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Some psychrotrophic lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are specific meat spoilage organisms in modified-atmosphere-packaged (MAP), cold-stored meat products. To determine if incoming broilers or the production plant environment is a source of spoilage LAB, a total of 86, 122, and 447 LAB isolates from broiler carcasses, production plant air, and MAP broiler products, respectively, were characterized using a library of HindIII restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) patterns of the 16 and 23S rRNA genes as operational taxonomic units in numerical analyses. Six hundred thirteen LAB isolates from the total of 655 clustered in 29 groups considered to be species specific. Sixty-four percent of product isolates clustered either with Carnobacterium divergens or with Carnobacterium maltaromaticum type strains. The third major product-associated cluster (17% of isolates) was formed by unknown LAB. Representative strains from these three clusters were analyzed for the phylogeny of their 16S rRNA genes. This analysis verified that the two largest RFLP clusters consisted of carnobacteria and showed that the unknown LAB group consisted of Lactococcus spp. No product-associated LAB were detected in broiler carcasses sampled at the beginning of slaughter, whereas carnobacteria and lactococci, along with some other specific meat spoilage LAB, were recovered from processing plant air at many sites. This study reveals that incoming broiler chickens are not major sources of psychrotrophic spoilage LAB, whereas the detection of these organisms from the air of the processing environment highlights the role of processing facilities as sources of LAB contamination.  相似文献   
Endosialidase (endo-N-acetylneuraminidase) is a tailspike enzyme of bacteriophages specific for human pathogenic Escherichia coli K1, which specifically recognizes and degrades polySia (polysialic acid). polySia is also a polysaccharide of the capsules of other meningitis- and sepsis-causing bacteria, and a post-translational modification of the NCAM (neural cell-adhesion molecule). We have cloned and sequenced three spontaneously mutated endosialidases of the PK1A bacteriophage and one of the PK1E bacteriophage which display lost or residual enzyme activity but retain the binding activity to polySia. Single to triple amino acid substitutions were identified, and back-mutation constructs indicated that single substitutions accounted for only partial reduction of enzymic activity. A homology-based structural model of endosialidase revealed that all substituted amino acid residues localize to the active site of the enzyme. The results reveal the importance of non-catalytic amino acid residues for the enzymatic activity. The results reveal the molecular background for the dissociation of the polySia binding and cleaving activities of endosialidase and for the evolvement of 'host range' mutants of E. coli K1 bacteriophages.  相似文献   
The epithelial cell-specific adaptor complex AP-1B is crucial for correct delivery of many transmembrane proteins from recycling endosomes to the basolateral plasma membrane. Subsequently, membrane fusion is dependent on the formation of complexes between SNARE proteins located at the target membrane and on transport vesicles. Although the t-SNARE syntaxin 4 has been localized to the basolateral membrane, the v-SNARE operative in the AP-1B pathway remained unknown. We show that the ubiquitously expressed v-SNARE cellubrevin localizes to the basolateral membrane and to recycling endosomes, where it colocalizes with AP-1B. Furthermore, we demonstrate that cellubrevin coimmunoprecipitates preferentially with syntaxin 4, implicating this v-SNARE in basolateral fusion events. Cleavage of cellubrevin with tetanus neurotoxin (TeNT) results in scattering of AP-1B localization and missorting of AP-1B-dependent cargos, such as transferrin receptor and a truncated low-density lipoprotein receptor, LDLR-CT27. These data suggest that cellubrevin and AP-1B cooperate in basolateral membrane trafficking.  相似文献   
It has been suggested that the inflammatory cytokine IL-15 plays an important role in the development of several autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis. We have generated a unique lytic and antagonistic IL-15 mutant/Fcgamma2a fusion protein (CRB-15) that targets the IL-15R. In the present study we examined the effects of targeting the IL-15R on the prevention and treatment of collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) in mice and probed the possible mechanisms of action of this IL-15 mutant/Fcgamma2a protein. Upon immunization with type II collagen, DBA/1 mice develop severe articular inflammation and destruction. Treatment of DBA/1 mice with a brief course of CRB-15 at the time of type II collagen challenge markedly inhibited the incidence and severity of arthritis. Moreover, in animals with ongoing established arthritis, treatment with CRB-15 effectively blocked disease progression compared with that in control-treated animals. The therapeutic effect of CRB-15 on either disease development or disease progression is remarkably stable, because withdrawal of treatment did not lead to disease relapse. A detailed analysis revealed that treatment with CRB-15 decreased synovitis in the joints; reduced bone erosion and cartilage destruction; reduced in situ production of the proinflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha, IL-1beta, IL-6, and IL-17; and decreased the responder frequency of autoreactive T cells. Our study suggests that the effective targeting of IL-15R-triggered events with CRB-15 can be of therapeutic importance in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   
The influence of the industrial process on the properties of probiotics, administered as complex manufactured products, has been poorly investigated. In the present study, we comparatively assessed the cell wall characteristics of the probiotic strain Lactobacillus rhamnosus Lcr35® together with three of its commercial formulations with intestinal applications. Putative secreted and transmembrane-protein-encoding genes were initially searched in silico in the genome of L. rhamnosus Lcr35®. A total of 369 candidate genes were identified which expressions were followed using a custom Lactobacillus DNA chip. Among them, 60 or 67 genes had their expression either upregulated or downregulated in the Lcr Restituo® packet or capsule formulations, compared to the native Lcr35® strain. Moreover, our data showed that the probiotic formulations (Lcr Lenio®, Lcr restituo® capsule and packet) showed a better capacity to adhere to intestinal epithelial Caco-2 cells than the native Lcr35® strain. Microbial (MATS) tests showed that the probiotic was an electron donor and that they were more hydrophilic than the native strain. The enhanced adhesion capacity of the active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) to epithelial Caco-2 cells and their antipathogen effect could be due to this greater surface hydrophilic character. These findings suggest that the manufacturing process influences the protein composition and the chemical properties of the cell wall. It is therefore likely that the antipathogen effect of the formulation is modulated by the industrial process. Screening of the manufactured products’ properties would therefore represent an essential step in evaluating the effects of probiotic strains.  相似文献   
