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Shoot elongation in many coniferous species is predetermined during bud formation the year before the shoot extends. This implies that formation of the primordial shoot within the bud is the primary event in annual shoot growth. Hormonal factors regulating bud formation are consequently of utmost importance. We followed the levels of the endogenous cytokinins zeatin riboside (ZR) and isopentenyladenosine (iPA) in terminal buds, whorl buds and lower lateral buds of the uppermost current-year whorl shoots of 15- to 20-year-old trees of Norway spruce [ Picea abies (L.) Karst.] from June to September. Cytokinins were isolated with affinity chromatography columns, purified by high performance liquid chromatography, and quantified by ELISA. The level of ZR was low in June but increased gradually in all buds until September. Throughout the measurement period, the ZR level was highest in terminal buds and lowest in the scattered lateral, buds, with the whorl buds intermediate. The level of iPA peaked in July and decreased later without any consistent differences among the three classes of buds. The development of different kinds of buds was followed by scanning electron microscopy. We found that bud growth was greatest during August and September. The final size of primordial shoots within the buds varied considerably and the weight of the terminal bud was three times that of the whorl buds and more than five times that of the other lateral buds.
We conclude that the increase in ZR level during the period of active bud development is indicative of the importance of cytokinin for this process. Furthermore, the positive correlation between the level of ZR and bud growth during the period of predetermination of next year's branch growth suggests that this hormone indirectly controls the form of single branches in the spruce tree.  相似文献   
The inhibitory effects of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) on elongation growth of pea (Pisum sativum L.) seedling roots were investigated in relation to the effects of these compounds on ethylene production by the root tips. When added to the growth solution both compounds caused a progressively increasing inhibition of growth within the concentration range of 0.01 to 1 micromolar. However, only ACC increased ethylene production in root tips excised from the treated seedlings after 24 hours. High auxin concentrations caused a transitory increase of ethylene production during a few hours in the beginning of the treatment period, but even in 1 micromolar IAA this increase was too low to have any appreciable effect on growth. ACC, but not IAA, caused growth curvatures, typical of ethylene treatment, in the root tips. IAA caused conspicuous swelling of the root tips while ACC did not. Cobalt and silver ions reversed the growth inhibitory effects induced by ACC but did not counteract the inhibition of elongation or swelling caused by IAA. The growth effects caused by the ACC treatments were obviously due to ethylene production. We found no evidence to indicate that the growth inhibition or swelling caused by IAA is mediated by ethylene. It is concluded that the inhibitory action of IAA on root growth is caused by this auxin per se.  相似文献   
Short fragments consisting of about 100 to 140 deoxyribonucleotides serve as intermediates in the elongation of polyoma DNA. In nuclei isolated from polyoma-infected 3T6 mouse fibroblasts these fragments are initiated by stretches of RNA. We investigated the nature of the ribo- and deoxyribonucleotides at the RNA-DNA link. DNA was synthesized in vitro from each of the four α-32P-labelled deoxynucleoside triphosphates, the nascent strands were hydrolysed with alkali and the transfer of isotope to ribonucleotides was studied after fractionation of strands according to size. Each strand contained on the average one RNA-DNA link at the 5′ end of DNA. All four common ribo- and deoxyribonucleotides were present at the RNA-DNA link with close to equal frequency, irrespective of chain length or incubation time.In a second approach, daughter strands synthesized in vivo were treated with alkali and the 5′-OH ends of DNA liberated were 32P-labelled using polynucleotide kinase. All four deoxynucleotides were labelled by this treatment confirming the corresponding results of the in vitro experiments.During the discontinuous synthesis of polyoma DNA the switch from RNA to DNA synthesis is thus not effected by a specific sequence at the RNA-DNA junction, in contrast to Escherichia coli where the sequence p(rPy)p(dC)p was reported.  相似文献   
Streptomyces tenebrarius is an industrially important microorganism, producing an antibiotic complex that mainly consists of the aminoglycosides apramycin, tobramycin carbamate, and kanamycin B carbamate. When S. tenebrarius is used for industrial tobramycin production, kanamycin B carbamate is an unwanted by-product. The two compounds differ only by one hydroxyl group, which is present in kanamycin carbamate but is reduced during biosynthesis of tobramycin. (13)C metabolic flux analysis was used for elucidating connections between the primary carbon metabolism and the composition of the antibiotic complex. Metabolic flux maps were constructed for the cells grown on minimal medium with glucose or with a glucose-glycerol mixture as the carbon source. The addition of glycerol, which is more reduced than glucose, led to a three-times-greater reduction of the kanamycin portion of the antibiotic complex. The labeling indicated an active Entner-Doudoroff (ED) pathway, which was previously considered to be nonfunctional in Streptomyces. The activity of the pentose phosphate (PP) pathway was low (10 to 20% of the glucose uptake rate). The fluxes through Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas (EMP) and ED pathways were almost evenly distributed during the exponential growth on glucose. During the transition from growth phase to production phase, a metabolic shift was observed, characterized by a decreased flux through the ED pathway and increased fluxes through the EMP and PP pathways. Higher specific NADH and NADPH production rates were calculated in the cultivation on glucose-glycerol, which was associated with a lower percentage of nonreduced antibiotic kanamycin B carbamate.  相似文献   
