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A new genus Paraconvexitermes is described, comprising Paraconvexitermes acangapua, new species, P. nigricornis (Holmgren) and P. junceus (Emerson), both previously in Convexitermes Holmgren. Now, Convexitermes comprises C. manni Emerson and C. convexifrons (Holmgren). The worker’s digestive tube of both genera along with those of Atlantitermes species allowed to get a better definition of these three genera. Illustrations on the digestive tube and mandibles of workers, soldier’s head, alate’s head and secondary reproductive female of the new genus and species are provided. The phylogenetic relationships with the other nasute genera are discussed along with the “soil feeding” concept.  相似文献   
Hoffmannseggella viridiflora Verola & Semir (Laeliinae, Orchidaceae) is a recently discovered species in the campos rupestres vegetation of the Espinhaço Range, MG, Brazil, in synchronopatry with H. bradei (Pabst) V. P. Castro & Chiron. Both morphological and phenological studies indicate that these species are closely related. To substantiate the differentiation of these two species we examined their chromosome numbers and morphologies. The two species had different chromosome numbers, with H. bradei having 2n = 40 and H. viridiflora having 2n = 44 chromosomes, an aneuploid number not previously documented in the genus. Meiotic behavioral studies undertaken with H. bradei revealed many abnormalities related to bivalent numbers and chromosome migration, suggesting that meiotic abnormalities could generate aneuploid gametes and perhaps aneuploid zygotes. Karyotype formulas and chromosome morphologies are quite different between the species, so H. viridiflora was not directly derived from H. bradei through simple chromosome additions. Complementary analyses are necessary to understand the process and species involved in the origin of H. viridiflora.  相似文献   
Insect predators are exposed to the Cry1Ac toxin in Bt cotton fields through several pathways. In this study, we investigated the effects of activated Cry1Ac added to a diet on Cycloneda sanguinea (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), which is one of the main predators of non‐target pests in Brazilian cotton. Direct bitrophic exposure of C. sanguinea to Cry1Ac was done by feeding beetles with Aphis gossypii (Glover) (Hemiptera: Aphidae) sprayed with 500 μg per ml Cry1Ac solution. Larval and pupal survival, development time, aphid consumption, and adult longevity were recorded daily. Couples within the same experimental treatment were paired and numbers of eggs laid and hatched per female were recorded daily. Net replacement rate was calculated for each female. During development, a C. sanguinea larva consumed on average 1.8 μg of activated Cry1Ac. No significant differences due to Cry1Ac were observed for any of the response variables, except aphid consumption. Larvae receiving Cry1Ac consumed more aphids than larvae receiving distilled water alone. Additional statistical analyses were conducted to evaluate independence of responses, and for the independent responses, a simple meta‐analysis was conducted to test the null hypothesis that all responses were zero. Nearly all of the response variables were statistically independent. Two pairs of responses were not independent, but the associated multivariate tests were not significant. The meta‐analysis suggested that all effects were not different from random variation around zero and no cumulative effects could be detected. Our results indicated that bitrophic exposure to activated Cry1Ac is likely to have little or no adverse ecological effect on C. sanguinea.  相似文献   
Potamotrygonidae is a representative family of South American freshwater elasmobranchs. Cytogenetic studies were performed in a Potamotrygon species from the middle Negro River, Amazonas, Brazil, here named as Potamotrygon sp. C. Mitotic and meiotic chromosomes were analyzed using conventional staining techniques, C-banding, and detection of the nucleolus organizing regions (NOR) with Silver nitrate (Ag-NOR). The diploid number was distinct between sexes, with males having 2n = 67 chromosomes, karyotype formula 19m + 8sm + 10st + 30a, and fundamental number (FN) = 104, and females having 2n = 68 chromosomes, karyotype formula 20m + 8sm + 10st + 30a, and FN = 106. A large chromosome, corresponding to pair number two in the female karyotype, was missing in the male complement. Male meiotic cells had 33 bivalents plus a large univalent chromosome in metaphase I, and n = 33 and n = 34 chromosomes in metaphase II. These characteristics are consistent with a sex chromosome system of the XX/XO type. Several Ag-NOR sites were identified in both male and female karyotypes. Positive C-banding was located only in the centromeric regions of the chromosomes. This sex chromosome system, which rarely occurs in fish, is now being described for the first time among the freshwater rays of the Amazon basin.  相似文献   
