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Injection of 7000 i.u. PMSG induced oestrus in 7 camels during the last part of seasonal anoestrus. Mature follicles developed and a CL was formed after fertile mating. However, pregnancy was not maintained by Day 60 in the 3 females detected as pregnant by rectal palpation and increased progesterone concentrations at Day 50. A single male camel mated with 4 of the females 2-16 days after the PMSG injection, and 2 or 3 matings occurred. The failure of pregnancy after induction of oestrus and mating during seasonal anoestrus was probably due to inadequate luteal function.  相似文献   
The biosynthesis of collagen on polysomes has been studied by using a newly devised method for obtaining polysomes in high yield from stationary-phase mouse fibroblast (line 3T6; Goldberg &, Green, 1967). These polysomes were completely disaggregated to monosomes by brief exposure to ribonuclease and they lost most of their radioactivity to the top of the sucrose gradients as a result of a 30-minute chase with unlabeled proline. After a ten-minute pulse with [3H]proline, nascent collagen peptides could be identified in these polysomes on sucrose gradients. Most of the proline residues susceptible to hydroxylation by collagen proline hydroxylase were found, in most cases, to be already hydroxylated in these nascent peptides. The nascent nature of these peptides was confirmed by the observation that treatment of the polysomes with RNase transferred the radioactive collagen peptides to the monosome area and these peptides could subsequently be removed to the soluble material at the top of the gradient upon treatment with puromycin. These findings therefore, show clearly that the hydroxylation of proline residues is occurring, in vivo under normal conditions, on nascent collagen chains. In no case was the degree of hydroxylation of the released collagen chains higher than that on the nascent collagen peptides. It seems likely, therefore, that the major site of proline hydroxylation is the nascent collagen peptide.  相似文献   
Among 500 cases of suicide analyzed in Stockholm, fewer than a third were associated with depression. Most forms of psychiatric disease were represented. Nevertheless, most persons give some warning before attempting suicide, and these warnings should be the signal for preventive action. Centers with trained personnel could prevent many suicides, if the potential victims were recognized and referred early enough. Laymen too should be educated to recognize potential suicide and help avert it.  相似文献   
Serine-palmitoyl transferase activity in cultured human keratinocytes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Sphingolipids comprise approximately 25% of the stratum corneum lipids and are considered critical constituents of the epidermal permeability barrier. Whether sphingoid base structures are synthesized in the epidermis or whether they are derived from circulating or dermal sources is not known. We report here the initial characterization of serine-palmitoyl transferase (EC; SPT), the rate-limiting enzyme in the synthesis of sphingolipids, from cultured human neonatal keratinocytes. Subcellular fractionation studies demonstrated that 79% of the total cellular SPT activity was associated with the microsomes. The specific activity of keratinocyte SPT was 270 +/- 20 pmol/min per mg of microsomal protein, a level significantly higher than activities reported in other tissues. Keratinocyte SPT showed an apparent Km for L-serine of 0.40 (+/- 0.04 mM, with an alkaline pH optimum (8.2 +/- 0.4). Keratinocyte SPT utilizes palmitoyl-CoA preferentially over other saturated or unsaturated acyl-CoA substrates; increasing acyl-CoA chain lengths above C16 by one or two carbons was less detrimental to activity than similar decrements in chain length. Finally, the mechanism-based inhibitors L-cycloserine and beta-chloro-L-alanine, demonstrated potent inhibition of keratinocyte SPT activity, with 50% inhibitory concentrations of approximately 3.0 and 25 microM, respectively. In summary, we have found that cultured human neonatal keratinocytes contain unusually high levels of serine-palmitoyl transferase activity, and that the substrate specificity of keratinocyte SPT may determine the base composition of epidermal sphingolipids.  相似文献   
Macrothrix mexicanus sp. nov. is described from central México, a transition zone between the nearctic and neotropics. All localities where it was found are over 1800 meters above sea level. It shows many resemblances with M. laticornis, M. camjatae and M. rosea but is characterized by a persistent dorsal tooth on the valve keel, a spinous papilla on the basipodite of the antenna, the second thoracic limb with a long conical sensillum between scraper 1 and the gnathobase, the endopod of trunk limb IV having two setae; the postabdomen with the dorsal margin bilobed, and the distal segment of the seta natatoria which is unusually long.Abbreviations used on figures EN Endopodite - EP Epipodite - EX Exopodite - IDL Inner distal lobe - ODL Outer distal lobe - GT Gnatobase - E1 Endite 1 - E2 Endite 2 - E3 Endite 3  相似文献   
