/- astrocytes secreted the NPC2 protein. Size-exclusion chromatography combined with electron microscopy showed that the majority of sterols were secreted separately from NPC2 in heterogeneous spherical particles with an average diameter of 20 nm. These data suggest that NPC2 and the majority of sterols secreted from astrocytes are not released together and that the secretion of neither sterols nor NPC2 requires NPC1 function. In addition, the findings reveal a complexity of sterol species in astrocytes and bring up the possibility that some of the effects assigned to astrocyte cholesterol may be attributed to its penultimate precursors.  相似文献   
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