The correlation between vegetation patterns (species distribution and richness) and altitudinal variation has been widely reported for tropical forests, thereby providing theoretical basis for biodiversity conservation. However, this relationship may have been oversimplified, as many other factors may influence vegetation patterns, such as disturbances, topography and geographic distance. Considering these other factors, our primary question was: is there a vegetation pattern associated with substantial altitudinal variation (10–1,093 m a.s.l.) in the Atlantic Rainforest—a top hotspot for biodiversity conservation—and, if so, what are the main factors driving this pattern? We addressed this question by sampling 11 1-ha plots, applying multivariate methods, correlations and variance partitioning. The Restinga (forest on sandbanks along the coastal plains of Brazil) and a lowland area that was selectively logged 40 years ago were floristically isolated from the other plots. The maximum species richness (>200 spp. per hectare) occurred at approximately 350 m a.s.l. (submontane forest). Gaps, multiple stemmed trees, average elevation and the standard deviation of the slope significantly affected the vegetation pattern. Spatial proximity also influenced the vegetation pattern as a structuring environmental variable or via dispersal constraints. Our results clarify, for the first time, the key variables that drive species distribution and richness across a large altitudinal range within the Atlantic Rainforest.  相似文献   
Hybrid zones provide insight into the nature of species boundaries and the evolution of barriers to gene exchange. Characterizing multiple regions within hybrid zones is essential for understanding both their history and current dynamics. Here, we describe a previously uncharacterized region of a well‐studied hybrid zone between two species of field crickets, Gryllus pennsylvanicus and G. firmus. We use a combination of mitochondrial DNA sequencing, morphological data, and modeling of environmental variables to identify the ecological factors structuring the hybrid zone and define patterns of hybridization and introgression. We find an association between species distribution and natural habitat; Gryllus pennsylvanicus occupies natural habitat along forest edges and natural clearings, whereas G. firmus occupies more disturbed areas in agricultural and suburban environments. Hybridization and introgression occur across patch boundaries; there is evidence of substantial admixture both in morphological characters and mtDNA, over a broad geographic area. Nonetheless, the distribution of morphological types is bimodal. Given that F1 hybrids are viable and fertile in the lab, this suggests that strong pre‐zygotic barriers are operating in this portion of the hybrid zone.  相似文献   
Habitat loss represents one of the main threats to tropical forests, which have reached extremely high rates of species extinction. Forest loss negatively impacts biodiversity, affecting ecological (e.g., seed dispersal) and genetic (e.g., genetic diversity and structure) processes. Therefore, understanding how deforestation influences genetic resources is strategic for conservation. Our aim was to empirically evaluate the effects of landscape‐scale forest reduction on the spatial genetic structure and gene flow of Euterpe edulis Mart (Arecaceae), a palm tree considered a keystone resource for many vertebrate species. This study was carried out in nine forest remnants in the Atlantic Forest, northeastern Brazil, located in landscapes within a gradient of forest cover (19–83%). We collected leaves of 246 adults and 271 seedlings and performed genotyping using microsatellite markers. Our results showed that the palm populations had low spatial genetic structure, indicating that forest reduction did not influence this genetic parameter for neither seedlings nor adults. However, forest loss decreased the gene flow distance, which may negatively affect the genetic diversity of future generations by increasing the risk of local extinction of this keystone palm. For efficient strategies of genetic variability conservation and maintenance of gene flow in E. edulis, we recommend the maintenance of landscapes with intermediary to high levels of forest cover, that is, forest cover above 40%.  相似文献   
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