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Background:We set out to explore the effect of intrauterine human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) instillation by intrauterine insemination (IUI) catheter before embryo transfer (ET) on assisted reproductive technologies (ART) outcomes of infertile women.Methods:One hundred women with infertility who were scheduled for in vitro fertilization (IVF)/intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) cycles were included in the study. They were randomly devoted to two groups: experimental (n= 50) and control (n= 50). In the experimental group, 500 IU hCG passed into the internal cervical orifice via IUI catheter within 15 minutes before the transfer of fresh or vitrified cleavage-stage embryos. The control group underwent the same ET procedure without prior injection of hCG. Results:None of the outcomes showed a statistically significant difference between the two groups. In the intervention and control groups, respectively, biochemical pregnancies rates were 26% and 18%, implantation rates were 13.5% and 8.6%, clinical pregnancies rates were 22% and 14%, ongoing pregnancies rates were 18% and 14%, and live birth rates were 14% and 12%.Conclusion:Intrauterine injection of hCG via IUI catheter is not recommended in a clinical routine setting at this stage. Future efforts are warranted to further refine the applicability of this modality.Key Words: Assisted reproductive technologies, Embryo transfer, Human chorionic gonadotropin, Intrauterine insemination catheter, Randomized clinical trial  相似文献   


Malaria is a serious parasitic infection affecting millions of people worldwide each year. Cerebral malaria is the most severe complication of Plasmodium infections, predominantly affecting children. Extracellular vesicles are essential mediators of intercellular communication and include apoptotic bodies, microvesicles and exosomes. Microvesicle numbers increase during disease pathogenesis and inhibition of their release can prevent brain pathology and mortality.

Scope of review

We explore the current knowledge on microvesicles and exosomes in cerebral malaria pathogenesis.

Major conclusions

Microvesicles and exosomes are implicated in cerebral malaria pathogenesis, in the modulation of host immunity to Plasmodium, and in cell-cell communication. Blocking their production is protective in models of cerebral malaria, both in vivo and in vitro.