Abstract: The synthesis of (2 S ,3 S ,4 S )-4-[1-(4-azidobenzamidomethyl)ethenyl]-2-carboxy-3-pyrrolidineacetic acid (ABCPA) is described. This novel kainic acid analogue, bearing a photolabile functionality on the isopropenyl side chain, was proven to be a good inhibitor of [3H]CNQX and [3H]kainic acid binding on chick cerebellar membranes. [3H]ABCPA was photoaffinity cross-linked on the membrane fraction of chick cerebellum. Electrophoretic analysis with sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed two major radioactive bands with apparent molecular masses of 45 and 33.5 kDa. [3H]ABCPA incorporation in both bands was completely blocked by 2 m M CNQX. When photoaffinity labeling was performed in the presence of 2 m M kainic acid, incorporation of [3H]ABCPA was blocked by ∼70% in the 45-kDa band and by 18% in the 33.5-kDa band. Incorporation of radioactivity in both bands was blocked by ∼30% with 10 m M glutamate.  相似文献   
The ithomiine butterflies (Nymphalidae: Danainae) represent the largest known radiation of Müllerian mimetic butterflies. They dominate by number the mimetic butterfly communities, which include species such as the iconic neotropical Heliconius genus. Recent studies on the ecology and genetics of speciation in Ithomiini have suggested that sexual pheromones, colour pattern and perhaps hostplant could drive reproductive isolation. However, no reference genome was available for Ithomiini, which has hindered further exploration on the genetic architecture of these candidate traits, and more generally on the genomic patterns of divergence. Here, we generated high-quality, chromosome-scale genome assemblies for two Melinaea species, M. marsaeus and M. menophilus, and a draft genome of the species Ithomia salapia. We obtained genomes with a size ranging from 396 to 503 Mb across the three species and scaffold N50 of 40.5 and 23.2 Mb for the two chromosome-scale assemblies. Using collinearity analyses we identified massive rearrangements between the two closely related Melinaea species. An annotation of transposable elements and gene content was performed, as well as a specialist annotation to target chemosensory genes, which is crucial for host plant detection and mate recognition in mimetic species. A comparative genomic approach revealed independent gene expansions in ithomiines and particularly in gustatory receptor genes. These first three genomes of ithomiine mimetic butterflies constitute a valuable addition and a welcome comparison to existing biological models such as Heliconius, and will enable further understanding of the mechanisms of adaptation in butterflies.  相似文献   
The type specimen ofGonioloboceras goniolobum (Meek), rediscovered by Spath in the British Museum, is the foundation for a more accurate comparative study of this and other species ofGonioloboceras.Gonioloboceras described asG. goniolobum byElias in 1938 is differentiated asGonioloboceras schmidti, new species. Suture sets (new term) for several growth stages inG. goniolobum (Meek),G. welleriSmith,G. schmidtiElias, G.eliasiMiller &Owen, andG. asiaticumLibrovitch are assembled and used for differentiation of the species.The Kazakhstan goniatite faunule containingG. asiaticum is considered of very late Pennsylvanian age.  相似文献   
Monocycline is the most widely prescribed systemic antibiotic for acne largely because it needs to be given only once or twice a day and seems not to induce resistance. Up to April 1994 11 cases of minocycline induced systemic lupus erythematosus and 16 cases of hepatitis had been reported to the Committee on Safety of Medicines. An analysis of these cases together with seven other cases shows the severity of some of these reactions. Two patients died while taking the drug for acne and a further patient needed a liver transplant. Acne itself can induce arthritis and is often seen in association with autoimmine liver disease, but the clinical and biochemical resolution seen after withdrawal of the drug, despite deterioration of the acne, suggests a drug reaction. In five cases re-exposure led to recurrence. Because reactions may be severe early recognition is important to aid recovery and also to avoid invasive investigations and treatments such as corticosteroids and immunosuppresants. Safer alternatives should be considered for treating acne.  相似文献   
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