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An analysis of the phylogenetic relationships of the 13 orders of Demospongiae, based on 18S and C1, D1 and C2 domains of 28S rRNA (for, respectively, 26 and 32 taxa) has been performed. The class Demospongiae as traditionally defined is not found to be monophyletic. Instead, a clade comprising all demosponges except Homoscleromorpha is well-supported, and we define phylogenetically the name Demospongiae in this more restricted sense to preclude the possibility of drastic alterations of the meaning of Demospongiae in the future, depending on the position of Homoscleromorpha. Within this clade Demospongiae s.s., ceractinomorphs and tetractinomorphs are polyphyletic, implying homoplastic evolution of characters such as reproductive strategies (viviparity vs. oviparity) and skeleton architecture (reticulate vs. radiate). The topology derived from our molecular data provides a basis for proposing a new classification of Demospongiae s.s., and suggests a reverse polarity of some characters, with respect to traditional conceptions: viviparity, presence of monaxon spicules and of spongin appear to be ancestral, whereas oviparity, and presence of tetraxon spicules appear as derived characters.  相似文献   
Hepatocytic metaplasia may be induced in hamsters by carcinogens, and associated with aging, diabetes or chronic pancreatitis. By means of histopathologic and immunohistochemic studies, we observed pancreatic hepatocytes in hamsters infected and reinfected with Trypanosoma cruzi. The change was seen in 18 (19%) out of 94 infected animals, and was not found among 53 controls, Normal islet cells were immunoreactive for neuron-specific enolase and not reactive for NCL-HAS. Metaplastic cells were immunoreactive for NCL-HAS and not reactive for islet hormones and enolase. No relationship was observed between number of inoculations and metaplasia; however, the intensity of the inflammatory process and sequels seems to favor the development of metaplastic cells. Hamsters infected with T. cruzi may be useful to study hepatocytic metaplasia, and contribute to clarify aspects of Chagas' disease and pancreatic changes. Our data indicate that aging, in addition to inflammation and atrophy, plays a role in this change.  相似文献   
The ability of the mycotoxin citrinin to act as an inhibitor of iron-induced lipoperoxidation of biological membranes prompted us to determine whether it could act as an iron chelating agent, interfering with iron redox reactions or acting as a free radical scavenger. The addition of Fe3+ to citrinin rapidly produced a chromogen, indicating the formation of citrinin-Fe3+ complexes. An EPR study confirms that citrinin acts as a ligand of Fe3+, the complexation depending on the [Fe3+]:[citrinin] ratios. Effects of citrinin on the iron redox cycle were evaluated by oxygen consumption or the o-phenanthroline test. No effect on EDTA-Fe2+-->EDTA-Fe3+ oxidation was observed in the presence of citrinin, but the mycotoxin inhibited, in a dose-dependent manner, the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ by hydrogen peroxide. Reducing agents such as ascorbic acid and DTT reduced the Fe3+-citrinin complex, but DTT did not cause reduction of Fe3+-EDTA, indicating that the redox potentials of Fe3+-citrinin and Fe3+-EDTA are not the same. The Fe2+ formed from the reduction of Fe3+-citrinin by reducing agents was not rapidly reoxidized to Fe3+ by atmospheric oxygen. Citrinin has no radical scavenger ability as demonstrated by the absence of DPPH reduction. However, a reaction between citrinin and hydrogen peroxide was observed by UV spectrum changes of citrinin after incubation with hydrogen peroxide. It was also observed that citrinin did not induce direct or reductive mobilization of iron from ferritin. These results indicate that the protective effect on iron-induced lipid peroxidation by citrinin occurs due to the formation of a redox inactive Fe3+-citrinin complex, as well as from the reaction of citrinin and hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   
A series of mutations have been introduced at residue 168 of the L-subunit of the reaction centre from Rhodobacter sphaeroides. In the wild-type reaction centre, residue His L168 donates a strong hydrogen bond to the acetyl carbonyl group of one of the pair of bacteriochlorophylls (BChl) that constitutes the primary donor of electrons. Mutation of His L168 to Phe or Leu causes a large decrease in the mid-point redox potential of the primary electron donor, consistent with removal of this strong hydrogen bond. Mutations to Lys, Asp and Arg cause smaller decreases in redox potential, indicative of the presence of weak hydrogen bond and/or an electrostatic effect of the polar residue. A spectroscopic analysis of the mutant complexes suggests that replacement of the wild-type His residue causes a decrease in the strength of the coupling between the two primary donor bacteriochlorophylls. The X-ray crystal structure of the mutant in which His L168 has been replaced by Phe (HL168F) was determined to a resolution of 2.5 A, and the structural model of the HL168F mutant was compared with that of the wild-type complex. The mutation causes a shift in the position of the primary donor bacteriochlorophyll that is adjacent to residue L168, and also affects the conformation of the acetyl carbonyl group of this bacteriochlorophyll. This conformational change constitutes an approximately 27 degrees through-plane rotation, rather than the large into-plane rotation that has been widely discussed in the context of the HL168F mutation. The possible structural basis of the altered spectroscopic properties of the HL168F mutant reaction centre is discussed, as is the relevance of the X-ray crystal structure of the HL168F mutant to the possible structures of the remaining mutant complexes.  相似文献   