Plants are exposed to increasing levels of tropospheric ozone concentrations. This pollutant penetrates in leaves through stomata and quickly reacts inside leaves, thus making plants valuable ozone sinks, but at the same time triggers oxidation processes which lead to leaf injuries. To counteract these negative effects, plants produce an array of antioxidants which react with ozone and reactive molecules which ozone generates in the leaf tissues. In this study, we measured the effect of an ozone concentration which is likely to be attained in many areas of the world in the near future (80 ppb) on leaves of the vertical profile of the widespread agroforestry species Populus nigra. Changes in (1) physiological parameters (photosynthesis and stomatal conductance), (2) ozone uptake, (3) emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs, i.e. isoprene, methanol and other oxygenated compounds), (4) concentration of antioxidant surface compounds, and (5) concentration of phenolic compounds were assessed. The aim was to assess whether the defensive pathways leading to isoprenoids and phenolics formation were induced when a moderate and chronic increment of ozone is not able to damage photosynthesis. No visual injuries and minor changes in physiology and ozone uptake were observed. The emission of isoprene and oxygenated six-carbon (C6) volatiles were inhibited by ozone, whereas methanol emission was increased, especially in developing leaves. We interpret these results as suggesting an ontogenetic shift in ozone-treated leaves, leading to a slower development and a faster senescence. Most surface and phenolic compounds showed a declining trend in concentration from the youngest to the fully expanded leaves. Ozone reduced the concentrations of chlorogenic acid derivatives at the leaf surface, whereas in total leaf extracts a metabolic shift towards few phenolics with higher antioxidant capacity was observed.  相似文献   
In this study we have investigated the impact of differentiation of neuronal cells on their sensitivity to microbial toxins. We used the human neural crest-derived tumor cell line Paju, which can be induced to differentiation in vitro by treatment with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. Addition of the highly toxic potassium ionophores cereulide (4.5 and 9.0 ng/ml) or valinomycin (20 ng/ml), to cultures of undifferentiated Paju cells caused collapse of the mitochondrial membrane potential - measured with the fluorescent probe 5,5',6,6'-tetrachloro-1,1',3,3'-tetrabenzimidazole carbocyanine iodide (JC-1) followed by detachment of the cells and their apoptotic death. After induced differentiation of the Paju cells, their mitochondria retained the membrane potential upon exposure to the toxins and the cells displayed increased resistance to apoptosis as compared with undifferentiated cells. This effect may be caused by an elevated expression of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2 and of the neuroprotective factor, stanniocalcin, in differentiated cells.  相似文献   
The objective of the present study was to investigate the interactive effects of elevated [CO2] and soil nutrient availability on secondary xylem structure and chemical composition of 41‐year‐old Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) trees. The nonfertilized and irrigated‐fertilized trees were, for 3 years, continuously exposed to elevated [CO2] in whole‐tree chambers. Elevated [CO2] decreased concentrations of soluble sugars, acid‐soluble lignin and nitrogen in stem wood, but the effects were not consistent between sampling height and/or fertilization. The effect of 2*ambient [CO2] on wood structure depended on the exposure year and/or fertilization. Radial lumen diameter decreased and annual ring width increased in the second year of exposure (1999) in elevated [CO2]. In the latter, the CO2 effect was significant only in the nonfertilized trees. Stem wood chemistry and structure were significantly affected by fertilization. Fertilization increased the concentrations of nitrogen and gravimetric lignin, annual ring width, and radial lumen diameter. Fertilization decreased C/N ratio, mean ring density, earlywood density, latewood density, cell wall thickness, cell wall index, and latewood percentage. We conclude that elevated [CO2] had only minor effects on wood properties while fertilization had more marked effects and thus may affect ecosystem processes and suitability of wood for different end‐use purposes.  相似文献   
The distribution of chlorophyll in the chlorophyll-protein complexeswas studied in Salix sp. ‘aquatica gigantea’ grownunder high and low irradiance. The chlorophyll- containing bandsthat could be separated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresisin strong and weak light numbered 9 to 13 and 9 to 11, respectively.In strong light the following bands were separated, in the orderof the highest to the lowest molecular weight: one to two chlorophylla/b-protein complexes, three to four chlorophyll a-containingbands similar to the P700-chlorophyll a-protein complex (CPIand its oligomers), three oligomers of the light-harvestingchlorophyll a/b-protein complex (LHCP***, LHCP**, LHCP*), twochlorophyll a-protein complexes (CPa2 and CPa1), the light-harvestingchlorophyll a/b-protein complex (LHCP) and the protein freepigment (FP). In weak light the same chlorophyll-containingbands were separated with the exception that no high molecularweight chlorophyll a/b-protein complexes could be observed.In strong light the CPI complexes were the largest structuralcomponent of the chloroplast lamellae. In weak light the LHCPcomplexes together contributed the major proportion of the totalchlorophyll. The increase in the chlorophyll associated withthe LHCP complex was possibly caused by reorganization of thelamellar structure or by increased synthesis of the LHCP** complex,which appeared to be a labile complex in weak light. (Received February 1, 1982; Accepted May 10, 1982)  相似文献   
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