General significance

While anti-malarial treatments exist to combat Plasmodium infections, increasing drug resistance presents a major challenge. In order to improve diagnosis and treatment outcomes, further research is required to better appreciate extracellular vesicle involvement in cerebral malaria.  相似文献   
Eukaryotic elongation factor 2 (eEF-2) and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)–p70 ribosomal protein S6 kinase (p70S6K) signaling pathways control protein synthesis and are inhibited during myocardial ischemia. Intracellular acidosis and AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activation, both occurring during ischemia, have been proposed to participate in this inhibition. We evaluated the contribution of AMPKα2, the main cardiac AMPK catalytic subunit isoform, in eEF2 and mTOR–p70S6K regulation using AMPKα2 KO mice. Hearts were perfused ex vivo with or without insulin, and then submitted or not to ischemia. Insulin pre-incubation was necessary to activate mTOR–p70S6K and evaluate their subsequent inhibition by ischemia. Ischemia decreased insulin-induced mTOR–p70S6K phosphorylation in WT and AMPKα2 KO mice to a similar extent. This AMPKα2-independent p70S6K inhibition correlated well with the inhibition of PKB/Akt, located upstream of mTOR–p70S6K and can be mimicked in cardiomyocytes by decreasing pH. By contrast, ischemia-induced inhibitory phosphorylation of eEF-2 was drastically reduced in AMPKα2 KO mice. Interestingly, AMPKα2 also played a role under normoxia. Its deletion increased the insulin-induced p70S6K stimulation. This p70S6K over-stimulation was associated with a decrease in inhibitory phosphorylation of Raptor, an mTOR partner identified as an AMPK target. In conclusion, AMPKα2 controls cardiac p70S6K under normoxia and regulates eEF-2 but not the mTOR–p70S6K pathway during ischemia. This challenges the accepted notion that mTOR–p70S6K is inhibited by myocardial ischemia mainly via an AMPK-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   
2-Methoxytetrahydropyran (1), -thiopyran (2) and -selenopyran (3) have been chosen as model compounds to investigate the origin of the anomeric effect (AE). The impacts of the hyperconjugation, electrostatic and steric interactions on the conformational preferences of compounds 13 have been analysed by means of complete basis set-4, hybrid-density functional theory (B3LYP/6-311+G**) based methods and natural bond orbital (NBO) interpretation. Both levels of theory showed that the axial conformations of compounds 13 are more stable than their equatorial conformations. The Gibbs free energy difference (G eqG ax) values (i.e. ΔG eq–ax) between the axial and equatorial conformations increase from compound 1 to compound 2 but decrease from compound 2 to compound 3. Based on the NBO results obtained, the AE associated with the electron delocalisation [i.e. Σ(endo-AEeq + exo-AEeq) ? Σ(endo-AEax + exo-AEax)] increase slightly from compound 1 to compound 2 but decrease from compound 2 to compound 3. Similar trend is also observed for the differences between the calculated total steric exchange energy values [i.e. Δ(TSEE)eq–ax]. On the other hand, the calculated differences between the dipole moment values of the axial and equatorial conformations [i.e. Δ(μeq–μax)] decrease from compound 1 to compound 3. These findings led to the proposal that the AE associated with the electron delocalisation (the hyperconjugation effect) is more significant for the explanation of the conformational preferences of compounds 13 than the electrostatic model. The correlations between the AE associated with the electron delocalisation, bond orders, TSEE, ΔG eq–ax, dipole–dipole interactions, structural parameters and conformational behaviours of compounds 13 have been investigated.  相似文献   
Turgor pressure in plant cells is involved in many important processes. Stable and normal turgor pressure is required for healthy growth of a plant, and changes in turgor pressure are indicative of changes taking place within the plant tissue. The ability to quantify the turgor pressure of plant cells in vivo would provide opportunities to understand better the process of pressure regulation within plants, especially when plant stress is considered, and to understand the role of turgor pressure in cellular signaling. Current experimental methods do not separate the influence of the turgor pressure from the effects associated with deformation of the cell wall when estimates of turgor pressure are made. In this paper, nanoindentation measurements are combined with finite element simulations to determine the turgor pressure of cells in vivo while explicitly separating the cell‐wall properties from the turgor pressure effects. Quasi‐static cyclic tests with variable depth form the basis of the measurements, while relaxation tests at low depth are used to determine the viscoelastic material properties of the cell wall. Turgor pressure is quantified using measurements on Arabidopsis thaliana under three pressure states (control, turgid and plasmolyzed) and at various stages of plant development. These measurements are performed on cells in vivo without causing damage to the cells, such that pressure changes may be studied for a variety of conditions to provide new insights into the biological response to plant stress conditions.  相似文献   
The exposure of various human populations to Cd(2+) is of increasing health concern. After its gastrointestinal absorption into the bloodstream, Cd(2+) binds to α(2)-macroglobulin and serum albumin. Although animal studies have demonstrated that meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) and diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA) can effectively mobilize Cd(2+) to urine and decrease the Cd concentrations of the kidneys, the liver and the brain, not much is known about the abstraction of Cd(2+) from blood plasma proteins. We prepared a stock of Cd(2+) spiked rabbit plasma (2.0 μg of Cd(2+)/mL) and analyzed aliquots by size exclusion chromatography coupled on-line to an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer (SEC-ICP-AES) while simultaneously monitoring the emission lines of Ca, Cd, Cu, Fe, and Zn. After the addition of 0.33 mM, 0.66 mM or 0.99 mM of DMSA, DTPA, 2,3-dimercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid (DMPS) or N-acetyl-l-cysteine (NAC) to plasma aliquots, the obtained mixtures were analyzed by SEC-ICP-AES after 5 min and 30 min. None of the investigated compounds adversely affected the plasma distribution of Fe at all investigated doses. At 0.33 mM, DTPA was most effective at mobilizing plasma protein bound Cd(2+) to a ~5 kDa Cd-species (100% removal), followed by DMPS (94%), DMSA (83%) and NAC (3%). All investigated compounds also mobilized Zn(2+) from plasma proteins to ~5 kDa Zn-species (DTPA: 80% removal; DMPS: 63%; DMSA: 29% and NAC: 3%). The addition of DTPA resulted in the dose-dependent elution of a [Ca-DTPA](3-) complex. Based on these results, 0.33 mM DMSA represents the best compromise that can be achieved between maximizing the abstraction of Cd(2+) from plasma proteins (83%), while minimizing the mobilization of Zn(2+) from plasma proteins (29%), and avoiding the complexation of Ca(2+).  相似文献   
Root and basal rot disease (RBR) of onion, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepa (FOC), is one of the most important diseases, which cause tremendous losses in onion-growing areas worldwide. In this survey, various onion genotypes, including eight main and dominant Iranian seed sets and two exotic ones, were tested against FOC incidence in greenhouse and field conditions of various growing stages. The incidence of the RBR was determined at three stages, such as early, flowering and seed-setting stages, on the basis of disease severity. The genotypes reacted differentially to FOC within and between various stages with a very high significant level. The genotypes were classified in five scoring scales, accordingly. Highly infected ones tended to be associated with the highest mean scores of 75–100% severity and the least infected genotypes had the lowest scores of 0–10%. Moreover, the examined genotypes were ranked from 1 to 10 according to their markedly differing reactions to FOC at various stages. Variance and cluster analysis also showed similar results among the genotypes with various levels of infections. There was a direct, positive and enhancing correlation for every genotype to infection as the growing stages were reaching to the maturing stage.  相似文献   
The cell-to-cell communication of microorganisms is known to be via exertion of certain chemical compounds (signal molecules) and is referred to as quorum sensing (QS). QS phenomenon is widespread in microbial communities. Several Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and fungi use lactone-containing compounds (e.g. acyl-homoserine lactones (AHLs), γ-heptalactone, butyrolactone-I) as signalling molecules. The ability of microorganisms to metabolise these compounds and the mechanisms they employ for this purpose are not clearly understood. Many studies, however, have focused on identifying AHL and other lactone-degrading enzymes produced by bacteria and fungi. Various strains that are able to utilise these signalling molecules as carbon and energy sources have also been isolated. In addition, several reports have provided evidence on the involvement of lactones and lactone-degrading enzymes in numerous biological functions. These studies, although focused on processes other than metabolism of lactone signalling molecules, still provide insights into further understanding of the mechanisms employed by various microorganisms to metabolise the QS compounds. In this review, we consider conceivable microbial strategies to metabolise AHL and other lactone-containing signalling molecules such as γ-heptalactones.  相似文献   
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