Because calcareous sponges are triggering renewed interest with respect to basal metazoan evolution, a phylogenetic framework of their internal relationships is needed to clarify the evolutionary history of key morphological characters. Morphological variation was scored at the suprageneric level within Calcispongia, but little phylogenetic information could be retrieved from morphological characters. For the main subdivision of Calcispongia, the analysis of morphological data weakly supports a classification based upon cytological and embryological characters (Calcinea/Calcaronea) rather than the older classification scheme based upon the aquiferous system (Homocoela/Heterocoela). The 18S ribosomal RNA data were then analyzed, both alone and in combination with morphological characters. The monophyly of Calcispongia is highly supported, but the position of this group with respect to other sponge lineages and to eumetazoan taxa is not resolved. The monophyly of both Calcinea and Calcaronea is retrieved, and the data strongly rejected the competing Homocoela/Heterocoela hypothesis. The phylogeny implies that characters of the skeleton architecture are highly homoplastic, as are characters of the aquiferous system. However, axial symmetry seems to be primitive for all Calcispongia, a conclusion that has potentially far-reaching implications for hypotheses of early body plan evolution in Metazoa.  相似文献   
Eriopis connexa presents a chromosome number of 2n = 18 + XX for most females analyzed and a meioformula of n = 9 + Xyp for all males. A small metacentric B chromosome restricted to females occurred in 10% of our sample and, when submitted to C-banding, it was shown to be almost completely euchromatic. Chromosome pairs 2 and 3 had satellites and probably contained the nucleolar organizer regions (NORs). C-band analysis also revealed that the constitutive heterochromatin was localized in the centromeres of all chromosomes in the complement.  相似文献   
In bacterial reaction centers (RCs), changes of protonation state of carboxylic groups, of quinone-protein interactions as well as backbone rearrangements occuring upon QB photoreduction can be revealed by FTIR difference spectroscopy. The influence of compensatory mutations to the detrimental Asp L213 Asn replacement on QB /QB FTIR spectra of Rb. sphaeroides RCs was studied in three double mutants carrying a Asn M44 Asp, Arg M233 Cys, or Arg H177 His suppressor mutation. The proton uptake by Glu L212 upon QB formation, as reflected by the positive band at 1728 cm–1, is increased in the Asn M44 Asp and Arg H177 His suppressor RCs with respect to native RCs, and remains comparable to that observed in Asp L213 Asn mutant RCs. Only the Arg M233 Cys suppressor mutation affected the 1728 cm–1 band, reducing its amplitude to near native level. Thus, there is no clear correlation between the apparent extent of proton uptake by Glu L212 and the recovery of the proton transfer RC function. In all of the mutant spectra, several protein (amide I and amide II) and quinone anion (C...O/C...C) modes are perturbed compared to the spectrum of native RCs. These IR data show that all of the compensatory mutations alter the semiquinone-protein interactions and the backbone providing direct evidence of structural changes accompanying the restoration of efficient proton transfer in RCs containing the Asp L213 Asn lesion.  相似文献   
In previous studies we have characterized several Leishmania major polypeptides and showed that one member of this group (LmSIR2rp) shared significant homology to silent information regulator 2 (SIR2) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a protein playing a role in both telomeric and mating type loci repression in these organisms. In the present study, by using molecular and immunological approaches, we could identify LmSIR2rp homologues in different Leishmania species and developmental stages (eg logarithmic (LP) and stationary phase promastigotes (SP) and amastigotes). The reactive antigen was also detected in Trypanosoma cruzi extracts. Surprisingly, immunofluorescence assays revealed that LmSIR2rp is associated mainly with cytoplasmic granules of different sizes and numbers depending on the life stage of the parasite used. No reactivity was observed in the nucleus, in agreement with the Western blot showing an absence of immunoreactivity of anti-LmSIR2rp immune serum against parasite nuclear extracts. Furthermore, immunoprecipitation of [35S]methionine-labeled promastigote antigens after pulse chase experiments, using anti-LmSIR2rp fusion protein antibodies, showed that the protein is among parasite excreted-secreted antigens (ESA). Moreover, immunoflurescence assays conducted with short time incubations of either purified LmSIR2rp or viable promastigotes with murine macrophages, revealed that LmSIR2rp could be bound to the macrophage surface. The unexpected cytoplasmic localization of LmSIR2rp and its presence in ESA may suggest a new mode of action for silent information regulatory factor homologues.  相似文献   
Kinesin spindle protein (KSP), an ATP‐dependent motor protein, plays an essential role in bipolar spindle formation during the mitotic phase (M phase) of the normal cell cycle. KSP has emerged as a novel target for antimitotic anticancer drug development. In this work, we synthesized a range of new biphenyl compounds and investigated their properties in vitro as potential antimitotic agents targeting KSP expression. Antiproliferation (MTT (=3‐(4,5‐dimethylthiazol‐2‐yl)‐2,5‐diphenyl‐2H‐tetrazolium bromide)) assays, combined with fluorescence‐assisted cell sorting (FACS) and Western blot studies analyzing cell‐cycle arrest confirmed the mechanism and potency of these biphenyl compounds in a range of human cancer cell lines. Structural variants revealed that functionalization of biphenyl compounds with bulky aliphatic or aromatic groups led to a loss of activity. However, replacement of the urea group with a thiourea led to an increase in antiproliferative activity in selected cell lines. Further studies using confocal fluorescence microscopy confirmed that the most potent biphenyl derivative identified thus far, compound 7 , exerts its pharmacologic effect specifically in the M phase and induces monoaster formation. These studies confirm that chemical scope remains for improving the potency and treatment efficacy of antimitotic KSP inhibition in this class of biphenyl compounds.  相似文献   
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