The oxyntic mucosa is rich in ECL cells. They secrete histamine and chromogranin A-derived peptides, such as pancreastatin, in response to gastrin and pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide (PACAP). Secretion is initiated by Ca2+ entry. While gastrin stimulates secretion by opening L-type and N-type Ca2+ channels, PACAP stimulates secretion by activating L-type and receptor-operated Ca2+ channels. Somatostatin, galanin and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) inhibit gastrin- and PACAP-stimulated secretion from the ECL cells. In the present study, somatostatin and the PGE2 congener misoprostol inhibited gastrin- and PACAP-stimulated secretion 100%, while galanin inhibited at most 60-65%. Bay K 8644, a specific activator of L-type Ca2+ channels, stimulated ECL-cell secretion, an effect that was inhibited equally effectively by somatostatin, misoprostol and galanin (75-80% inhibition). Pretreatment with pertussis toxin, that inactivates inhibitory G-proteins, prevented all three agents from inhibiting stimulated secretion (regardless of the stimulus). Pretreatment with nifedipine (10 microM), an L-type Ca2+ channel blocker, reduced PACAP-evoked pancreastatin secretion by 50-60%, gastrin-evoked secretion by approximately 80% and abolished the response to Bay K 8644. The nifedipine-resistant response to PACAP was abolished by somatostatin and misoprostol but not by galanin. Gastrin and PACAP raised the intracellular Ca2+ concentration in a biphasic manner, believed to reflect mobilization of internal Ca2+ followed by Ca2+ entry. Somatostatin and misoprostol blocked Ca2+ entry (and histamine and pancreastatin secretion) but not mobilization of internal Ca2+. The present observations on isolated ECL cells suggest that Ca2+ entry rather than mobilization of internal Ca2+ triggers exocytosis, that gastrin and PACAP activate different (but over-lapping) Ca2+ channels, that somatostatin, misoprostol and galanin interact with inhibitory G-proteins to block Ca2+ entry via L-type Ca2+ channels, and that somatostatin and misoprostol (but not galanin) in addition block N-type and/or receptor-operated Ca2+ channels.  相似文献   
The content of acid ether-soluble auxins and inhibitors in vegetative tissues of aspen (Populus tremula L.) was determined with the Avena coleoptile straightgrowth assay. A growth promotor, tentativety identified as indol-3-yl-acetic acid, occurred in highest concentration in the growing stem parts. It was also detected in various parts of the roots. Large amounts of inhibitors (inhihitor β) were found in growing stem tissue and in upper mature stem parts. Considerably lower content of inhibitors was found in leaves, in the basal stem part and in the roots. Nonwoody growing roots and the wood of older root segments, especially, contained very smalt quantities of inhibitors. The elution volume of a part of the inhibitory activity on a Sephadex column was similar to that of abscisic acid.  相似文献   
Chloroplast DNA restriction site variation provided data with which to compare the Galápagos Island endemic Scalesia to potential sister groups within subtribe Helianthinae. Pappobolus is suggested by these data to be the most likely sister group to Scalesia. It is an Andean endemic genus that includes the South American species once regarded as a subgenus of Helianthus and later assigned to Helianthopsis. Two other groups considered as potential sister groups based on their geographic distribution in South America were not placed near Scalesia in the most parsimonious tree. Viguiera sect. Diplostichis appears to be relatively basal within subtribe Helianthinae, and the South American species of Viguiera, although previously classified in more than one subgenus, appear to form a single, monophyletic group that is not the sister group to Scalesia. The minimum of ten restriction site differences between Scalesia and Pappobolus of approximately 525 sites surveyed yielded an estimated sequence divergence of 0.19%, and an estimated time of divergence of approximately 1.9–6.2 million years.  相似文献   
Paclobutrazol (PBZ), a triazole growth retardant known to improve tolerance of various species to stress, was incorporated into the in vitro rooting medium of Prunus serotina var. virens at rates of 0.00, 0.15, 0.30, and 0.60 mg/L with and without 1.0 mg/L indolebutyric acid (IBA). PBZ significantly reduced shoot growth in vitro but increased/improved the quality and coloration. The percentage of water loss from detached leaves of in vitro plantlets was significantly reduced by PBZ and IBA. At 4 weeks after transfer to the greenhouse, survival was significantly improved by PBZ, IBA, and the combination. Incorporation of PBZ in vitro better enables Prunus serotina plantlets to withstand the stresses associated with acclimatization.  相似文献   
The effects of temporary glutamine deficiency on the protein and nucleic acid metabolism of Chang's liver cells in suspension cultures have been studied. It was observed that cells maintained in a glutamine-free medium showed a reduced incorporation of labeled precursors into protein and RNA. At the same time, the activity of the ribosomes and the proportion of polyribosomal aggregates in cell extracts diminished. These effects were reversed when the glutamine content of the medium was restored. The restoration of a normal rate of amino acid incorporation by intact cells as well as by cell-free systems was time dependent, and took place within a few hours after glutamine addition without preceding increase in the prevailing low rate of RNA synthesis. The addition of actinomycin D at concentrations that strongly inhibited the RNA metabolism of the cells did not prevent the increase in protein synthesis or the reappearance of polyribosomal aggregates. These facts suggest that the restoration of protein synthesis in the cells after glutamine starvation was not dependent on a production of new messenger RNA. The experimental data are consistent with the hypothesis that previously synthesized messenger RNA, preserved in the cells in a stable form, was brought into action in response to the reestablishment of an adequate cellular environment.  相似文献   
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